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I just received 3 of the Zero Plus boards and am trying to verify they at least basically work.  I'm new to Armbian & Orange Pi but have been using Raspbian & Raspberry Pi's for years.


I've downloaded Armbian for the OP Zero (Armbian_5.38_Orangepizero_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.14.img), verified the gpg signature and the sha256 checksum and used Etcher v. 1.4.4 on a 2017 iMac, macOS Sierra, to burn SD cards.  After burning, macOS claims "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."  Maybe that's normal for Armbian?  diskutil list shows:

/dev/disk8 (external, physical):

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER

   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *15.9 GB    disk8

   1:                      Linux                         1.4 GB     disk8s1

so the lack of a FAT partition would explain it not being readable.  Still, tried to use it to boot the OP Zero's...

Nothing.  No indication that it's receiving power, no activity on the ethernet hub it's connected to.  Does the OP Zero even have a power LED?  I know first boot takes a "long" time, so I left it alone for > 10 minutes.  Nothing.


Also, to address some obvious questions:

1) power supply - 2A, 18 inch USB cable.  It successfully powers a Raspberry Pi 3B+, which is notorious for it's power usage.  Could the OP Zero be worse?

2) ethernet connection - works with RPi

3) SD card - burning a Raspbian image to the same SD card (after formatting) boots on both a 2B and 3B+.


I verified 5.20 volts between pins 1 & 2 of the populated header (CON5) so it sure looks like the power is good.


This seems to work for lots of other folks, so I must be missing something.  Perhaps I received 3 defective boards?  Unlikely, but possible.  Does  the OP Zero Plus require a different Debian build than the OP Zero?  

What else?






Opi zero! =opi zero plus...


Search for the correct image, the downloadpage shows you a picture to compare..  zero Plus is h3/h5 (if i have it right in mind) and the normal zero is a h2+ soc.



37 minutes ago, chwe said:

Opi zero! =opi zero plus...

Yes, the naming scheme is quite unfortunate in some cases, it's not like an RPi B vs B+, where the SoC is always the same.


@chwe and @TonyMac32 - thanks!  Yes, I had presumed, based on my experience with Raspberry Pi, that a Zero wouldn't be that different from Zero+ ... well, apparently not!  Now that I've got the right .img file, things are working as expected. 

5 hours ago, LarryA said:

I've downloaded Armbian for the OP Zero (Armbian_5.38_Orangepizero_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.14.img)

Does  the OP Zero Plus require a different Debian build than the OP Zero?  

What else?

Yes - the Orange Pi Zero Plus does need his own image :)
You could use

or you may select one by your own choice from




Today my OPi Zero Plus (not Plus2 - but H5) doenst boot anymore - also after repowering.....


So I did download the testing armbian-image Armbian_5.46_Orangepizeroplus_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.44

(because Bionic may be not stable or hasnt all the packages which I use with debian: mbrola and espeak-ng).


But for using the image I had to add some commands to the /etc/rc.local (before exit 0):

# because nameserver doesnt work from nmtui nor /etc/network/interfaces
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf

# for switching ondemand down to lower frequencies
echo 200000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate

# for activating CPU temperature - didnt work after some update - before it did work
ln -fs /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input /etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/soctemp

System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/1iCh


because frequency-switching only allows up to 816Mhz I changed the MAX_SPEED from 1200000 to 816000
in /etc/default/cpufrequtils:

# WARNING: this file will be replaced on board support package (linux-root-...) upgrade


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