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Orange Pi Zero SSH Connection Problem


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I am trying to use Orange Pi Zero. When I connect TTL debug port eveything ok. I can connect Wi-Fi from TTL command prompt. I can make update, download application but I cannot connect with SSH to device over Wi-Fi. But when I bring Orange Pi near to Wi-Fi modem(about 1m) I can connect ssh. I cannot find any solution about this problem. When I use wavemon to check Wi-Fi signal strength, I saw this values; signal level : -40 dbm, link quality: 91/100


If someone help I will be very happy, because I cannot find solution for days.


Thanks a lot

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thanks for your reply.


I tried your solution but not solved my problem. I made fresh install and installed debian sketch image to SD card so I think problem is not from ssh keys.


If I tell my problem more clearly, I can connect Orange Pi from ssh when it close Wi-Fi modem. If I get way from modem and power up Orange Pi I cannot connect from ssh. But Orange Pi can reach internet.





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2 hours ago, guidol said:

connect OR reconnect the WiFi-Antenna? 

If it works nearby then the software is OK.

I dont understand what did you mean with this. But I am using with an antenna which is come with its box. And I tried different diferent antennas but result was not change.


2 hours ago, guidol said:

But you have to check the hardware side of your WiFi-connection at the Pi or Router.


I can connect to my Wi-Fi modem with my otber SBC (RaspberryPi, Omega 2 etc) without any problem. If I want to make check with on Orange Pi or in my modem what should I check? Could you say me?


Thanks a lot?

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9 hours ago, guidol said:

The WiFi-Chipset on the OPi Zero SBC isnt the best :(

others would just call it crap.. :D All my OPis have wifi over USB if I want that they work reliable.. it's likely that they crash over time.. Some have no issues (maybe router related no idea). Others like me just don't use XR819. That's why this sentence is present on the downloadpage:


Onboard wireless module (XR819) has poor software support so wireless connection issues are expected


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Thanks for your helping.


I will try to use with Wi-Fİ USB Dongle. I started this discussion because I didn' t think this card cannot used on 2 or 3 meters distance to modem. Espescially when Wi-Fi strength -40 db. Very intersting.


Can I ask what is link quality? Because according to my observations when its not equals to 100 percent I cannot connet ssh.


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On 10/29/2018 at 8:03 PM, baseroguzhan said:

Can I ask what is link quality? Because according to my observations when its not equals to 100 percent I cannot connet ssh.

for XR819? no idea, never used them.. with my el cheapo usb-wifi (2$ each from aliexpress - look for a chipset which is properly supported by linux) it doesn't really matter - only thing I get is sluggish shell when the link quality is bad (I normally don't ssh that often into those boards). Disable powersafe options sometimes help.


For the XR819, just use search function from the board, there are some threads where people who dealt with the driver code explain in detail what's wrong with it.

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