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  1. Past hour
  2. Hi, I had this problem in past, you may try to unrack and rack hardisk or move it if you not use all rack. Problem to my side was bad contact in SATA connector. Bye
  3. Today
  4. I feel like I should mention I'm using an older version of Armbian because Colton's fix doesn't work on the last version. I'm using 24.2.1 Bookworm.
  5. hello I want to install the new version of armbian or alexelec on my m8s+ s812 2gb ram 8gb rom device, could you please share the imgs you have?
  6. @rosbeef have you ever tried to update DDR and BL31 blobs? 5plus still uses old blobs that may cause the issue. You can update blobs by putting ``` DDR_BLOB='rk35/rk3588_ddr_lp4_2112MHz_lp5_2400MHz_v1.16.bin' BL31_BLOB='rk35/rk3588_bl31_v1.45.elf ``` to the https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/boards/orangepi5-plus.conf and compile the new uboot spi image/package or new image.
  7. I found ,that in the logs I have some ATA errors ... Could u pls check yours ? uptime is 14 days, and it is 'stable' .... Linux helios64 6.6.30-current-rockchip64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 2 14:32:50 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux
  8. Thank you for your suggestion But my project is such that I need to create sound through HDMI. And of course I still can't believe why the Orange pi boards have so much trouble with audio over HDMI! I even tested with an Orange pi 4 LTS and Ubuntu operating system, this board also needed settings to have sound and by default it does not create sound through HDMI!!!
  9. The "create access point" utility in `armbian-config` has several bugs that prevent it from working, due to changes in the default installation since it was written: - hostapd does not install a default configuration file at `/etc/hostapd.conf` - hostapd is installed masked by default - dnsmasq fails to start because systemd-resolvd launches first as the default DNS resolver I can write patches to fix this utility, but I'm wondering if it will ultimately be worth it. I noticed this access point utility doesn't exist in the `armbian-configng` repository. Is that because Armbian is dropping this utility, or no one has gotten around to it yet? (There's not even a placeholder for it.) What's the status of `armbian-configng` anyhow? Will it eventually replace `armbian-config`?
  10. Hello Thank you for your answer I don't know what DTS is, but if it's the only way I'd like to do some research. Thank you if you have an article or a link about it. I have been working with microcontrollers for many years and recently started working with Linux boards.
  11. Hello, I have some news to explain the issue ... The spi access done in the previous message is done with the spidev tool : https://github.com/rm-hull/spidev-test/blob/master/spidev_test.c When you launch a command with this tool, the spi mode is always re-configure and so we always get the unexpected clock falling edge leading to command executed with a clock shift for some spi components. However, I have implemented the following type of code to initialize in a first time the file descriptor use to communicate the the spi device, and the use write primitive to perform two write and read access consecutively: // Take care I have just sump up the type of code I use to explain the issue FILE *fd = open("/dev/spidev1.1", O_RDWR); uint8_t mode = SPI_MODE_0; uint8_t bits = 8; uint32_t speed = 500000; unsigned char payload_w1[2] = {0x00, 0x55}; unsigned char payload_r[2] = {0x10, 0x00}; // init file descriptor ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MODE, &mode); ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_WR_BITS_PER_WORD, &bits); ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &speed); // spi access write(fd,payload_w1,2); // write 0x55 (issue : in fact 0x54 is written instead of 0x55 due to the the unexpected CLK falling edge) write(fd,payload_r,2); // Read 0x54 payload_w1[1] = 0x77; // change write value write(fd,payload_w1,2); // write 0x77 write(fd,payload_r,2); // read 0x77 exit(0); With the logic analyzer, we can see that the unexpected CLK falling edge is only present during the first spi access with this type of code implementation: Conclusion: It seems that the unexpected CLK falling edge is only present during the first access (when the spi mode is configured). So I have to find the good way to implement the spi driver to avoid this issue that can appear with some SPI components.
  12. Thanks that's what my conclusion also was, I'll search my old backup drives for an old image that still could boot from emmc. Me poking at the uboot config won't do much good. If you need someone to test something ask
  13. The whole problem lies in the "configure u-boot correctly" plane.
  14. Hum i saw that my power is 5.1v I removed the mvne and try to cp a big file, it crash too. Maybe the right way to explore is the bad memory managment. I could not reduce visible memory, sorry i'm noob here. I put the mem=12G in the /boot/armbianEnv.txt file then "update-initramfs -u" I tried directly in /boot/boot.cmd on the bootagrs parameter too without success. , i read that too : source https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi/issues/11#issuecomment-6358135 maybe there is an other way to shrink the memory or accept the 32G.
  15. Hello, is there any progress?
  16. Hello. Are we talking about starting the OS booting from eMMC? Today I can only give some recommendations in theory. My problem is that the BPI-m3 appeared to me in 2013. I have successfully completed and completed one project on it. But I forgot how I did it. And I didn't keep all the old images. Should I lay out the theoretical foundations? Today I'm trying to figure out the new u-boot code. And make the assembly within the framework of the Armbian assembly system so that the image can be loaded from both the SD card and the eMMC.
  17. @going it's not a good solution for me to use a pre-build image. Is there an option to make it work with any image?
  18. known issue https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/6568
  19. Checklist: [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code View the full article
  20. My environment is ManjaroLinux, x86 with docker installed on the system, I want to build the system for orangepizero3 via Arbian/build, I chose the CSC version, but there is an error during the build process, here is the log file:log How should I this problem? Thanks.
  21. I tested the new miniarch, tx6s and orange pi zero 2 on the transpeed t98-616 tx6s, look like it still problem with mmc and keyring updating, at least is no cripple after reboot, but pacman -Syu cannot work, and no hdmi orange pi zero 2, mmc no detected, but I used an uboot on sd and miniarch on usb, dont boot, cpu regulation problem, and still no hdmi @Nick A does your uboot have hdmi output? In kernel 4.9 with orange pi zero 2, I can have hdmi output (dont have wifi and mmc is no stable), I managed to get some parameters, but there is no dm tree can you give me log of "dm tree" and "coninfo" from u-boot ? to see if I can find something this is what I got on the orange pi zero 2 and this with my custom u-boot
  22. Description Fix the typo in config file concerning dtb How Has This Been Tested? build/boot tested Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] My changes generate no new warnings View the full article
  23. Yesterday
  24. Did anyone find a solution ? I am running into a quite similar issue. I have an Amlogic S905 Box for which the toothpick method won't work. I remotely enter the recovery menu with adb reboot update from my PC and try to launch / install armbian from there. I created "aml_autoscript.zip" at the root of the boot partition, but when running it from recovery I get: - Install data/media/aml_autoscript.zip - Finding update package - Opening update package - E: failed to map file - E: sysrecovery doesn't exist. I only have a usb flashdrive that is why I am not able to try with an sd card. I cannot enter the bootloader either, when I adb reboot bootloader it gets stuck on the boot logo and adb reboot update just performs a normal reboot.
  25. Description Bump rockchip64 edge kernel to 6.9. The same fix that has been proposed in https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6690 has been ported here too and it works as well. Note: at the current status, helios64 board patches have been disabled because the base device tree does not apply on kernel 6.9. Jira reference number AR-2348 How Has This Been Tested? [x] Compiled successfully [x] Upgrade the kernel (and device trees obviously) on a rk3318/rk3328 live system, dtbo applies correctly and system boots fine [ ] Upgrade the kernel on a live rk3399 system Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings View the full article
  26. Simple to reproduce: Install armbian from Armbian_23.05.0-trunk_Bananapip2zero_bookworm_current_6.1.24.img after setup make apt-get update apt-get upgrade System will do nothing after reboot, LED stays off copying back kernel 6.1.24 brings it back to life again, with the rest upgraded. thanks Michael
  27. Is there still an image somewhere to try? I just got back from being away and link for the image above is a 404.
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