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  2. yes it boot properply if i pull the power xfce version does it correctly when i enter sudo reboot
  3. Hi Referring to https://forum.armbian.com/topic/32667-usb-c-port-doesnt-work-on-pinebook-pro-after-the-latest-update-on-kernel-662/ USB -C is not working. I also tried 6.7.4-edge with no success. Looking for a solution G??gle found this: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-arm-108/pinebook-pro-usb-c-port-not-working-after-kernel-upgrade-4175732886/#google_vignette referring to Megi`s 6.7 kernel. The link was outdated, but the base worked and had versions 6.8 and 6.9. Tried both with a lot of success: USB-C working and the HDMI monitor output as well as Gigabit Ethernet work like a charm again. 😄 The only small issue remaining: Sound is not working (no analog or digital.) (I had a small issue following Megi`s Readme: The board.dtb should replace rk3399-pinebook-pro.dtb in one of the existing dtb trees. I used dtb-6.7.4-edge-rockchip64.) any ideas about the sound issue are greatly appreciated. Sepp
  4. Does it boot properly if you pull the power? Reboot not working correctly is a common issue on these boxes where you don't have a dtb file that is an exact match for your hardware.
  5. Today
  6. stuck on boot screen after software reboot... command sudo reboot on terminal Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.563_Aml-s9xx-box_bookworm_current_6.6.30.img.xz this does not happen on the desktop version Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.563_Aml-s9xx-box_bookworm_current_6.6.30_xfce_desktop.img.xz
  7. @madeofstown I'd guess it is good to leave the default serial uart console running there as otherwise if things goofs, you may have no means to login onto the board. with the serial console, you can connect a usb-uart serial dongle and login to Armbian on the board. but if you insist you can nevertheless try going into /usr/lib/systemd/system look for those *getty* (e.g. ls *getty*), it would be one of those services. but that for debug output I'm not sure about that though, a google search I'd guess would get some leads e.g. https://superuser.com/questions/351387/how-to-stop-kernel-messages-from-flooding-my-console https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/working_with_the_serial_console I'd suggest to browse that same Orange Pi Zero 3 thread and figure out how to use a different serial uart port, there are probably more than a single uart port available on Orange Pi Zero 2W or Orange Pi Zero 3. using a different serial comm (uart) port is the correct solution in your case and you won't need to be bothered about console messages as they won't be there.
  8. Description Minor fixes: limit creation of git-sources.json file to following commands - targets, debs-to-repo-json, gha-matrix and gha-workflow Solve slowness when building Ubuntu Noble images. Fixes #6531 How Has This Been Tested? Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Please also note any relevant details for your test configuration. [X] Tested Ubuntu noble rootfs creation speed improvement using ./compile.sh BOARD=khadas-vim4 BRANCH=legacy KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes RELEASE=noble ARTIFACT_IGNORE_CACHE=yes rootfs. It reduced build time from 26 minutes down to only 8 minutes. Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [ ] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying build armbian with legacy branch and I need apply patch to u-boot config. If I add my patch in userpatches, buid script ignoring it. If I build current branch, patches aplying
  10. @ag123 Thank you. I was able to apply that patch and now Armbian is running on my OPIZ2W 1.5GB! One more question. I have a LoRa/GNSS hat that requires the use of Serial 0 for communication with the GNSS model. How would I go about disabling Armbian debug outputing to that? I would rather not have to use bodge wires. `gpioinfo` shows me that the 2 pins are used by the kernel. Do I need to recompile the kernel to change this? Seems like a lot of the hats/shields that use Serial need to use Serial0... So I'm thinking there must be a simple way to get it working in Armbian.
  11. Description doas is not compatible with sudo flags. The codebase was checked for sudo-specific uses of this function, but none were found, all cases were in the form of sudo <command>. Replacing it with doas <command> yields the same result. Was extracted from #6576 and can't be merged until it's reverted in #6642 How Has This Been Tested? Used to build images on my machine with extensions that use is_root_or_sudo_prefix Checklist: [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings View the full article
  12. Description Upstreaming patch: https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-rockchip/patch/20240430024002.708227-3-liujianfeng1994@gmail.com/ The current fdb50400 won't work. there are errors in dmesg when doing decoding. How Has This Been Tested? Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Please also note any relevant details for your test configuration. [x] ./compile.sh kernel BOARD=rock-5b BRANCH=edge DEB_COMPRESS=xz KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no KERNEL_GIT=shallow Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  13. Description Update odroidxu4-current kernel to 6.6.31. How Has This Been Tested? [x] Reboot of my Odroid HC1 Checklist: [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [x] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  14. Hi Werner, weirdly it seems to be this wiring. In any case I get a readout. _____UART____ /Pin 4 - VCC| red |Pin 3 - TXD| |Pin 2 - RXD| \Pin 1 - GND| black However, I am now confronted with the prompt "nextcloudpi login". "root" and "ncp" do not work, nor any of my other logins. I am using a PW manager, so it cannot really be that I am getting anything wrong. Do you know what the cause could be?
  15. The only thing I haven't been able to eliminate is this message [ 5.019754] gpio-74 (onewire@0): enforced open drain please flag it properly in DT/ACPI DSDT/board file I tried setting the GPIO flag for GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH|GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN but unfortunately, it doesn't work but it doesn't affect the operation of w1-gpio It seems that the GPIO pins do not have an "open drain" mode, they do outputs and inputs. It is a warning about what something sees as an invalid or incomplete configuration in Device Tree, rather than a real problem with the hardware.
  16. I replaced the build/packages/Plymouth - theme - armbian logo and recompile, but generated firmware boot or the default image display, be sure to perform the update - initramfs - u can success to replace, What should I do to replace it in the generated firmware
  17. Planned point release and images rebuild date is upcoming Saturday, 25th. There are three problems, that would be nice to fix before. People working on are very busy and might not be able to deal with, so help is needed here: Debian bookworm XFCE lacks wallpaper and lockscreen Compile from sources and pack Chromium for aarch64 on PPA Resolving Noble incompatibility with amazingfated-rk3588 extension Thank you all that participated in this release!
  18. Hi, for me w1-gpio on OZPI v3 working now very well via overlay dts file please read my last post in:
  19. Description I guess all these BOOTFS_TYPE come from https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/3874. Rock3a and other rk356x boards uses an old version of vendor u-boot: https://github.com/radxa/u-boot/tree/stable-4.19-rock3, which has bad support for ext4 filesystem. While rk3588 uses new version of vendor u-boot which doesn't have ext4 partition issue, so I just drop all this config from rk3588 boards. Command to query boards with this config: grep -rn rockchip-rk3588 config/boards/|awk -F ':' '{print $1}'|xargs grep BOOTFS_TYPE Here are the vendor uboot source of these boards: board vendor uboot source armsom-sige7 armsom-w3 nanopc-cm3588-nas nanopct6 nanopi-r6s rock-5b https://github.com/radxa/u-boot/tree/next-dev-v2024.03 fxblox-rk1 https://github.com/functionland/u-boot/tree/next-dev indiedroid-nova https://github.com/stvhay/u-boot/tree/rockchip-rk3588-unified orangepi5-plus orangepi5pro https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/u-boot-orangepi/tree/v2017.09-rk3588 orangepi5 https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/tree/2f0282922b2c458eea7f85c500a948a587437b63 How Has This Been Tested? Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Please also note any relevant details for your test configuration. [x] ./compile.sh build BOARD=rock-5b BRANCH=vendor BUILD_DESKTOP=yes BUILD_MINIMAL=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=gnome DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME=config_base ENABLE_EXTENSIONS='rk-panthor mesa-oibaf rk-multimedia-amazingfate' KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no KERNEL_GIT=shallow RELEASE=noble Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  20. The repository exist again, but is empty as focal is EOS (End of Support status) for Armbian
  21. I don't think the Orange Pi Zero 3 supports w1-gpio. The only 1-wire overlay that I know of is for H5-equipped boards.
  22. Hey @jock Good news! Focal and buster repos are back!! http://armbian.tnahosting.net/apt/dists/ Tomorrow I'll do some tests
  23. finally bluetooth is working with such config: &uart0 { status = "okay"; uart-has-rtscts; bluetooth { pinctrl-names = "default"; compatible = "brcm,bcm43438-bt"; max-speed = <4000000>; clocks = <&rk805 0x01>; clock-names = "extclk"; shutdown-gpios = <&gpio1 RK_PC5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; host-wakeup-gpios = <&gpio1 RK_PD2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; }; }; firmware from android partition: sha256sum BCM4343B0.hcd 2252534aa755ab2857eb9765c55eb1d917e77992b5ee2ff701955cdcda9a8c9a BCM4343B0.hcd
  24. Yesterday
  25. Hello all! After upgrading to OMV 7 and Debian 12 my OLED display remains dark. I am using Kobol Helios 4 NAS. Can anyone tell me where the problem is? When i try to execute git clone https://github.com/kobol-io/sys-oled.git cd sys-oled sudo ./install.sh I get the following error message via SSH. Installing luma.oled library error: externally-managed-environment × This environment is externally managed ╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to install. If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package, create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv. Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make sure you have python3-full installed. If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application, it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed. See /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv for more information. note: If you believe this is a mistake, please contact your Python installation or OS distribution provider. You can override this, at the risk of breaking your Python installation or OS, by passing --break-system-packages. hint: See PEP 668 for the detailed specification. Installing sys-oled files 'etc/sys-oled.conf' -> '/etc/sys-oled.conf' 'bin/sys-oled' -> '/usr/local/bin/sys-oled' 'share/sys-oled/C&C Red Alert [INET].ttf' -> '/usr/local/share/sys-oled/C&C Red Alert [INET].ttf' 'share/sys-oled/helios4_logo.png' -> '/usr/local/share/sys-oled/helios4_logo.png' 'system/sys-oled.service' -> '/etc/systemd/system/sys-oled.service' Enabling sys-oled at startup Does anyone have an Idea what to do?
  26. I have reinstall the device and the docker. However, I need to install the firmware 5.10.160. Indeed the nanopc-t6 don ot star with any image with firmware 6.1.43 or 6.8.9. I do not understand why ?. Apprently I understand that you are able to install the version 6.1.43 without issue. Could you please explain me the procedure you have used ? Thanks in advance for your support.
  27. This was more of an fyi. I am happy running the v20 image.
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