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  2. @R Tech Definetly not Easy tò answer what Is going wrong with no booting without any support from uart ( USB/ttl adapter). Let see if somebody else has experienced trouble with this board like your, very recent board Btw It has ecmp chip
  3. @peter.eismann I don't know about the netflix issue and I can't confirm that. Kodi does not run well inside a wayland session. You can try to login to a gbm session from display manager.
  4. Description ArmSoM Sige1 is a rk3528 board with emmc, dual ethernet, rtl8852bs wifi/bt, HDMI, usb. https://docs.armsom.org/armsom-sige1 I just use the uboot defconfig from hinlink-h28k and it works fine. At the moment only vendor 6.1 kernel is supported. This pr depends on https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/178 How Has This Been Tested? [x] ./compile.sh BOARD=armsom-sige1 BRANCH=vendor BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=bookworm KERNEL_GIT=shallow Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  5. Description Removing myself as maintainer for Raspberry Pi and Allwinner boards as I no longer have time to maintain them. As some of the boards no longer have maintainer, changed them to csc. Checklist: [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [ ] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  6. @R Tech Moved your post to the correct thread.
  7. I recently purchased a cheap TV box (RK3228A) on AliExpress and I'm trying to boot up MULTITOOL for installing Armbian. However, it's not starting. Steps followed: - Flashed the multitool.img onto an SD card using BalenaEtcher. - Removed the SD card from the Computer and inserted it into the TV BOX slot. - Connected the power cable to the BOX. Result: - No event occurred. - The red light on the BOX lit up. - However, MULTITOOL didn't start. - The monitor shows "HDMI no signal". I tried using another multitool.img, but also without success. Could anyone help me? I'm not an expert on this matter. TV BOX: https://i.ibb.co/NsZ12LT/tvbox.jpg | https://i.ibb.co/ScwRG4V/tvbox2.jpg
  8. Today
  9. I honestly don't remember it now. But it can be this one - https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5619
  10. Usually research (or active sponsoring of our team) is needed to determine what is wrong. This can take half an hour or several weeks. As active sponsoring is still way below 1% of our costs, I have absolutely no interest to cover expenses of any research and then provide findings in exchange for nothing. This is deadly for the project and our mental health. Usually additional questions / research are requested, which only makes developers more frustrated. This is quite common delusion here - that open source developers are stupid and just happy to work for free. Yes, limited to things they like to work on. There are thousands of problems and they are not ours. They are yours, even "sold" under Armbian assembly. If you can tell who will pay research for you or for everyone, I will find someone that will do it. Or not. I have no budget to spent. Since this is open source, anyone can finance to tell what is wrong. This is the essence of this forums. ... and perhaps another week that solution is developed, implemented and tested? Perhaps a lot more. Ain't simple to answer to this question. All this require serious investment from our side to support worse customer there is Don't take this as an offence as this is a part of the game. This only have ends at different point. You can donate, or not. If you want that this is fixed, this has different procedure. It require establishing business relation, which procedure is by default expensive and for resolving one problem ... its a lot better to skip it anyway. However, starting point is trying to make a support contract, make large enough donation that we don't need to pay for everything as we will not move. This is not something granted as I need to be sure that I can keep my promise and meet your expectations. Armbian CI can only be executed by Armbian staff member with sufficient privileges. I am talking about CI that is auto remaking all our code (kernel, headers, ...) on code change. This is dropped to APT repo http://beta.armbian.com, which is updated daily and at every code change.
  11. Thanks for the confirmation. I ran the kernel update via armbian-config and everything worked without issues. Thanks again!
  12. Gladly, just need to know where to start to trigger CI to build header's package for 24.2.5? Raspberry Pi 5 is not on the list. No, I expect to tell me what's wrong and give hint how this can be fixed. How much we'd have to pay to get this fixed?
  13. This is just one issue out of thousands and we operate all this with budget that is very close to zero. This should be picked by maintainer, if exists. We support them from our business deals, but still, they come and go and in between, we have nobody. For a month and half, there is nobody and I can't cover, its too expensive. Since none of board maintainer is full time, but they should be, this can easily take weeks, or more ... But luckily: automated builds makes it half way. Its there, even smoke tested, where problems are not detected. one can build combo on their own. its open source. You can fix bugs too. we need to push new release by the end of the month. And yes, I heard there are some problems with Rpi kernels. Which will just make us more damages and headaches. Rpi foundation has almost 2 mio EUR yearly budget to fight problems ... Its not Armbian that is making bugs, but you expect us to pay to fix them. I tried to help you with hints. Here I have to stop. Out on vacations.
  14. @ct100 Thank you! "nmcli dev status" did the job (I wasn't aware of it). I tried ""networkctl" before and all interfaces were unmanaged. Looks good now: nmcli dev status DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION enP4p65s0 ethernet connected Armbian ethernet docker0 bridge connected (externally) docker0
  15. Edge now at 6.8.9. No obvious improvements, but closing in on mainstream.... G
  16. @q-bert Use the command "nmcli dev status" (for Network-Manager) or "networkctl" (for systemd-networkd) and make sure the NIC is not off / unmanaged.
  17. And 6.6.30 bricks the unit... doesn't boot 🤦‍♂️ and I don't have serial cable to my RPi5. Fan remains spinning at full speed. Going back to reflash the SD Card with original image. Who can fix header package for the stable branch?
  18. Installing the uboot package shouldn't have any impact. In fact from my understanding installing the package just downloads the files. You need to run armbian-config to actually install the uboot files.
  19. OK 🤦‍♂️ I had to unfreeze, do `apt update` manually, then I got update for `linux-headers-` to 24.5.0. So, `apt upgrade` did: ii linux-headers-current-bcm2712 24.5.0-trunk.530 arm64 Armbian Linux current headers 6.6.30-current-bcm2712 ii linux-image-current-bcm2712 24.5.0-trunk.530 arm64 Armbian Linux current kernel image 6.6.30-current-bcm2712 Possible bug in `armbian-config` not upgrading headers package?
  20. How this helps `apt` recognize what to install from the repository? But yes, I gave it a try... reinstalling `linux-headers-current-bcm2712` reinstalls 24.2.1 with 6.6.18 in it. I used `armbian-config` as suggested... and ended up with: hi linux-headers-current-bcm2712 24.2.1 arm64 Armbian Linux current headers 6.6.18-current-bcm2712 hi linux-image-current-bcm2712 24.5.0-trunk.530 arm64 Armbian Linux current kernel image 6.6.30-current-bcm2712 What's actually even worse. More hints?
  21. Did you reboot before (re)installing headers? If yes and still not ok ... beta repository certainly has matched kernel / headers combo. IMO its pretty safe to upgrade to daily builds, but then freeze kernel (can be done in armbian-config).
  22. Igor

    Orange Pi CM4

    Armbian didn't sold you functioning of this device. We are telling you that this hardware is not supported and we don't even think to support it. Support costs money. Even this is perhaps possible to support with several ten thausands per year, we will not do anything as total Orangepi support budget is negative. HW, on the othe hand, needs constant support or it starts to fall apart. They will ofc not tell you that. They simply don't change software stack in any way, so nothing will fall apart ... but there is ofc a problem. Most hardware is sold with privately made Linux kernel (5.1 also 6.1. now). They get code from SoC vendor and for this software most of this https://twitter.com/internetofshit applies and is never resolved, but most of people are unable to understand, don't know or care about. Customer that this is sold is just more uneducated in technical sense. Modern Kernel 6.x (beware on numbers deception) is build from scratch where its impossible that all features works right from start. Costs per each SoC family can go into millions. Orangepi is not involed here, but we are. They don't support development, we (and other FOSS projects) do. Yeah, its that crazy They are flooding market with cheap hardware with as cheap software support as possible. Pirated software? No problem. Who will sue them? Do you (users) care? Supporting projects that are stealing from open source? No problem. There is absolutely no moral code. SoC vendors also doesn't care about anything but numbers of SoCs sold. Revenue, while abusing open source communities, is the only king there is. On a long run and if you don't want to have internet of a shit device, you will use ... Armbian, fork of it, some similar Linux. Which you don't support as they are doing everything to mask the true costs of software development. Also Orangepi is providing modern Linux software that is branded as Orangepi to fake "development" by them. Most of users have no ability to understand that Orangepi is not a software company. They sell hardware, while software they just "get", rebrand, sell. They downloaded Ambian build framework at one point. This was several years ago. Then they ran search for "Armbian" replace with "Orangepi" to impress people with work they never contributed anything to. This is one of ways how (some of) those companies stealls value and show "respect" toward people that finance them. In case you have questions regarding this particilar hardware, contact Orangepi officie directly. I know its a waste of time, but at least they will have support damages. Support = hard cash expense also for open source projects. Developers are asking you for support https://github.com/sponsors/armbian and it years and years that those numbers got to the 10% of 1k per month. Which is a discrase, but its impossible to communicate that. For example two people, which would be lost in this support, costs 10k per month, 10x more it has been asked. Volonteers? Yes, they are happy to help, but bulk of support needs professional backbone or you complain and make dirt, even you pay like nothing. Still you think Aliexpress dealer is the one that provides any software? They invest close to nothing into software development as they are by default affraid they will support their competitions ... so they don't pay any "taxes" for software they take from open source and sell as theirs. One hour of engineering is worth more then 1pcs of hardware. Simply change it to something else and: - there is actively maintained codebase - you will get responsive free regular support - you can get instant professional support - you will support developers not hd just dealers that are already selling you something new with demo software This comes with https://www.armbian.com/bananapicm4io/
  23. I think you were dead-on in your previous post - the armbian-bsp-cli-bananapipro package was not installed anymore. After installing that, the "Switch to other kernels" option started working again, and I have a choice of three kernels now! But before I proceed and install the new kernel - I noticed that the linux-u-boot-bananapipro-current package is also not installed. I'm not sure how critical that is, and if just installing the new kernel would be enough. Should I install it manually before proceeding?
  24. @ct100 How can I make sure my NIC is configured correctly? cat /etc/armbian-image-release # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BOARD=rock-5b BOARD_NAME="Rock 5B" BOARDFAMILY=rockchip-rk3588 BUILD_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/armbian/build BUILD_REPOSITORY_COMMIT=1e6fdcb13 LINUXFAMILY=rk35xx ARCH=arm64 IMAGE_TYPE=stable BOARD_TYPE=csc INITRD_ARCH=arm64 KERNEL_IMAGE_TYPE=Image FORCE_BOOTSCRIPT_UPDATE= FORCE_UBOOT_UPDATE= VENDOR="Armbian" VENDORDOCS="https://docs.armbian.com" VENDORURL="https://www.armbian.com/" VENDORSUPPORT="https://forum.armbian.com" VENDORBUGS="https://www.armbian.com/bugs" BOOTSCRIPT_FORCE_UPDATE="no" BOOTSCRIPT_DST="boot.cmd" VERSION=23.2.1 REVISION=23.2.1 IMAGE_UUID=7c90ea8a-9f70-45ed-af73-86d1927c2fbc uname -a Linux rock5b 5.10.160-legacy-rk35xx
  25. That looks correct for your current situation. What is the contents of your /boot directory? And the output from : apt list --installed | grep linux and apt list --installed | grep armbian (I.m used to using the apt command instead of the dpkg command)
  26. deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com bookworm main bookworm-utils bookworm-desktop I added the signing key as per this thread:
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