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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Ranting about problems without supplying important/required data is nothing but a waste of time. If you can run the board, please provide armbianmonitor -u
  2. If you choose a little more complex board, then yes. But IMO Opi One does not need a dedicated maintainer. In this particular case, both would be ideal to make some relieve on me. But how to write this into the application?
  3. A bit automatized call for moderators revitalization and board maintainters. Need some native speaker/idea check: https://forum.armbian.com/staffapplications/
  4. Modern kernel doesn't need script.bin I see you are upgrading from some very old builds. It is strange that you manage to update to 4.14.y but it broke when upping to 4.19.y ... it should not be any difference. It is also possible that your SD card has troubles. zImage looks at the right place ... you can also copy vmlinuz* to zImage and try booting.
  5. Can you describe your setup in more details: - did you perhaps transfer your system to SATA drive - was this upgrade from Bananian - which was the initial build of the image - can you provide the content of /boot One way dirty of booting is to download new image and copy missing files over ...
  6. Do that - congrat! I think we have the problem under control now.
  7. Can check in a day or two. Now have family/life troubles. Images are done: https://dl.armbian.com/helios4/Debian_stretch_next.7z.torrent https://dl.armbian.com/helios4/Ubuntu_bionic_next.7z.torrent
  8. The reason behind removing nodm is we are getting the same with lightdm (autologin) and have less complications. nodm also have some bugs which are here for years and nobody care to fix them. Our resources are far too small to deal with bugs in 3rd party packages. Current desktop builds still have nodm, while in next major update, it is gone. While the functionality remain unchanged.
  9. I would like to switch download for upload speed It's part of the package which is not sold anymore ... cca. 40 EUR monthly.
  10. Rebuilding images is the easiest part, its fully automated and it was ignited. I will also push updated packages to the repository but I don't have time to check. I hope problems are solved.
  11. If changing cables didn't help ... add some wireless module and conduct upgrade ... or just download latest image, yes.
  12. I also experience this sometimes - changing cables helped. Try that. On a side, we just downgrade kernel from 4.19.y to 4.14.y due to other problems. Now it's the same as stock. Fix network, update and upgrade.
  13. This is Armbian forum so one would assume you use kernel with our patches. Can we also be a part of this joy?
  14. New features and restrictions for "Technical support" area: 1. Validating users, those who just register are unable to reply to topics. They are forced to open a new topic. 2. All users have to accept conditions (cookie last one day): 1. Call to use docs and search 2. Call to support us 3. Call to provide info 3. Each time a topic is created, you need to add: armbianmonitor and accepty several conditions 4. Auto lock topics is now set to 365 days, pinned and featured are exempt, ... and it will take a few days before locking will be completed.
  15. Fixed by removing broken files from repository: pool/main/l/linux-bionic-root-next-helios4/linux-bionic-root-next-helios4_5.70_armhf.deb pool/main/l/linux-stretch-root-next-helios4/linux-stretch-root-next-helios4_5.70_armhf.deb
  16. We wait that someone sort out the configs https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/1227
  17. We are already working several months to adopt build system to be ready for such integration. Since there is very little help and huge demand from the community side, we are moving very slow.
  18. Moved to Peer to peer technical support forum.
  19. Put "How to freeze your filesystem" to the search above.
  20. This should not happen. Can you explain exactly what you did and provide serial console logs.
  21. 4.19.y on NEXT branch seems to be a mistake and I am preparing a downgrade. Back to 4.14.y ... too many troubles. That is Debian people decision. We are good for another year since we will not move to next stable base right away. If you want to run OMV, you have to forget about Bionic. It will not work there. At least not without severe hacking.
  22. We don't support 3rd party hardware. https://www.armbian.com/get-involved You can't. Support for H5 chip starts with 4.14.y
  23. We don't have capacity to deal with "you" in this number. Simple as that. Use correct part of the forums - community forums.
  24. We don't support 3rd party builds. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-check-download-authenticity nor this board: https://www.armbian.com/tritium-h3/ Moving to community section.
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