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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Why should I solve every problem that pops out?? Solving this problem requires costly manual intervention(s) or costly coding to limit manual interventions. None of that is available. It is frustrating indeed. Anyone (trustworthy) can prepare it: https://github.com/armbian/upload and start to take care of this problem in general.
  2. And this is clean image from the download section I guess? Have you tried apt update &T upgrade and then armbian-config again?
  3. I don't see anything wrong. Neo doesn't have eMMC and there is nothing on the USB port.
  4. That is strange. Please provide: armbianmonitor -u Here is my 8TB attached to, well, true SATA ... but that is irrelevant. _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | ___| (_) ___ ___| || | | |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \/ __| || |_ | _ | __/ | | (_) \__ \__ _| |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/|___/ |_| Welcome to Armbian - Stretch (2018.10) Linux 4.14.74-mvebu System load: 0.02 0.04 0.00 Up time: 41 days Memory usage: 3 % of 2018MB IP: CPU temp: 22°C Usage of /: 69% of 15G storage/: 12% of 7.3T
  5. This board is not officially supported which should be clear from the information on the download page. Why is not supported? Because we already waste too much of very limited resources on a support which "you" cover <1%. This is community service and "you" have way way more wishes that available resources can cover. You are on your own if you need certain changes. Since board exists in our builds system: https://github.com/armbian/build this is very simple. https://www.armbian.com/get-involved/ ... and I will be glad to help you.
  6. That's one option. Another is to adjust path in kernel sources, like this: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/patch/kernel/rk3399-default/adjust_wireless_firmware_path.patch
  7. Mine hanged with current stock settings already at first boot ... then I tried orangepipc2 DT and ... it looks fine. I notice DT is missing regulator bits and after adding them ... at least that problem is gone. I did several reboots and cold starts. At one cold start it hanged ... Not sure if everything is fine yet. Possible related issue is wrong temperature. It's possible that protection kicks in? When idle it already shows 50° (33 shows my IR meter) and last time when I did stressing it reached critical temp of 92° which triggered controlled power off. This should not happen this soon.
  8. I fixed reality for "both" in boot script. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/352b2584d2b168ce8701a4ece7acef5036602e3b#diff-0d8dfe4e3afafd7267b256b263a97d6f This means you have boot console to HDMI and serial console (login) is up. Previous both was nothing on the screen until login prompt. That means in some cases "no sign of life" for several minutes at first login. The only conclusion is that Armbian doesn't work. You can add DEFAULT_CONSOLE="serial" when building. If we don't find a better way, defaulting to serial on boards without HDMI is an option https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/boards/orangepizero.conf#L10
  9. That is/was the case with their factory 3.10.y kernel which was the only option until recently. With modern community kernel it works perfectly fine. Nope, never had.
  10. Quitness is due to changing default console to HDMI/serial console login. IMO its better that every day Joe see something on the hdmi screen. Both would be perfect ... Wrote on mobile
  11. Power off on H3/H5 is still not implemented AFAIK and don't know if this can be hacked somehow. https://forum.armbian.com/search/?q=arisc https://github.com/Icenowy/h3-arisc-shutdown It works on boards which have external PMU, like A64.
  12. There are unusual lots of retries, speed should be better. Now this can be a 3rd party hardware issues, your cabling or router ... I only have a board without dock and can't recreate. Try change cables and you could test new (stable to be) kernel - but I can't give you warranty that it works since we are still testing/debugging it: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8795-next-lts-kernel-419y-allwinner-a10-a20-a64-h2-h3-h5-h6-debugging-party/
  13. Yes I did notice odd numbers but forgot to check. I do have some thermometer around but I am not close to the boards until tomorrow evening.
  14. Just a quick note here. Nand-sata-install utility works if you don't mess up with a system. On official images and on supported boards. For 3rd party I don't know and on Lepotato AFAIK we didn't get this far yet? (I could easily miss this) @TonyMac32 Shell I rebuild all Lepotato images? Or later when bumped to 4.19.y?
  15. Please provide armbianmonitor -u since we need to know exactly what you are talking about. Likewise and this topic here is to make sure it works before we push this out to all users. If it doesn't work at this moment, this is expected. In some cases.
  16. If you want to minimise possible troubles, you use Etcher. Like we recommend. If you like to gamble ... use DD
  17. If you compiled on your own just transfer deb files (image and dtb at minimum) to your board and install with dpkg -i *.deb ... beta repository: 1. remove kernel and deb if it is not DEV already. apt purge linux-image* linux-dtb* 2. apt install linux-image-dev-sunxi64 linux-dtb-dev-sunxi64 (without 64 for 32 bit boards)
  18. Where is armbianmonitor -u that we can place those logs into some context? Also try this:
  19. With it's mirror's server. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list and switch from http://apt.uk.armbian.com to http://apt.armbian.com Or use our China mirror: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/armbian
  20. This is right way. I would not recommend to use those images for anything else than testing it's functionality. They were removed also because "you" used them (in production) and complain (create us additional expenses) why they are so many problems with them ...
  21. But you have upgraded to Ubuntu 18.10 ? Which we don't support. You will need to adjust ram logging according to your use case (Nextcloud) or disable it if you don't know how to deal with.
  22. Can you check if this has effect? Possible fix: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/boards/orangepizero.conf#L10
  23. If you help on the project: https://www.armbian.com/get-involved/
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