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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Now repeat the procedure and read the text. (you have to create a username in the 1st login session otherwise you will not have desktop)
  2. Obviously not - check schematics. Anyway, we have much better solution which is out for try: https://dl.armbian.com/orangepiwin/archive/Armbian_5.67_Orangepiwin_Debian_stretch_dev_4.19.2.7z It's clearly not finished yet, but its working much better.
  3. Modern kernel has little to do with old 3.10.y (luckily). Support for A64 in kernel 4.14.y is considered experimental and is without end user support. This feature was not developed, is making troubles or was not broken. It would be fixed if we know how or we had enough resources to get there ... That is also the reason why there are no images with a kernel 4.14.y Somebody need to fix it once: https://www.armbian.com/get-involved Here: are much bigger chances of success. But since there is not much help except usual suspects, things go slowly. OrangepiWin is not operational yet.
  4. Don't worry. There is usually nothing that important in those updated to wait for this update a few days/weeks.
  5. This could mean that there are no drivers for it in the kernel (enabling non existing support is pointless. it must exists to be enabled). Or not solved dependencies (something that needs to be enabled before to enable this).
  6. Great. Tritiums h3&h5 checked. Can someone stress one of dumb regulator board too see if it doesn't result in a magic smoke ? Is there any heal for:
  7. I didn't check the inside config/ directory. That is not user configurable Try changing this: EXTERNAL="yes" and use only: PACKAGE_LIST_ADDITIONAL="$PACKAGE_LIST_ADDITIONAL mc" as written in https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/#user-provided-configuration Start from a clean build and than add features.
  8. https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix Essentials which should work, one board at the time, focus into the diff - what worked in 4.14.y and it doesn't work anymore. We should find very little. One example is DVFS not working on Orangepi Prime. Regulator bits were change a bit ... while they work at Orangepi PC2 which is the same in this manner. If you understand how to fix this, you fix it, otherwise you place a note here and ... I hope someone else will do this, else I will.
  9. We spent several years to learn and several years to make this system https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/#user-provided-kernel-config
  10. Spending some time with the documentation: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/
  11. Kernel breakage from 4.14.78 - 4.14.81 is almost impossible. You build new kernel, copy image and dtb package to the board and install them with dpkg -i *.deb. It must work. I do this every day. If you want to compile some particular version: KERNELBRANCH="tag:v4.14.78"
  12. Just make a new kernel with a module that you need and install it over the current one. This is simple and fairly safe in this case.
  13. Earlier today I pushed a fairy large patchset containing various functional improvements of many boards. If you have Allwinner board and some spare time: 1. Build DEV image/kernel with https://github.com/armbian/build (you need to add EXPERT="yes" to the config to unlock) 2. Install DEV kernel from beta repository Optional Defreeze kernel updates Switch to nightly kernel (armbian-config -> system -> Nightly) Reboot Switch to other kernel (armbian-config -> system -> Other -> DEV) When board came up, do some exploration. Most important information is to find out if there is a regression toward kernel 4.14.y! Then make a test report https://github.com/armbian/testings#how-to-create-a-test-report. If you know how to fix certain problems, you are more than welcome! Our resources are tiny and we can't possible fix all problems This topic is a place to discuss how certain problems/bugs can be solved. When reporting a bug, provide logs with: armbianmonitor -u Bugs: - serial gadget console is not working (anywhere?) - Pinebook doesn't boot properly - Mesa (OS Mali drivers are enabled by default) / WebGL works on Debian based Chromium, fails on Ubuntu I checked those: Orangepi PC2 http://ix.io/1s2c (hdmi, dvfs) @tkaiser SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1s5d ( @hojnikb available frequency steps: 120 MHz, 240 MHz, 480 MHz, 648 MHz, 816 MHz, 960 MHz, 1.01 GHz, 1.06 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 1.15 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.22 GHz, 1.25 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.34 GHz, 1.37 GHz) Olinuxino A64 http://ix.io/1s2d (hdmi, dvfs, wireless, usb, battery) SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1s5e tested battery charging/discharging Olimex Teres 1 A64 (hdmi, dvfs, wireless, usb, battery) http://ix.io/1tJg Orangepi Prime SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1s5R (once "powered off" during benchmarking at 92C) Orangepi +2e SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1s5T Orangepi Win SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1s8c Cubietruck SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1u3W OrangepiZero +2 H3 SBCBENCH: http://ix.io/1pqd Orangepi One H3 SBCBeNCH: http://ix.io/1psZ Orangepi Lite H3 http://ix.io/1u6R Nanopi Neo2 http://ix.io/1u4A (with NAS http://ix.io/1uUM) Orangepiplus http://ix.io/1u5H Orangepi Zero H2+ http://ix.io/1u9b Nanopi Air http://ix.io/1u9d With problems: Pinebook Confirmed working: Neo2 v1.1 512MB Neo2 v1.1 1GB Pine64 Orange Pi Zero Plus2 H5 Nanopi Duo http://ix.io/1uVC Orangepi R1 http://ix.io/1uaP Nanopi Neo Core 2 LTS Nano Pi Neo Plus2 Tritium H3 and H5 Orange Pi Zero Plus Bananapi M1 For now. BTW. Do you want to become a (Allwinner) board maintainer? Duties: - responsible for content at the download page, - running latests updates and managing bug list there.
  14. Stop "learning" from random junk from the internet. There is a short FAQ on download page containing exactly what you need to know to get started.
  15. Please provide your build config and userpatches/lib.config
  16. Don't understand the nature of the problem. BTW. Nightly images are not supported.
  17. No screen, means: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/4591-mmc-no-card-present-error-on-allwinner-boards/ or something from here: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/31-sd-card-and-power-supply/ Diagnostic tool costs <2 EUR http://amzn.to/2wbNkLp You can skip this rubbish.
  18. If MAC is not changing, than the problem is most likely outside of Armbian domain. Do some general investigation. ls -l /etc/netplan/* -> 01-netcfg.yaml One of my machines: ls -l /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections is empty
  19. According to https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix yes.
  20. Check what is dnsmasq service telling you service dnsmasq status and what is the content of /etc/dnsmasq.conf I tried to recreate, made few restarts and AP is working fine, clients gets IP.
  21. This package contains some important services and optimisations. Just look into it. I don't understand why you think you need to remove that? MATE works with it just fine.
  22. It depends which? Probably support is missing in the kernel but with Android you are on your own. With Armbian ... you can rebuild a kernel or just tell what to enable: Stock 4.4.y https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rk3399-default.config Modern 4.19.y https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rockchip64-dev.config and it's enabled in the next version.
  23. We have no plans to: on development of some 3rd party hardware. Such features landed in Armbian only if you/someone prepare(s) them and share with others.
  24. It's not exactly an error. Just that there is no boot environment set and (our) preset is used. If this bothers you, go to u-boot prompt and run: saveenv and it should be gone. This might not work on eMMC based install. Modern kernel has video autodetection which might not work properly yet. Especially when using some HDMI-VGA adaptors.
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