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Everything posted by Igor

  1. I was adding a driver to mvebu64-default and when this patch is removed, compilations breaks this way: Line #36 What am I missing here?
  2. We have at least two different kernels. On which one? Type: armbianmonitor -u
  3. Exactly. The situation might be better, but not to my knowledge. Check also here http://linux-sunxi.org/IRC if someone made further.
  4. We are using Chromium from Ubuntu stable branch and there was never support for accelerated youtube videos. Not even in a legacy kernel, where video acceleration is possible and enabled but again, not with Chromium. You need to use an external player for this. Then it works. Been discussed before: https://forum.armbian.com/search/
  5. You don't need to specify the mode in a modern kernel. It knows how to switch out of the box. A module for wireless is brcmfmac and it is enabled by default. Try to use armbian-config way of setting AP.
  6. Delete /etc/network/interfaces ... reboot and try again.
  7. I don't have information how is the situation with CAN-bus with this kernel/Tinkerboard, so only some theoretical tips: in case you need to add a function, that exists but is not enabled, this would be a good and simple start: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ Sometimes enabling a feature is good to go, sometimes you need to add a function with a code/patch. In both cases, you need to recompile the kernel (sometimes module only also work) from sources.
  8. On which kernel you have those problems? armbianmonitor -u
  9. Unknown to this day. It could be related to changes in upstream Ubuntu packages - kernel hasn't been changed in any possible related areas. Will see if I can find something ... I assume the problem is the same with a clean image?
  10. Network manager and systemd/if-up can and do work together reasonably well. NM is user-friendly and we keep it to make life easier for novice users. Predictable network interfaces are yet another upstream "feature" and can be toggled if you want. (has been discussed how) If you like to discuss networking in details, find a related topic: https://forum.armbian.com/search/ and make a post there. Future changes are not completely fixed yet since networking can be in fact fairly complex.
  11. Today, boards are usually selected upon use case. As I said, trying to run on an emulator. x86 apps also work on dual-core Banana Pi with A20 but definitely not video related features. Stay away from Bananapi M3 ... it has a badly supported kernel and this won't change soon. You need stability first then (good) core(s) count. If Odroid XU4 won't do the job, you have to wait that more recent and more powerful boards get better software support (kernel).
  12. You need a level shifter, they use 1.8~3.3V TTL logic.
  13. Since you and other people are reporting similar problems, this is becoming a known issue, but we don't know what is causing this, nor we have a solution, except rolling back with a kernel. To check what is available: apt-cache policy linux-image-next-sunxi Install specific version: apt install linux-image-next-sunxi=VERSION linux-dtb-next-sunxi=VERSION Do the same with u-boot: (check versions first, they might be different than kernel) apt install linux-u-boot-bananapipro-next=VERSION In general, help out with this table: https://www.armbian.com/kernel/ and adjust board name appropriately. Please do report back, how it went.
  14. Our repository stock kernels for at least two years in the past. It looks like the problem was found in the latest update and until this is not solved (it can take few days or weeks, perhaps is already solved upstream) the simplest way is to roll kernel one or two versions back ... and your system should work stable. We also provide a feature in armbian-config to freeze kernel updating and you only update non-critical packages when issuing apt-update & upgrade. Do that after you are satisfied with kernel stability.
  15. MiQi with this kernel, installed on eMMC: http://ix.io/FpA
  16. If you have sources, you can try to compile for ARM otherwise you have to workout with app authors - it is their problem if they don't support ARM. There is nothing we can do about. Well, there is an option to run other architectures under emulators (qemu). Also, it is possible to run 32bit x86 binaries (almost) out of the box on every our desktop build with https://eltechs.com/product/exagear-desktop/ ... you can install trial version within armbian-config For example, Skype is running good enough on Odroid XU4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__HKvtiOSTY
  17. Actually no. Programs are usually architecture/distribution independent and support is provided by their authors: The way how packages are put together is an upstream problem, while our modifications and work on top of this are ours.
  18. This is yet another issue on our big list of issues. The first stage of solving is recognizing the issue (checked), then it has to be replicated on our board, checked if it is an upstream problem or hw related ... I am not sure if/can't promise it will be solved in a next release.
  19. OK, then leaving miniarm on 4.4 and tinker/upstream default for mainline. I'll adjust patches for mainline later today.
  20. I can understand your pain but most of the problems we are facing in making Linux for single board computers are in kernel/u-boot area. We are doing only minor changes to stock Debian/Ubuntu userspace and are in many cases forced to follow upstream decisions since we are still low on manpower. Our support is also focused on specifics board problems and not general Debian which is better to search for/ask here: http://forums.debian.net or by using Google like mentioned before.
  21. Shell we also unify DTB across kernels? rk3288-tinker.dtb is now in mainline and we are adding rk3288-miniarm.dtb there ... backward compatibility can be solved within bootscript. What do you think?
  22. An unknown problem at this moment. Have you tried on both kernels? 4.4.y and 4.14.y?
  23. OMG! It happened that it was recompiled without eMMC corruption fix patch And since my eMMC works in any case, I could not notice anything was wrong ... recompiling. Edit: recompiled, images changed. Actually, it was O.K. - can you describe more of your setup and provide logs. I made another test and everything looks fine. Resizing as well.
  24. We almost ditched systemd but at the end, we decided to stick to it. Perhaps you just try with some generic systemd -> init.d instructions? I would say creating a systemd service would be a simpler way.
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