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Everything posted by SteeMan

  1. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/16976-status-of-armbian-on-tv-boxes-please-read-first Don't expect wifi to work.
  2. My last comment on this. The sad reality is that what the handful of volunteers that are Armbian produce is on average the best support out there for these boards. Many (I would even say most) of the other SBC builds out there take their code from Armbian and then add on a few things. You talk about 'companies', there aren't any that support these boards. The companies are the board manufacturers and they don't support their own products. You ask why Armbian is here, it is here because people like me have a bit of spare time and want to help and find these boards a fun and challenging hobby. But it is entitled people like you that make me not want to do this. Finally, you have no investment in Armbian thus Armbian owes you nothing. If you were paying for something here you might have a reason for your behavior. But you are using something provided to you for free, as is with no warranty. If it doesn't work then go find something elsewhere that you think is better (and good luck by the way). Or since this is open source you can always fix it yourself.
  3. @holm The board you are using is not supported or maintained by Armbian. It is Community Maintained. That means that no Armbian resources exist to support this board. It is up to people outside Armbian to submit PRs to keep it alive. That is what it means when Armbian says it lacks resources to maintain hundreds of different boards out there. What Armbian provides to you free is infrastructure, automated builds and a forum. It is up to you or others who care about this (or any Community Maintained board) to submit PRs to keep it alive. I'm just a moderator of the forums trying to help. If you really want to complain to someone, instead of complaining to those of us here trying to help you for free (as I volunteer my time to receive the abuse you just gave to me), you should complain to the company that took your money for their board but then don't provide any software support for what they sold you. They just take your money and run, and hope others (like Armbian) will support their hardware without any compensation.
  4. A quick look shows: Current u-boot sets CONFIG_GMAC_TX_DELAY = 1 (I didn't look at history if this has changed over time) (https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/ea722aa5eb33740ae77e8816aeb72b385e621cd0/configs/Cubietruck_defconfig#L11) and there is no patch in Armbian for Cubietruck that changes that value: (https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/main/patch/u-boot/u-boot-sunxi/board_cubietruck) It should be fairly simple to test different values to see if that addresses the problem and submit a PR to Armbian (or to upstream u-boot) to fix
  5. Also, this thread seems to be similar to yours. I don't know if the board revision is the same as yours.
  6. As the instructions say, you need to try all dtbs compatible with your cpu to find one that hopefully will work. Have you done that?
  7. And finally going back to the original point, the only way to reset the box I would recommend is to reflash a fresh android firmware. I can't speak for the correct working of that coreelec script.
  8. As the instructions say, you need to try all compatible dtbs for your cpu. Don't assume something from one os applies to another.
  9. That doesn't make sense. Did you type something wrong there? s905 shouldn't use either of those uboots and u-boot-s905x2-s922 doesn't match either of those cpus.
  10. Per the installation instructions, if you ever run another os (like coreelec) you will not be able to run armbian. You have to reflash a clean android environment to run armbian.
  11. What image are you using? What uboot are you using? What dtb files have you tried? (per the instructions you should try all compatible dtb files to find the one that works best)
  12. What build are you using? What uboot are you using? What dtb files have you tried? (Per the instructions you should try all dtb's compatible with your cpu to find the one that works best).
  13. There shouldn't be an upper limit on your power supply (as long as it supplies enough to meet the boards needs, so lower limit yes, upper limit no). Those numbers only indicate the amount of power available to the box, not how much it will draw. You could use a 2amp or 3amp power supply without any problem.
  14. Is that the only dtb you have tried? Per the instructions you should try all the meson-gxl dtbs to find the one that comes closest to matching your hardware. P212 is just the reference dtb and doesn't really indicate much.
  15. What uboot and dtb are you using? What size and type of sd card?
  16. If you have no preference, I'd recommend Armbian Noble Desktop XFCE (6.6 kernel). That is the latest Ubuntu userspace with the currently supported kernel and a lightweight desktop environment.
  17. Moved to the correct forum. Armbian does not support the Rock64. It is Community Maintained, moved to the Community Maintained forums and added the correct board tag.
  18. And not even then. Because this is no longer supported by Debian, the files from upstream needed to build no longer exist.
  19. If it is really an rk3318 box, then you should start here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/26978-csc-armbian-for-rk3318rk3328-tv-box-boards
  20. There is no archive for 'current images'. As of 24.02 and going forward the only images produced are the community builds.
  21. You normally connect ethernet to a switch or router not directly to a laptop. You need something providing dhcp addresses and routing traffic between connected devices. While is is possible to setup a laptop to at as a dhcp server and to route traffic that isn't normal and isn't easy to setup correctly. You just need to plug the board into your 'network' and plug you laptop into the same network.
  22. This is community maintained software. I'm not aware of anyone else that has that specific box. So you are welcome to track down the issue and submit a PR for a fix.
  23. Does it boot properly if you pull the power? Reboot not working correctly is a common issue on these boxes where you don't have a dtb file that is an exact match for your hardware.
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