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lomady got a reaction from TRS-80 in Armbian loves Microsoft
After all the harm that corporation has done to open standards and free software? Not funny.
lomady reacted to tkaiser in SD card performance
Warning: This whole thread is only about historical information now since it's 2018 and we can buy inexpensive and great performing A1 rated SD cards in the meantime. Buying anything else is a mistake so directly jump to the end of the thread for performance numbers and recommendations.
Edit: See an early 2017 update at the end of the thread regarding new SD specs also covering random IO performance.
Edit 2: Some thoughts/observations on lifespan/reliability of SBC storage: http://tech.scargill.net/a-question-of-lifespan/ (see also/especially the comments there)
Edit 3: CNX Software picked up recent performance reports (eg. by Andreas Spiess) and other important issues around SD cards: http://www.cnx-software.com/2017/06/13/micro-sd-cards-for-development-boards-classes-tools-benchmarks-reliability-and-tips-tricks/
Edit 4: See an early 2018 update testing real world A1 performance class products at the end of the thread.
Edit 5: See here and there for some rather boring but very important information about Armbian's tries to prevent SD cards wearing out too fast.
I tested 8 different SD/TF cards under identical conditions. I created an Armbian 5.07 image to be used on Banana Pi (A20 SoC with 4.4.6 kernel, ext4 rootfs (Armbian defaults == no journal), 960MHz scaling_max_cpufreq, scaling_governor == performance. All test runs were done using 'iozone -e -I -a -s 100M -r 4k -r 16k -r 512k -r 1024k -r 16384k -i 0 -i 1 -i 2' and monitored using 'sudo iostat 5' for anomalies (none detected).
Kernel version matters (since with Allwinner's 3.4 kernel sequential throughput is limited to ~16MB/s, with mainline kernel we get close to Banana Pi SDIO implementation's max: ~23MB/s) and filesystem settings matter too (enabled journal for example slows down 4K writes a lot). Sequential speeds: Random I/O: The 4 Samsung cards were bought within the last 3 weeks and manufactured between 09/2015 and 12/2015 according to the card's metadata. Interesting observation: I used three of these cards the first time and they all show identical behaviour especially regarding writes with small record sizes: pretty slow in the beginning and getting faster over time (the Samsung Pro for example started with only 1400KB/s 4K writes and 3 runs later the same test showed 3270KB/s -- maybe an indication that some sort of calibration happened. Anyway: I know why I always repeat tests and do not rely on a single test run) Sequential speed mostly irrelevant / random I/O differs and matters a lot! The SanDisk Extreme Pro has been bought nearly 3 years ago. This card shows superior sequential read/write performance compared to the three Samsung EVOs. But only when used in combination with a host that can make use of these speeds. My MacBook writes 4 times faster an OS image to the Extreme Pro compared to the EVOs. But this doesn't matter at all since the SDIO implementation of the board in question is limited to ~23MB/s (50MHz @ 4 bit). The same sequential write/read speed limitation applies to most SBCs since to be able to exceed this slow mode the voltage the SD/TF card is fed with would've to be adjusted (default 3.3V, the faster modes require a dynamic switch to 1.8V instead which some/most SoCs can perform but if the SBC vendor doesn't implement this you're limited to ~23MB/s). Therefore cards labeled as being capable of "up to 90MB/s" do not perform different than those that can only do "up to 20MB/s" as long as we're talking about sequential transfers since the SD card interface is already the bottleneck. But since we're using SD/TF cards not in cameras but as storage media for the rootfs of an SBC something different is more important: Random I/O. And here performance of cards that are labeled identical ('class 10' for example) differs a lot. All 4 Samsungs outperform the other cards easily in this area. The SanDisk Extreme Pro can not compete regarding random I/O compared to superiour (but mostly irrelevant) sequential transfer speeds. And funnily the 3 other cards show horribly slow random write performance, especially with 16k record size. According to card metadata the 2 Intenso are oemid 0x5048 / manfid: 0x000027 (cheap crap known to die way too early) and I would believe the SanDisk 'class 10' card is a fake or at least uses the same controller as the 2 Intenso since 16K random writes are also way slower than 4K writes. Detailed results (summary table also available as .ods, .xlsx or .txt): Samsung Pro 64GB (brand new) http://sprunge.us/DEYd Samsung EVO+ 64GB (brand new) http://sprunge.us/NLQd Samsung EVO+ 32GB (brand new) http://sprunge.us/heGL Samsung EVO 64GB (already used some time) http://sprunge.us/DUOS SanDisk Extreme Pro 8GB (already used some time) http://sprunge.us/ZPFZ SanDisk 'Class 10' 8GB (already used some time) http://sprunge.us/OHjT Intenso 'Class 10' 16GB (already used some time) http://sprunge.us/LUMZ Intenso 'Class 4' 4GB (already used some time) http://sprunge.us/GbAY Some updates from Igor (still showing superiour EVO results but the clear winner is ODROID's eMMC module with SD card adapter): Transcend Premium 300x 16GB (almost new) http://sprunge.us/UcSD
Sandisk Extreme Pro 8Gb (almost new) http://sprunge.us/aDJJ
Hardkernel eMMC 8G via SD reader (brand new) http://sprunge.us/SHXF
Sandisk Ultra 8Gb (old and very used) http://sprunge.us/OWZf
Sandisk 8GB (almost new) http://sprunge.us/iViT
Sandisk 8G (new) http://sprunge.us/XHjj
Transcend 8Gb (used) http://sprunge.us/NTRT
Samsung EVO 32Gb (brand new) http://sprunge.us/bTQh
Further readings: http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?page_id=1022 http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-microsd-card/ http://www.jeffgeerling.com/blogs/jeff-geerling/raspberry-pi-microsd-card http://www.bradfordembedded.com/2014/05/flashbenching/ Conclusions:
If the board's SD card interface is the bottleneck since it's not supporting the faster SDIO modes using expensive cards that exceed the interface's maximum sequential bandwidth is useless. An expensive Samsung Pro Plus won't be faster than a way more cheap EVO when it's about sequential transfer speeds since you will stay at ~22MB/s anyway Sequential read and especially write speeds are all the SD association's speed ratings are about (to ensure reliable recording of videos/images in cameras/recorders) When an SD card is used in an SBC sequential speeds aren't that important. It's all about random I/O, especially with small block sizes (reading and writing small random chunks of data from/to the card) No commonly used 'random I/O' speed ratings exist so you have to check the card in question prior to usage or rely on appropriate benchmarks (see the two links directly above). Again: the 'speed class' won't tell you anything. You can get two different 'class 10' cards that differ by 500% or even more regarding real world storage performance (again: random I/O matters). In the example above the Intenso 'class 10' card is 385 slower compared to the EVOs when it's about 16K random writes (good luck if you have a database running that uses this page size) Interestingly more expensive cards are outperformed by cheaper ones (the EVOs show a better overall performance compared to the Samsung Pro since sequential speeds are limited by the interface) One extreme example: Using an identical cloned installation that was somewhat outdated on the small 4GB Intenso card and on the 64GB EVO resulted in the following times for an 'apt-get upgrade' (+200 packages): EVO less than 6 minutes vs. 390 minutes (yes, ~6.5 hours) with the Intenso. The time to finish depends largely on fast random writes. It's easy to test the card in question when running Armbian since we ship with iozone. Therefore simply execute the iozone call from the first paragraph after logging in as a normal user. Starting with Armbian 5.06 a even better method exists that also tests the whole card for errors: armbianmonitor -c will report precisely both performance and health state of your card -
lomady reacted to tkaiser in SD card performance
2018 SD card update
It's 2018 now, SD Association's A1 'performance class' spec is out over a year now and in the meantime we can buy products trying to be compliant to this performance class. SD cards carrying the A1 logo must be able to perform at least 1500 random read input-output operations per second (IOPS) with 4KB block size, 500 random write IOPS and 10 MB/s sustained sequential performance (see here for more details and background info)
Why is this important? Since what we do on SBC at least for the rootfs is mostly random IO and not sequential IO as it's common in cameras or video recorders (that's the stuff SD cards have been invented to be used with in the beginning). As an SBC (or Android) user we're mostly interested in high random IO performance with smaller blocksizes since this is how 'real world' IO patterns mostly look like. Prior to A1 and A2 performance classes there was no way to know how SD cards perform in this area prior to buying. Fortunately this has changed now.
Last week arrived an ODROID N1 dev sample so I bought two SanDisk A1 cards with 32GB capacity each. An el cheapo 'Ultra A1' for 13€ (~$15) and an 'Extreme A1' for 23€. I wanted to buy a slightly more expensive 'Extreme Plus A1' (since even more performance and especially reliability/longevity) but ordered the wrong one Please keep in mind that the 'Extreme Plus' numbers shown below are made with an older card missing the A1 logo.
Let's look how these things perform, this time on a new platform: RK3399 with an SD card interface that supports higher speed modes (requires kernel support and switching between 3.3V to 1.8V at the hardware layer). So results aren't comparable with the numbers we generated the last two years in this and other threads but that's not important any more... see at the bottom.
A1 conformance requires at least 10 MB/s sequential performance and 500/1500 (write/read) IOPS with 4K blocksize. I tested also with 1K and 16K blocksizes for the simple reason to get an idea whether 4K results are useful to determine performance with smaller or larger blocksizes (since we already know that the vast majority of cheap SD cards out there shows a severe 16K random write performance drop which is the real reason so many people consider all SD cards being crap from a performance point of view).
I tested with 7 cards, 4 of them SanDisk, two Samsung and the 'Crappy card' being a results mixture of a 4GB Kingston I started to test with and old results from a 4GB Intenso from two years ago (see first post of this thread). The Kingston died when testing with 4K blocksize and the performance of all these crappy 'noname class' cards doesn't vary that much:
1K w/r 4K w/r 16K w/r Crappy card 4GB 32 1854 35 1595 2 603 Samsung EVO+ 128GB 141 1549 160 1471 579 1161 Ultra A1 32GB 456 3171 843 2791 548 1777 Extreme A1 32GB 833 3289 1507 3281 1126 2113 Samsung Pro 64GB 1091 4786 1124 3898 478 2296 Extreme Plus 16GB 566 2998 731 2738 557 2037 Extreme Pro 8GB 304 2779 323 2754 221 1821 (All results in IOPS --> IO operations per second) For A1 compliance we only need to look at the middle column and have to expect at least 500/1500 IOPS minimum here. The 'Crappy card' fails as expected, the Samsung EVO+ too (but we already knew that for whatever reasons newer EVO+ or those with larger capacity perform worse than the 32GB and 64GB variants we tested two years ago), the Samsung Pro shows the best performance here while one of the 4 SanDisk also fails. But my Extreme Pro 8GB is now 3 years old, the other one I had showed signs of data corruption few months ago and when testing 2 years ago (see 1st post in this thread) random write performance was at 800. So most probably this card is about to die soon and the numbers above are partially irrelevant..
What about sequential performance? Well, 'Crappy card' also not able to meet specs and all the better cards being 'bottlenecked' by ODROID N1 (some of these cards show 80 MB/s in my MacBook's card reader but Hardkernel chose to use some safety headroom for good reasons and limits the maximum speed for improved reliability)
MB/s write MB/s read Crappy card 4GB 9 15 Samsung EVO+ 128GB 21 65 Ultra A1 32GB 20 66 Extreme A1 32GB 59 68 Samsung Pro 64GB 61 66 Extreme Plus 16GB 63 67 Extreme Pro 8GB 50 67 Well, sequential transfer speeds are close to irrelevant with single board computers or Android but it's good to know that boards that allow for higher SD card speed modes (e.g. almost all ODROIDs and the Tinkerboard) also show an improvement in random IO performance if the card is a good one. The ODROID N1 was limited to DDR50 (slowest SD card mode) until today when Hardkernel unlocked UHS capabilities so that my cards (except of 'Crappy card') could all use SDR104 mode. With DDR50 mode sequential performance is limited to 22.5/23.5MB/s (write/read) but more interestingly random IO performance also differs. See IOPS results with the two SanDisk A1 cards, one time limited to DDR50 and then with SDR104:
1K w/r 4K w/r 16K w/r Ultra A1 DDR50 449 2966 678 2191 445 985 Ultra A1 SDR104 456 3171 843 2791 548 1777 1K w/r 4K w/r 16K w/r Extreme A1 DDR50 740 3049 1039 2408 747 1068 Extreme A1 SDR104 833 3289 1507 3281 1126 2113 We can clearly see that the larger the blocksize the more the interface speed influences also random IO performance (look especially at 16K random reads that double with SDR104)
Some conclusions:
When comparing results above the somewhat older Samsung Pro performs pretty similar to the Extreme A1. But great random IO performance is only guaranteed with cards carrying the A1 logo (or A2 soon) so it might happen to you that buying another Samsung Pro today results in way lower random IO performance (see Hardkernel's results with a Samsung Pro Plus showing 224/3023 4k IOPS which is way below the 1124/3898 my old Pro achieves with especially write performance 5 times worse and below A1 criteria) We still need to focus on the correct performance metrics. Sequential performance is more or less irrelevant ('Class 10', 'UHS' and so on), all that matters is random IO (A1 and A2 soon). Please keep in mind that you can buy a nice looking UHS card from 'reputable' brands like Kingston, Verbatim, PNY and the like that might achieve theoretical 80MB/s or even 100MB/s sequential performance (you're not able to benefit from anyway since your board's SD card interface will be the bottleneck) but simply sucks with random IO performance. We're talking about up to 500 times worse performance when trusting in 'renowned' brands and ignoring performance reality (see 16k random writes comparing 'Crappy card' and 'Extreme A1') Only a few vendors on this planet run NAND flash memory fabs, only a few companies produce flash memory controllers and have the necessary know-how in house. And only a few combine their own NAND flash with their own controllers to their own retail products. That's the simple reason why at least I only buy SD cards from these 4 brands: Samsung, SanDisk, Toshiba, Transcend The A1 performance speed class is a great and necessary improvement since now we can rely on getting covenant random IO performance. This also helps in fighting counterfeit flash memory products since even if fraudsters in the meantime produce fake SD cards that look real and show same capacity usually these fakes suck at random IO performance. So after testing new cards with either F3 or H2testw it's now another iozone or CrystalDiskMark test to check for overall performance including random IO (!) and if performance sucks you simply return the cards asking for a refund. TL;DR: If you buy new SD cards choose those carrying an A1 or A2 logo. Buy only good brands (their names start with either S or T). Don't trust in getting genuine products but always expect counterfeit stuff. That's why you should only buy at sellers with a 'no questions asked' return/refund policy and why you have to immediately check your cards directly after purchase. If you also care about reliability/resilience buy more expensive cards (e.g. the twice as expensive Extreme Plus A1 instead of Ultra A1) and choose larger capacities than needed.
Finally: All detailed SD card test results can be found here: https://pastebin.com/2wxPWcWr As a comparison performance numbers made with same ODROID N1, same settings but vendor's orange eMMC modules based on Samsung eMMC and varying only in size: https://pastebin.com/ePUCXyg6
lomady reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel
Sigh... My guess (entirely guessing, I have not looked yet), is that we or Mainline fixed the Rev 3, which broke the Rev 2. I am not entirely pleased at the significant hardware changes made by Pine in this case, it is causing problems...
lomady got a reaction from suberimakuri in RK3328 Kernel
Sharing a bit of feedback:
I tried nightly buster minimal build with 5.3 kernel for Rock64 rev2.0 and it does not reach the state when it is accessible over the network. Both LEDs on the ethernet connector are off. I did not connected the HDMI display and moved on to other things.
Hope this helps.
lomady reacted to AristoChen in Clock jumps back and resulting unresponsiveness
I have encountered this issue for many times on OrangePi PC, this issue happened by using following version
Armbian version: 5.41, Kernel version: 4.14.32 Armbian version: 5.77, Kernel version: 4.19.25 Armbian version: 5.90, Kernel version: 4.19.57 I have more than 10 Orangepi PC running busy tasks at the same time, and this issue happened more than 15 times in the past year, still have no idea how to deal with this, it is still able to send data to my server somehow, which means that the internet connection is available, but i'm not able to ssh.
I have tried the following methods:
Wrote a udev file to copy all system log when usb pendrive is detected, this works fine when device runs normally, but not working when encounter this issue. Using watchdog, works fine if using fork bomb to test, but not able to recover from this issue Tried connect to a keyboard and hdmi monitor, this works fine when device runs normally, but not working when encounter this issue. Using TTL serial to usb adapter, I'm able to control device when it runs normally, but not working when encounter this issue.
I found that dmesg record some error message as below when I encountered this again yesterday
Currently, I might try to continuously detect whether this error message occurred in dmesg, if yes, I will try using this command "sudo systemctl --force --force reboot"(it seems that /sbin/reboot does not work at the moment)
lomady reacted to mrstone78 in pine64: massive date/time clock problem
I followed all the threads and checked all the config settings, I have this and all the others you usually ask enabled.
and for the record, it happened again this morning.
lomady reacted to drice in Clock jumps back and resulting unresponsiveness
This looks similar to the issue in this post:
CPU stall followed by clock getting set to an incorrect time. I think the clock issue is a symptom rather than a cause. I didn't see anything obvious in the call stack of this issue or the referenced issue but I'm not very good at reading those. Maybe someone who knows more can compare these posts and see if a root cause is obvious.
lomady reacted to windysea in A64 date/time clock issue
An ntp stratum is not related to accuracy nor precision - it is simply an indication of how many "hops" a given NTP server is from a reference clock. A stratum-0 is a reference clock (IE: atomic clock, GPS receiver, etc). A stratum-1 is the NTP server directly using that reference clock for time synchronization. An SBC with a serial GPS indeed can be a stratum-1 (the GPS would be stratum-0), and there are many public postings on doing this. In fact the NTPsec team is doing "research" on this topic and has published documentation regarding this.
The nature of the reference implementation of NTPd is specifically to maintain accurate time regardless of any hardware timers. Today's "50-cent" parts are still more stable than those orders-of-magnitude more expensive decades-ago when NTPd was first developed.
Google's NTP project may use their own "atomic clocks", but their public NTP servers tend to be on the poor end with respect to jitter. They're intended to be "close-enough", stable, and highly-available. They are not intended to be highly accurate. Their public NTP servers, for instance, implement leap-smearing rather than advertise a leap-second (when appropriate). For this reason Google strongly recommends not mixing their public NTP servers in a configuration with other NTP sources (bad things can happen, and in fact have happened in the past). Google's NTP servers also are behind anycast load-balancers. While this improves availability and end-device configuration simplicity it actually degrades performance.
In my own testing google's ntp servers typically have higher jitter than most of the larger NTP pool project pools, the latter of which are already commonly used as defaults in many OS distributions.
Configuring and building a non-tickless kernel is required in order to enable kernel-pps (aka "hard pps"), which typically has far less jitter than "soft pps". However, doing so even with the latest 5.1.y (DEV) kernels results in an unstable platform where the issue noted in this thread will manifest fairly frequently. It may just be that A64-based SBCs are not suitable to host NTP reference clocks and stratum-1 NTP servers but earlier kernels did not seem to have this issue so it may just be that a previous mitigation got lost along the way.
lomady reacted to Igor in Summer update. Bust.er4all boards
v5.90 / 7.7.2019
All images were updated. It mainly goes for a bugfix update, cleanup, adding Debian Buster release. Beware that software maturity with Buster is not just there yet (even it was declared stable) and with some applications (like OMV) you will encounter problems. Kernel/BSP wise, Debian Buster is the same, uses Armbian kernel, as our other builds. Most of the builds were briefly tested, but bugs might be hiding somewhere. This is the best what is out there thanks to greater Debian community, those around boards and of course ours which pushes generic Debian/Linux to the sky . Enjoy the summer time.
What's new? -> https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/
lomady reacted to ImmortanJoe in h6 computer fast enough to be a notebook?
As always the question is what you want to do with it
I'm typing this on a Pinebook which is fast enough for what I use it for. My Orange Pi Zero is fast enough for file and network services that I use it for. My RPi Zero is fast enough for running RISC OS. It's all down to your use case.
lomady reacted to Tido in Orangepi 3 h6 allwiner chip
Not armbian, of LINUX.
The implementation of the PCI Express controller of H6 is broken, you find more information here and here.
(the above text is from Pine64 H6 https://www.armbian.com/pine-h64/ )
Well, at least it is powered via barrel jack == one problem less
lomady reacted to turkerali in SOLVED: How to add an external RTC module to ROCK64 board
ROCK64 is a RK3328 Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 board with up to 4 GB of RAM. Unfortunately it has a non-functional RTC (/dev/rtc0), which is not battery backed. If your board is not connected to internet 7/24, you can not use the NTP or systemd-timesyncd. Therefore you need to connect a battery-backed external RTC module to the ROCK64 header, and get the time via the i2c protocol. The good news is, the GPIO headers on ROCK64 is compatible with Raspberry Pi headers. Therefore almost any Raspberry Pi RTC module will work on ROCK64. But you need to do some tweaking to communicate with the RTC module. I will explain the required steps which worked for me.
1. Buy an external RTC module for Raspberry Pi, preferably with DS1307 chip. Here is an example:
2. Install i2c-tools package:
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
3. Connect the RTC module to the board as in the attached picture.
4. Right now, you can not probe the RTC module, because most of the GPIO headers on ROCK64 board is disabled by default. (See https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-build/blob/master/recipes/additional-devices.md for details.)
Therefore if you try to probe i2c-0, you will get the error below:
root@rock64:~# sudo i2cdetect -y 0 Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-0' or `/dev/i2c/0': No such file or directory Ayufan wrote a nice script named "enable_dtoverlay" to enable the GPIO headers on-the-fly. Here is the link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-package/master/root/usr/local/sbin/enable_dtoverlay
Download this script and copy it under /bin and make it executable. We will enable "i2c-0" with this script, which we need for the RTC module. The command to enable i2c-0 is as follows:
/bin/enable_dtoverlay i2c0 i2c@ff150000 okay After you run this command, /dev/i2c-0 becomes available, and we can probe it via the command below:
root@rock64:~# sudo i2cdetect -y 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you see the number 68, you are on the right track.
5. Now we need the kernel driver for DS1307. Unfortunately DS1307 driver is not available with armbian kernel (see below).
root@rock64:~# cat /boot/config-4.4.162-rockchip64 | grep DS1307 # CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307 is not set So we need to recompile the Armbian kernel with this option enabled. I will not cover the steps to compile the kernel, you can find it here: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
Let's hope @Igor or any other Armbian developer will enable this module by default, and save us from this burden.
After we compile the kernel with DS1307 driver, we are almost done. We need to tell the kernel that a DS1307 chip is using the i2c-0. Here is the way to do that:
echo ds1307 0x68 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/new_device After we execute this command, /dev/rtc1 becomes available, and points to our external RTC module. Please note that /dev/rtc0 is the onboard RTC, which does not work, and should be avoided.
We need to update the date/time information from the system for the first time. Here is the command to do that:
hwclock --rtc /dev/rtc1 --systohc Now our external RTC clock is set, and ready to take over NTP.
6. Edit /lib/udev/hwclock-set. Find the lines below, and update as shown:
if [ -e /run/systemd/system ] ; then # exit 0 /bin/enable_dtoverlay i2c0 i2c@ff150000 okay echo ds1307 0x68 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/new_device fi
7. Edit /etc/rc.local, add the following lines to set the system clock for every boot:
/lib/udev/hwclock-set /dev/rtc1
8. Disable the below services, as we don't need them anymore:
systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd.service systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd.service systemctl stop fake-hwclock.service systemctl disable fake-hwclock.service
9. Reboot and enjoy your RTC module.
lomady reacted to maxbl4 in H5 Orange Pi Prime WiFi Ap regression
Here is the output from main console.
I got this with the latest Ubuntu based build.
The errors appear once I try to connect to AP
lomady reacted to maxbl4 in H5 Orange Pi Prime WiFi Ap regression
Downloaded 5.59 stretch image from archive. Clean install, no updates. AP works fine, no problems, no errors on console.
lomady reacted to Lope in Change default Kernel options: TC (traffic control (shaping)) options available as modules/enabled
These boards are well suited to routing/network traffic control functionality.
Currently the kernel has been compiled with Traffic Control stuff disabled, which makes it impossible to perform traffic shaping on stock Armbian kernel.
I'm busy recompiling the kernel as a temporary solution, but I will really appreciate it if the kernel build maintainer can please change the traffic control options from DISABLED to MODULE (at least)?
I have a bunch of Armbian boards but I'm testing with NanoPi Neo 2 right now.
I'll let you know the size of the modules once I've finished compiling.
lomady reacted to Werner in Change default Kernel options: TC (traffic control (shaping)) options available as modules/enabled
You can send a PR with your changes to the kernel config here: https://github.com/armbian/build
lomady reacted to tkaiser in Orange Pi Zero NAS Expansion Board with SATA & mSATA
Little update on the NAS Expansion board: the first time I had this thing in my hands and gave it a try with mainline kernel I was surprised why the JMS578 chips on the board did not allow to use UAS. It looked always like this (lsusb -t):
/: Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=usb-storage, 480M With no other JMS578 device around I experienced this and since I'm currently testing with Orange Pi Zero Plus (still no UAS) and In the meantime JMicron provided us with a firmware update tool.... I thought I take the slightly higher JMS578 firmware revision from ROCK64 SATA cable ( and update the NAS Expansion board ( with:
root@orangepizeroplus:~/JMS578FwUpdater# ./JMS578FwUpdate -d /dev/sda -v Bridge Firmware Version: v0.4.0.4 root@orangepizeroplus:~/JMS578FwUpdater# ./JMS578FwUpdate -d /dev/sdb -v Bridge Firmware Version: v0.4.0.5 root@orangepizeroplus:~/JMS578FwUpdater# ./JMS578FwUpdate -d /dev/sdb -b ./JMSv0.4.0.5.bin Backup Firmware file name: ./JMSv0.4.0.5.bin Backup the ROM code sucessfully. Open File Error!! root@orangepizeroplus:~/JMS578FwUpdater# ./JMS578FwUpdate -d /dev/sda -f ./JMSv0.4.0.5.bin -b ./JMSv0.4.0.4.bin Update Firmware file name: ./JMSv0.4.0.5.bin Backup Firmware file name: ./JMSv0.4.0.4.bin Backup the ROM code sucessfully. Programming & Compare Success!! Success!
/: Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=uas, 480M Please keep in mind that you need to update both JMS578 of course. I won't upload the newer firmware yet since thanks to Pine's TL Lim I'm in direct contact to JMicron now and it's about fixing another JMS578 firmware issue.
lomady reacted to Igor in Next LTS kernel 4.19.y Allwinner A10, A20, A64, H2+, H3, H5, H6 debugging party
ATF for building H6 boards is broken and building stops. Somebody needs to fix.
lomady reacted to Igor in Next LTS kernel 4.19.y Allwinner A10, A20, A64, H2+, H3, H5, H6 debugging party
Mine hanged with current stock settings already at first boot ... then I tried orangepipc2 DT and ... it looks fine. I notice DT is missing regulator bits and after adding them ... at least that problem is gone. I did several reboots and cold starts. At one cold start it hanged ... Not sure if everything is fine yet.
Possible related issue is wrong temperature. It's possible that protection kicks in? When idle it already shows 50° (33 shows my IR meter) and last time when I did stressing it reached critical temp of 92° which triggered controlled power off. This should not happen this soon.
lomady got a reaction from Igor in Next LTS kernel 4.19.y Allwinner A10, A20, A64, H2+, H3, H5, H6 debugging party
I just wanted to make a clean shutdown before pulling the power plug.
The problem is that the Prime does not boot after I plug the power back in. As I said it freezes at various stages as seen in the boot log on the monitor connected via HDMI. I even saw a message "Unable to handle kernel paging request at address xxxxx" once.
lomady reacted to Alastair in Bionic missing for Orange Pi Prime
Hi folks,
A few months back, I set up an Orange Pi Prime on Armbian Bionic (Armbian_5.52.180715_Orangepiprime_Ubuntu_bionic_dev_4.18.0-rc4.7z). I'm now putting together a home automation workshop around this configuration, but it looks like it's now missing from the website (https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-prime/) and download site (https://dl.armbian.com/orangepiprime/).
Is Bionic no longer supported for this board, or was this an oversight?
Is there something I can do to help?
lomady got a reaction from Tido in Kickstarter: Allwinner VPU support in the official Linux kernel
Here is a great talk about this