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Borromini reacted to ebin-dev in Kobol Helios64 on Sale
Some Helios64 had issues with CPU freezes or other instabilities. If you buy one you should make sure that you can give it back if it is one of those.
Borromini reacted to gprovost in Feature / Changes requests for future Helios64 board or enclosure revisions
Hahahah best one I have read so far about the LED brightness. Yeah be sure it something we will solve in next batch.
Borromini reacted to gprovost in Feature / Changes requests for future Helios64 board or enclosure revisions
RK3399 has a single PCIe 2.1 x 4 lanes port, you can't split the lanes for multi interfaces unless you use a PCIe switch which is an additional component that would increase a lot the board cost.
That's clearly the intention, we don't want either to restart form scratch the software and documentation :P
Yes this will be fixed, it was a silly design mistake. We will also make the back panel bracket holder with rounder edges to avoid user to scratch their hands :/
We will post soon how to manage fan speed based on HDD temperature (using hddtemp tool), that would make more sense than current approach.
You can already find an old example : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/499409/adjust-fan-speed-via-fancontrol-according-to-hard-disk-temperature-hddtemp
Borromini reacted to SIGSEGV in Doubt question about 18Tb Hard Drive
Most SATA drives should work out of the box - it's possible that at the time when the specs were written the Kobol team only had access to drives up to 16TB in size.
18TB drives should be no problem for modern filesystems (EXT4,XFS, ZFS, etc.) - The only real issue you might have would be the power drawn from the power supply at startup.
Give it a try - connect the drive into the NAS and it should be listed as a device with the command 'lsblk'.
Borromini reacted to TonyMac32 in ZFS on Helios64
I did this differently, I simply used zfs-dkms and then set up my pool. no containers or anything needed.
Borromini reacted to gprovost in Helios64 Support
@TDCroPower Here the small hardware tweak ;-)
WARNING Please understand we are not responsible for any damage you might do to the board !
Borromini reacted to TDCroPower in Helios64 Support
Soldering? No problem here !
I can help users from Germany to fix their helios board once the solution is released.
Borromini reacted to gprovost in Helios64 Support
Hi All, we finally figured out the issue with the latest build (20.08.13) and actually it wasn't related to the Kernel. There was a silly mistake in Armbian hardware optimization script that ended up skipping applying all the required performance and stability tweak for Helios64. This has been fixed. Now we need to wait new image and dpkg are generated and propagated on the repos.
Actually the instructions we gave on our latest blog post, were a bit pointless since it wasn't bound to kernel version We will post something on our blog as soon as new Armbian version is ready.
@djurny Thank for the Snapraid feedback and suggested tweak on SATA speed to avoid I/O errors. We will to look that closely to confirm it's not rather an issue with your harness cable. SATA 1 port is the one with the longest cable could be look closely here.
@fromport Yeah I think at the end it wasn't really a DVFS issue but just missing hw optimization tweak as stated above. For now stick to performance governor and once new armbian dpkg for Helios64 are ready and you upgraded then you can try to revert to on-demand governor (default settings) and let us now how it works.
@eClapton Noted on the instructions / clarification required. We are improving our Wiki every week.
Hot swap procedure is a good point ;-) Didn't have this one on our TODO list.
We also welcome any contribution to your wiki : https://github.com/kobol-io/wiki
@Dmitry Antipov Thanks for the pointer we will look at it. Doesn't seem anyone try to port rockchip RNG engine to mainline. I guess we could add it via patch to Armbiam @piter75
In a kind of similar topic people asked us how crypto engine works on RK3399, it's something we will address soon.
@Jaques-Ludwig Yeah as pointed by @Werner you can refer to official install doc
You can also look for some pointer to an old guide we did for our previous product, it's the same steps, just that the components version are older : https://wiki.kobol.io/helios4/nextcloud/
But anyhow would be great that the install via armbian-config works properky. Let's put that on the TODO list.
@dancgn You should create a dedicated Armbian thread on Mayan install via armband-config since it's not really related to hardware. Would be easier to troubleshot other it's going to get lost here.
You can also rise an issue on here with detailed logs. Armbian-config tool is in big need of contributors, so don't expect it will be fix so soon, maybe you can try to figure it out yourself and fix it in armbian-config ;-)
Borromini reacted to gprovost in Helios64 Support
@barnumbirr Not really sure what happened to your setup and it's going to be hard to help will all those sequence of event you posted.
I would suggest you just do a fresh install. You can find previous build here : https://archive.armbian.com/helios64/archive/
Borromini reacted to flower in Helios64 Support
80mm 2200rpm pwm
No i dont have a dust filter.
This one https://www.heise.de/preisvergleich/noctua-nf-a8-pwm-a1165563.html
Borromini reacted to barnumbirr in Helios64 Support
Just the standard Noctua NF-A8 PWM (Chromax.Black.swap because I'm a weeb :D). No dust filter for me yet: I think it might impede airflow too much but I'll see over time.