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    robertoj got a reaction from ag123 in OrangePi Zero LTS ili9341 TFT LCD (and later OrangePi Zero 3)   
    I am experimenting with a cheap ILI9341 screen and mi OrangePi Zero LTS
    I found these recent instructions to be able to display graphics here:
    with a reference to a previous experience (without mentioning success)
    and independently, I found these instructions and experiences here:
    https://forum.armbian.com/topic/27457-connecting-banana-pi-m2-zero-with-ili9341-display-over-spi-on-latest-armbian-image/ <-just found it and it has some success with BananaPi M2 Zero
    I connected with wires as shown in instructions: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/28674-text-version-of-orange-pi-zero-pinout/
    And the LCD's LED input pin to 3.3V
    I activated the spi-add-cs1 overlay in arbian-config
    I copied the dts for opiZ into ~/ili9341/ili9341-touch-double-spi-cs.dts
    Then, I executed:
    cd ili9341 armbian-add-overlay ili9341-touch-double-spi-cs.dts  
    Then, I rebooted, and my LCD just looks gray.
    My armbianEnv looks like this:
    verbosity=1 bootlogo=false console=both disp_mode=1920x1080p60 overlay_prefix=sun8i-h3 overlays=spi-add-cs1 tve usbhost2 usbhost3 rootdev=UUID=7d9a7016-73db-4f9c-a5bd-e3e5ab53ffc4 rootfstype=ext4 user_overlays=ili9341-touch-double-spi-cs usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u  
    my armbianmonitor -u: https://paste.armbian.com/arogurekiv
    I am still not done checking against the experiences with Bpi M2-0, but I ask here: anyone has experience with ILI9341+XPT2046, in either OrangePi Zero or Zero 3?
    Should I downgrade to Linux 6.1.53?
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    robertoj got a reaction from ag123 in OrangePi Zero LTS ili9341 TFT LCD (and later OrangePi Zero 3)   
    Just to keep track of my progress:
    OrangePi Zero can drive a ILI9341, with this ili9341-spi1.dts, with the fb_ili9341.ko driver (not the drm driver). Works on Linux 6.1.104 and Linux 6.6.44
    Pin connections inside the DTS code:
    and this armbianEnv.txt
  3. Like
    robertoj got a reaction from Werner in Orangepizero does not restart any more   
    Not the SSH password. The SSH KEY, which is a piece of information that the client uses to verify that the server is really the server you expect, not a new impostor.
    The SSH password lets the server know that YOU are who you say you are.
    For docker, don't try to put the whole OS in an external USB SSD. The OS in microSD card is the most reliable way to do it. Then, you can use an external USB SSD for all your Docker images and containers.
    How was it ever working with Docker? Orange Pi Zero has 256 or 512MB RAM.
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    robertoj got a reaction from FRANK333 in Orangepizero does not restart any more   
    Try it with a new image, new SD, with new Linux kernel version too.
    I have an orangepizero and it works better with Linux 6.x
  5. Like
    robertoj got a reaction from Fisherworks in Orange Pi Zero 3 GPIO   
    Ok. I got one output pin to work. 😀
    This is how to do it in OrangePi Zero 3, pin 8 PH2:

    In Bash as root:
    # addgroup --system gpio
    # chown root:gpio /dev/gpiochip0
    # chmod 660 /dev/gpiochip0
    # nano /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gpio-tools.rules
    {add line SUBSYSTEM=="gpio",KERNEL=="gpiochip*", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660"}
    # usermod -a -G gpio myusername
    # apt install python3-dev
    # reboot
    In a new folder for your Python script, as normal user:
    $ python3 -m venv .venv
    $ source .venv/bin/activate
    $ pip install gpiod
    Create script (example in https://pypi.org/project/gpiod/ with one fix):
    $ nano blink_pin.py
    import time import gpiod #needed in example from gpiod.line import Direction, Value #Calculating PH2 "line" number #H=8 #2=2 #line=(8-1)x32+2=226 #also shown in https://github.com/rm-hull/OPi.GPIO/issues/79 LINE = 226 with gpiod.request_lines( "/dev/gpiochip0", consumer="blink-example", config={ LINE: gpiod.LineSettings( direction=Direction.OUTPUT, output_value=Value.ACTIVE ) }, ) as request: while True: request.set_value(LINE, Value.ACTIVE) time.sleep(1) request.set_value(LINE, Value.INACTIVE) time.sleep(1)  
    Run script:
    $ python3 blink_pin.py
    When done working with your project:
    $ deactivate
    Pin 8 PH2 turns ON and OFF 😄
    I haven't tested the other pins yet
  6. Like
    robertoj got a reaction from ag123 in Orange Pi Zero 3 GPIO   
    I returned to checking on my opiz3, and saw that there's a kernel update available... with related updated dtb's
    I will hold off from updating, and test it first in my non-production opiz3
  7. Like
    robertoj got a reaction from ag123 in Orange Pi Zero 3 GPIO   
    Ok. I got one output pin to work. 😀
    This is how to do it in OrangePi Zero 3, pin 8 PH2:

    In Bash as root:
    # addgroup --system gpio
    # chown root:gpio /dev/gpiochip0
    # chmod 660 /dev/gpiochip0
    # nano /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gpio-tools.rules
    {add line SUBSYSTEM=="gpio",KERNEL=="gpiochip*", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660"}
    # usermod -a -G gpio myusername
    # apt install python3-dev
    # reboot
    In a new folder for your Python script, as normal user:
    $ python3 -m venv .venv
    $ source .venv/bin/activate
    $ pip install gpiod
    Create script (example in https://pypi.org/project/gpiod/ with one fix):
    $ nano blink_pin.py
    import time import gpiod #needed in example from gpiod.line import Direction, Value #Calculating PH2 "line" number #H=8 #2=2 #line=(8-1)x32+2=226 #also shown in https://github.com/rm-hull/OPi.GPIO/issues/79 LINE = 226 with gpiod.request_lines( "/dev/gpiochip0", consumer="blink-example", config={ LINE: gpiod.LineSettings( direction=Direction.OUTPUT, output_value=Value.ACTIVE ) }, ) as request: while True: request.set_value(LINE, Value.ACTIVE) time.sleep(1) request.set_value(LINE, Value.INACTIVE) time.sleep(1)  
    Run script:
    $ python3 blink_pin.py
    When done working with your project:
    $ deactivate
    Pin 8 PH2 turns ON and OFF 😄
    I haven't tested the other pins yet
  8. Like
    robertoj reacted to mc510 in Bookworm 6.1.30 - wi-fi don't work.   
    Yeah, just noticed this myself.
    I was pleased that Armbian 23.05 started up just fine on my Orange Pi Zero (H3 LTS), seeing as other discussions had said that Allwinner 32bit was not working.
    Wireless is definitely not working OOTB, however. I updated firmware in armbian-config, but the Networking options don't show a wifi option. Neither ifconfig nor nmtui-connect list a wireless interface. No messages from xradio in dmesg.
    I think maybe I saw a mention in an old forum post that the xradio driver doesn't work with kernel 6.x, so maybe that's it? Or maybe it's just not set up quite right? Or maybe there's something that users need to do in order to get it working?
    In spite of the terrible reputation of the xradio driver, it was working adequately for me in Armbian bullseye. Very much hope that I can get it working in latest Armbian!
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    robertoj got a reaction from gounthar in Understanding Hardware-Accelerated Video Decoding   
    Yesterday, I was able to build the unpatched source of ffmpeg (the snapshot available in this date), and it ran fine, with CPU H264 decoding.
    Then, I downloaded this libreelec patch.
    cd ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg
    patch -p1 < ffmpeg-001-v4l2-request.patch
    There was only 1 hunk error.
    patching file libavcodec/h264_slice.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 808.
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 861 (offset 7 lines).
    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file libavcodec/h264_slice.c.rej
    I am working on fixing this patch correctly.
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