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  1. Hi all. In this video I show how to use armbian-gamingX86. A script to install Steam, PPSSPP, Retropie and Xonotic on Armbian Jammy/Noble X86. Here link to armbian-gamingX86 : https://github.com/NicoD-SBC/armbian-gamingX86 Here my video about it. Cheers, NicoD
  2. Did you format the NVMe and create a partition? Simular behaviour happens when you don't create a partition.
  3. @jrd6gBuilding your own images is easy to do. You need an x86 or arm64 device with Ubuntu 22.04/Armbian Jammy. Follow these 4 steps. apt-get -y -qq install git git clone --depth=1 --branch=main https://github.com/armbian/build cd build ./compile.sh https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
  4. Where did you get this image? To my knowledge there's no pi username on Armbian images. The first time you boot you should be asked to create a username + password. If that doesn't happen you need to login with 'root' pw '1234' I do know a lot of images from makers that have username 'pi' and pw 'pi'. And why the file attached? Looks fishy...
  5. I was using xfce4 back then. You don't need wayland for panfrost to work. These days I use ubuntu-desktop (gnome) with wayland and it works just as well. There are issue's with kde desktop and wine not working. Only for ps2 emulation I still use an x11 desktop since it performs a little better.
  6. There might be a package for Debian Bookworm server images. sudo apt install armbian-bookworm-desktop-gnome Or just install the default gnome desktop for any others like Noble or Jammy sudo apt install gnome-desktop I use the Ubuntu desktop on Ubuntu images sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop I think the only difference between default gnome and armbian gnome is the background image. So easy to adjust manually if you want.
  7. Hi. I'm not sure if anyone has this 5B+. Might be there's a dtb file for it. You need to adjust /boot/armbianEnv.txt To point to a dtb that's for your device. I just don't know/think there's one yet for that. They make way too many versions of the same what makes supporting it all a hell.
  8. @DontMindMeYou can use the old 5.10 kernel. That works without a problem. If you want to build your own replace branch vendor with legacy. Example : ./compile.sh build BOARD=rock-5-itx BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=jammy
  9. Retropie is an option. It should run fine. You can use armbian-gaming to install it and also some other emulators. https://github.com/NicoD-SBC/armbian-gaming This SoC should run ps1, some N64, snes, nes, gb, gba, ... I don't think ppsspp would work on it. I'm not aware of the GPU drivers for this SoC. So not sure about things that need gpu. Most retropie emulators don't use gpu. For doom on dosbox you don't need gpu drivers either.
  10. If it runs armbian for sure it's possible. Just install dosbox. Mount the folder to c mount c /folder/path/to/doom play the game. You can run it native too, there are tons of possibilities. I think freedoom is one. https://freedoom.github.io/ Chocolatedoom has deb packages for arm64 https://debian.pkgs.org/11/debian-main-arm64/chocolate-doom_3.0.1-1_arm64.deb.html GZdoom https://zdoom.org/downloads And tons more. Only question is, does it run Armbian?
  11. Hi all. I made a video about KDE Neon on the Raspberry Pi 5. I love it, I'll be switching from ubuntu-desktop to this. Greetings, NicoD
  12. Bionic, Focal, jammy Noble are all Ubuntu. Buster, Bullseye, bookworm, sid are all Debian versions. You use what you prefer or what fits your tasks best. I use Armbian Jammy on my Rock5B since I use it as main desktop and that's the image that works best for that. On my travel NanoPi R6S I use Armbian Noble because it has a better KDEnlive version to edit and render video's on my cycling trips. On my NAS ZimaBoard I use Noble because it fixes an issue with mounted drives, but could just as well use a debian version. For your tasks I would probably use Armbian Bookworm and install the apps. You probably could use CasaOS on Jammy for these tasks. It is a webinterface that allows you to install and setup docker apps. To install casaOS on Jammy : wget -qO- https://get.casaos.io | sudo bash So both downloadable images are community releases and not official armbian supported images. There is bookworm Debian 12 minimal which has only the essential things to boot a system and set it up. The other is Jammy Ubuntu 22.04 with the Gnome desktop. I would advice to build your own images with the distro version you want.
  13. For others. You need GPU drivers for many recent emulators. So either wait for mainline support with panthor or use Armbian Jammy with AmazingFate his GPU and multimedia ppa's for RK3588. You can install tons of emulators with armbian-gaming. PPSSPP, Retropie, aethersx2, android emulation, box86/64 with wine for windows games... https://github.com/NicoD-SBC/armbian-gaming It is written for Jammy and should also work on Debian Sid. But with other distro versions not everything might work and I can't give support for it. Now waiting on Ubuntu 24.04 to see if the GPU problems will be fixed with official releas. Else I'll focus on Debian releases instead.
  14. I've not tried on those but I'm sure Armbian runs on it. I run Armbian on lower spec Intel SoC's and it runs well. Armbian is perfect for headless work. Everything is configured for it. For me the advantage is to have the same OS on all my devices. If anyone wants 32-bit OS then go for Debian. They still support 32-bit.
  15. That is a mainline (edge) image. Support for that isn't there yet. Use Vendor kernel if you want support. Mainline is a work in progress.
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