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Everything posted by NicoD

  1. I did say the OPi's in plural. Also because I read a lot more on the forum about the OPi's than about the PineH64. But that could be a good thing too. It used to be behind, good to know it made it up. I don't use the H6 much. It had a lot of potential, but hasn't impressed me much yet. My love goes more to the OPi+. It's old but does such a good job for me.
  2. I personally like the PineH64 more. The same SoC, but with 3GB(4GB on-board, 1GB unusable), lower temperatures. But it gets a little less love from developers than the OPi's. For most things it is the same, but I can't garantee all hardware features will work well. Panfrost on H6 doesn't perform well. For that the RK3399's are a lot more powerful. So OPi4.
  3. I have no clue about that. I'd say use one that has USB. Connect and program via ardiuno IDE. You can always monitor what is happening with it thru the USB connection.
  4. Winter is coming, got my old spaceheaters running too Old pc's are only to be used for fun, not for productivity. I would think the RockPiX should be able to do that since it's x86. AtomicPi is even cheaper. But not from EU. I've never used anything like that. I use plain Armbian Bionic legacy on rk3399 to watch all media, and my OPi+ fileserver also Bionic desktop with all my back-up/network storage. Maybe I should look into plex and see what the fuss is all about.
  5. The writers of the malware would need to target Linux OS and filesystem. Always possible, but very unlikely. With computers nothing is secure except when you read/write all the code yourself. And even then it'll be full of errors About every Windows computer online is unsafe since Windows is closed sourced. You don't know what is happening behind the scenes. You can't know what a program does after you install it. With Linux there are a lot of people checking the code to see if nobody put anything malitious in it. But installing software and choosing the source is still your responsibillity.
  6. Video: What is Armbian? Focal/Bionic/Bullseye/Buster? What's Legacy kernel VS mainline kernel?
  7. Here a video where I quickly show 3 different ways to connect to your SBC over the network with Linux.
  8. This might be fixed by now. Try upgrading again. There was a problem with the firmware packages earlier in the day.
  9. It's the only board that ever died on me. While I never treated it rough as my C2 or others. That's been with me over thousands of km's of bad roads and about 100 of moistly nights. Bought a 2nd TB and it was buggy as hell. Back then I didn't know about Armbian that well. It is the board that made me aware of Armbian tho. TinkerOS was awful. C2 didn't need it. The C2 was power efficient, didn't overheat, clocks stable to 1.75Ghz and was arm64. The Tinker was dated when it was released. This one. Not really 1080p. Downscaled to 480p. But has good image quality. Great for gaming. Works with every board/OS without any modification since it's detected as normal 1080p HDMI display. Has audio out and even a display menu. Powered either by gpio or micro-USB. Way better than the GPIO displays. Got a few of them. Just don't drop them, display break easily. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32895230356.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.22cc4421MEXDPn&algo_pvid=11597cd4-63fa-4345-877a-bdd2b058b720&algo_expid=11597cd4-63fa-4345-877a-bdd2b058b720-4&btsid=0bb0623416037575402236811e8299&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  10. It was a nice board... when it was new Hope that's not your daily driver. As long as you state it as an opinion I'm ok with it. Don't try to convince anyone it's a fact. Already enough fake news around. For some tasks an RPi4 can be good. I love it for gaming. But I wouldn't want to use it for desktop use. I much rather use 2 good SBCs with each a display than to use a RPi4 for that. I can also share keyboard and mouse with Barrier to make it look and feel like I'm dual screening. But I'm also no typical user. I do believe coming from ancient M1, the RPi4 must feel like a monster. Compared to RK3399 it's still a baby.
  11. Hi. This is probably what you need. https://linux-sunxi.org/Mali https://wiki.debian.org/MaliGraphics Also see here for more info. Let us know if it performs well. I haven't tried on Mali400. I don't think it will perform better than 3.4.
  12. Hi all. For gaming on the Raspberry Pi 4 there is nothing better(opinion) than TwisterOS. It is Raspberry Pi OS with a lot preinstalled tools for gaming. Also very nice skins to make your OS look like old Windows versions, or even MacOS. You can play old Windows games with it thanks to Box86 + wine which is preinstalled and configured. Also native x86 Linux games run amazingly well with it. There is a Steam client preinstalled. Is must say I've never used it, since I've never used/liked Steam. You can download TwisterOS here : https://twisteros.com The official TwisterOS reviewer on Youtube is @Salvador Liébana and his colleague from Pi Labs : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgfQjdc5RceRlTGfuthBs7g If you got questions about TwisterOS you can go to Discord and find the TwitserOS group. And for Box86 there is also a Discord group. I also made some videos about it. First how to install it and configure it to your choice. Next is Windows games on Twister OS 1 : Here video number 2 of Windows games on TwisterOS. You can also use TwisterOS to run old Windows programs. Here my video about that. I still need to make videos about x86 Linux games on TwisterOS, and console emulation. When done I will also share these here. Please share your experiences.
  13. Hi all. I've just finished a long video special where I talk about all my SBCs. In the order how I got them. I show the specs of all of them. Say what I like, what's bad about them. What I use them for. What SBC is best for your goal. Here's my video, I hope you enjoy it. Greetings, NicoD. P.S. : Pictures of anyone else their collection? Mine are not all on this pic, no room for them all.
  14. I'll be making more video's next week. Was too busy for a while. Just filmed a special (for +2000 subs) where I show all my SBCs and talk about their specs and why I bought them. 2nd time I had to film it, yesterday I messed up at the end. Had edited 10 minutes and had to give up. Today filmed it again, +1h talking. I hope it'll be fine now. Has nothing to do with this topic, but I don't remember where I put it first. I again can't comment with Firefox in the Armbian Forum. Now using Chromium. It sometimes happens, no clue why it's not always like that. @Igor May I ask some basic questions to you about the RockPiS for my next review video? I'm no master in working with server images. Mostly use desktop even when I don't use a display. I wonder why server doesn't automount a USB drive. Is there something that can be installed for that? I tried USBMount but that was a no go. With desktop images it automatically creates a network path in my Linux network. While this isn't the case with the RockPiS focal server image. Again some app that does this automatically or so? Samba also doesn't work well. I think because my drive is fat16. I can set permissions for the folders, not for the files(my problem). Also would like if you know when/if BT would be working with Armbian? (just a question, not a request ) Armbian does run way better than their Debian image. Their debian is throttling at 50C to 1Ghz. It performs very badly. In Armbian no such thing. Highest that I've seen without heatsink or fan is 68C. So I see no problem there. With the RockPiS video I'll also be covering many Armbian specific things. I'm also gonna make the armbian-config video soon. That should be a quick one. Cheers.
  15. NicoD

    Nvme issue

    What board do you use? Armbianmonitor -u would have been good too. What kernel...
  16. NicoD

    Nvme issue

    The M4V2 only has 2 lanes PCIe. So 750MB/s is about the limit I think. The RockPi4 has 4 lanes so that can do a bit beter. There is a setting for that to use gen3. The write speed doesn't seem right. What filesize do you use to benchmark? I use 100MB. How you do the tests? I've noticed the fuller the NVMe the slower it is. Greetings
  17. Yes. Make an image of your eMMC(or clone to sd). Write it on an sd-card. Then you can either boot with sd-card and clone to eMMC, or write the image with another working sd-card image. You could use gnome-disks. To install sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility. Open by opening disks in settings or write gnome-disks in terminal. Then choose your eMMC and choose create disk image. Choose the location. It could be good to minimize the partition size with gparted by running an armbian image on sd, open gparted and resize the eMMC volume so not too much unused space is used. Then after back-up you can change that again. I don't know if this is the best way to do this, it is the simplest to my knowledge. Greetings.
  18. Read it well. You can do this with ssh like this. Or just clone to an sd-card. Or make an image of your system.
  19. You waste our time not giving us the data we need to be able to help. sudo armbianmonitor -u What image? What kernel? Mainline is still in development. Things are added, and other things break. That's just a fact of life. We can't test every single thing. Use Legacy if it fits your goal. Thank you for wasting my time too. If you're not happy buy an x86 sbc and buy Windows for it. Then go complain to Microsoft like that. Please.
  20. @sven222 Could you please give a bit more info. What os are you running? What kernel? The output of sudo armbianmonitor -u Or google in the forum for "alsa mixer m4"
  21. I don't know if I need to be happy or need to cry. It's like if my girlfriend and ex-girfriend became good friends. I'll try it out. Been a while since I wrote in C#.
  22. That's cool. ...A long time ago in a galaxy far away... ...Tux was there to save the galaxy from the evil empires of Apple and Microsoft. Thanks to the rivalry of the two giants, the Linux rebels were able to grow their underground base. While Tux is on a secret mission to save the princess from lord Gates his hands. The other rebels are training to improve their skills. For one day they'll come out of their dark places, into the light, and fight the evil empires until they crumble and die. Just like the once mighty Commodore before them. Hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahahahahaaaa. Go TUX and his Linux Rebels.
  23. Yes they do. But for good experience/framerate you need good VPU drivers to stream. You can also use brute cpu horsepower of Odroid N2+. But I did not test experience there. I expect 720p should be ok at least. Raspberry Pi4 might be a good choice. I don't like the board, but a lot of software is available for these things. Do research for SBCs with good VPU support. Maybe the Jetson Nano, but then with their software. Greetings.
  24. Armbian Legacy kernel is not from Radxa. It is the same kernel for al RK3399 devices. If it works for your goals then why use mainline? Use what works, don't try to make it work for your use. Then you should know nothing is really that simple to do. Linux support for SBCs is a work of many people with many years of experience. Everyone has his own skills that combined created what you use. You can't do that on your own. Linus(or Igor) didn't do it all by himself.
  25. Also available, install armbian desktop. Install Panfrost on Armbian. What is Armbian... And a few more like install on TV-box. I've plans for a video about armbian-config. Also a video for Windows users using Armbian for the first time(differences, how to install software, the filesystems,...). The next SBC I'll review is the RockPiS. So installing headless was on the list too. Should've done it before with the NanoPi DUO2, but never got to make a video about it. I've got data for tons of videos. But not enough time to put it all in a video. I don't have a smooth workflow. Takes me ages to film, edit, render, upload and process a video. I often wonder if it's worth my time(no it isn't, only costs me money). I do need to fill my little spare time with something, in between all my other hobbies/jobs. I would love it to be able to earn a bit of money with this so I could put in more time. But I don't see that happening soon. I ain't ETA-Prime(Cause I do put time into research ).
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