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  1. Hi, my configuration is: Asus 5V 2A power adapter with usb to 1,7mm cable, Kingston microsd 16GB class 10 with Jessie desktop I can SSH the OPi so I can use H3disp output to HDMI (TV) works fine output to HDMI -> DVI to PC monitor works fine is it possible to use HDMI adapter to DVI, DVI to VGA and get the image to a PC monitor via VGA? i tried it using -d switch but nothing shown on monitor, do I need any special command? or this is not possible at all? please advice, Thanks
  2. BTW can h3disp -c have any relevance wrt this problem ? The TV is deemed HD Ready : Digital input HDCP + 16:9 + YUV + 720 lines min. + 720p/1080i Edit: that TV only shows something on HDMI if there was signal at TV start time, it also has no way to resize picture, neither automatic nor manual. How could I "port" a modeline (or whatever it is called today) from a x86_64 laptop connected to this TV (which is able to properly display something on it, probably with some help from EDID) and use it with the opi+2e ?
  3. Wait for boards, that use this chipset. http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/09/12/hisilicon-hi3798m-v200-soc-to-deliver-cheaper-4k-tv-boxes-with-sata-gigabit-ethernet-andor-usb-3-0/ gigabit ethernet and sata/usb3
  4. Universal multiboot (using s905_autoscript) compatible with previous versions and can replace them. It is sufficient to add properly configured the script with the necessary commands in the old system images. Therefore, no conflict of distributions no. I don't recommend using the update script system aml_autoscript to download images in normal conditions. This script is not designed to load distributions, it is necessary for a single refresh data in the internal memory (settings u-boot). Pay attention that the aml_autoscript is a script that must be run once to activate the multi-boot. Further work on the uploading of images is prescribed in the working script s905_autoscript. Which is located on external media and can freely and repeatedly modified to obtain the desired result. These changes as does not affect the contents of the internal memory based on the contents of u-boot). Therefore, even if we assume a critical error in the contents of the external script (s905_), neither of which is not critical, pulled out the carrier and can free to fix it. Unlike the script, the old scheme (which is used to download still images OE LE) makes all the changes to the internal memory and strictly prescribes the same algorithm and file names to load. By default, ddBR prescribed static address It is made specially that it was possible to know exactly the address of the system at the first system startup (something you could go in and change the settings on the right). By the way, to know the address of the system can then download the ddBR, log TV console and give the command "ip a".
  5. If you activate a universal-boot, script s905_autoscript will work automatically. The order of activation can be viewed here . https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905/wiki/s905_multi_boot http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-support/amlogic-based-tv-players/s905/tronsmart-ac/firmware-roms-tools-at/565449-running-linux-from-sd-card-or-usb-flash-drive-using-balbes150-method-and-files By the way, the latest version of LE kszaq added the script s905_autoscript.
  6. okay, so with your alt_ddBR_multidtb_v0_03_16GB__20160908.img, the hdmi display is fine. But then i feel i must also be more specific about my setup. I'm not using a tv (i don't have a tv here), but a pc monitor (16/10 1920x1200) with a hdmi-hdmi cable (not hdmi-dvi). So yes the on screen display of that linux boot is okay. As i said above the only thing that i did manually, was to remove the aml_autoscript which did not work in recovery mode and renamed the s905_autoscript to aml_autoscript and then the linux boot worked.
  7. No idea, I only stumbled accross this through cnxsoft's comments feed http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/08/09/nexbox-a1-amlogic-s912-android-tv-box-presells-for-71/#comment-531514 and thought to share it curious whether there is already some progress being made regarding S912. But I also don't care that much since for me the main point with S905/ODROID-C2 is the awesome eMMC speed
  8. i've try more ditri on the mxq box tv , the " Armbian_5.14_Odroidc1_Debian_jessie_3.10.102 " no start by sd card but " AlexELEC-S805.MXQ_V31.arm-1.0.6-20160515.img " start on sd card howto make sdcard armbian system with exemple alexelec ? thank
  9. Sorry to somewhat hijack this thread (since it's about S912 now). Has anyone already tried to run Linux for S905 boxes/SBC on S912? I just came across this limited $50 sale: http://www.banggood.com/NEXBOX-A3-Amlogic-S912-2GB-RAM-16GB-ROM-TV-BOX-p-1079100.html (ripping the logicboard out the enclosure, adding a giant heatsink and this would make a nice device for number crunching with 8 Cortex-A53 running at 1.5GHz, not?)
  10. Try to run it on you media box this way. It is a system that can be used for full backup and restore the contents of the internal memory, do not pay attention to it (you can find instructions passwords and logins to manage through a terminal with an attached keyboard). Backup and restore you not need to do. I'm interested in how to run this kernel on Your equipment and will operate the monitor\TV. alt_ddBR_multidtb_v0_03_16GB__20160908.img https://yadi.sk/d/lSCHFhd0sYQWX
  11. Hi I have already successfully tried to use zoneminder on NAS with ARMv5. I think s805 is possible to use zoneminder. Soon I should receive a sample TV box with S805 chip, then I'll be able to check it out. Armbian install it in internal memory. In manual mode it works. Need some time to test automatic procedures for installing to the internal memory.
  12. That's not possible since there is no circuitry on any of the H3 boards to measure this stuff different H3 devices behave different due to voltage regulators and other PCB components (the little NanoPi NEO for example has a higher ground consumption than larger Orange Pi One/Lite) some operation modes influence consumption in a way that is not predictable (WiFi --> signal strength) So the -p switch only lists consumption relevant settings but can't provide actual consumption numbers. All the testing has been done using a 2nd device between PSU and H3 device so all that's available is a table of known differences (see post #25 here) that allows you estimate roughly what you can save by enabling/disabling/adjusting stuff. So while disabling display/GPU for example will allow a headless H3 device to consume 210mW less the effect might be negligible when you attached 2 USB disks to your board and use an insufficient PSU (but disabling display/GPU anyway is a no-brainer on any headless system since it also improves temperatures and memory bandwidth). Another example: You have an OPi Plus 2E that serves as a NAS for your smart TV both connected to a Gigabit Ethernet switch. Compared to defaults you could now use h3consumption to lower your idle consumption by 730mW (disabling GPU/HDMI, switching to Fast Ethernet and lowering DRAM clockspeed to 408 MHz). And use then a cron job that checks every minute with ping whether your smart TV is on and then simply executes ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full echo 624000 >/sys/devices/platform/sunxi-ddrfreq/devfreq/sunxi-ddrfreq/userspace/set_freq to activate full performance instantly on demand and switching back to idle settings when the IP address of your smart TV disappears from the network. Now h3consumption can you neither tell how high total consumption is (disk bus-powered or using a 2nd external PSU?) nor how efficient your PSU(s) work. It can only give a hint how current settings look like and what might be important. 730mW less might also be just a joke when you use the wrong disk enclosure, a 3.5" disk rotating 24/7 inside and inefficient PSUs being in use. But in case you have a 2.5"disk connected and can use hdparm to control idle spin-down of the disk you get nice savings for free. But on H3 devices there's no way to get actual consumption numbers and of course you've always take the PSU into account to get the 'big picture'.
  13. Both the schematic and multimeter test with solderable TRRS jack confirm that sleeve (pin 1 from first picture) is the ground and first ring (pin 2 from first picture) should be video signal, so you need to have the first configuration (1 = ground, 2 = video, 3 = right, 4 = left) I have the cable from WD TV Live set-top box, and it uses compatible configuration (1 = common ground, 2 = right, 3 = left, 4 = video signal), if you don't count wrong connector colors.
  14. This irrelevant issue making too much offtopic. Maybe it's for separate thread. As @tkaiser wrote, the default resolution is 720p, and my tv used to overscan too for many versions of Armbian till the latests. But i change it immediately with 1080p60, which is native for my tv (h3disp -m 10 -c 1) and no overscan after reboot without touching anything in tv side. Bur for some devices, usually my PC-s, but not any of my ARM boards, i have overscan in native resolution of 1080p and then i use the option "fit to screen". This is something related to HDMI link, which is not exactly replacement of DVI and most of PC monitors with HDMI connection have this issue too. That's why there is this pixel format option present. I think you should read the instructions and set the correct resolution for your tv.
  15. C'mon -- if you're suffering from overscanning issues and other OS images work fine, then simply try out all resolutions h3disp provides (followed by a reboot) and choose the one that fits best. The HDMI driver in legacy kernel is crap, we all know that, nothing will ever change (no documentation for HDMI, no useable license for driver sources) and the only difference between different OS images with a desktop environment is that they use different HDMI modes by default. With h3disp you can choose from 480i use "-m 480i" or "-m 0" 576i use "-m 576i" or "-m 1" 480p use "-m 480p" or "-m 2" 576p use "-m 576p" or "-m 3" 720p50 use "-m 720p50" or "-m 4" 720p60 use "-m 720p60" or "-m 5" 1080i50 use "-m 1080i50" or "-m 6" 1080i60 use "-m 1080i60" or "-m 7" 1080p24 use "-m 1080p24" or "-m 8" 1080p50 use "-m 1080p50" or "-m 9" 1080p60 use "-m 1080p60" or "-m 10" IIRC 720p60 is our default (since in the beginning most users demanded 720p), most probably other OS images use 1080p60 instead, so better try out 'h3disp -m1080p60' first (or use your display's/TV's on screen menu to figure out which settings the other OS image uses -- it's all in your display/TV and somewhere there is also the solution to overscan problems, most of the times deep hidden in submenus and called rather weird). That's all I can say, I connected a HDMI display to my +10 H3 devices maybe 5 times in my life to check consumption/temperature behaviour of the HDMI driver.
  16. I have the same problem. (edges are cut) "As i own Samsung tv, i think our problem is not in TV", because I tried to change all TV options. Even more, I installed Lubuntu_jacer on my OPi PC+SamsTV and the image was fine exactly to screen. May be Igor or tkaiser give some advice to resolve this problem. Thanks.
  17. I was able to write to a Samsung sd card the image for my orange Pi lite. The overscan is bad on my TV but I got past initial setup. Once it boots to the desktop there is no response from the mouse and I thought the keyboard. No keyboard shortcuts work. But I was able to drop to terminal and type. What could be going on? I've tried different cards, keyboards, and mice. Edit: I've tried different power supplies too!
  18. I don't know what your tv model is. Most brands have this options with various names. I think in LG was something like "Pixel format". Just google it. Here you can read something about this - http://www.cnet.com/news/overscan-youre-not-seeing-the-whole-picture-on-your-tv/ .
  19. I've just received my Orange Pi Lite. I am having the same issue with the edges being cut off. What if my TV doesn't have a 'Fit to Screen option' ?
  20. As i own Samsung tv, i think your problem is not Armbian related, but you have to set up your tv properly. Go to your tv MENU and search for this option in Picture: if 16:9 zoom and cut the screen to you, as to me in most of HDMI devices.
  21. Dear tkaiser, And one more thing. I have my Samsung tv with 1080p I have set it to 1080p60 But my screen in zoomed in means the 4 sides are cut. I can't see anything in that portion. What to to to zoom out? Please guide Thanks in adv.
  22. For those who want to try out docker on a TV set-top boxes with Amlogic S905. There is a working version of the binary file : http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=144&t=22703 service.system.docker-7.0.104.aufs.zip Tested on Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos his way Armbian. When running manually all works. If there is interest, we can build a turnkey package or image. A screenshot from running on a media box container by connecting it to the PC. docker run -d -p 80:80 hypriot/rpi-busybox-httpd https://yadi.sk/d/hp1THH-xuXNrF
  23. still doing some more tests. i've switched to an s905 tv box Nexbox A95X, in order to get an idea of possible limitations of the H3 soc. It's running a custom desktop armbian image (legacy kernel) from bable150, from which i removed all the desktop components. I'll try to use the official armbian ordoid C2 image later (once i get the trick to get rid of that boot.ini). So that box has only two usb ports, two root hosts, i'm using one for the Gbe adapter and a second for an USB3 HDD (not SSD). For the Gbe i'm getting this time 215Mbps upstream and 245Mbps downstream, which is not too bad i guess. So i did tests running iperf3 up / down, along with 4GB dd read / writes to the HDD. The good thing is that in any combination the results are very consistent, i never got a test that would deviate of 5Mbps on the network or 2MB/s on the HDD. The network speeds are always as mentioned above, and for the HDD speeds i get a steady 38-40MB/s. That would pretty much match up any of the tests done on the H3 on this thread. The ondemand governor almost never went up to the full 2GHz and happily stayed at the 1.5/1.75GHz frequencies, with a cpu load barely going over 20% with some spikes at 60% on one core but most probably caused by the monitoring scripts (htop, glances..). So as seen with the H3, the s905 cpu is clearly not a bottleneck and the same kind of nas setup should be achievable. USB2 still feels really weak compared to current day bandwidths (or even poor native sata2), but as long as you don't really expect Gbe speeds to your storage device it should suffice. I'm quite interested to see how the Allwinner R40 will perform, it could shuffle the cards again. My current setup is still using an old A20 running 1 sata HDD, and moved the vpn work to a second device (old s805 tv box) with real Gbe performance.. Doing laptop repairs i also got the idea to use old eeepc motherboards that can be found at ridiculous prices (~35e), they are basically the same thing as an arm dev board (with sata), the problem is identifying the ones that do have Gbe. I haven't done much test on those weak atoms cpus so i'm expecting performances issues when it comes to high speed vpn, but for regular storage it should really work fine, we'll see..
  24. Hi. I have orange pi pc with armbian installed. I'm powering opi pc with battery, I would like to make something like ups. Some time ago I found solution to monitor battery voltage for raspberry pi wit ADC, exactly mcp3002. It uses script in python. Here is link for this solution: http://raspi.tv/2013/controlled-shutdown-duration-test-of-pi-model-a-with-2-cell-lipo I made prepared everything like is shown on diagram, I'm using breadboard and also mcp3002. With raspberry pi it works with python script from: http://raspi.tv/download/batt_test_raspi.tv.py.gzbut I have a problem with adapt this script with OPi PC. I think, that here is a problem with some libraries, some libraries are different for rpi. Here is contains of "batt_test_raspi.tv.py.gz": Friend suggest me to install GPIO libraries for my OPi PC with armbian from this tutorial : http://www.instructables.com/id/Orange-Pi-One-Python-GPIO-basic/, I made all procedure. Next he suggest to change in original script in line from: "import RPi.GPIO as GPIO" to "import pyA20.gpio as GPIO" and in line which contains : # Define Pins/Ports SPICLK = 8 # FOUR SPI ports on the ADC SPIMISO = 23 SPIMOSI = 24 SPICS = 25 I changed to : # Define Pins/Ports SPICLK = port.PC2 # FOUR SPI ports on the ADC SPIMISO = port.PC1 SPIMOSI = port.PC0 SPICS = port.PC3 But script doesn't work. I've got error: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "batt_test_raspi.tv.py", line 15, in <module> GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)" I set # in this line, next I got error: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "batt_test_raspi.tv.py", line 35, in <module> SPICLK = port.PC2 # FOUR SPI ports on the ADC NameError: name 'port' is not defined" So I add on the top of script: "from pyA20.gpio import port" Now I have error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "batt_test_raspi.tv.py", line 110, in <module> GPIO.setup(SPIMOSI, GPIO.OUT) # set up the SPI interface pins AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setup' I don't know what to do next, my linux and python knowledge is not good. Please anyone to help me get it to work. Regards, Kris P.S. Sorry for my english.
  25. HELLO! BOOT0 is starting! boot0 version : 4.0.0 fel_flag = 0x00000000 rtc[0] value = 0x00000000 rtc[1] value = 0x00000000 rtc[2] value = 0x00000000 rtc[3] value = 0x00000000 rtc[4] value = 0x00000000 rtc[5] value = 0x00000000 rtc[6] value = 0x00000000 rtc[7] value = 0x00000000 DRAM DRIVE INFO: V0.8 DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3) DRAM CLK = 672 MHz DRAM zq value: 003b3bfb READ DQS LCDL = 001c1d1e DRAM SIZE =1024 M odt delay dram size =1024 card boot number = 0 card no is 0 sdcard 0 line count 4 [mmc]: mmc driver ver 2014-12-10 21:20:39 [mmc]: ***Try SD card 0*** [mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 4bit, capacity: 14992MB [mmc]: vendor: Man 001b534d Snr 0bc350f0 [mmc]: product: 00000 [mmc]: revision: 1.0 [mmc]: ***SD/MMC 0 init OK!!!*** sdcard 0 init ok The size of uboot is 000dc000. sum=ede66ee7 src_sum=ede66ee7 Succeed in loading uboot from sdmmc flash. Ready to disable icache. Jump to secend Boot. SUNXI_NORMAL_MODE [ 0.346]e mode U-Boot 2011.09-rc1 (Jun 21 2015 - 19:33:17) Allwinner Technology [ 0.354]version: 1.1.0 normal mode [ 0.361]pmbus: ready not set main pmu id axp_probe error [ 0.376]PMU: pll1 1200 Mhz,PLL6=600 Mhz AXI=400 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100 Mhz sid read already fel key new mode run key detect no key found no key input dram_para_set start dram_para_set end normal mode [ 0.407]DRAM: 1 GiB relocation Offset is: 35af9000 [box standby] read rtc = 0x0 [box_start_os] mag be start_type no use user_gpio config user_gpio ok gic: normal or no secure os mode workmode = 0 MMC: 0 [ 0.481][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2014-12-10 9:23:00 [ 0.486][mmc]: get sdc_phy_wipe fail. [ 0.490][mmc]: get sdc0 sdc_erase fail. [ 0.494][mmc]: get sdc_f_max fail,use default 50000000Hz [ 0.499][mmc]: get sdc_ex_dly_used fail,use default dly [ 0.505][mmc]: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 [ 0.518][mmc]: *Try SD card 0* [ 0.551][mmc]: CID 0x1b534d30 0x30303030 0x100bc350 0xf000e73d [ 0.556][mmc]: mmc clk 50000000 [ 0.560][mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 4bit, capacity: 14992MB [ 0.565][mmc]: boot0 capacity: 0KB,boot1 capacity: 0KB [ 0.570][mmc]: ***SD/MMC 0 init OK!!!*** [ 0.574][mmc]: erase_grp_size:0x1WrBlk * 0x200 = 0x200 Byte [ 0.580][mmc]: secure_feature 0x0 [ 0.583][mmc]: secure_removal_type 0x0 [ 0.587]sunxi flash init ok script config pll_de to 864 Mhz Not Found clk pll_video1 in script script config pll_video to 297 Mhz [boot]disp_init_tv [DISP_TV] disp_init_tv enter g_tv_used screen 0 do not support TV TYPE! [BOOOT_DISP_TV] disp tv device_registered unable to find regulator vcc-hdmi-18 from [pmu1_regu] or [pmu2_regu] enable power vcc-hdmi-18, ret=-1 DRV_DISP_Init end boot_disp.auto_hpd=1 auto hpd check has 50 times! [disk_read_fs] no the partition error: open disp_rsl.fex, maybe it is not exist attched ok, mgr1<-->device1, type=2, mode=11---- ready to set mode disp_tv_enable [ 1.428]finally, output_type=0x2, output_mode=0xb, screen_id=0x1, disp_para=0x20b0000 fail to find part named env Using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial --------fastboot partitions-------- mbr not exist base bootcmd=run setargs_mmc boot_normal bootcmd set setargs_mmc key 0 cant find rcvy value cant find fstbt value no misc partition is found to be run cmd=run setargs_mmc boot_normal [ 1.465][mmc]: MMC Device 2 not found [ 1.469][mmc]: Can not find mmc dev [ 1.473][mmc]: read first backup failed in fun sdmmc_secure_storage_read line 1849 sunxi_secstorage_read fail get secure storage map err the private part isn't exist WORK_MODE_BOOT adver not need show sunxi_bmp_logo_display [disk_read_fs] no the partition error: open bootlogo.bmp, maybe it is not exist sunxi bmp info error : unable to open logo file bootlogo.bmp [ 1.506]Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
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