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  1. Hello all, I had diet-pi on my rock64 for the last few years but recently decided to install armbian debian community maintained firmware. Everything is working fine but I seem to get a new core fw on an almost daily basis (armbian-bsp-cli-rock64-current) and the board needs to be rebooted each time. An I using the wrong repo or is this normal? Should i consider running stock debian instead of armbian?
  2. Moved to the correct forum. Armbian does not support the Rock64. It is Community Maintained, moved to the Community Maintained forums and added the correct board tag.
  3. Hi, First of all I am posting in Rockpro64 section because I am not seeing one for Rock64 What I need is like the title says: use OTG USB port as regular USB 2.0 port (so I can connect another device). Currently I need the 2 USB 2.0 ports (USB 3.0 is already being used with a external disk). Is this possible? OS version: Armbian 24.2.1 Jammy - Linux 6.6.16-current-rockchip64 Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi all, I try to use a SATA/SSD connected via USB instead of a SD Card or eMMC, but it doesnt boot at all. I tried to use U-Boot for Rock64 on SPI: Release 2017.09-rockchip-ayufan-1065-g95f6152134 · ayufan-rock64/linux-u-boot · GitHub (flashed to SD Card and successfully booted on Rock64), but without success. I flashed the same Image to SD Card, eMMC and SSD. Booting from SD Card and eMMC works without problems, SSD is visible from Rock64, correct UUID is written in "armbianEnv.txt" on SSD. But nevertheless - it doesn´t boot. I use the Rock64 for my Home Automation and want to use the SSD because it should be more stable long term as a eMMC or SD Card. Kind Regards Martin
  5. Hi all, I installed the newest bookworm image (Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.250_Rock64_bookworm_current_6.6.22_minimal.img.xz😞 flashed it to SD card, booted... Rock64 boot was okay, via PuTTY it asked me to log in, but I have no PW, not any credentials, of course. Shouldn´t it ask me for a root PW first??? BR Martin
  6. Hi Werner, What do you mean with outdated? Armbian Stretch? Armbian in general surely not... I run my home automation system on Rock64 and need to update npm to 8.xx anf nodejs to 18.xx I succeeded to update npm, but not yet nodejs, is it because Armbian? How can I change if needed to be future proof? Kind Regards Martin
  7. Hi all, I have a Rock64, running ioBroker, and want to update the npm/nodejs to update all the adapters - mainly MQTT with which I have some problems. Trying to run apt update or iob nodejs-update, I run into: The repository 'http://apt.armbian.com stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. in several versions. Can you help me? Sources.list is (changed, this works now) deb-src [trusted=yes] http://archive.debian.org/debian stretch main non-free contrib deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main non-free contrib Armbian.list is: deb https://apt.armbian.com stretch main stretch-utils stretch-desktop With hopful regards Martin
  8. Hi @Gunjan Gupta For rk3328 SoC do you suggest any build having : 1. GPU support 2. Weston support 3. VPU support Any build version with any kernel for board having rk3328 SoC (rock-pi-e, rock64,etc.).
  9. I am about ready to shoot my want to be server. I have an Ubuntu samba server running a public share on my LAN. The share has no username or password required to make it windows friendly. No other system has issues accessing it. I have a new ROCK64 running Armbian 23.11.1 Bookworm CLI. It will not mount a CIFS share at boot, but will mount it with a mount -a command. Fstab entries that have not worked: // /mnt/NAS cifs rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount 0 0 // /mnt/NAS cifs vers=3.0,rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,x-systemd.after=network-online.target 0 0 // /mnt/NAS cifs rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount,_netdev 0 0 Relivant journalctl -xb output: Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 mount[1355]: mount error(101): Network is unreachable Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 mount[1355]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: Attempting to mount \\\15tb_NAS Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation. Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -101 This looks like the network is not coming up in time, but I have tried x-systemd.automount and _netdev and x-systemd.after=network-online.target as options to make the system wait for the network. Shouldn't one of those fix the issue? Maybe I have been looking at this to long, and can't see the forest for the trees. Can anyone else see an issue here? I figure it's user error, but maybe there is a bug in this build? Feel free to ask questions if something is missing, and I will provide whatever I can.
  10. Hello , looking to upgrade from SBC Rock64 to RockPro64< however, on the homepage it is mentioned, that https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/ROCKPro64_Software_Releases Since my Rock64 is running aready Linux kernel 4.4 and i am looking to upgrade, both from Rock64 and from SDcard to eMMC, my question, if this limitation still applies to RockPro64 with newer editions of Armbian, also since there is no mention of it on the official Armbian Page for RockPro64 https://www.armbian.com/rockpro64/ Thank you very much
  11. I have compiled with Armbian build (btw i reported that RockPro64 and Rock64 download pages give 502 Bad gateway) 1. Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Rockpro64_jammy_current_6.1.46_minimal.img 2. Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Rockpro64_jammy_current_6.1.46_cinnamon_desktop.img With SPI disabled, the img boots fine, but when reboot/restart takes place, board gives black screen, no U-boot activity, no white light. It will boot again after restart if reset pressed or power off/on Shouldnt board reboot normally? PS nd after u-boot log/text this screen shows prior booting
  12. Hello, does anyone know the shortpin for this board ? its a fake r98mini tried to search in on internet but nobody discusing this board emmc is SanDisk SD1N7DU2-16G i'm trying to install archlinux for rock64 following this tutorial, now i cannot boot multitool, and usb doesn't detect the board in case the image is not show up, here's the original url https://pasteboard.co/tLDW0zAOzWMA.jpg https://pasteboard.co/0oMYdaPXA6fR.jpg
  13. Rock Pi 4A and 4C boot to working gigabit ethernet with bookworm-current minimal image, USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested yet. Rock 3A also boots to working gigabit ethernet with jammy-edge minimal image. USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested yet here either. Rock64 also boots to working gigabit ethernet with bookworm-current minimal image. USB ports all work. HDMI output not tested.
  14. Description Yes, we have documented the maintainers in armbian/documentation. But it seem like that some of them don't maintain anymore. Use a separated repos make us forget to update it. So let's document here. What's more, defining this make us easier to update .github/CODEOWNERS The way to find out the BOARD_MAINTAINER has documented in the commit messages. The script to do this #!/bin/bash SRC="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../")" readarray -t members < <(curl -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/orgs/armbian/members?per_page=100" | jq -r .[].login) doc="$(curl -L https://github.com/armbian/documentation/raw/master/docs/Release_Board-Maintainers.md)" function set_maintainer() { local board_config="$1" local maintainers="$2" if ! grep "BOARD_MAINTAINER" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then sed -i "s|\(.*\)\(BOARDFAMILY=.*\)|\1\2\n\1BOARD_MAINTAINER=\"${maintainers}\"|" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" else : # Have set # Replace # sed -i "s|BOARD_MAINTAINER=.*|BOARD_MAINTAINER=\"${maintainers}\"|" "${SRC}/config/boards/${board_config}" fi } while read -r board_config; do type="${board_config##*.}" [[ "conf wip csc eos tvb" == *"${type}"* ]] || continue BOARD="${board_config%.*}" echo -e "\n${board_config}" documented_maintainer=() readarray -t documented_maintainer < <(echo "${doc}" | grep "| ${BOARD} *|" | cut -d'|' -f4 | sed 's/^ *\([^ ]*\) *$/\1/') echo -e "\tDocumented: ${documented_maintainer[*]}" if [[ ! -f ".gh/${board_config}" ]]; then gh_commits="$(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/repos/armbian/build/commits?per_page=100&path=config/boards/${board_config}")" echo "${gh_commits}" >".gh/${board_config}" else gh_commits="$(cat ".gh/${board_config}")" fi authors="$(echo "${gh_commits}" | jq -r .[].author.login)" creator="$(echo "${authors}" | tail -1)" echo -e "\tCreator: ${creator}" most_commit="$(echo "${authors}" | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk '($1 >= 3) {print $2}' | head -1)" echo -e "\tMost commit: ${most_commit}" other_commiters=() readarray -t other_commiters < <(echo "${authors}" | grep -v "^${creator}$") if [[ -n "${documented_maintainer}" ]]; then for m in "${documented_maintainer[@]}"; do if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${m}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${m} is not our member" >&2 fi done set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${documented_maintainer[*]}" continue fi if [[ "${creator}" == "${most_commit}" ]]; then if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${creator}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${creator} is not our member" >&2 fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${creator}" continue fi if [ -z "${other_commiters[*]}" ]; then if [[ "${members[*]}" != *"${creator}"* ]]; then echo -e "${board_config}: ${creator} is not our member" >&2 fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "${creator}" fi set_maintainer "${board_config}" "" done < <(ls "${SRC}/config/boards/") Raw output aml-s9xx-box.tvb Documented: Creator: SteeManMI Most commit: bananapicm4io.conf Documented: Creator: superna9999 Most commit: bananapi.conf Documented: janprunk Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim1plus.csc Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2plus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2pro.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: rpardini Most commit: bananapim2s.wip Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: bananapim2ultra.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim2zero.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim3.conf Documented: AaronNGray Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: bananapim5.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapim64.conf Documented: devdotnetorg Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapipro.conf Documented: teknoid Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapir2.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik bananapir2pro.conf Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: beaglev.csc Documented: Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: beelinkx2.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik clearfogbase.conf Documented: heisath Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik clearfogpro.conf Documented: heisath Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik clockworkpi-a06.csc Documented: littlecxm Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: cubieboard2.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: cubieboard4.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik cubieboard.conf Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik cubietruck.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: cubietruckplus.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik cubox-i.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: espressobin.conf Documented: ManoftheSea Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik fe-som-rk3399.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: firefly-rk3399.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: helios4.conf Documented: heisath Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik helios64.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: hinlink-h88k.csc Documented: Creator: amazingfate Most commit: imx7sabre.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: jethubj100.conf Documented: jethome-ru Creator: adeepn Most commit: jethubj80.conf Documented: jethome-ru Creator: adeepn Most commit: jetson-nano.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: khadas-edge2.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: khadas-edge.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: khadas-vim1.conf Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: khadas-vim2.conf Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: khadas-vim3.conf Documented: NicoD-SBC Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: khadas-vim3l.conf Documented: rpardini Creator: lanefu Most commit: lafrite.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lamobo-r1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lepotato.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime2.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: lime-a10.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime-a33.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik lime-a64.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: lime.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik macchiatobin-doubleshot.csc Documented: Creator: jwzawadzki Most commit: igorpecovnik mangopi-mq.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58-minipc.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58x-4g.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: mekotronics-r58x.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: melea1000.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik micro.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik microzed.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: miqi.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik mk808c.csc Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopct3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopct3plus.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopct4.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopia64.csc Documented: Creator: guidol70 Most commit: nanopiair.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopiduo2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopiduo.conf Documented: sgjava Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopifire3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopik1plus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopik2-s905.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopim1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim1plus2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim1plus.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim3.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim4.conf Documented: piter75 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopim4v2.csc Documented: piter75 Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: nanopineo2black.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo2.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopineo3.conf Documented: lpirl Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo4.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopineo.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopineocore2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopineoplus2.conf Documented: teknoid Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopi-r1.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik nanopi-r1s-h5.conf Documented: Creator: aiamadeus Most commit: nanopi-r2c.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: rickliu2000 Most commit: nanopi-r2s.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: nanopi-r4s.conf Documented: littlecxm piter75 Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: nanopi-r6s.wip Documented: Creator: efectn Most commit: nezha.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: odroidc1.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidc2.conf Documented: NicoD-SBC Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidc4.conf Documented: Technicavolous Creator: superna9999 Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidhc4.conf Documented: rpardini Technicavolous Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: odroidm1.wip Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: odroidn2.conf Documented: rpardini Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik odroidxu4.conf Documented: igorpecovnik joekhoobyar Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik olimex-som204-a20.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: olimex-som-a20.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: olimex-teres-a64.conf Documented: Creator: Kreyren Most commit: olinux-som-a13.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik onecloud.csc Documented: Creator: hzyitc Most commit: hzyitc orangepi2.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepi3.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepi3-lts.csc Documented: afaulkner420 Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: orangepi4.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepi4-lts.conf Documented: jock Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: orangepi5.conf Documented: Creator: efectn Most commit: orangepi.eos Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepilite2.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepilite.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepimini.eos Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepione.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepioneplus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepipc2.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepipc.conf Documented: lbmendes Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepipcplus.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepiplus2e.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepiplus.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepiprime.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: orangepi-r1.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepi-r1plus.conf Documented: Creator: aiamadeus Most commit: orangepi-r1plus-lts.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: schwar3kat Most commit: orangepi-rk3399.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepiwin.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepizero2.conf Documented: krachlatte qiurui Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: orangepizero.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik orangepizeroplus2-h3.csc Documented: agolubchyk Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepizeroplus2-h5.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: orangepizeroplus.conf Documented: schwar3kat Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino2.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino3.csc Documented: Creator: null Most commit: igorpecovnik pcduino3nano.eos Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pine64.conf Documented: janprunk Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik pine64so.conf Documented: Creator: zador-blood-stained Most commit: igorpecovnik pinebook-a64.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: pinebook-pro.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: pinecube.csc Documented: Creator: Icenowy Most commit: pineh64-b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik pineh64.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: qemu-uboot-arm64.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: qemu-uboot-x86.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: quartz64a.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: quartz64b.wip Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: radxa-e25.wip Documented: Creator: amazingfate Most commit: radxa-zero2.wip Documented: monkaBlyat Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: radxa-zero.conf Documented: engineer-80 Creator: engineer-80 Most commit: recore.csc Documented: Creator: null Most commit: renegade.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rk322x-box.tvb Documented: Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: rk3318-box.tvb Documented: Creator: paolosabatino Most commit: rock-3a.conf Documented: catalinii ZazaBr vamzii Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: amazingfate rock-5b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rock64.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4a.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4b.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpi-4bplus.csc Documented: Creator: lanefu Most commit: rockpi-4c.conf Documented: clee Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-4cplus.csc Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-e.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: rockpi-n10.csc Documented: Creator: psztoch Most commit: rockpi-s.conf Documented: brentr Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik rockpro64.conf Documented: joekhoobyar Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik roc-rk3399-pc.csc Documented: Creator: piter75 Most commit: piter75 rpi4b.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: star64.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: station-m1.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: 150balbes station-m2.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: 150balbes Most commit: station-m3.conf Documented: Creator: 150balbes Most commit: station-p1.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: station-p2.conf Documented: 150balbes Creator: 150balbes Most commit: sunvell-r69.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: tinkerboard-2.wip Documented: Creator: Tonymac32 Most commit: tinkerboard.conf Documented: Tonymac32 paolosabatino Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik tritium-h3.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik tritium-h5.conf Documented: Tonymac32 Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik udoo.csc Documented: Creator: EvilOlaf Most commit: uefi-arm64.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: uefi-riscv64.conf Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: uefi-x86.conf Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: unleashed.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: unmatched.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: virtual-qemu.eos Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: visionfive2.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: visionfive.wip Documented: Creator: rpardini Most commit: xt-q8l-v10.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik z28pro.tvb Documented: Creator: igorpecovnik Most commit: igorpecovnik zeropi.csc Documented: igorpecovnik Creator: Rafal-Hacus Most commit: Here is the list who documented in armbian/documentation but aren't our members. So he/she can't add to .github/CODEOWNERS due to he/she don't have the access to write to the repos. bananapim3.conf: AaronNGray is not our member bananapim64.conf: devdotnetorg is not our member clearfogbase.conf: heisath is not our member clearfogpro.conf: heisath is not our member helios4.conf: heisath is not our member jethubj100.conf: jethome-ru is not our member jethubj80.conf: jethome-ru is not our member khadas-vim3.conf: NicoD-SBC is not our member nanopineo3.conf: lpirl is not our member odroidc2.conf: NicoD-SBC is not our member odroidc4.conf: Technicavolous is not our member odroidhc4.conf: Technicavolous is not our member orangepi3-lts.csc: afaulkner420 is not our member orangepi4-lts.conf: jock is not our member orangepipc.conf: lbmendes is not our member orangepizero2.conf: krachlatte is not our member orangepizeroplus2-h3.csc: agolubchyk is not our member radxa-zero2.wip: monkaBlyat is not our member radxa-zero.conf: engineer-80 is not our member rock-3a.conf: ZazaBr is not our member rock-3a.conf: vamzii is not our member rock64.conf: clee is not our member rockpi-4a.conf: clee is not our member rockpi-4c.conf: clee is not our member How Has This Been Tested? Uncessary. Checklist: [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [X] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [X] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [X] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  15. rpardini's dirty laundry, late April/'23 uefi/edge: bump to 6.3 bcm2711/grub: add busybox (for initrd grep/sed) so initramfs-growroot works again on Debian bcm2711: bomb early when RELEASE is set and not supported bcm2711/edge: bump to 6.3 (rpi4b, RPi Foundation Kernel) rockchip-rk3588/edge: bump to 6.3, drop 6.2 patches rk3568-odroid/edge: bump to 6.3 (odroidm1) virtual-qemu: move to eos (replaced by qemu-uboot-x86 and qemu-uboot-arm64) qemu-uboot-arm64/qemu-uboot-x86: split more x86/arm64 differences, add some docs, bump to u-boot 23.04 +update-patches; add arm64 bootscript extensions: introduce u-boot-menu extension, for use with extlinux this is using the default Debian/Ubuntu package, we probably should replace that with our own scripts kernel-debs: call linux-update-symlinks in postinst; expected of Debian-compatible kernels this handles /vmlinuz etc symlinks (doesn't know about uInitrd, etc) initramfs post-update 99-uboot: add verbose logging, no actual changes sun50iw9: don't inadvertently override pre-existing hook function name - fixes #5099 imx7d (EOS): codeaurora.org is no more, move to nxp-imx's repos for both kernel and u-boot grub: keep u-boot stuff if UEFI_GRUB=yes git-ref2info: many fixes for nonstandard repos; try a few different dereference and refs/ combinations in a certain order; remove codeaurora repo handling git-ref2info: when resolving SHA1's for 'xxx' tag or branch, try first refs/heads/xxx, then just 'xxx'; validate SHA1 with 40-char regexp this works-around Gerrit-style repositories that have a 'refs/for/xxx' ref that gets in the way case in point: https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot/tree/odroidc-v2011.03 (has both refs/heads/odroidc-v2011.03 and refs/for/odroidc-v2011.03) git-ref2info: when processing tags for a SHA1, try both dereference and non-dereferenced, in that order, to get a SHA1 this solves old problem reported in #4916: GitHub incorrectly processes dereference requests for tags that are not actually annotated case in point: https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-kernel/releases/tag/4.4.202-1237-rockchip-ayufan codeaurora is no more, https://bye.codeaurora.org/ View the full article
  16. Description Upgrade vcgencmd without tmp vulnerability and inclusion for bananapim2ultra See also https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5095#issuecomment-1521626783 How Has This Been Tested? [x] Pine64 [x] Rock64 [x] Banana Pi M2 Ultra Checklist: [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [x] My changes generate no new warnings [x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  17. I use the POE hat from pine64 (https://pine64.com/product/rock64-quartz64-model-b-poe-add-on-board/) It fits as long as your heat sink is not too large.
  18. On Jammy (Gnome, current, Rock64), I had to manually install dkms before the script would work.
  19. Thanks! I can confirm that the script works on my Rock64 board, running bullseye CLI with the current branch. At first I thought it wasn't working, but then I moved it to a different spot and tried an open WiFi network. I'm still not sure if I can get it working with my normal WPA2/WPA3 network. Oh, and you might want to change "edge" to "$BRANCH" in the manual instructions, too.
  20. Huey

    hold firmware

    Hm, I retried with defreeze and freeze and now instead of armbian-firmware-full, the armbian-firmware got hold. For security I will also set again the armbian-firmware-full on hold... Better safe than sorry. Apologies, above happened on my rock64. Strange though: the rock64 image holds armbian-firmware, the rockpro64 holds armbian-firmware-full? Or is that because I added the headers as well on the rockpro64 and not on the rock64...? Hm, tried to update packages and the firmware using armbian-config, and it updates the full. Is it possible that the omv (installed using armbian-config...) uses a different update strategy and uses the armbian-firmware NOT full? Will set a hold on both to be sure...
  21. The initial installation went fine from the flashed image on SD card, and still works fine. However, after using armbian-config to attempt to transfer the OS and bootloader to the eMMC card, nothing actually changes. It says it formats the card and then goes through the process of transferring the files, or at least it looks like it does. But when I reboot it it's still running on the SD card and no files appear to have been transferred to the eMMC. fstab lists the UUID of the SD card and not the eMMC at all; this is also true of the bootenv section of armbian-config. One thing I did notice is that there are some new directories under /mnt : '/mnt/nand-sata-install.Jkf7AG' and '/mnt/nand-sata-install.xo9PVr'. Both of these contain 'bootfs' and 'rootfs' directories, but these are all empty. Also, 'lsblk' shows some sort of boot partitions on the eMMC: mmcblk1 179:32 0 29.1G 0 disk └─mmcblk1p1 179:33 0 28.8G 0 part mmcblk1boot0 179:64 0 4M 1 disk mmcblk1boot1 179:96 0 4M 1 disk Previously, I used this board with ayufan, booting directly from the eMMC card. Before flashing the SD card I erased the boot files from the eMMC card, and as I said the initial installation seemed to go just fine
  22. Hi! I am using the as of this date latest armbian image Armbian 22.11 Jammy, Kernel 5.15.y, Size: 495Mb, CLI, Release date: Nov 30, 2022 for my board: https://www.armbian.com/rock64/ I am not sure if this is specifically an issue with the CLI image, or if both images are affected. I am not using a GUI. I configured a static IP address via netplan (generated and applied the config) and installed a dhcp server. The dhcp server sometimes kept failing to start on reboot. Checking the logs showed that even though the isc-dhcp-server depends on the network being configured before it tries to start, that actually systemd sometimes starts isc-dhcp-server before it configures the network interfaces. I believe this is a bug in the OS! The only thing that helped was to completely remove/mask the default NetworkManager and switching to systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved instead. I don't have time to report this in multiple bugtrackers, I am just documenting this issue here in the forum, and hopefully it will help somebody that has the same issue or who wants to fix this. Also crossposted the issue to the isc dhcp-user mailinglist: https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/dhcp-users/2023-February/022826.html But I don't think it's a problem with their service. I think it's an issue with either systemd or NetworkManager or netplan with the default NetworkManager renderer. If you want to reproduce the issue my netplan config looked like this: cat /etc/netplan/armbian.yaml network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager ethernets: eth0: dhcp4: no addresses: [] routes: - to: default via: nameservers: addresses: [,] And after ripping out NetworkManger as I workaround I now I changed the renderer to networkd. I think it would be better if the OS would also work as expected with the NetworkManager that it ships with enabled by default. Or make networkd the new default. Cheers!
  23. Description USB3 has been enabled in mainline since 2021 View the full article
  24. Thanks for that cOrnelius. I've never messed with uboot yet I'll do some research first. As far as Manjaro goes it was fine in the previous version on the Rock 64 as well as a Radxa Rock 3A. (Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-rock64 (or 3A)-21.10.img) When the systems were updated to 22.06 the HDMI died. on both. I've installed Armbian 22.11.1 jammy_current 5.15.80 on the Rock 64 and Armbian 22.11.2 jammy_edge 5.15.80 on the Rock 3a. Only the Rock 64 has video issues.
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