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  1. Hi, @c0rnelius I'm trying to figure out if at all possible how to get the Waveshare Hdmi 5.5 AMOLED screen to work on this board. this is the link to the screen https://www.waveshare.com/product/5.5inch-hdmi-amoled.htm
  2. Give it a whirl and let me know. lsusb Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 004: ID 090c:1000 Silicon Motion, Inc. - Taiwan (formerly Feiya Technology Corp.) Flash Drive Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:a811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8811AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub meson-g12b-bananapi-cm4-waveshare-usb.dts
  3. I have a Waveshare board on order and an MCUZone POE board in non-production use at the moment. I can test whatever dtbo you can come up with and give feedback.
  4. I have run into a similar problem with another board. The problem seems to be that the Waveshare board (as well as the other one) connect their hub IC to the OTG port without connecting a line which puts the OTG port into host mode. In the Banana Pi forums, a tech posted a DTBO for Ubuntu 20.04 which looks like this (decompiled) dts-v1/; / { fragment@0 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { controller-type = <0x01>; }; }; fragment@1 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { otg = <0x00>; }; }; __fixups__ { dwc2_a = "/fragment@0:target:0"; usb3_phy_v2 = "/fragment@1:target:0"; }; }; I do, however, not have the slightest clue how to translate that to the significantly newer armbian kernel... Maybe @c0rnelius can help with that?
  5. Hi, I've had great success with the BPI-CM4 and its associated IO board thanks to the Armbian Linux release. I've now placed the BPI-CM4 on the Waveshare MINI-BASE-BOARD-A (Rev. 4) with its FE1.1s USB hub chip. Needless to say this has always been something of an issue for these boards. The kernel commandline settings which used to work on the Pi CM4 in their older kernel don't work for me with the 6.1 kernel, although the chip itself appears to be detected. The net result is no keyboard, which in itself, is not a show stopper since ssh works well for me. My question is: is it possible to get the FE1.1s running easily? Any help most welcome and thanks in advance. PhillB Using images: Armbian_23.05.0-trunk_Bananapicm4io_bullseye_edge_6.2.12_gnome_desktop.img.xz Armbian_23.8.1_Bananapicm4io_bookworm_current_6.1.50.img.xz Everything works for me except keyboard and mouse. Even Docker!
  6. I am trying to use a Waveshare e-Paper (2.9") with an Orange Pi Zero LTS. To enable the SPI interface, I have added this to /boot/armbianEnv.txt: overlays=spi-add-cs1 spi-spidev param_spidev_spi_bus=1 param_spidev_max_freq=10000000 and installed WiringPI from Github. The e-Paper module is connected to the following GPIO pins: VCC: 3.3V GND: GND DIN: 19(phys)/11(wPi) CLK: 23(phys)/14(wPi) CS: 24(phys)/15(wPi) DC: 22(phys)/13(wPi) RST: 3(phys)/0(wPi) BUSY: 5(phys)/1(wPi) I have checked the connections by using the gpio command line tool to set all 6 ports above to low and to high, and verifying the output with a multimeter. Then I downloaded the e-Paper software from Github, and made it compatible with the Orange Pi via the following changes to lib/Config/DEV_Config.c: 1. In DEV_Equipment_Testing(void), comment out the code that checks if the file /etc/issue contains the string "Raspian" 2. Set EPD_RST_PIN=0, EPD_DC_PIN=13, EPD_CS_PIN=15, EPD_BUSY_PIN=1. 3. Uncomment "if(wiringPiSetup() < 0)", add a curly open brace, and comment out the line after. 4. Change "wiringPiSPISetup(0,10000000);" into "wiringPiSPISetup(1,10000000);" to use spidev1.0 When I run this e-Paper example, nothing happens on the e-Paper display, although I can detect voltage changes on the GPIO ports with a multimeter. The same software works on a Raspberry Pi without problems. Any hints are appreciated!
  7. Hello Everyone, As I am still working on hardening my Odroid-M1 servers, I am looking for a solution to activate a real console for root login only. My homelab is not in the same room as my desk, so I need to get access from an internal VLAN with restrictions and take control even if the network drivers are not enabled. Have you tested or used a UART to Ethernet converter like https://www.pusr.com/products/ethernet-to-uart-modules-usr-k7.html or https://www.waveshare.com/uart-to-eth.htm or something else? Let me know your thoughts. Sincerely, Frederic
  8. I don't want to talk about how long i beat my head against this but i have it working so i thought i would share. First, in the 5.4.y kernels, the fbtft_device module seems to be missing? So i am using 5.90 oragepizero ubuntu bionic next 4.19.57 as my image, kernel is upgraded to 4.19.62-sunxi via regular apt-get upgrade. I have a genuine waveshare 2.8 A rpi lcd. Waveshare states repeatedly that it is compatible with the 3.2 B rpi lcd except for the screen size and number of buttons, so this should work for the 3.2 B lcd as well. This blog post was pretty helpful: https://kaspars.net/blog/spi-display-orange-pi-zero But it leaves out the necessity of enabling the spi bus overlays. So, using armbian-config, go into system -> hardware -> and enable spi-spidev and (I think?) spi-add-cs1 (as recommended by some other posts i have seen). Then edit (as root) /boot/armbianEnv.txt and add these lines: param_spidev_spi_bus=1 param_spidev_spi_cs=1 extraargs="fbcon=map:8" edit /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf and add these lines: fbtft fbtft_device create /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf containing this line: options fbtft_device rotate=90 name=waveshare32b busnum=1 gpios=dc:3,reset:0 speed=32000000 Here's the kicker though. According to the wiki page for this lcd, the lcd cable select is connected to pin 24 and the touchscreen cs pin is on pin 26 https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_RPi_LCD_(A) But i only had a white screen until i removed the "CS=1" argument from the options line. I don't' get it. Maybe this means i can't use the touch screen, but I'm not sure i want it for my application. But if someone can explain what the logic is there, that would be great. My plan is to ultimately install retropie on it, and remix the "mini commodore pet" retropie enclosure to fit an opi zero instead of a raspberry pi. I've looked at retrorangepi and they don't really target this kind of configuration so that seems like the way to go.
  9. I have a Waveshare 2.8 A TFT LCD (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_RPi_LCD_(A)) and I used it with the orange pi zero LTS board using the instructions given here: I used Armbian_5.90_Orangepizero_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.57.img as the OS, downloaded from the Armbian download page archives. It worked on the first try, and displayed the console on the LCD screen. I was able to log into the Orangepi Zero board from the serial port (ttyS0) connected to the PC, from ssh in Putty on the same PC, and also from the console shown in the LCD (tty1) using a keyboard attached directly to the orangepi zero. I started following other tutorials to try and get a GUI desktop to display on the LCD which didn't work. I finally formatted the sdcard and reflashed the armbian image to start fresh. However, now the LCD screen is not showing the console no matter what I do. The LCD displays a white screen on power on, which seems to be normal. Then while the serial terminal on PC (ttyS0) is showing the boot up messages, at the point where I would expect the LCD to start showing the boot up messages simultaneously, all I bet is a black screen. Something is definitely happening, as the screen turns from white at boot up to black, but it's not showing the console display anymore. I know that when the serial terminal on the PC reaches the login screen, the console on the LCD should have reached the login screen as well. If I blindly type in the username and password for the board in the black LCD screen, from the PC serial terminal I can see that log in from the LCD console succeeded (shown below). What is all this indicating? How I can I troubleshoot why the LCD is showing me a black screen, when it had worked the first time? After flashing the image I usually do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, but I have tried this again and again, both with/without the update/upgrade, and it is not working. $ uname -a: Linux orangepizero 4.19.57-sunxi #5.90 SMP Fri Jul 5 17:58:43 CEST 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux $ w: orangepizero@orangepizero:~$ w 10:33:23 up 13 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT orangepi tty1 - 10:33 8.00s 0.53s 0.29s -bash orangepi ttyS0 - 10:20 1.00s 0.64s 0.04s w $ lsmod | grep fb fb_ili9340 16384 0 fbtft_device 40960 0 fbtft 28672 2 fbtft_device,fb_ili9340
  10. Hi, I need a help. I have waveshare 4inc lcd touch play display but I don’t know how to enable touch play. Please Help me.
  11. Hello, I have had a similar problem with a waveshare 5" knockoff display on my orange pi 5. I started to build the kernel so I could make changes to the hdmi driver in an attempt to make the display work. I make a clean build without any changes just to make sure that the pi would be able to install the kernel and everything. To my surprise, when I rebooted after installing that build of the kernel the display just started working. I am assuming that the kernel that was compiled is a newer version than the one armbian has released and someone else made a change to the hdmi driver to fix this issue. (I was very surprised and happy when it started working) You can look into building the kernel yourself, but I will also supply the .deb (links below) that I installed that fixed this issue for me! to install this .deb file, first download it and then run the command: sudo dpkg -i FILENAME Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RFAC6DlSqPcIHc4bpZtY6kB_k9sXl-Ho/view?usp=share_link Media Fire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/79nctsr6e8dbyeh/linux-image-legacy-rockchip-rk3588_23.05.0-trunk--5.10.110-S6547-D3037-P0000-C6cddHfe66-HK01ba-Vc222-B1666_arm64.deb/file Hopefully this helps some of you guys out!
  12. I know the reason for this problem, Waveshare manufacturers of this type of 7" 1024x600 resolution screen, the screen interface is HDMI, but the internal conversion protocol is DVI to LCD, so the actual signal in HDMI needs to be DVI, here you need to open the HDMI YUV format output to be compatible with this kind of screen. This is a special screen and I have not found a way to turn on the yuv output in the drm display-subsystem driver for the rk3588.
  13. Does armbian support 1024x600 resolution? The monitor that works is a 1080 monitor, and the research I did on the 7" waveshare screen it may also be a 1080 screen.
  14. @Straconis what passworder wrote is that if he first plugged his monitor into the HDMI (not the usb-c adapter) then the lcd into the usb-c adapter. If @passworder will compare the edid when it's working with the edid when it's not working you might gonna see what's going wrong. A way to do this: sudo apt install edid-decode cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid | edid-decode > edid-working.log cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid | edid-decode > edid-not-working.log With the usb-c adapter it will probably be cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-DP-1/edid | edid-decode > edid-working.log cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-DP-1/edid | edid-decode > edid-not-working.log To make loading the edid work, you'll need to add the edid file to your initramfs, to do this: sudo cp /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-DP-1/edid /usr/lib/firmware/edid/waveshare.bin sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/edid.sh #!/bin/sh # Copy local EDID monitor description data # mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}"/lib/firmware/edid EDID_DATA=/usr/lib/firmware/edid/waveshare.bin if [ -f "${EDID_DATA}" ]; then cp "${EDID_DATA}" "${DESTDIR}"/lib/firmware/edid/ fi exit 0 sudo chmod +x /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/edid.sh sudo update-initramfs -u sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt extraargs="drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/waveshare.bin"
  15. @passworder I think you need to force it to load the correct edid. You could try to copy the edid at the moment it's working to /lib/firmware/edid/ then add the boot arg and hope it works. So that should look something like: sudo cp /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid /lib/firmware/waveshare.bin sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt Then add a new line: extraargs="drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/waveshare.bin"
  16. I'm having the same issue. I'm using a Waveshare 7HP-CAPQLED 7" HDMI screen and when plugged into my Orange Pi 5 I have no signal/output. However, if I plug my PC monitor in it works. I have a USB-C to HDMI converter and it will only work if I plug my PC monitor into the HDMI port first, which I thought was odd. Does anyone have any solutions for this?
  17. I was informed about the “CM4 IO Computer” based on the official Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board housing in a metal enclosure along with the Raspberry Pi CM4 module. I initially thought it was new, but it’s been out at least since 2021. Nevertheless, it turns out there are at least two of this type of metal enclosures for the CM4 IO board, and when buying full systems, they may provide a way to source Raspberry Pi CM4 system-on-modules since individual modules are so hard to purchase if you are not a company with some minimum monthly production volume. As a development platform, the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board is not optimized for cost or size, but there’s apparently enough demand that at least two companies – EDATEC and Waveshare – decided to make metal enclosures for them. EDATEC metal enclosure for the Compute Module 4 [...] The post Metal enclosures for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board appeared first on CNX Software - Embedded Systems News. View the full article
  18. ok so it seems fen's solution would work, but I'm in a pickle here as my monitor resolution is 480x800. I got this screen for KlipperScreen, and it doesn't display anything despite having only an HDMI cable to send the display signal. It's a waveshare display from softpear. Never messed with U-boot btw so if Fenn's solution works with this display that'd be great
  19. 8086 Consultancy’s PicoRelay8 is a baseboard for the Raspberry Pi Pico (W) board equipped with eight 28V DC / 10A Normally Open relays that be used for all sorts of automation projects, while Waveshare Pico-Relay-B also supports eight relays with both DC and AC loads and comes with some extra features. PicoRelay8 PicoRelay8 board specifications: Supported MCU board – Raspberry Pi Pico or Pi Pico W, and it may also work with “mostly” compatible boards such as the Banana Pi BPI-Pico-RP2040 or BPI-PicoW-S3, WeAct RP2040, and others as long as all GPIO used on the PicoRelay8 are exposed on the same pins. Relays 8x HF3FF/005-1HST relays rated for 28V DC/10A, as well as 10A/250V AC and 15A/125V AC, but the board is not designed to get power from the mains (safety-wise), so it’s only really suitable for DC loads Each relay has a 2-pin terminal block attached to it. GPIO [...] The post Control 8 relays with the Raspberry Pi Pico using PicoRelay8 or Pico-Relay-B appeared first on CNX Software - Embedded Systems News. View the full article
  20. Hi! Is it possible to use a 1024x600 screen resolution ? I use a waveshare 7inch HDMI display. When I try to connect the screen, I don't see the picture.
  21. Hello all, I have installed the image "Armbian 23.02.0-trunk.0176 Lunar with bleeding edge Linux 6.1.6-bcm2711" on my two Raspi 4 systems. One system runs via cable and the other via WLAN. At the beginning there were some problems with the IPv6 - kernel, if "apt update" was executed. I got this problem under control with "disable ipv6".... Since then, both systems run flawlessly & without problems. With the implementation of GPIO you should fall back on an existing GPIO - version, which works in any case also under this image; also for 64bit. One small thing I would like to know very much, because on the system with the cable the WaveShare PoE - HAT is installed and I would like to monitor via software very much the FAN. Unfortunately, this does not work because the software does not see "I2C". In the Config - File, however, you see this as "enable" - What can I do here? Does anyone have an idea how I can enablen the I2C so that this works? Best regards from Germany..... Z. Matthias
  22. The supplied Debian image boots and starts an X session, but my USB-C hub (with Ethernet) is not recognized (it works with the RISC-V Nezha build from @balbes150), and my WaveShare hat (with USB and Ethernet) neither. I'm kind of stuck, as I would like to add an existing WiFi network and get rid of all cables but the power. 🤷‍♂️
  23. Ok, so, first of all, I am a complete noob. I bought Banana Pi thinking that it is similar to Raspberry Pi's architecture but it's obviously not. I bought a 240x240 Waveshare 1.3 inch hat and I was wondering how to get it working on my Banana Pi Zero (H2+). On Raspberry Pi I can use Juj's fbcp-ili9341 driver but it's probably not compatible with Armbian, right? How do I go about it? Also, it would be nice to know how to detect buttons (that are on the hat) and convert them to key strokes. Thanks!
  24. Hi just a quick question What package is dt-bindings normally located in, i would assume kernel headers but i tried installation via armbian-config and couldn't see them. Can anyone confirm what package it normally is in or was i blind thanks. Was just working on adding support Waveshare Dual RS232 on SPI2, uploaded DTS to https://github.com/radxa/overlays/blob/main/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlays/rk3399-spi2-sc16is752.dts Atm i hardcoded the defines on machine but not ideal if it changes in the future Thanks
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