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Looking for a current realtime RTOS real time deb package or SD card image for the tinkerboard. I have been trying to compile a current real time build.  All of my attempts have failed so far.  free offer described below

7 minutes ago, berin said:

Looking for a current realtime RTOS real time deb package or SD card image for the tinkerboard. I have been trying to compile a current real time build.  All of my attempts have failed so far.

What kernel are you building against?  What patchset are you using.... Are you using armbian build tools to build kernel?


Sorry for being a little less then highly detailed, was in a rush took my daughter to Disney World.. 

I have tried building the RTOS for the current released kernel 4.19 . I followed the armbian build scripts etc.. downloaded build scripts from  https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/ . I get a patch compile failed error, but it does show kernel build options for RT though they are greyed out.  I am not much of a C programmer, and there for am at a loss for adjusting the patch(s) as needed. From the RT real time kernel repository https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/4.19/ . I would like to see the current release of armbian SD image with a "Preemption Model (Fully Preemptible Kernel (RT))" version. Or a version that includes it already so a user needs only change boot scripts.

This is my project that I have been working on https://photos.app.goo.gl/GvprVxFfbKAWY7VR7 . spec's are an ASUS Tinker Board with a Raspberry PI 7" LCD.   The lcd is an other issue there is no support for 1024x600 HDMI connection. I have tried xrandr but it does not appear to be able to change the settings or add the video mode for the tinker board. any help on that would be great as well. 



(FREE OFFER) In fact for a little motivation I'd be willing to build and give for free to one (1)  person the first person who full fills what I'm seeking, anyone who can solve my software issues.  (ship in usa only) one of my handmade hand designed fiberglass shells for SBC's,  designed around the RPI hardware model. My Asus Tinkerboard worktation shell I think it could support up-to a 10" LCD depending on lcd bezel/frame design. Hind sight I kind of wishing I had gone with a little larger LCD.  I'm looking for an SDcard image to be published for all to use and access of armbian with RTOS "Preemption Model (Fully Preemptible Kernel (RT))" based on the most current release of Armbian for Tinker Board, with support for the RPI 1024x600 touch lcd VGA/HDMI. The display res is not supported (TOUCH screen however works just fine in the current tinker board armbian release bionic that I'm running now), i2c real time clock  ds1307/ds1338c detection and support. There are a few other items as well. See My Asus Tinkerboard workstation shell link for photos.

  • berin changed the title to Tinker Board current RTOS needed (Free offer)

I finally got the RTOS built and working. Armbian 4.19.34 NEXT FULL PREEMPT RT kernel patch rockhip build 5.78 armhf Finally got them to compile current RT for 4.19 let me now if it works or knot?




Let me know if anything has issues, I had to re-upload linuxsource-next because it was corrupted.

patch-4.19.34-rt18.patch.gz  Patch for compiling armbian Next real time, drop into  userpatches kernal rockchip-next


On 3/28/2019 at 7:18 PM, berin said:

Looking for a current realtime RTOS real time deb package or SD card image for the tinkerboard. I have been trying to compile a current real time build.  All of my attempts have failed so far.  free offer described below


It's been a while since I've looked at Tinker - but last time I checked, is that the RT patches where already in place...

  • berin changed the title to Tinker Board current RTOS working (Free offer)

So I now have working RTOS builds for 4.4 and 4.19, I'm now working on getting linuxcnc setup and working SPI, ETHERNET, and GPIO control functions.


Linuxcnc is working fine, the only tasks left, are getting the I/O setup in linuxcnc. I do not have a mesa board and I'm prefer to use the GPIO mainly. would love any help from anyone that can. The only other issue that needs to be worked out is the Native resolution of the lcd I'm using is not working in armbian, 1024x600. My finish goal is to PUBLISH a working SD/EMMC image to the world. so people with a tinkerboard have a DROP IN cnc controller just add the boot/distro image and setup your connections for your machine as needed.


So at this point its confirmed that the tinkerboard is as I expected a good candidate for running linux cnc. looking for anyone that can help get the GPIO HAL working AND the hal drivers for ethernet and spi mesa like boards for linuxcnc.


Getting closer to a working linuxcnc on armbian using the tinkerboard. I'll release the alpha when the bugs are worked out. I am interested in how many people are interested in this project??

On 5/6/2019 at 2:54 AM, berin said:

Getting closer to a working linuxcnc on armbian using the tinkerboard. I'll release the alpha when the bugs are worked out. I am interested in how many people are interested in this project??

I am very interested in this topic.  I already have some experience with either Raspberry that with Beaglebone.



Right now I'm trying to implement linuxcnc on 64 bit raspian realtime.



Is that your build? if so looks very interesting. I would suggest a dust skirt under the router motor and a vacuum. Though I do see that video is from 5 years ago. What aspect are you interested in this ongoing project? What are you looking forward to when a working release is made public? and do you have any plans?

On 4/9/2019 at 6:28 AM, berin said:

I finally got the RTOS built and working. Armbian 4.19.34 NEXT FULL PREEMPT RT kernel patch rockhip build 5.78 armhf Finally got them to compile current RT for 4.19 let me now if it works or knot?

linux-dtb-next-rockchip_5.78_armhf.deb 82.77 kB · 35 downloads

linux-headers-next-rockchip_5.78_armhf.deb 10.14 MB · 36 downloads

linux-image-next-rockchip_5.78_armhf.deb 17.97 MB · 38 downloads

Let me know if anything has issues, I had to re-upload linuxsource-next because it was corrupted.

patch-4.19.34-rt18.patch.gz  Patch for compiling armbian Next real time, drop into  userpatches kernal rockchip-next

linux-source-next-rockchip_5.78_all.deb 296.76 MB · 42 downloads

Hello! I am an absolute noob in compiling and building linux headers. I have installed TinkerOS (debian) from official website. My objective is to install the RTOS on my TinkerBoard. I have two questions: 1) Would you, please post here a guide how to build the RTOS step-by-step and deploy it on the board. And 2) How do I install the .deb packages you attached? Should i just run 

$sudo dpkg -i [PACKAGE-NAME]

on TinkerOS terminal or it should be installed somehow in other way?


Hi... all you have to do is install the DEB packages.. that I built if you want the RT.... they are already built. OR you can build them your self. if you want to build them your self just follow the guides and use my RT patches. unless there is a newer version out and you'll need to find newer patches. unless your going to run 4.19. unless you need something special there is not much point to compile it your self when the DEB packages are already built and posted. install. reboot. enjoy. This will give you everything you need to know for building for tinkerboard and other boards. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ download there image. update it update it and its hard coded to compile for armbian.


Been a while. I have not touched this project but I'll be getting back into it soon. I just got my small home cnc machine up and running. Now I'll be able to start diverting time back to this project and the big cnc machine that the company that is supposed to be making the parts for for me has still been delaying me on.


I have not done much with the project as of late, current status I have LCNC working on the thinkerboard but no GPIO hal driver. I have not setup a mesa controller because I dont have one and dont want to spend the money on one. I also have a ton of other stuff going on. the tinkerboard as is will work with MESA drivers using the Ethernet interface. or an SPI interface... What I'm lacking and lack the skills to do is write a lower Tear level code for a HAL driver to drive the GPIO pins directly. If anyone knows of people who may find this project interesting or be able to help PLEASE fwd them. If enough people poke ASUS they may help considering asus produced the tinkerboard.


Currently I have almost finished a CNC machine I'm building for my 10yo daughter. I did all of the cad work.  And milled out the parts on my cnc machine. I will be publishing my entire archive of NC files and CAD drawings etc.... to instructables or one of the other maker sites when I finish building my daughters machine. An other side/sad note. I am no longer going to use the tinkerboard for the original project I was going to use it for. So the project is kind of back burner-ed but the flame is NOT out. I just HAVE to have a working system for the cnc machine project I'm building for work and the last thing I need to get working is beyond my skill set.. If any one needs I have a collection of files given to me by other people who have setup the thinkerboard to use  with MESA controllers. "cheating IMO" but it will work. 

"BTW the machine in the photos I build with Starboard"

mini cnc machine.3.jpg



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