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Today I noticed something strange about packages :

armbian-config and armbian-firmware (bionic all)

Repository version becomes 19.11.3 (via apt update)

but self built packages created via kernel build script are version 5.98

Other kernel packages are ok, version 4.19.85

What about this?



we "should" switch after apt update & upgrade inside armbian-config via system => other to the new kernel (legacy or current) - but after apt update & upgrade I was on

linux-image-dev-meson64 (19.11.3)

and after armian-config now on

linux-image-current-meson64 (19.11.3)


to what does current match? next, mainline, dev (,legacy - not...) or whats the difference between a dev and a current 19.11.3 image? dev was - for me - the most current.


BTW: My package-info line does work with 19.11.3 :)


  ___      _           _     _    ____ ____  
 / _ \  __| |_ __ ___ (_) __| |  / ___|___ \ 
| | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \| |/ _` | | |     __) |
| |_| | (_| | | | (_) | | (_| | | |___ / __/ 
 \___/ \__,_|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|  \____|_____|
Welcome to Armbian Buster with Linux 5.3.11-meson64

package bsp-kernel[19.11.3] u-boot[19.11.3] dtb[19.11.3] firmware[19.11.3] config[19.11.3]


51 minutes ago, guidol said:

dev was

DEV = development. Currently there is none or its identical to CURRENT ... but later DEV will some time be 5.4.y. ... until CURRENT becomes DEV again :) 

2 hours ago, Igor said:

DEV = development. Currently there is none or its identical to CURRENT ... but later DEV will some time be 5.4.y. ... until CURRENT becomes DEV again :) 

is there a way to build a "CURRENT" (19.11.3) armbian-image with the armbian-build-system?

this mean maybe special options to ./comspile.sh ? ;)
Or when will the armbian-build-system create as default the CURRENT version e.g. 19.11.3 ?


OK, did found it :)

Did got/use a bad .conf


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