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customize-image.sh using git clone error


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In my customize-image.sh I need to dowload source via git and make it like user and not like root.


Example of customize-image.sh:

git clone https://github.com/xxx/xxx /home/pi/xxx

su -c "sudo -S  /home/pi/xxx/xxx.sh" - pi


This work when I build image for OrangePi4 (and all other rk3399 board)

It dosen't work when build image for sun8i board like OrangePi Lite.  Both git and su command return error and compilation fail.


This happen with legacy and mainline kernel, with ubuntu or debian.

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On 8/23/2020 at 11:14 AM, gleam2003 said:

It dosen't work when build image for sun8i board like OrangePi Lite.  Both git and su command return error and compilation fail.

Strange. This looks like the problem is related to 32bit systems ... possible QEMU bug? Can you try to change build host? Bionic instead of Focal. Or some Debian?

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I tried with Bionic and have the same issue.
Yes, is probably Qemu problem, I have the same problem if I chroot manually and try to do the same thing.


In Focal qemu version is 3, in Bionic qemu version is 4 and I have the same problem.
I compile the version 5 on Focal but I can't successefull build the static version with softemmu.

I will test the 5 from unstable branch on Bionic

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I've recently been having the same issues, a segfault during git clone, when building focal on Ubuntu 18.04. I tried a few different versions of QEMU; QEMU 5.1.0 ended up solving my issue (when installed locally and then do a build with ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY=force to generate a local rootfs).

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Now I have this error on end of build process:



[ o.k. ] Unmounting [ /home/vagrant/armbian/.tmp/rootfs-legacy-beelinkx2-buster-no-no ]
qemu-arm-static: /build/qemu-aGGHr4/qemu-5.0/linux-user/elfload.c:2327: pgb_reserved_va: Assertion `addr == test' failed.
/home/vagrant/armbian/lib/distributions.sh: line 597:  3795 Aborted                 (core dumped) chroot "${SDCARD}" /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/initctl"
qemu-arm-static: /build/qemu-aGGHr4/qemu-5.0/linux-user/elfload.c:2327: pgb_reserved_va: Assertion `addr == test' failed.
/home/vagrant/armbian/lib/distributions.sh: line 597:  3798 Aborted                 (core dumped) chroot "${SDCARD}" /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/start-stop-daemon"


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2 hours ago, Werner said:

Does this happen as well when building on Ubuntu Focal native or in a virtual environment (Virtualbox or similar)?

The error with qemu old version happen on both, native or virtual.

The error after update qemu to 5.0 happen on vagrant, for now I don't test on native.

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