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Ditch canned replies?

Go to solution Solved by Werner,

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At the moment there are two possible way to create and use predefined answers: canned replies and saved actions.

Since latter also includes - besides adding a post reply - the option to hide/unhide/move/lock threads as well as manipulate the topic title by adding a pre- or suffix I suggest to get rid of canned replies.


The downside of this change is that it is no longer possible for anybody, who has permission to do so, to create their own canned replies. However I barely notice anyone using this feature and the most common used canned reply is "missing armbianmonitor -u". Therefore not a big loss. This can easily be implemented as saved action as well.


Should I warn you for a duplicate post?


There's an annoying bug with canned replies anyway which is I can't select the default reply without choosing another first.   Then I have to clean up.


Anyway sounds like it's worth trying new way then we can disable canned plugin? 


At the moment there are two version. A helpful one and an aggressive one.




Unhide & reply please add missing data:

  • Will unhide the topic in case it is hidden (likely due to moderation approval)
  • and reply this:



Unhide+Insufficient info+close:

  • Will unhide the topic in case it is hidden
  • Will edit the topic title and add "INVALID - " as prefix
  • Will close the topic
  • Will reply this:



I just disabled canned replies.

Sure there is a phase of adjust but if you think about: Before you needed clicks to unhide. Then clicks to active the reply and submit. Now you select the matching action and confirm. Less clicks.


I can't use the saved actions (probably because I'm not a moderator). I remember though, that I could use the canned replies. So for me this means more typing to point ppl to armbianmonitor etc.

8 minutes ago, Heisath said:

(probably because I'm not a moderator)

We could change that :P


FWIW, I never used them because it was unclear to me exactly what they did (until you explained in detail above, so thanks for that).


My personal take is also a little more nuanced, but I have not been doing it as long as some of you guys either.

  • Solution

I re-enabled the canned replies. Maybe due to the attention it got from this thread new ideas about replies pop up.

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