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15 hours ago, Matej Kovačič said:

I have LicheeRV Nano (it has RISC-V SG2002 CPU). Is it supported?


There are (too) many different models & making hardware was never this cheap ... The closest to this were @chainsx maintenance of LicheePi 4A but it turned out bad. Framework has all needed mechanisms which is what we maintain. That help that this job is easier for anyone that wants to do it.


Not be to a downer - but RISC-V, while interesting, is out of scope, much like X86/AMD64


RISC-V in particular - the ISA is under active development, and we have a wide array of chipset/SoC vendors that perhaps need improvement on their docs...


SImilar - I do a lot of work on older MIPS K24c chipset - but I don't bring specific back to the community here, as it's not relevant...

7 hours ago, Celona said:

like DietPi does with Armbian


The problem behind their promotion statement is that its a scam. Dietpi is bloated with proprietary scripts and they are removing packages that are dependencies for everything ... so it makes no sense at the end, just first installation of anything takes longer. But they can claim images has few MB less ... which is "better" and most of end users have no ability / interest to understand they have been conned.

Damages they create to open source, by playing dirty, that is beyond commenting.


7 hours ago, Celona said:

I installed Ubuntu Server and I'm happy with it


This should also work OOB then


and you don't need to remove anything (from minimal Bookworm OS image, which is significantly lighter then Dietpi).


If you / anyone can confirm they are working well, we can move this to Supported section.

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