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VisionFive-2 (jh7110)


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18 часов назад, AndyW сказал:

Everything was fine except didn't get desktop on HDMI once with the xfce image.


17 часов назад, AndyW сказал:

Can't get 20230825-current xfce desktop to boot. I have 8G. Note I'm still on u-boot 3.1.5. as I can't update using your updater, as per previous posts.

I am testing the launch only with the u-boot that comes from the factory (with a single launch of the update), I do not control why the new versions of u-boot do not work correctly. Perhaps the reason for the incorrect operation of HDMI is errors in u-boot 3.x, try to roll back u-boot to version 2.11.5, NVMe works in this version and there have been no reports of problems with HDMI.


17 часов назад, AndyW сказал:

Which is the "correct file"? The one on the SD Card appears to be the same as the one I downloaded today:


25.08.2023 в 11:17, balbes150 сказал:

for those who want to launch the "official" Armbian (image versions from the official download page), this is very easy to do. Update u-boot according to the instructions in the first message (if you have already done this, you can skip this step). Download the official Armbian image, unpack, burn to the SD card, download


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On 8/28/2023 at 2:24 AM, balbes150 said:

try to roll back u-boot to version 2.11.5

Sorry about the delay, was on vacation.


I did install 2.11.5 and your updater then worked. However, I am still unable to run anything with kernel 6.5. All other releases work fine.


I played a bit and found that with kernel 6.5, if I replace the regular dtb (jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.3b.dtb) with the 4Gig one (jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.3b-4gb.dtb), unplug the video and start the board it starts okay, and if I then plug in the video it works. But if I leave the video plugged in it fails the same way as with the regular dtb. The console output is the same as I provided before. If I leave the video unplugged with the 8Gig dtb it also fails as before.


Maybe I have a defective board.

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03.09.2023 в 23:28, AndyW сказал:

I did install 2.11.5 and your updater then worked. However, I am still unable to run anything with kernel 6.5. All other releases work fine.

I have not tested the work of u-boot 2.11.5, but with the default u-boot + update, everything works with all kernel versions, including 6.5. Show the UART log of running kernel 6.5 from 2.11.5.

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15 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Show the UART log of running kernel 6.5 from 2.11.5

I've included a few files in case it helps. This is just after downgrading to 2.11.5, rebooting to u-boot, then defaulting and saving the environment:

1 - 2.11.5-UBoot-clean-before-update-printenv.log

2 - 2.11.5-Doing-update-and-printenv.log

3 - 6.5-Normal-startup-fails.log - normal startup with monitor, keyboard and mouse plugged in. This fails.

4 - 6.5-Startup-HDMI_KB_Mouse_Unplugged.log - starts okay, get login prompt on UART console. Plug in monitor, no video. Login and neofetch below (doesn't show up well in log with my terminal emulator):

Armbian 23.06 Lunar ttyS0
starfive2 login: root
__     ___     _             _____ _           ____
\ \   / (_)___(_) ___  _ __ |  ___(_)_   _____|___ \
 \ \ / /| / __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_  | \ \ / / _ \ __) |
  \ V / | \__ \ | (_) | | | |  _| | |\ V /  __// __/
   \_/  |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|_|   |_| \_/ \___|_____|
Welcome to Armbian 23.06 Lunar with Linux 6.5.0-rc1-star64
No end-user support: built from trunk
System load:   2%               Up time:       16 min
Memory usage:  1% of 7.76G      IP:  
CPU temp:      37°C            Usage of /:    2% of 58G
[ Menu-driven system configuration (beta): sudo apt update && sudo apt install a
rmbian-config ]
Last login: Thu Sep  7 18:49:20 EDT 2023 on ttyS0
root@starfive2:~# neofetch
         O O            OS: Armbian 23.06 Lunar riscv64
        #####           Host: StarFive VisionFive 2 v1.3B
       #######          Kernel: 6.5.0-rc1-star64
     ##########         Uptime: 16 mins
    ############        Packages: 352 (dpkg)
    ############        Shell: bash 5.2.15
  ## ###########  #     Terminal: /dev/ttyS0
###### ####### ######   CPU: (4)
####### ##### #######   Memory: 88MiB / 7948MiB
  #####       #####


I've also tried the same steps with u-boot 3.0.4 and 3.1.5, but it makes no difference.

2.11.5-UBoot-clean-before-update-printenv.log 2.11.5-Doing-update-and-printenv.log 6.5-Normal-startup-fails.log 6.5-Startup-HDMI_KB_Mouse_Unplugged.log

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Version 20230922-edge with kernel 6.6-rc1


I also added images to update the latest official version of u-boot 3.6.1 for SPI\Flash to easily run any system on VF2 from an SD card and NVMe. After switching to u-boot-3.6.1 and updating using the provided update images, you can easily install Armbian on NVMe and run the entire system with NVMe. The procedure for switching to u-boot is 3.6.1. Update u-boot in SPI\Flash according to the instructions from the official VF2 documentation page. Download, write to the SD card and run two images sequentially - first run reset-default-env-uboot-visionfive2-3.6.1.img (after launching the update, wait 10-20 seconds and turn off the power), then write to the SD card and run update_uboot-visionfive2-3.6.1.img (after launching the update, wait 10-20 seconds and turn off the power). After these procedures, you can easily run Armbian SD cards or install it on NVMe (using the standard armbian-config mechanism and choose the installation option on MTD\SATA\NVMe). Please note, for proper installation on NVMe, a section must be prepared there, i.e. the installation process corresponds to the description of the Armbian installation documentation on NVMe. It is possible to add the u-boot upgrade procedure to the standard armbian-config procedure for installing the system on NVMe, so that the whole process takes place automatically, but I have not yet decided whether to add it or leave the u-boot upgrade process in SPI, as described in the documentation for VF2


Please note that these updates do not violate the previous official launch procedure in u-boot SPI\Flash.


Link image update


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@balbes150 Tried the above but it didn't work for me. As per your instructions above I:

- Changed firmware to 3.6.1

- Burned SD card with "reset-default-env-uboot-visionfive2-3.6.1.img" and booted, then turned device off. Attached file "boot-reset-default.txt" shows this. 

- Burned SD card with "update_uboot-visionfive2-3.6.1.img" and booted, then turned device off. Attached file "boot-update-uboot.txt" shows this

- Booted again (stopped autoboot by hitting key) and did a "printenv" so you can see if the changes above worked, then turned device off. Attached file "boot-printenv.txt" shows this

- Burned SD card with "Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_edge_6.6.0.img.xz" and booted, which failed. Attached file "boot-lunar_edge_6.6.0-failed.txt" shows this


So, had a look at the "printenv" output and found nothing "runs" your new env variables "boot_mmc_new", "boot_emmc_new", or "boot_nvme_new"!


I also noticed that in the failed boot log the message "## Error: "boot2" not defined". So I booted again, stopped autoboot, did a "setenv boot2 run boot_mmc_new", then "env save", booted again and it worked! Attached file "boot-lunar_edge_6.6.0-worked.txt" shows this.


I don't think this is the correct way to "fix" this issue, but it works.


Let me know if I did something wrong.



boot-reset-default.txt boot-update-uboot.txt boot-printenv.txt boot-lunar_edge_6.6.0-failed.txt boot-lunar_edge_6.6.0-worked.txt

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17 часов назад, AndyW сказал:

Booted again (stopped autoboot by hitting key) and did a "printenv" so you can see if the changes above worked, then turned device off. Attached file "boot-printenv.txt" shows this

Thanks for testing, I see the bootcmd variable has not been updated. It looks like one line was lost when creating the variable update image. Now I will fix the images and upload them to the site.


Replaced the images with corrected versions. Run both images again (reset settings and update variables). After that, everything should work without manual additions.

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Tested "Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_current_6.1.31_xfce_desktop.img.xz" and it works well. Video appears to be a bit better as I can play back a 720p video, though not full 720p size. Sound is still great on HDMI and crackly on the jack.


Did you want feedback on which programs work/don't work?



__     ___     _             _____ _           ____
\ \   / (_)___(_) ___  _ __ |  ___(_)_   _____|___ \
 \ \ / /| / __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_  | \ \ / / _ \ __) |
  \ V / | \__ \ | (_) | | | |  _| | |\ V /  __// __/
   \_/  |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|_|   |_| \_/ \___|_____|

Welcome to Armbian 23.09 Lunar with Linux 6.1.31-star64

No end-user support: built from trunk

System load:   44%              Up time:       5 min
Memory usage:  5% of 7.72G      IP:  
CPU temp:      39°C             Usage of /:    8% of 58G

[ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ]

Last login: Sun Sep 24 16:58:11 EDT 2023 on ttyS0
root@starfive2:~# neofetch
      ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦      OS: Armbian (23.09) riscv64
     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦     Host: StarFive VisionFive V2
   __¦¦                   ¦¦__   Kernel: 6.1.31-star64
   __¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦__   Uptime: 6 mins
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__   Packages: 1514 (dpkg)
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__   Shell: bash 5.2.15
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__   Resolution: 1920x1080
   __¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦__   Terminal: /dev/ttyS0
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__   CPU: (4) @ 1.500GHz
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__   Memory: 425MiB / 7908MiB
   __¦¦   ¦¦         ¦¦   ¦¦__
   __¦¦                   ¦¦__
      ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦



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Now able to boot Armbian from usb, with my u-boot mods

boot order sd, usb, nvme, emmc, but unable to test emmc.



Therefore TZ='Australia/Brisbane' will be used.
Selected time is now:    Fri Sep  1 05:10:21 AEST 2023.
Universal Time is now:    Thu Aug 31 19:10:21 UTC 2023.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1

Generating locales: en_AU.UTF-8
root@visionfive2:~# lsblk
sda           8:0    1  28.7G  0 disk
└─sda1        8:1    1  28.4G  0 part /var/log.hdd
mtdblock0    31:0    0   256K  0 disk
mtdblock1    31:1    0     3M  0 disk
mtdblock2    31:2    0     1M  0 disk
nvme0n1     259:0    0 238.5G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0    16M  0 part
└─nvme0n1p4 259:2    0 238.4G  0 part

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Thank you for your work!


I've tested

  • Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_current_6.1.31_xfce_desktop.img.xz
  • Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_legacy_5.15.131_xfce_desktop.img.xz

images on a 8GB VisionFive 2 with stock U-Boot (2021.10, Dec 19 2022) and it works reasonably well, modulo minor oddities with mouse cursor offset in Xfce.

I also upgraded SPI flash to 3.7.5 via TFTP, presumably keeping the env, and the board booted successfully (from an SD card).


Any particular reason now to choose legacy over current image?


Also, could be generic Armbian issue yet during initial setup when I agreed to set timezone and locale from auto-detected location, the ~user/.xsessionrc file were created with root:root ownership.


--------EEPROM INFO--------
Vendor : StarFive Technology Co., Ltd.
Product full SN: VF7110B1-2253-D008E000-00001794
data version: 0x2
PCB revision: 0xb2
BOM revision: A


Edited by Arkadi
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My ESWIN 6600U is detected but 

nmcli device show

doesn't show anything related to wireless, say wlan0 ???


% ip link set dev wlan0 up

gave me an output:

Cannot find device "wlan0"


Does Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_sid_edge_6.6.0.img.xz working already build in the driver for ESWIN 6600U?



Edited by jiapei100
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How to build Linux Kernel 6.6.1 for VisionFive2 ?


https://www.armbian.com/visionfive2/ comes with a kernel 5.x? 


And I followed https://rvspace.org/en/project/Building_StarFive_Debian_Image, However, the default kernel provided by is of version 5.15. 

But, you NEWEST release is of kernel 6.6.0

So, can you please provide a documentation? And how did you manage to build this out?


Can you @balbes150 please help??? Thank you ..

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@jiapei100 speaking from experience: ESWIN driver is bad software put someone in a haste from proprietary legacy drivers for the purpose of shipping some Wi-Fi with VisionFive 2 and then abandoned -- it's slow, buggy, lock-ups after little use and then oops the kernel. Suggest a different well supported USB stick that has in-tree driver, or a wire.


Edited by Arkadi
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Short answer: no, there are no proper GPU drivers.


1. With latest Armbian Desktop image from Download section it's XFCE, Xorg and modesetting driver with Glamor accel enabled (by default) on softpipe making it extremely siow.

To disable Glamor:


Section "Device"
  Identifier "gpu"
  Driver "modesetting"
  Option "AccelMethod" "none"


2. With the official Debian image from StarFive it's GNOME, Wayland and proprietary PowerVR driver.


Driver: pvr (Imagination Technologies PVR DRM) version 1.19.6345021 (20170530) -- GPU
Driver: starfive (VeriSilicon DRM driver) version 1.0.0 (20191101) -- CRTC and Encoders


There is some Vulkan 1.0 but it's not working,
no OpenGL, and
flaky OpenGL ES.


Imagination Technologies produced Mesa driver via powervr-next initiative for 3 Rogue GPUs, but not the model used in JH7110 (BXE-4-32).


I guess StarFive are doing their best with what they have been handed over -- an unmaintained binary driver from ImgTec. If history is of any indication, then similar approach went nowhere with Creator CI20 MIPS SBC, from the ImgTec themselves in 2015.





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