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When the browser starts (chromium), the board hangs, the screen turns gray.
when in LibreOffice Writer I build graphics or draw figures or lines, the board hangs, the screen turns gray.
load on the processor and memory for 100% console applications - all in order.
What is the problem?

5 hours ago, Alexandr said:

What is the problem?

Opi Prime is crashing for a currently unknown reason. That's why it is still in development/WIP section.


I have similar feedback.

My Prime with headless Stretch and mainline kernel locks up on memory intensive operations (7z b) while seem stable with cpuburn-a53

Arch Linux with 3.10 kernel runs stable on the same hardware and power source.



My orange prime works only on self made kernel

"Linux orangepiprime 4.13.16-sunxi64 #21 SMP Fri Nov 24 19:58:41 CET 2017 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux"

Stable up time counts in months. I use orange board as a smart home computer



Sharing another bit of feedback.

Decided to give my Prime another try and flashed Armbian_5.38_Orangepiprime_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.14

Then apt update && apt install p7zip-full and ran 7z b

It locked up.

Power cycle. apt upgrade to the latest kernel from June 7th

7z b

Lock up.


Powering Prime from XL4005 buck. Soldered to board DC pads

Using genuine A1 class micro SD card.

3 minutes ago, lomady said:

Power cycle. apt upgrade to the latest kernel from June 7th

Please switch to nightly (armbian-config), update and repeat the tests. You should be running 4.17.4

2 hours ago, lomady said:

Okay, my stress test runs stable for several hours now with 4.17.4 kernel.

Thumbs up!

Please pay attention during next kernel updates. I am slowly enabling functions which could potentially cause problems.



On 7/7/2018 at 8:14 PM, Igor said:

Please pay attention during next kernel updates. I am slowly enabling functions which could potentially cause problems.

Okay, now it hangs for me with kernel

Linux version 4.17.8-sunxi64 (root@nightly) (gcc version 7.2.1 20171011 (Linaro GCC 7.2-2017.11)) #145 SMP Fri Jul 20 17:26:14 UTC 2018

UPD. Seem like a singular fault. Look stable on the second run.


OK. One more thing to try out is switching to DEV branch in case of instability. It's unpatched mainline kernel, master branch, 4.18.RC*. You might not have a screen (get serial console) or board might not boot at all due to missing support. But some boards are present by default, with basic support ... worthy reference to find out if possible problems are within our patch set or are already in an upstream kernel source.


I am sorry to report but Prime hangs with kernel

4.17.11-sunxi64 #202 SMP Mon Jul 30

The -dev branch is stable on '7z b' although benchmark itself is slower.

810 Mhz instead of 1150 Mhz in -nightly if I understood correctly

Posted (edited)

Sharing another bit of feedback:

Flashed headless Armbian Stretch and updated to the latest kernel:

4.14.70-sunxi64 #274 SMP Wed Sep 19

running '7z b' makes it hang. Then switched to -dev branch with armbianconfig. The kernel is

 4.18.8-sunxi64 #262 SMP Wed Sep 19

Half an hour of '7z b' seem stable at the expense of performance.

UPD: unfortunately still crashes, reboots and freezes at random with the -dev kernel.


At this point I feel like Orange Pi Prime is an engineering disaster given how much time was spent by volunteers to make it work right with no success.

Kernel build dates are almost month old which suggests to me that the development is not active.

I had high hopes for Prime and bought two of these boards. Feel like a waste of money now.

Edited by lomady
More stress tests

Yes, I know I can, but I do not believe I can improve on what already has been done by more knowledgeable people.

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