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From the supported boards list

armbian/config/boards$ ls orangepi*
orangepi2.conf      orangepi.eos       orangepimini.eos  orangepipc2.conf  orangepipcplus.conf  orangepiplus.conf   orangepi-r1.conf  orangepizero.conf          orangepizeroplus2-h5.conf
orangepi2g-iot.csc  orangepilite.conf  orangepione.conf  orangepipc.conf   orangepiplus2e.conf  orangepiprime.conf  orangepiwin.conf  orangepizeroplus2-h3.conf  orangepizeroplus.conf


we can see that Orange Pi Plus 2e and Orange Pi Plus are supported, however Orange Pi Plus 2 is NOT

These 3 boards are of trivial differences. I wonder if I can use the configuration of Orange Pi Plus 2e  for my Orange Pi Plus 2 for now?





14 hours ago, jiapei100 said:



From the supported boards list

armbian/config/boards$ ls orangepi*
orangepi2.conf      orangepi.eos       orangepimini.eos  orangepipc2.conf  orangepipcplus.conf  orangepiplus.conf   orangepi-r1.conf  orangepizero.conf          orangepizeroplus2-h5.conf
orangepi2g-iot.csc  orangepilite.conf  orangepione.conf  orangepipc.conf   orangepiplus2e.conf  orangepiprime.conf  orangepiwin.conf  orangepizeroplus2-h3.conf  orangepizeroplus.conf


we can see that Orange Pi Plus 2e and Orange Pi Plus are supported, however Orange Pi Plus 2 is NOT

These 3 boards are of trivial differences. I wonder if I can use the configuration of Orange Pi Plus 2e  for my Orange Pi Plus 2 for now?






You can use the OPi + image on the +2, thats what i do.

The only divrence between them are the ram and emmc size, 1GB/8GB vs 2GB/16GB.

After booting armbian wil display it has 2GB ram.




Failed to build orangepipluse2 ...


What I've done so far:


Under folder armbian, find anything related to u-boot, replace version from v2017.11 to v2018.01  .



$ cd armbian/config/boards
$ cp orangepiplus2e.conf orangepiplus2.conf
$ sudo vim orangepiplus2.conf

BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi+ 2"


And then,

$ cd armbian/cache/sources/u-boot/v2018.01/configs
$ cp orangepi_plus2e_defconfig orangepi_plus2_defconfig
$ sudo vim orangepi_plus2_defconfig



Meanwhile, make sure dts modified accordingly.

$ cd armbian/cache/sources/u-boot/v2018.01/arch/arm/dts
$ sudo cp sun8i-h3-orangepi-plus2e.dtb sun8i-h3-orangepi-plus2.dtb
$ sudo cp sun8i-h3-orangepi-plus2e.dts sun8i-h3-orangepi-plus2.dts


Finally, I run:

$ ./compile.sh BOARD="orangepiplus2" BRANCH="next" KERNEL_ONLY="yes" KERNEL_CONFIGURE="no"

I got the following ERROR messages:


  AR      drivers/usb/built-in.o
  AR      drivers/media/built-in.o
scripts/Makefile.build:579: recipe for target 'drivers/net/wireless' failed
make[2]: *** [drivers/net/wireless] Error 2
scripts/Makefile.build:579: recipe for target 'drivers/net' failed
make[1]: *** [drivers/net] Error 2
Makefile:1028: recipe for target 'drivers' failed
make: *** [drivers] Error 2
[ error ] ERROR in function compile_kernel [ compilation.sh:341 ]
[ error ] Kernel was not built [ @host ]
[ o.k. ] Process terminated 


And the last several lines in output.log are:


Displaying message: * [\e[32ml\e[0m][\e[32mc\e[0m] sunxi64-pine64-plus-ethernet-fix.patch  info
Displaying message: Compressing sources for the linux-source package
Displaying message: Compiling next kernel 4.14.17 info
Displaying message: Compiler version arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 7.2.1 info
Displaying message: Using kernel config file lib/config/kernel/linux-sunxi-next.config info
Displaying message: ERROR in function compile_kernel compilation.sh:341 err
Displaying message: Kernel was not built @host err
Displaying message: Process terminated  info



It looks like it fails to build rtl8814a WIFI Module?


Any further suggestions?








Firstly, I'm not that experienced in Armbians buildscript, but some hints:

  • in 'config-default.conf' did you activate CREATE_PATCHES="yes"? So that your changes are saved in a patch at the end?
  • From my experience with the buildscript a board bring up for a H3 isn't that hard (especially cause OPis are mostly similar to each other), you need to adjust in uboot:  ../arch/arm/dts/Makefile (add .dtb), add the (boardspecific) dts in the same folder,  and in ../configs the defconfig (for armbians boardfile: BOOTCONFIG="orangepi_plus2_defconfig"), but you also need a dts file for the kernel, not only u-boot

It might help to study recent patches about H3 board bring up to see what was changed in which files for a board bring up... 

This one might help:


See all three files which were edited.. 


Hope this helps you a little bit. :) 



1 hour ago, jiapei100 said:

It looks like it fails to build rtl8814a WIFI Module?

Not necessarily. Did you check if there is an error before that?

1 hour ago, jiapei100 said:

Any further suggestions?

Build script end-user support exists if you don't touch the build script - except in user configurable areas. I don't know whether we have a problem or you made one.


Well, then setting $KERNELBRANCH="tag:v4.14.16" in userspace/lib.config might temporally solve this issue?

2 minutes ago, zador.blood.stained said:

Renaming/disabling the xradio patch file is a better option IMO.


It works, successfully built.

armbian/output/debs$ ls -ls
total 360440
    4 drwxrwsr-x 2 root sudo      4096 Jan 31 21:06 extra
  172 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    174060 Feb  4 04:35 linux-dtb-next-sunxi_5.40_armhf.deb
10496 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  10747824 Feb  4 04:35 linux-headers-next-sunxi_5.40_armhf.deb
19136 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  19592692 Feb  4 04:36 linux-image-next-sunxi_5.40_armhf.deb
330272 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 338192890 Feb  4 04:37 linux-source-next-sunxi_5.40_all.deb
  172 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    174322 Feb  4 04:29 linux-u-boot-next-nanopineo_5.40_armhf.deb
  188 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    189188 Feb  4 02:20 linux-u-boot-next-orangepiplus2_5.40_armhf.deb


Two additional naive questions:


  1. Last time when I tried to install the NanoPiNEO, I just installed Ubuntu server - mainline kernel, which is downloaded from https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-neo/, and then, install the built five .deb files to add/replace the NEW kernel, which are of Armbian version 5.38 . As you can see,  now, I successfully built  linux-u-boot-next-orangepiplus2_5.40_armhf.deb,  how come linux-u-boot-next-nanopineo_5.40_armhf.deb is also built at the same time ?
  2. And, what's more, is there a way to install u-boot, kernel directly, with the console-only system, without the GUI system (Ubuntu server - mainline kernel seems to come with the GUI ?)


Thank you very much.


Best Regards






Old but none the very helpful and well done review.   My experience - but with the OrangePi 2 Plus was quite different.

Basically, after carefully, with Voltage and Current measurements as well as "scoping" the power bus. this past week.

As backgrd.  I have 3 Pi3, and two Asus Tinkerboards  Asus Tinkerboard is somewhat better then the Pi3's

My quest:  Running Octoprint and Camera (watching remotely my 3D printer - CR 10) and Cad software etc.  

I find: for the OrangePi plus 2  Not the 2E.   

1. Zeroshell on the emmc works really great.

2. AS provided with 2.0A power supply - very flakey when loaded with the Desktop distro both from the OrangePi site and other locations

3. Changed to 3A, 5.2 volts as measured,  supply - somewhat better ( average current - low activity about .7Amps   700Ma.  so should be great )

4. Changed to Lab Bench supply (capable of 5 Volts 20 Amps-  Still flakey with lot surfing activity - with graphics,  forget YouTube!

5. Place 2200 mfd Capacitor to help with short peaj currents on boards- on pins 4&6.   Again, significantly less crashes.

6. My  felling is that the on board traces/track are also too narrow for the peak currents that occur when both graphics and computational activity occur.

7. Wifi works but is extremely slow,  Ethernet work fine.   Note: Wifi with the Pi3s and TinkerPl  are fine also.  (I have FIOS and bench is less then 10 feet from the Router - One of my Pi3 is about 50 feet away and it works fine!)


I am surprised to find this as the board has been out a while now.  Maybe I got an older version???  The 2e was flaky also but I didn't get into this analysis until I send the 2E back and got the  Plus 2 version.  


A second area problem:  The market for these in the US and Uk is quite a significant part!   The boot S/W on the EMMC is in Chinese!  While I did find someones post on a screen by screen,  how to change default language,  what a pain in the A$$.   So I changed to ZeroShell - excellent!   


Any and All advice helpful - but I have used at least a half dozen different SD's,  Done all levels of reformatting etc.  Did burns with Etcher and with WinDisk etc.   -  NO issues with these SD's with the Pi3s and TihnkerPis.  -  I have been and Engr by trade in Data Communication  maintained document handling script etc on a Centos system at the ITU in Geneva - using Putty from various location etc.  -  I am Not and Expert but a step above NOOBs etc.  So lay your thought on me,  I welcome all input!  


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