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Successfully built .img but failed to boot...

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I used the following command 

./compile.sh BOARD="orangepiplus2" BRANCH="next" KERNEL_ONLY="no" KERNEL_CONFIGURE="no" BUILD_DESKTOP="no"

to successfully built an image out:




I then use the following command line:

dd bs=4M if=Armbian_5.40_Orangepiplus2_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.17.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync

to write my SD card successfully.



However, when I put this SD card into my Orange Pi Plus 2 v1.1 and boot, I obtained several pages of ERROR messages, as in the attached images.



Can anybody give me a hand please?











5 minutes ago, jiapei100 said:


There is no such configuration in the Armbian build script. If you added a configuration or made any other modifications to the build script or its configuration you have to fix issues by yourself - add missing device tree files, fix u-boot configuration, etc.


Can you please help to specify where are the places that I need to do the modification?


File Modifications:

armbian$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   config/sources/cubox.conf
        modified:   config/sources/meson64.conf
        modified:   config/sources/odroidc2.conf
        modified:   config/sources/rockchip.conf
        modified:   config/sources/sunxi64_common.inc
        modified:   config/sources/sunxi_common.inc
        modified:   config/sources/udoo.conf
        deleted:    patch/kernel/sunxi-next/add-xradio-wireless-driver.patch.unresolved
        deleted:    patch/kernel/sunxi-next/fix-xradio-interrupt.patch

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
jiapei@jiapei-GT72-6QE:~/.../armbian$ git diff config/sources/sunxi*
diff --git a/config/sources/sunxi64_common.inc b/config/sources/sunxi64_common.inc
index 71bd0a1..4863af3 100644
--- a/config/sources/sunxi64_common.inc
+++ b/config/sources/sunxi64_common.inc
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ case $BRANCH in
-       BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2017.11'
+       BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2018.01'
        UBOOT_USE_GCC='> 7.0'
        UBOOT_TARGET_MAP=';;spl/sunxi-spl.bin u-boot.itb'
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ case $BRANCH in
-       BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2017.11'
+       BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2018.01'
        UBOOT_USE_GCC='> 7.0'
        UBOOT_TARGET_MAP=';;spl/sunxi-spl.bin u-boot.itb'
diff --git a/config/sources/sunxi_common.inc b/config/sources/sunxi_common.inc
index 4fc872f..60dbe24 100644
--- a/config/sources/sunxi_common.inc
+++ b/config/sources/sunxi_common.inc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@


And, I just copied config/boards/orangepiplus2e.conf to config/boards/orangepiplus2.conf , and have it modified accordingly.

In addition, I modified the dts under the folder cache/sources/u-boot


That's all what I've done so far... 


Do you mean that I need to take care of all dts ? say:


armbian/cache/sources$ find . -depth -name "dts"



Is there anywhere else that I need to pay attention to? 



Thank you very much...






You are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist in a first place - OPi Plus2 works with existing OPi Plus configuration - DRAM size is autodetected by the u-boot/SPL and eMMC size is not hardcoded anywhere too.


I case you still want to go your way you need to add the missing DT file to the kernel too, if you provided a text boot log instead of pictures I'd copy the relevant part from it.



Hi, zador:


Thank you very much for your prompt reply. To simplify my issues for now, I just go ahead with OPi Plus for my OPi Plus2 . However, still 2 questions:


1) This command line

./compile.sh BOARD="orangepiplus" BRANCH="next" KERNEL_ONLY="no" KERNEL_CONFIGURE="no" BUILD_DESKTOP="no"

ALWAYS automatically checked out 


linux-mainline linux-4.14.y


Is it possible for me to specify my own linux-mainline kernel version? For example, the current most recent linux-mainline is of version linux-4.15.y .

And, I believe it should be possible for me to specify ANY version of kerne as I wish, right?

But, how to?



2) If I still insist on modify Armbian for any type of the AllWinner boards, for instance, I'll design my own open source board, how to modify Armbian accordingly ?

Please, it looks https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/ is NOT enough...



Thank you zador...




10 hours ago, jiapei100 said:

Is it possible for me to specify my own linux-mainline kernel version? For example, the current most recent linux-mainline is of version linux-4.15.y .

Switching to the supposably better kernel opens a pandora box of problems. If you don't know that, you are probably not capable of fixing them. You can force variables in userspace/lib.config, by adding KERNELBRANCH="branch:v4.15.y". But it is pointless for this particular board family. There are 100+ patches which secures specifics board H3&H5 functions not found in 4.15.y or 4.16.y ... in between and a lot of them will stop working. This means you will certainly fail to build and boot the board. This is how it looks like:


[ warn ] * [l][c] 00-19-add-H3-i2s-DT-nodes.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 00-20-add-i2s-DT-pins.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 00-readd-dwmac-sun8i-DT-bindings-arm64.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 00-readd-dwmac-sun8i-DT-bindings.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 00-readd-dwmac-sun8i-compatibles.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 0001-aufs4.14-20171218.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 0001-realtek-wifi-881xAU-605ecfa.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 0002-realtek-wifi-881xAU-adding-kernel-4.14.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 0003-realtek-wifi-881xAU-enable-8814au.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 02-add-H3-mixers.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 03-add-H3-TCONs.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 04-add-H3-DE-compatible.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 05-clk_de-allow-set-rate-parent.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 06-export-H3-clk-pll-de.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 07-1-add-H3-H5-DE2-DT-nodes.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 07-2-add-H3-DE2-DT-nodes.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 07-3-add-H5-DE2-DT-nodes.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 08-dw-hdmi-enable-polling.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 09-dw-hdmi-add-workarounds.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 10-clk-hdmi-allow-set-rate-parent.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 11-drm-sun4i-allow-building-arm64.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 12-dw-hdmi-add-H3-glue.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 13-dw-hdmi-add-DT-nodes.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 14-sun4i-i2s-workarounds.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 15-clk-sunxi-ng-fix-runtime-warnings.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] 16-H3-add-HDMI-sound-nodes.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 17-1-enable-hdmi-video-on-several-boards.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 17-2-enable-hdmi-video-on-several-boards.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 18-1-enable-hdmi-sound-on-several-boards.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 18-2-enable-hdmi-sound-on-several-boards.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 19-add-audio-workarounds.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 21-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-split-sun8i.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 22-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-H3-support.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 23-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-H3-thermal-sensor-DT.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 24-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-H3-CPU-thermal-zone.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 25-sun4i-gpadc-iio-workaround-for-raw-0-read.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 26-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-h5-a64-support.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 27-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-h5-DT.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 29-sun4i-gpadc-iio-add-h5-thermal-zone.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 30-sun4i-drm-add-GEM-allocator.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 31-drm-gem-cma-export-allocator.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 32-h3-DT-add-mali-node.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 33-pll-gpu-allow-set-rate-parent.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 40-add-SY8106A-regulator-driver.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] 41-h3-h5-Add-r_i2c-controller.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 42-h3-h5-Add-r_i2c-pins.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 45-add-h3-cpu-OPP-table.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 46-H3-add-opp-table-to-cpu.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 47-01-enable-dvfs-opi-zero.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 47-02-enable-dvfs-opi-one.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 47-03-enable-dvfs-opi-pc.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 47-04-enable-dvfs-opi-2.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 47-05-enable-dvfs-opi-lite.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 49-add-h5-cpu-OPP-table.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 50-H5-add-opp-table-to-cpu.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 51-01-enable-dvfs-opi-pc2.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 51-02-enable-dvfs-opi-prime.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 90-02-add_rtl8189es-experimental.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 91-01-rtl8188eu-kconfig-makefile.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] 91-02-rtl8188eu.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-A64-nmi_intc.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-BergMicro-SPI-flashes.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-H27UBG8T2BTR-nand.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-a20-olinuxino-micro-emmc-support.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-a64-pinebook.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-axp803-DT.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-configfs-overlay-for-v4.10.x.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-h3-librecomputer.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-hdmi-net-bits-beelinkx3.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-missing-spi-a64.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-nanopi-duo.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-nanopi-m1-plus2.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-opi-pc-plus-wifi-pwrseq.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-orangepi-zeroplus2.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-overlay-compilation-support.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-r40-m2ultra-a83t-i2s-i2c.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-realtek-8189fs-driver.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-sdio-wifi-orangepi-zero-plus2.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-sunvell-r69.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-sunxi-overlays.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] add-sunxi64-overlays.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-wifi-orangepiprime.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add-xradio-wireless-driver.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] add_otg_neoair.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] arm64-set-default-target-to-Image.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] armbian-boot-logo-on-screen-center.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] axp20x-sysfs-interface.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] bash_to_afterinstall.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] cubieboard_green_LED_mmc0.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] cubietruck-enable-uart2.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] cubietruck_green_LED_mmc0.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] enable-fsl-timer-errata.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] fix-a20-olinuxino-micro-lan8710-support.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] fix-i2c2-reg-property.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] fix-many-orangepiwin-dts.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] fix-xradio-interrupt.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] fix-zeroplus2-mmc0-cd-polarity.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] lime-a10-add-240-mhz-cpufreq.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] linux-999-revert-softirq-let-ksoftirqd-do-its-job.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] memolry-leak-fix-r8723bs.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] packaging-4.x-next.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] rtc-sunxi-clocksource.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] scripts-dtc-import-updates.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] set-DMA-coherent-pool-to-2M.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] spidev-remove-warnings.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] staging-rtl8723bs-hide-nolinked-power-save-info-when-not-debugging.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] sunxi-add-orangepi-zero-plus.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] sunxi-h3-h5-uart3_rts_cts_pins.patch 
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] sunxi-hdmi-enable-friendlyarm-m1.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi-hdmi-enable-friendlyarm-m1plus.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi-hdmi-enable-friendlyarm-neoplus2.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi-hdmi-enable-sinovoip-bananam2plus.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] sunxi-hdmi-otg_enble-opi-zero2plus-h5.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi-network-dwmac-sun8i_backport_from_4.15-rc.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi-network-dwmac_h3_gigabit_boards_new_external_mdio.patch [ failed ]
[ o.k. ] * [l][c] sunxi-wireless-enable-friendlyarm-neoair.patch 
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi64-hdmi-thermal-dma-pmw-enable.patch [ failed ]
[ warn ] * [l][c] sunxi64-pine64-plus-ethernet-fix.patch [ failed ]



10 hours ago, jiapei100 said:

If I still insist on modify Armbian for any type of the AllWinner boards, for instance, I'll design my own open source board, how to modify Armbian accordingly ?

Please, it looks https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/ is NOT enough...

It is enough. 

This job is not exactly trivial and it is hard to standardize it. However, users usually add cloned boards with minor adjustments directly to the script - We accept their contributions if done correctly and if they don't break anything.



Thank you very much, Igor:



I successfully built Armbian 5.40 Debian 9.3 with kernel 4.14.18-sunxi for the OPI Plus2, with the settings of OPI Plus.

However, the Wifi does NOT work now ...Any suggestions to modify /etc/network/interfaces ?




I still have to learn from you how to build everything specifically for some specific board from scratch.






24 minutes ago, jiapei100 said:

However, the Wifi does NOT work now ...Any suggestions to modify /etc/network/interfaces ?


24 minutes ago, jiapei100 said:

I still have to learn from you

We (armbian developer) don't have the capacity nor wish to provide one to one teaching. Technical support is the best what is possible to get and exists in a very limited form ... the day has 24h and you are not the only person/task which wants something from us.


I hope you understand this.

56 minutes ago, Igor said:

We (armbian developer) don't have the capacity nor wish to provide one to one teaching.

Technical support is the best what is possible to get and exists in a very limited form ...

I did learn much here in the forum from "one to many" teaching or while reading problems and solutions of other boards/users.

Mostly I could solve my problems while reading other post, just because its all armbian and it all board are arm-style :)

The best for @jiapei100 will also to read a while in differnt threads and the armbian documentation - there are so many answers to questions.

You could learn much from many users here - and maybe later someone from you - if you could faster answer to more easy questions.

And if the armbian-forum isnt enough, then there are the forums of the board-manufacturers or the Facebook-Groups for this board :)

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