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Orange Pi Zero H2+ missing modules TV


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I had bought 3 Orange Pi Zero h2+ cpu (1x256mb ram and 2x 512mb ram)
I'had tried Armbian Debian and Ubuntu based, but nothing changed or solved, i'had also tried DietPi(a debian base as armbian), but the kernel still the same:

root@'s password: 
  ___                               ____  _   _____              
 / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) |__  /___ _ __ ___  
| | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | |   / // _ \ '__/ _ \ 
| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| |  / /|  __/ | | (_) |
 \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| /____\___|_|  \___/ 

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.38 stable Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.14.15-sunxi   
System load:   0.30 0.18 0.07  	Up time:       1 min		
Memory usage:  12 % of 240MB  	IP:  
CPU temp:      34°C           	
Usage of /:    8% of 15G    	

Last login: Sat Feb 10 14:47:20 2018 from

root@orangepizero:~# uname -a
Linux orangepizero 4.14.15-sunxi #28 SMP Mon Jan 29 07:24:48 CET 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

TV module problem, nothing found online about tv module DIY building for tv out enabling on screen, if i try to modprobe it, it fail

root@orangepizero:~# modprobe tv
modprobe: FATAL: Module tv not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.15-sunxi

How i could fix it?


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Not long ago we enabled HDMI on this kernel, while driver itself is still under development. I am not aware of the details and if TV out also works. I have little interest and don't have any equipment around to test this (low-quality) output anyway.  People said its barely usable. 


1 hour ago, phyr080 said:

How i could fix it?

Since TV support hasn't arrived at the "armbian-config" menu to set it on and off, you need to dig deeper. Check 1st if some of the developers have already made a progress. If you desperately need TV out, use an image with kernel 3.4.113. If you insist to use a modern kernel:

  • Use search
  • Check kernel development status
  • Use search here
  • The kernel is the main thing so it is irrelevant what OS you use. Since you also wasted time on Dietpi - they only rebrand 3rd party work/kernels - a lot of ours, in this case, and provide no updates and no support.

TV out is build-in a kernel by default in the legacy 3.4.113 kernel:


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40 minutes ago, phyr080 said:

my hope is also to get a working wifi connection.

We and we as community wasted hundreds of hours in an attempt to fix this situation but failed. Forget that this board has wireless. This wifi chip is one of if not the worst ever seen. 


https://forum.armbian.com/search/?&q=orangepi zero wireless


We ware thinking to remove the driver entirely since it makes little sense that it is there ... 

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24 minutes ago, Igor said:

We and we as community wasted hundreds of hours in an attempt to fix this situation but failed. 

This wifi chip is one of if not the worst ever seen. 

We ware thinking to remove the driver entirely since it makes little sense that it is there ... 

At the OPi Zero and the NanoPi the xradio-wifi has a bad latency (like the wifi from a OPi i96), but I wonder - for me - it works better an a Sunvell R69 (user-build mainline 5.40) also with Firmware Label:XR_C01.08.0043 Jun  6 2016 20:41:04 like on the OPi Zero.


I have no ethernet connected (got no more cables and ports) and it work - for me - with good latency (no hopping chars):


root@sunvell-r69:~# lsmod |grep xradio
xradio_wlan            94208  1
mac80211              446464  1 xradio_wlan
cfg80211              376832  2 mac80211,xradio_wlan


root@sunvell-r69:~# iwlist scan
wlan0     Scan completed :
          Cell 01 
                    Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
                    Quality=64/70  Signal level=-46 dBm

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4 minutes ago, guidol said:

root@sunvell-r69:~# iwlist scan

.. but sometimes it fails to detect some AP's even after many scans. If that some is yours ... bad luck. :D

It works for some people well enough, but we can't say its reliable.

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On 2/10/2018 at 6:21 PM, Igor said:

The kernel is the main thing so it is irrelevant what OS you use. Since you also wasted time on Dietpi - they only rebrand 3rd party work/kernels - a lot of ours, in this case, and provide no updates and no support.

Sorry you feel that way Igor.

It was never our intention to take over the work you guys do with ARMbian. It is our intention, to use your ARMbian opensource build tools, which allows us to generate an initial image, then optimize and configure it for DietPi.
We then release it to our end users (with full credit to ARMbian in the DietPi login banner). Without which, we would need to revert to non-ARMbian based images.
If anything, DietPi is promoting the work you are doing, in a different end-user experience and format.

Our efforts and skills are not in kernel devolpment, its not what we do, and, we do not try to hide that. We therefore only support non-kernel related issues (which are out of our control and ability).  In our ARMbian built images, Kernel updates are still handled by ARMbian repo using APT. 

I believe the issue here is your team generally dislike what DietPi offers to end users. Sorry, but we will not change that.
If there is a bigger issue here of controlling who uses ARMbian build tools: Maybe it would be a suggestion to remove this software from the Open source scene, removing the chance of potential users of your software being disrespected over twitter and forums by your devolpment team for years on end. Its literally childish non-sense and I will not stand for it (hence the ARMbian + DietPi comparison, created due to TK's provoked actions on twitter).

Regardless of the above and recent non-sense. I appreciate the work you guys do with ARMbian. I've always said that, even to the extent that i've donated to your project previously. But this unprofessional non-sense that we are all to blame for, has to end.

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35 minutes ago, Fourdee said:

I believe the issue here is your team generally dislike what DietPi offers to end users.

I think the issue here is an overall frustration by the core team due to many factors: stress, update failures (including ones that happened due to human mistakes), trying to support too many boards and too many features at once, failed expectations of users, board vendors and upstream developers. And this frustration exits randomly in random places, which definitely should not happen in public, especially for a relatively big and popular project.


47 minutes ago, Fourdee said:

Our efforts and skills are not in kernel devolpment, its not what we do, and, we do not try to hide that. We therefore only support non-kernel related issues (which are out of our control and ability). 

(off-topic) Unfortunately a lot of both kernel and non-kernel issues are out of our control too. And there will be those issues when dealing with cheap and popular low-end devices (like OPi Zero) that have close to zero software support from vendor (well, cheap things are usually cheaper than other similar things for a reason).

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2 hours ago, zador.blood.stained said:

I think the issue here is an overall frustration by the core team due to many factors: stress, update failures (including ones that happened due to human mistakes), trying to support too many boards and too many features at once, failed expectations of users, board vendors and upstream developers.

I completely understand, as I also experience this first hand with DietPi. Its not easy doing something for nothing, especially when the joy factor which drives everything, is destroyed by those frustrations.

Although we don't do kernel work, our support software titles require constant maintenance and adjustments due to changes outside of our control. Because as well know too well, Linux is not a constant, its always evolving and one line of code changed can break everything that depended on it.


2 hours ago, zador.blood.stained said:

And there will be those issues when dealing with cheap and popular low-end devices (like OPi Zero) that have close to zero software support from vendor (well, cheap things are usually cheaper than other similar things for a reason).

I envy and appreciate what you guys have achieved for those devices, and, highly respect what you have done for all the devices you offer. Allowing us all to enjoy a better experience and stability, not offered by the people who sell the device and profit from it.
Without your efforts, those devices would probably have vastly reduced sales figures and a community lost without purpose.

Both our projects are great and we should all be proud of what we have achieved, even when the days of frustration set in. 
In terms of recent events, I believe both our projects can benefit from showing a higher level of professionalism and respect that works both ways, and, not use each other to vent frustrations (which in turn only adds to them).

I'll make a start: 


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12 hours ago, Fourdee said:

our support software titles require constant maintenance and adjustments due to changes outside of our control.

Keeping that alive is a hard job. I know. After years of maintaining some smaller app installer, I only figured out that it is very hard to keep a (big) list of 3rd party apps 100% up to date and ready to be installed.

There is no need for special credits, just make sure your users understand what you actually do. Nobody reads the small print and I am afraid occasional announcements won't change much. You are obviously not communicating your work properly if your users poke us with such funny statements: 

  • "I think @armbian is good too, in cases where there is no @DietPi_ "
  • "Thus, there is room for improvement and that is clearly what @DietPi_ successful does, ~81 Mb as a downloaded zip."
  • "Dietpi is faster meaner and leaner than Armbian.

(more can be scrapped around)

... which doesn't hold water or make sense, but it tells something is fishy. You or your evangelists have to be prepared for a ruthless technical argumentation when claiming something like that. Selling "based on armbian" also implies that something has been improved - what exactly is mystified - and at the same time, there is not a single word of what is lost in this (radical) transformation. What are side effects? Are optimizations, that look so appealing, any good in reality? This makes a room for speculations which can backfire ... and they just did.


Teaching your users and project evangelists is your long-term job & a problem, something you have to deal with. It is a part of the support, which we deny for all 3rd party armbian based projects for obvious reasons. We barely manage to sustain this support system and if we are forced to deal also with your overhyped users, they will receive a quick and perhaps unpleasant sum up of what you are not telling them, what you ignore or just don't care about. Some of them must have felt embarrassed or worse.


I don't see a point in changing that MO. It is a problem you have to ACK and dealt with. Regardless of what do we think about.

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Problems multiplies! 
ok no tv...(i dont need it really...)
ok no wifi...(im using a external dongle)
now no soundcard detected... 
there is a old/legacy kernel sunxi by repositories without kernel compiling??? i want to try the 3.16 or 3.18
or a linux-image and linux-headers by .deb files to download?


i can bypass wifi, but i need soundcard works....

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On 18/2/2018 at 11:04 PM, phyr080 said:

Problems multiplies! 
ok no tv...(i dont need it really...)
ok no wifi...(im using a external dongle)
now no soundcard detected... 
there is a old/legacy kernel sunxi by repositories without kernel compiling??? i want to try the 3.16 or 3.18
or a linux-image and linux-headers by .deb files to download?


i can bypass wifi, but i need soundcard works....

OK SOLVED!!!(on dietpi but i think the same on armbian)
i've edited 

:~# nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt

and added "analog-codec" to overlays

overlays=usbhost2 usbhost3 analog-codec

and now


update-initramfs -u


then reboot... and now sound!

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Thank you for opening up and allowing me to understand you, and, the way in which your project is allowed to operate.
We clearly have a different level of comprehension and expected professionalism, which unfortunately, can not be met in the middle.

I believe there is nothing that can be gained from further discussion. In the interest of both our projects, I will remove all ARMbian based images from the DietPi lineup.
You can view the status of this in the following link:

My only hope, is that you can find a higher level of solace and satisfaction, solely in the work you and your team do, on your project.

I wish you all the best luck.

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On 17.2.2018 at 8:20 PM, Fourdee said:

disrespected over twitter and forums by your devolpment team for years on end. Its literally childish non-sense and I will not stand for it (hence the ARMbian + DietPi comparison, created due to TK's provoked actions on twitter)


In case 'TK' is a reference to me: sorry, I'm neither on twitter nor member of any marketing department. :D 

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