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thank you for quick respond, Igor

as I understod that patch must be applied to the some src of u-boot program and then image must be rebuilt, isn't it? Actually I didn't try it before.

or can I decompie a current .dtb file for nanopi-neo from /boot/dtb/ folder to the *.dts file, then some modifiations similar to your patch and then comile a .dts file to the new .dtb file. Possible?

  On 5/10/2019 at 9:41 PM, Serge said:

can I decompie a current .dtb file for nanopi-neo from /boot/dtb/ folder


No ! Those DTB are for kernel, not U-Boot ...

You really need to compile a U-Boot with DTS patched !


martinayottte, I've install a virtual ubuntu machine acoding https://github.com/armbian/build on my PC

run ./compile.sh

script has loaded a sources for kernel and u-boot.

After revision results I found that patch applied for sun8i-h3-nanopi-r1.dts and ..du2.dts only

sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dts (I'm using nanopi neo core so I suppose that file will be used for u-boot/kernel compilation) wasn't changed for mmc.

So I suppose I have to add similar rows about &emac and &mmc2 into sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dts

Then compile.sh again and what then?

copy a binary u-boot to to the SD-card of NanoPi Neo Core board, "nand-sata-install". Right?

Please confirm.



  On 5/11/2019 at 1:39 PM, Serge said:

So I suppose I have to add similar rows about &emac and &mmc2 into sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dts


Right ! But &emac is not need, only &mmc2 ...

Compile using "ub-ooot + kernel only", no need for a complete image !

The resulting u-boot is cache/sources/u-boot/v2019.04/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin, copy that on your nanopi, and from there :

dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=1024 seek=8

Then reboot without SD !


martinayotte, something wrong I'm doing...

attached .dts file - I've added a &mmc2 section only

attached .dtb file - result after compilation

all that files from ./cache/sources/u-boot/v2019.04/arch/arm/dts folder


in virtual machine start script ./compile.sh again

"U-boot and kernel package" selected

"Do not change kernel configuration" selected

"nanopineo" selected

"next Mainline" seleted

.... what is strange the script is cheking the git for orangepi board... anyhow let's wait....

..continue for a long time....

... finish

.deb files have been prepared in ./output/debs

a new "u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin" copied from Virtual machine to the /tmp folder of NanoPi

in NanoPI shell runs "dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 seek=8"

(also I've run "dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1p1 bs=1024 seek=8" because system copied to /dev/mmcblk1p1)

SD-card removed

result?.... - no result. still u-boot shell available.... (((


may be some files must be renamed?

may be .deb files must be copied also?

what else could be wrong?


Thank you in advance


sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dtbFetching info... sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dtsFetching info...

  On 5/11/2019 at 6:13 PM, Serge said:

all that files from ./cache/sources/u-boot/v2019.04/arch/arm/dts folder


If you edit DTS directly in this folder, each time you start a new build, your changes are reverted ...

After having edited the file, your need to go into the ./cache/sources/u-boot/v2019.04 folder, do a "git diff arch/arm/dts/sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dts > ~/git-work/igorpecovnik-armbian/build/patch/kernel/sunxi-dev/my-neo-emmc.patch" and then you can start the build !

Also, looking at your DTS attachment, you've added the network &emac, which is useless, but didn't added &mmc2, which is what you are looking for ...



added &mmc2 section into ****nanopi-neo.dts

from folder /usr/src/build/cache/sources/u-boot/v2019.04 run

"git diff arch/arm/dts/sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dts > /usr/src/build/patch/kernel/sunxi-dev/my-neo-emmc.patch"

from /usr/src/buid run ./compile.sh


"dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 seek=8"

reboot without SD - fault


BTW. ***nanopi-neo.dts hasn't &mmc2 section again. Looks like patch wasn't applied. 


I've copied .diff file to the same folder as Igor's destination: ./patch/u-boot/u-boot-sunxi

from /usr/src/buid run ./compile.sh


"dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 seek=8"


"dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1p1 bs=1024 seek=8" (I'm not sure but I did it)


reboot without SD - SUCCESS!!!


Thank you martinayotte&Igor for your support



last (I hope) doubt....

"dd if=/tmp/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 seek=8"

this command will copy a .bin file into the root folder on eMMC... how it will be read by system during the load?

no .bin files in SD-card's nor "/boot" folder nor "/ "folder

current configuration: ls /dev | grep mmcblk








  On 5/11/2019 at 7:31 PM, Serge said:

this command will copy a .bin file into the root folder on eMMC... how it will be read by system during the load?

no .bin files in SD-card's nor "/boot" folder nor "/ "folder


No, it doesn't copy the .bin file on rootfs, but into special sector of the eMMC, the sector #16, since sectors are 512 bytes, and "bs=1024 seek=8" is equivalent of "bs=512 seek=16". It is where U-Boot is located on all AllWinner SoC.

  On 5/12/2019 at 5:22 PM, Serge said:

please check attahed files


Thank you!

But you can also check the procedure of submitting a patch directly to the build script. It's should be simple. Try.


let me some time for cooling down. there are many steps have been taken for the first time and need to be realized

"directly to the build sript" - with "config-default.conf"or ./lib/compilation.sh? ...OFFTOPIC: now brain braking with HW connection between Core and SFP..

  On 5/12/2019 at 6:46 PM, Serge said:

directly to the build sript


Everything can be done at Github. Fork the project that you can edit it. Than add this patch with appropriate name to patch/u-boot/u-boot-sunxi and create a Pull request ... which gets merged when approved.

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