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I want to monitor the temperature of my Orange Pi PC's during some operation. When i login it shows the temperature. How to check the temperature after login?






I want to monitor the temperature of my Orange Pi PC's during some operation. When i login it shows the temperature. How to check the temperature after login?


If you use the most recent image for H3 boards then the SoC temperature is available as /etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/soctemp otherwise have a look into /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp


And you can also do monitoring by starting 'armbianmonitor -m' which shows relevant system parameters including CPU clockspeeds and temperature. Looks then like this: https://github.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/pull/3#issuecomment-194980231


That is so Kool.  but is does lead me to question is a CPU core temperature of 62 degrees too hot?

Yes, the Orange Pi normally run hot, but is normal and using a passive heatsink is enough to keep temperature in a reasonable range.

These are recommended by @tkaiser https://es.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-Lot-Computer-Xbox360-PS-VGA-Graphics-Card-DDR-RAM-Video-Memory-Cooling-Cooler-Aluminum-Heatsink/32229488356.html?detailNewVersion=&categoryId=708041


Thanks tkaiser  RPi-Monitor is amazing also props to manuti for the post about the tkaiser approved heatsinks - Will order these :)

Just moved to Armbian and am so impressed.


I recently bought the orange pi lite board.  I purchased the heatsinks at the link below that were made for a raspberry pi.



The larger one fits perfectly on the h3.  The ram chip heat sink will fit but does not cover the entire ram chip. With the heatsink just sitting on top of the processor with no fan, with the board completely air exposed in a room approx 72 degrees, the orange pi indicates the processor temperature is 44C.  With a cooling fan placed near by, with moderate air movement, the processor temp falls to 24-26C.


Both methods

 cat /etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/soctemp


cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

work great on the orange pi lite running armbian version 5.25


I am very pleased with armbians performance on this board.  Runs reliably and stable.  Have had it connected for approximately 20+days with no issue. 


On 12/13/2016 at 7:53 AM, manuti said:

Yes, the Orange Pi normally run hot, but is normal and using a passive heatsink is enough to keep temperature in a reasonable range.

These are recommended by @tkaiser https://es.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-Lot-Computer-Xbox360-PS-VGA-Graphics-Card-DDR-RAM-Video-Memory-Cooling-Cooler-Aluminum-Heatsink/32229488356.html?detailNewVersion=&categoryId=708041

Nice...same as these correct?

aliexpress 8Pcs Aluminum VGA PC Heatsink Card For Xbox360 PS DDR RAM Memory Cooling

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