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  1. Past hour
  2. Works for me on Trixie, will check with Bookworm: # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See # sshd_config(5) for more information. # This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games # The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with # OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where # possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the # default value. Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf Port 1122 #AddressFamily any #ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: [...] ● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-06-16 02:31:25 CEST; 13s ago Invocation: cd3972f4454d4e37a5ce90e6fade1946 Docs: man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) Process: 1054 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 1103 (sshd) Tasks: 9 (limit: 4296) Memory: 40.1M (peak: 56.2M) CPU: 9.397s CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service ├─1103 "sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups" ├─1347 "sshd: kali [priv]" ├─1510 "sshd: kali@pts/0" ├─1511 -zsh ├─1525 tmux -u -2 -f /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmuxrc new-session -n - /usr/bin/byobu-shell ├─1559 tmux -u -2 -f /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmuxrc new-session -n - /usr/bin/byobu-shell ├─1567 /usr/bin/zsh ├─1789 systemctl status ssh └─1790 less giu 16 02:31:24 nappio systemd[1]: Starting ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server... giu 16 02:31:25 nappio sshd[1103]: Server listening on port 1122. giu 16 02:31:25 nappio sshd[1103]: Server listening on :: port 1122. giu 16 02:31:25 nappio systemd[1]: Started ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server. gi We're not using ssh.socket by default anymore, so I expect ssh to honour "Port" directive from config file: @ynotssor can you please share your "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" and any file under "/etc/ssh/ssh_config.d" please ? Thank you!
  3. Yesterday
  4. @Manuel Carvajal https://forum.armbian.com/topic/29253-temperature-and-fan-control-on-opi5/?do=findComment&comment=170261
  5. Hello Armbian Forum! I hope you are all well. It's been more than 5 years since I last visited here, a lot of things has changed in my life since then. I saw my posts complaining about apt speed, that I could get 200kbps speed, now I am building +200gbps infrastructures for tens of thousands of servers. I felt a little bit of nostalgia visiting this forum because of that. And here I am, just I wanted to say hi! I hope you all also had a great time in the last 5 years just like me.
  6. Hello, The latest build Armbian_24.5.1_Bigtreetech-cb1_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img.xz does not seem to boot on BTT Pi v1.2 (blank screen, no signs of anything happening, no ethernet) I checked archival version Armbian_24.2.3_Bigtreetech-cb1_bookworm_legacy_6.1.79_minimal.img.xz and it works just fine. Any ideas?
  7. Hi, I am new to Armbian, and I don't know how to control VIM3's GPIOs. Can someone help me please? I have Armbian bookworm 24.5.1, kernel 6.6.32-current-meson. Thank you!
  8. I think you need to try to do the overlay yourself. Do it by analogy with this: https://github.com/armbian/sunxi-DT-overlays/blob/master/sun8i-h3/sun8i-h3-w1-gpio.dts https://github.com/armbian/sunxi-DT-overlays/blob/master/sun50i-h5/sun50i-h5-w1-gpio.dts May be /dev/ttyS2 This can be described using aliases: sun8i-a83t-bananapi-m3.dts#L54
  9. Description basiclly, legacy kernel for board firefly-itx-3588j How Has This Been Tested? Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Please also note any relevant details for your test configuration. [x] build [x] boot [x] can play music, Hi-Fi! Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] dependent on https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/193 View the full article
  10. Just curious- what make/model is this reader?
  11. I have this problem on kernel 5 Vendor, but on kernel 6 vendor it works...... you can try other version release...
  12. @Vincenzoernst1absolutly NO This board was made for android.... and the device tree is how the factory thinks about this board... UEFI will need a lot of effort to get to the point where the device tree was
  13. Can't up ethernet link in some kernels. 6.1.92 work 6.6.16 don't work 6.6.31 don't work 6.7.4 don't work 6.7.12 don't work In dmesg last line missing when don't work: [ 11.875133] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: Register MEM_TYPE_PAGE_POOL RxQ-0 [ 12.125838] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: PHY [stmmac-0:01] driver [YT8531 Gigabit Ethernet] (irq=POLL) [ 12.125907] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: No Safety Features support found [ 12.125917] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: No MAC Management Counters available [ 12.125925] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: PTP not supported by HW [ 12.126603] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/rgmii-id link mode [ 15.202402] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx But in very rare cases the link still goes up. There is also a remote second similar device, it works without problems. Incompatibility with router? The USB network card works without problems.
  14. Marking all packages on hold to prevent update after add arch armhf and i386 install dependency sudo apt-get install parallel nano mark_hold_all.sh #!/bin/bash while IFS= read -r line; do package=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') echo "Marking $package as hold..." sudo apt-mark hold "$package" done < <(sudo apt list) parallel -a 4 :::: ::: <<< $(printf "%s\n" "${packages[@]}") | while read package; do echo "Marking $package as hold..." sudo apt-mark hold "$package" done
  15. Hello, I apologize in advance if I haven't put the topic in the right section. I want to share my experience with NanoPC-T6 and two NVMe m.2 disk. I use my NanoPC-T6 for a small server. In the beginning I had 2 SSDs and an M.2 to 2 SATA adapter. But I never found the right solution to power both the NanoPC-T6 and the SSDs from 1 place. After some internet searching I was able to find a solution on how to put 2 NVMe drives on my NanoPC-T6 As you know NanoPC-T6 has 1 M.2 M-Key connector with PCIe 3.0 x4 There is also one PCIe which is M.2 E-key connector with PCIe 2.1 x1 With this adapter: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004762924052.html I am using M.2 E-key to M.2 M-Key. The version of the kernel I use is 6.1.43-vendor-rk35xx. The speed that the NVMe disk on the adapter board can reach is about 400MB per second, which is quite good for my needs. I am attaching some pictures. I hope this is useful for you. If there are any questions, I'm at the meeting to answer them. Regards,
  16. This I tried in Zero3 was no problem, although it was a long time ago @mr412
  17. sunarowicz, any update? I have done a test with the new kernel version and the dualsense works... but on the new kernel i have lost Video Acceleration on moonlight, so, no stream... its a shame, i really liked the armbian with moonlight, but i will search another solution for now
  18. Last week
  19. Similar results for me. I have the R6C. rk3588-sd-debian-bullseye-minimal-6.1-arm64-20240117.img installs OK. I try to install Armbian_community_24.8.0-trunk.139_Nanopi-r6s_bookworm_vendor_6.1.43_minimal.img. As instructed in the documentation, I edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and change R6S to R6C. I flash to the SD card, insert the SD card into the device, and power up. I get only the red light. The output on the debug console is almost identical to that posted above: DDR 9fffbe1e78 cym 24/02/04-10:09:20,fwver: v1.16 LPDDR4X, 2112MHz channel[0] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB channel[1] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB channel[2] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB channel[3] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB Manufacturer ID:0x1 CH0 RX Vref:27.9%, TX Vref:22.8%,21.8% CH1 RX Vref:25.8%, TX Vref:19.8%,20.8% CH2 RX Vref:26.7%, TX Vref:20.8%,19.8% CH3 RX Vref:27.5%, TX Vref:20.8%,20.8% change to F1: 528MHz change to F2: 1068MHz change to F3: 1560MHz change to F0: 2112MHz out U-Boot SPL board init U-Boot SPL 2017.09-g1b1171b7c71-220418 #fa (Apr 18 2024 - 11:12:44) unknown raw ID 0 0 0 unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 00, 00, 00 Trying to boot from MMC2 No misc partition spl: partition error Trying fit image at 0x4000 sector ## Verified-boot: 0 ## Checking atf-1 0x00040000 ... sha256(a7d1d8d191...) + OK ## Checking uboot 0x00200000 ... sha256(5292f1b184...) + OK ## Checking fdt 0x0031f058 ... sha256(a4fd4b8eff...) + OK ## Checking atf-2 0xff100000 ... sha256(4b2065349b...) + OK ## Checking atf-3 0x000f0000 ... sha256(aa71013e72...) + OK Jumping to U-Boot(0x00200000) via ARM Trusted Firmware(0x00040000) Total: 443.155/593.829 ms INFO: Preloader serial: 2 NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():v2.3-682-g4ca8a8422:derrick.huang, fwver: v1.45 NOTICE: BL31: Built : 10:11:21, Dec 27 2023 INFO: spec: 0x13 INFO: code: 0x88 INFO: ext 32k is valid INFO: ddr: stride-en 4CH INFO: GICv3 without legacy support detected. INFO: ARM GICv3 driver initialized in EL3 INFO: valid_cpu_msk=0xff bcore0_rst = 0x0, bcore1_rst = 0x0 INFO: l3 cache partition cfg-0 INFO: system boots from cpu-hwid-0 INFO: disable memory repair INFO: idle_st=0x21fff, pd_st=0x11fff9, repair_st=0xfff70001 INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[0].freq_mhz= 2112MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[1].freq_mhz= 528MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[2].freq_mhz= 1068MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[3].freq_mhz= 1560MHz INFO: BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services WARNING: No OPTEE provided by BL2 boot loader, Booting device without OPTEE initialization. SMC`s destined for OPTEE will return SMC_UNK ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world INFO: Entry point address = 0x200000 INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9 U-Boot 2017.09-armbian (Jun 11 2024 - 18:28:00 +0000) Model: NanoPi R6S MPIDR: 0x81000000 PreSerial: 2, raw, 0xfeb50000 DRAM: 8 GiB Sysmem: init Relocation Offset: eda3e000 Relocation fdt: eb9f9d20 - eb9fecc8 CR: M/C/I Using default environment optee check api revision fail: -1.0 optee api revision is too low ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###
  20. I think your problem has to do with boot rom security. Here's some links that might help. https://linux-sunxi.org/TOC0 https://linux-sunxi.org/Jide_Remix_Mini#Tips.2C_Tricks.2C_Caveats
  21. I also experienced this issue with a kde-plasma ubuntu 24.04 (noble image build of 24.8.0 edge) on an Orange Pi 5 plus (16gb). Disabling the above code per the commit avoided the issue and the result was a successful image generation.
  22. Description Shellcheck errors/warnings were: In lib/functions/rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh line 155: display_alert "Adding to extlinux.conf" "fdtoverlays=${DEFAULT_OVERLAYS[@]}" "debug" ^--------------------^ SC2145 (error): Argument mixes string and array. Use * or separate argument. In lib/functions/rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh line 156: echo " fdtoverlays ${DEFAULT_OVERLAYS[@]}" >> "$SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf" ^--------------------^ SC2145 (error): Argument mixes string and array. Use * or separate argument. In lib/functions/rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh line 193: if [[ -n $DEFAULT_OVERLAYS && -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then ^---------------^ SC2128 (warning): Expanding an array without an index only gives the first element. Fixes https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6744 How it was tested [x] Shellcheck does not output any warnings or errors anymore: https://github.com/armbian/build/actions/runs/9522581973/job/26252408859?pr=6746 View the full article
  23. Quick fix for PR https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6743, see https://github.com/armbian/build/actions/runs/9520292766/job/26245280729 It's not any-globs-to-all-files, but any-glob-to-all-files. View the full article
  24. Hello, I have been trying to interface with a MCP2518FD CAN controller using a RockPi 4b and have been encountering some issues. The specifications in which I want the CANbus to operate are as such: Baud: 250kb/s FD: OFF Other details: Oscillator: 40MHz SPI Bus: SPI1 (see below) The RockPi pins that are being used are the following (based on the standard pinout of the RockPi 4B https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock4/hardware/gpio) Pin #19 SPI1_TXD -> MOSI Pin #21 SPI1_RXD -> MISO Pin #23 SPI1_CLK -> SCK Pin #22 GPIO4_D5 -> INT Pin #24 SPI1_CSn -> CS I have tried various DT overlay files and most files don't even provide an output for the commands "dmesg | grep spi" or "dmesg | grep mcp" except for this overlay that gives me a response that chip select 0 is already in use: /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "rockchip,rockpi","rockchip,rk3399"; fragment@0 { target = <&pinctrl>; __overlay__ { mcp2518_int_pin: mcp2518_int_pin { rockchip,pins = <4 29 0 &pcfg_pull_none>; }; }; }; fragment@1 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { can_mcp2518_osc: can-mcp2518-osc { compatible = "fixed-clock"; clock-frequency = <40000000>; // Change to 40 MHz #clock-cells = <0>; }; }; }; fragment@2 { target = <&spi1>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; max-frequency = <10000000>; // Keep it at 10 MHz #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; can_mcp2518: can-mcp2518@0 { status = "okay"; compatible = "microchip,mcp2518"; reg = <0>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio4>; interrupts = <29 2>; spi-max-frequency = <10000000>; // Keep it at 10 MHz clocks = <&can_mcp2518_osc>; // Change to the new clock node vdd-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>; xceiver-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>; pinctrl-names = "default"; #pinctrl-0 = <&mcp2518_int_pin>; // Change to the new pin name }; }; }; }; And this is the specific message I get when I compile this DTS (via command "armbian-add-overlay") and reboot: root@rockpi-4b:~# dmesg | grep spi [ 1.522099] rockchip-spi ff1d0000.spi: chipselect 0 already in use [ 1.522115] spi_master spi1: spi_device register error /spi@ff1d0000/spidev@0 [ 1.522141] spi_master spi1: Failed to create SPI device for /spi@ff1d0000/spidev@0 And there is no response on dmesg | grep mcp or any can0 interface created on ifconfig.... The operating system in which I am running is 5.15.74-rockchip64 I have previously used this board to successfully interface with a MCP2515 @250Kb/s, but I am looking to upgrade to the 2518. I removed the previous DTBO and user-overlay from armbianEnv.txt. If anyone has any idea on what the issue may be or can walk me through step by step on how to set this up, I would greatly appreciate it. I am not great with linux, so please bear with me. if a solution involves installing a driver or rebuilding the kernel, I am not entirely sure on how to perform that, so any resource or information on this would be extremely helpful for me. Even if I have to start from a scratch image, this is okay.
  25. Hello, I have been using the Le Potato for a while, and was able to save Armbian on an eMMC and boot from it. Then I tried putting another OS onto it but now it's no longer able to boot or recognize the eMMC module even when I go to Armbian settings. Please help me be able to use it again to continue tinkering around with it. Thanks very much!
  26. Description Jira reference number AR-2368 How Has This Been Tested? [x] Generated Gnome desktop image didn't go into suspend by default Checklist: [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  27. Description Khadas Edge 2 images has been shipped without Uboot and it may cause some problems like not-booting when eMMC and SPI is empty. This PR adds vendor's uboot to Edge 2 images. I've also added BL32 blob because the board doesn't boot when SPI has BL32 blobs and SD card doesn't have. cc @rpardini @viraniac How Has This Been Tested? [x] SPI + SD card [ ] Empty SPI + SD card [ ] SPI + eMMC [ ] Empty SPI + eMMC Checklist: Please delete options that are not relevant. [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [ ] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
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