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Everything posted by Igor

  1. 1. Use standard way for connecting to wireless 2. Use some generic how-to
  2. It might not be that simple. IIRC old kernel (<3.15) is supported to certain development point and from there on it's not supported anymore. Most likely unrelated to new devices, but to driver structure. Check with fb-tft docs / author: https://github.com/notro/fbtft
  3. It looks like a bug/regression which needs to be found and fixed
  4. root@orangepiprime:~# df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on udev 990260 0 990260 0% /dev tmpfs 205140 5824 199316 3% /run /dev/mmcblk0p1 7419364 2559408 4734400 36% / tmpfs 1025692 140 1025552 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock tmpfs 1025692 0 1025692 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 1025692 8 1025684 1% /tmp log2ram 51200 1452 49748 3% /var/log tmpfs 205140 0 205140 0% /run/user/0 tmpfs 205140 8 205132 1% /run/user/1000 Mount info: log2ram on /var/log type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=51200k,mode=755) Logs: http://sprunge.us/VQSd
  5. Something is malfunction but without logs, I am unable to guess what went wrong. I only see that you are using beta build, which is auto made and possible broken ... nobody test that.
  6. So far it was working without a problem. Can you provide full logs? armbianmonitor -u
  7. That should work. Hmm. Try v5.25, https://dl.armbian.com/bananapim2/archive ... what about stock images from board maker? Tried any?
  8. Igor

    Forum upgrade

    by default no. 3rd party plugins perhaps?
  9. Igor

    Forum upgrade

    I mean if you can try to use another theme to see if there is any difference on this level. I have to know who to bother. This Haze theme is 3rd party while the default is stock. Currently, I don't know what causes troubles, but I just toggle one thing:
  10. This log was done more or less for debugging. Lately, there were some changes to this install utility and I'll need to look closely if there are problems. In any case, we will test all those functions right before upcoming release.
  11. Exactly which image did you download? Do you have Banana M2 or M2+ ?
  12. I am not that kind of an expert in Bluetooth tech. I just started to implement this and I am not sure everything works as expected. I just made few tests with connecting BT equipment. Mouse connected and started working instantly, while keyboard refused to connect. Both ways I was using CLI Bluetooth connector from within armbian-config with which I already succeed to connect this particular keyboard and with the same chip, but on modern kernel ... I have to debug more.
  13. This is the best what you can get out of this board. I made an image from latest sources: https://dl.armbian.com/orangepizeroplus2-h3/Ubuntu_xenial_default_desktop_nightly.7z You have to use dedicated board config if you want that all things work. And in case of this particular board - it uses some strange/different Wifi chip revision which means some additional hacks are needed if you start with some generic build. 1. Burn SD card 2. Login via serial and connect to your Wireless network (from armbian-config or with nmtui-connect) 3. Launch armbian-config and connect Bluetooth mouse 4. Enjoy Logs: http://sprunge.us/ZBhM and I made a video:
  14. Igor

    Forum upgrade

    Is this happening with a stock theme, on our default or on both? This would help to nail the problem down.
  15. Sure, they will be as soon as we are satisfied with kernel stability and functionality.
  16. It's difficult to support a system that is not used by a core developer team and in most cases, people come forward with vague descriptions like: "Building breaks in Mint 25.2" . Our default answer is: "Ubuntu Xenial is the way to go". I know that those dependencies could be fixed (perhaps they already are and once they might be), but at some major distro upgrade, they might fail. This way we limit down support questions. And we have to do that since the team is small and our primary focus elsewhere. We should perhaps add that if you want to build within anything else, fix dependencies and submit a patch - including override switch. This way it will at least work. If Mint/Stretch/* maintainer/user decides to stick around than it might become officially supported.
  17. It should work unless broken. I am running my Pinebook from eMMC and install went smoothly.
  18. I assume you noticed a red warning sign that you are getting in beta / no support / development area? Honestly, I don't know why it doesn't boot. Welcome to debug ... first, change verbosity to 9 and console to serial in /boot/armbianEnv.txt
  19. Check tomorrow's beta build ... but expect that we soon move to 4.13, where this might be broken or need to be adjusted again ... @raschid Thanks!
  20. armbian-desktop toggle feature is designed for desktop images to disable desktop and it's still WIP. The best way is to start with our desktop build since it's more optimised than some generic install: https://www.google.com/search?q=install+desktop+on+ubuntu
  21. You are welcome! Those boards (Zero and One) are very similar and configuration copy paste is usually the first step. Adjusting to hardware diff/reality is a next one.
  22. Some early foundations for UEFI. It has to be properly developed, board vendors must upgrade to recent u-boots which are not a simple and cheap task. Next, we have to break something that works and exchange with a technology which gives more but is it already matured? Will old kernels boot? Will all kernels boot? I don't expect much activities in next one year in this area.
  23. This means two things: there is something wrong or you are just trying to squeeze too much out of the poor board. Don't worry.
  24. Basic characteristic from the kernel in development is that things are missing and regressions are possible. Linux kernel and Armbian are community projects, a common work. If all would only wait that things are fixed, they never are or very late: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute/
  25. It's doing nothing and this is good thing Swapping at Armbian is set to "emergency only" which means it will use swap file only there will be no other options. Swap only prevent strange things to happen - it's your virtual memory extension which is damn slow. If you need more memory, get a board with more of it.
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