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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Have you changed kernel perhaps? If you don't write an essay of what you were doing and supply logs you are wasting time. Start with: armbianmonitor -u
  2. We are not clairvoyant or mind readers Please describe your setup as best as possible so we know what your operating environment is like. 1. Logs, when you can boot the board: armbianmonitor -u (paste URL to your forum post) 2. If your board does not boot, provide a log from serial console or at least make and attach a picture, where it stops. 3. Describe the problem the best you can and provide all necessary info that we can reproduce the problem.
  3. It's a good news. We are one step closer to farewell with junky Allwinner 3.4 kernels.
  4. @o_flyer Is perhaps such display? https://github.com/TinkerBoard/debian_kernel/commit/ea22619e44dea9118442c45b33cf243ed2d85021 https://github.com/TinkerBoard/debian_kernel/commit/26a39a08af6382f0ea9afebf0b1630d46d94d550 Than some kernel patching is needed. Just to understand where you might need to start digging in ...
  5. It's only on first boot. Then perhaps we should just leave that disclaimer always on? Some pop-up was planed - while my HTML/JS programming is rusted Haven't done that for years and even small things are hard and must read around. Yes, people do not read warnings anymore those days ... One option is to freeze kernel upgrades on those images by default and there is no need for extra warnings.
  6. You are able to delete until there are no replies AFAIK. In other (rare) cases just approach to one of the staff and it will be done.
  7. We are not clairvoyant or mind readers Please describe your setup as best as possible so we know what your operating environment is like. 1. Logs, when you can boot the board: armbianmonitor -u (paste URL to your forum post) 2. If your board does not boot, provide a log from serial console or at least make and attach a picture, where it stops. 3. Describe the problem the best you can and provide all necessary info that we can reproduce the problem.
  8. And you need to enable it (LCD) in DT. Speaking generally.
  9. You need to get a driver to run and that driver is usually supplied by hardware maker. It's also possible that support exists in a kernel, but it's not enabled. It's on you to find out ...
  10. What can be wrong in this part of the code: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/templates/customize-image.sh.template#L19-L32 Is your script running on Ubuntu?
  11. We don't deal with 3rd party hardware support. Board troubles are already over the top. Edit: Moved to Peer to Peer technical support
  12. It's probably related to AP6212A problem .
  13. Yes. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Allwinner_overlays/ Untested - not for end users yet.
  14. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e868c5ddfb611cc15cfe0168db4d83666e4537d9
  15. I got modules today but the server does not like them That means upgrade costs jumped to 1k EUR. Buy cheap buy twice
  16. All small boards face some common issues: overheating and lack of proper power regulator. Opi Zero (1.4) is a clear winner in this - who heats most - competition. Give 10$ more for OrangePi PC+ or 2E+ if for some reason needs a gigabit ethernet.
  17. Hunting a bug is crime scene investigation armbianmonitor -m at working image, to see your setup, versions, possible 3rd party hardware ... then a screen picture or console log with crash dump information, if any.
  18. Try toggling: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/fex/orangepizero.fex#L504 Afaik it should work. Perhaps unloading is not working as it should. This kernel is from some other times ... removal from /etc/modules and reboot might be needed. Nobody is working on H3 legacy kernels anymore Modern kernel will be here soon. @Abdullah Seba Technical support is our free will. Our expense and we tend to rest on Sundays.
  19. Board configurations, u-boot configs can be sometimes broken upstream for a single board. This can lead to boot failure - has to be investigated.
  20. Kernel, low-level support which is essential is non-existing (in development) for this chip. Any other Debian Linux on this planet can only have the same or worse support. Usually much worse. They can and they do use our development kernel or the one from chip maker, which I would only recommend staying away ... http://www.orangepi.org/downloadresources/ Those images were made to fool you buy the board. Minor issues are present only in images labelled "stable". All our preview images are working - we put them out when basic things work, but we don't test them for upgrades. There is a fix on this forum to make this board operational. Do search. Welcome to ARM development boards world If you need a working solution now, get an H3 board .. or rather wait. Board is nice and it's already working quite ok. It's just not ready for end users.
  21. OMG. Why do we write red warning signs on development auto-generated images at first login? Those images (kernel) are not finished - meant for deployment, upgrading is not tested and there is no support. If you plan to use those semi working builds at least freeze upgrading kernel and related packages and wait for the first release. Expected in 1-2 months.
  22. Are you sure that you are using original Armbian image? And for USB automount, you need to use a desktop image or enable this feature on your own. Can you manually mount this USB drive? I don't own any Apple stuff to check.
  23. You need to have internet connection on that board to upload logs On CLI images there is no automount. You need to mount it manually and AFAIK there is no support for HTFS. Where on earth did you find that?
  24. This adjust source version while package remains the same. Source: wpa (2.5~armbian5.33.170922+1) Version: 1:2.5~armbian5.33.170922+1 Source: wpa (2:2.5~armbian5.33.170925+1) Version: 1:2.5~armbian5.33.170925+1
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