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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Cubitruck images are working - I made several tests with latest image and I never had any problems. Make sure HDMI is plugged in when you power on.
  2. I own one A80 device (Cubieboard 4) but am not playing much since kernel is (still) very immature. I plan to jump into when basic support reaches Vanilla kernel. There is very little development with the one and only (manufacturer) ancient kernel 3.4.39 ... I think some basic things should be working in 4.x at the time of writing. RK3x88 never came to my desk even I tried once to get a free sample I don't follow what's happening with kernel development.
  3. Thank! Well ... some webcams are available / enabled. If you tell me what / which to enable I can add to next build. I usually don't add third party hardware support to the kernel source - I already cover too many things. If you have sources for linux driver it might be possible to build.
  4. FAQ is correct. You must have mix something ... or you are might be using some unofficial build? root is 1234 on all images since I start with the project. There is not a single reason to change this. At least on my builds. The only problem / issue with Jessie is that you need to wait for first reboot until you can login. Only on Jessie.
  5. OK. Mine R1 is now more than one day up, too little to say anything. I have different tactics - I don't use wireless much but my wife does ... I disabled router AP and she is testing without knowing I got only one complain today that the overall internet quality is worsen and if I can do something about My router AP range is obviously better, speed downgrade is apparently not so obviously.
  6. - NAND is supported only in kernel 3.4.x. No info when and if will be supported in 4.x - screen output from kernel is set to HDMI by default. Boot loader can detect and switch, kernel not.
  7. Yes, we need new patch. I am / we are working on it. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/87 But I think there is no driver for switch inside u-boot so not possible to net-boot.
  8. It looks good. No more ideas. I'll try to recreate the problem. Gimme few days. P.S. You can try to use this u-boot: linux-u-boot-lamobo-r1_3.3_armhf.zip
  9. This looks good. Do apt-get update / upgrade + restart on the top. Check uboot build date @boot. This is essential ... my packing script is not perfect yet and somehow I could pack an older / failed boot loader. Huh. Huh. I made 3 weeks burn in tests with this build on Cubietruck and Banana Pi. I'll start with R1 today. I am also running a web / nas / everything server + mirror server with mainline kernel. Zero problems & months of uptime - kernel 3.4106 / 4.0.5.
  10. There is a known stability issue with image 3.1, more precisely with u-boot ... but if you started freshly with 3.2 this is out of question. Which OS, u-boot & kernel are you using. With build dates for kernel / u-boot. ps nice work.
  11. sun7i-a20-orangepi-mini.zip Try this orangepi mini blob. Copy to /boot/dtb and alter boot scripts to point to this file. Or just unpack and copy over sun7i-a20-orangepi.dtb
  12. http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=53002
  13. Latest U-boot has direct support for Orange Pi mini while there is no support for it in kernel. In any of it - talking about stable kernels. Haven't search the dev zone. For which kernel?
  14. Can you provide some logs or at least a photo of the screen? Can you catch the error?
  15. It looks ok but the problem is in uboot configuration. I use the same uboot source for old (3.4.) and new (4.x) kernel. The only difference is configuration but you can boot even if you forgot to set those extra parameters. The only downside / bug is that you only got one core. This is the first time I used boot loader 2015.07 and I made many changes in the build process so the problem can also be on my side. Use one version back where the boot loader is 2015.04 or gimme few days to double check. I think I haven't packed u-boot properly.
  16. Just a hint. You will need to write a mini application / script / daemon.
  17. None. http://linux-sunxi.org/Cedrus Read about driver limitations. Cubietruck (or any other A20 device) is not recommended for media player. But if you insist of using this hardware than grab latest official Android image. (never really tested but I think it should work fine)
  18. Hello and thanks for your feedback / suggestions. Chromium. It's very difficult to build Chromium for ARM 32 in general, not just for Allwinner devices. The last one which was possible to build is old (I think v40.x) and it does not work on all distributions. It's out of my power to provide updated Chromium. This is my first desktop build and of course there are issues. Thanks for tips and suggestions - I'll fix reported issues and the one that are fixable with my knowledge. My primary goal is to maintain stable CLI, desktop is added value which will also maintain in minimalistic way. With tools that works. Banana and Cubietruck desktops are build the same way so they share problems. P.S. Thanks. I am happy for any donation but it's O.K. if you don't or can't. Free will. Paypal is usually the simplest way. Bitcoin? 17vT6hV83EQ6rizbWeasfy1tWEzFpzYqEE Alternative is to buy a beer when you pass by Ljubljana
  19. Yes, this problem is typical for using wrong boot loader.
  20. Can you check if you downgrade uboot? Go to archive and DL one version back. I suspect its an uboot issue Wrote on mobile phone
  21. You mean you can't access boot loader or you can't login? BTW. Aruntu is based on one of my images.
  22. @edil10 This looks like some file system / bad (written) SD card error? Does it boot. How long have you waited? No output (to serial) is normal by default with mainline kernel. @andrewufrank Not yet. Manual only ... check FAQ.
  23. Those tools are as is. I know they are not perfect and eventually will be upgraded. Once Anyone is allowed and welcomed with suggestions and real code proposals. Hmm, second boot and long waiting. I made some optimizations in latest build but those parts are important and you need to wait. It's done only once and it's not that long. I can add some "please wait" or progress bar in the future builds. Thanks for your ideas.
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