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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Boot without a keyboard ... With some keyboards u-boot doesn't start. That's a known issue on recent u-boots. If this is not the case, can you check if previous version is working? http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/Armbian_4.3_Cubieboard_Debian_wheezy_4.2.0.zip On some older 4.x kernel versions, there were not many keyboard drivers, on recent there is a lot more / what exists.
  2. There are two separate problems here. First is network, which is out of my power - real server problem or you were just trying to download it to quickly - files might not be on all servers yet ... at the moment of writing they sure are. Second is kernel issues. I'll look if I can make a quick fix, otherwise I can suggest you to roll back one kernel version. Use kernel linux-image-sunxi-next v4.3 http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get
  3. What? It should. Cubieboard 1 / Vanilla kernel 4.2.x works. I don't have this board here (getting it soon) but I tested Wheezy on Cubietruck, Banana, Lime. It works. Where does it stops?
  4. No, Jessie is broken in last build ... I need to fix it. Sorry. Use anything else. Thanks
  5. Wheezy works, tested! You might see the error which is due to some troubles with I think U-boot. If error happen, my fix kicks in and fix the mess System boots and it's working normally. This fix is not working on Jessie since it has parallel loading shit ... I am loosing patience with systemd
  6. Yes, Jessie is problematic. I'll write to the bug section until we produce a fix. Trusty and Wheezy should work without a problem.
  7. Hmm, maybe you need to do some manual file system checking? Enable / change loglevel=7 in kernel command line that you will see things ... And yes, some USB keyboards doesn't work properly with u-boot. I have one of such. If it's attached booting always stops at u-boot prompt
  8. Yes, it's possible to unbrick this. I guess the installation went bad even I made a lot of checking. I guess not enough Sorry. To fix this, you will need some Linux computer where you can mount SD card. Than download .deb files and unpack them. Example (if /dev/sdb1 is your SD card): mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt dpkg -x DEB_FILE /mnt You need to unpack those files: http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-trusty-root-next-lamobo-r1/linux-trusty-root-next-lamobo-r1_4.4_armhf.deb http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/linux-image-next-sunxi_4.4_armhf.deb http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/linux-firmware-image-next-sunxi_4.4_armhf.deb http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/linux-dtb-next-sunxi_4.4_armhf.deb & thanks!
  9. USB audio should be here as a module: CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO=m Cryptsetup was in previous version but is temporally out because of some troubles. It's coming with kernel 4.3 by default. But it's very easy to switch back to 3.4.108 if you are not o.k. with new kernel
  10. System or network problem. Something is missing or is corrupted, not downloaded ... apt-get update Must give clean / error less output. Fix that part first. No, you don't need an desktop and you can start with Ubuntu minimal image. I made few test rides and haven't got any problems.
  11. I am sorry to hear this. If you were playing with script, anything is possible. I am trying to understand what you did and how is possible. You must be running scrip over and over again until you run out of LOOP devices, force breaking in the middle ... can be the problem. I already made a fix for this but it was not working properly, so it was disabled. I have harden this part. In normal condition script works as expected! Yes, it can break under certain conditions and bugs are always possible, no matter how close we look. Sometimes we learn the hard way
  12. With this script: wget -q -O - http://upgrade.armbian.com | bash or manually by installing packages via apt-get as described in first post You can up or downgrade. It does not matter.
  13. I would say conditions are normal at least theoretical. Power supply can be faulty, board can be faulty and yes kernel / u-boot too. Let's see if this will do any better. Remember to reboot
  14. Known issue on many imx boards. I couldn't find a cause for this. I guess the troubles are within Ubuntu since Debian works. ... but it used to work in the past.
  15. Are you using defaults settings and if not, what have you changed? It's strange since I just build an image, Ubuntu 14.04 ... always up to date. Reboot, force update scripts (remove /lib), ...
  16. linux-u-boot-next-lime2_4.4_armhf.zip Try attached one. I have no conclusions yet. All of my test machines are still up. Board quality or working condition matters. Olimex has a quality build, I assume you don't use a board in harsh environment and you use a good power supply?
  17. Do reboot and try again. Sometimes the deboostrap process hangs. Ubuntu is even more prone to this. I just rebuild all images two days ago from scratch. No problems at least with building. Currently testing and fixing.
  18. It should also be possible with Armbian ... I am not building Chromium since it's very troublesome and not possible to build the latest build. Udoo's is build on this: https://github.com/Freescale/chromium-imx So, if you want egl, you need to install the one from Udoo's repository. repository.udoo.org If you are o-k with the version without egl you can use this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/%2Bsource/chromium-browser It's also for arm. Note that it doesn't work under root user.
  19. Yes, disable (at least overlayfs) patches for this kernel (lib/patching.sh). They might not be compatible with 3.4.104 I would be glad on feedback regarding SPI. BTW. The famous spi_test.c also went o.k. ...
  20. In theory: here https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/second/deboostrap.sh#L87 add: http_proxy=http://proxy.host:port/ before deboostrap http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38993/global-cache-config-of-debootstrap Please report if it works, than we can add this as option.
  21. Yes, that's for internal / default driver. Let's try and see. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/bde4a3ffb0db339457913c623dfd64d24f50e4bb/patch/kernel/rt8192cu-missing-case.patch Kernel 3.4.109 + this patch. Testing version. For banana, R1, Orange only. http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/test/linux-image-banana_4.4_armhf.deb Regarding stability. I created few different u-boot / kernel combinations and will run burn-in test ... until failed on 5 different A20 boards.
  22. By default you are compiling everything. You started properly and first / default options is the safest one (Wheezy) and (defaut 3.4.x) in next screen. If you only need kernel, than alter one more config. option: KERNEL_ONLY="no" - > "yes"
  23. OK, if you are willing to take some experimenting, try older bootloader. http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/u-boot/linux-u-boot-4.0.4-lime2_1.8_armhf.deb I'll do some tests but the problem is we must wait few weeks for results.
  24. It just hangs, I know. It happened to me too. It's an rear event so it's very hard to catch. I suspect u-boot, because troubles are present in both kernels. Hardware. That's all you have? Nothing on USB?
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