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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Yes, thanks for reporting this. I managed to patch & compile but have got no HDMI out. Is this normal?
  2. Current U-boot 2015.4 is broken. Ethernet fails to init also on Lime. I only changed u-boot for the latest archived and it worked. This is temporally solution so working on permanent.
  3. setenv bootargs console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootwait consoleblank=0 This is probably due too kernel parameter "console". It should be set to tty1 to see the output while booting. This is valid for serial console too - on the new kernel. You need to change u-boot too. For wifi ... check if firmware is there. Is there anything in the log?
  4. Yes, there are problems with latest build. I am working on it.
  5. Actually it hangs only sometimes - I think the problem is in Eth initialization. Cut the power and try again. (reset won't help). Stick to Wheezy and Trusty.
  6. What is the most proper way to calculate battery discharge ratio? I am trying to add this here: Load: 0.10, 0.50, 0.38 - Memory: 974Mb - Battery discharging: 30% AXP209 gives me: http://linux-sunxi.org/AXP209 - voltage - charge / discharge current Battery capacity should be the only parameter I want to set. Is there any advanced calculation script or simply, but not so accurate, direct connection between voltage and percentage?
  7. Jessie is problematic in general but if you don't get net ... there is/was lately some troubles with u-boot Ethernet controller initialization. Until things are not fully fixed, power off/on helps. If you made an upgrade from older image you need to check boot scripts if they are the same: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/documentation/general-faq.md#optional-steps-if-you-update-kernel-to-older-sd-image
  8. Sata install works now on all 4.x but I only rebuild Orange kernel ... which covers all Allwinner boards. Just the name is "orange". Huh. It's stable but it's lack of some functionality and it's hard to say if it's 100% reliable. I haven't used it that much.
  9. Oh, thanks Yes, Orange kernel is good for Banana too. http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/38-config-usb-storage-debugy-on-debian-jessie-404/?p=143
  10. Which kernel are you using? I am not sure if it's working well on newer (4.x) but it must work well within 3.4.107 - I am using some I2C modules by myself. Jessie is also not advisable. For less troubles also rather use Wheezy or Ubuntu trusty.
  11. New kernel config: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/config/linux-sunxi-next.config CONFIG_DM_CRYPT=m This is enabled as module. I also don't know what exactly is needed without research and can only add blindly some new modules in this area but it will take some time before I rebuild a kernel. In such cases is better and faster if you try to build a kernel by your own. That's why I made a script When compiling remember to save the .config because it's overwritten on each run. Old kernel config: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/config/linux-sunxi.config Don't know. Simply try it and than we have at least something to compare to.
  12. Yes, I noticed few days ago ... I was doing some extensive config merging and it came inside by mistake. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/commit/c14411ba60c9bfa0f7b28c70ab373c164f256212 Thanks. In the mean time you can use this kernel. Fixed and built yesterday. http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/kernel/4.0.4-orangepi-next.tar
  13. Audio is not working yet. For kernel upgrading: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/documentation/general-faq.md#optional-steps-if-you-update-kernel-to-older-sd-image
  14. OK, let's work on it. I just installed it on my server ... Have to play / read a little more ...
  15. I took a quick look over Aptly ... It looks great but I think it might be an overkill for our needs? I'll have only few files per board and so far there is no diff between distribution. Any simpler solution ... or is this simple enough to anyway start work with?
  16. Oh, than I choose wrong configuration Anyway, you should be able to compile it yourself on the Cubie. Just follow original instructions or check my script here: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/common.sh#L272
  17. Then it looks like your NAND is completely empty Booting is depended from "boot footprint". Technical background and solution which needs to be implemented withing the script. Fix for this was developed recently and has not been tested / implemented yet so there is only one thing you can do: 1. Install Lubuntu to NAND (or just any factory image) with Phoenix tools, (do one test run just to make sure it boots from NAND, to exclude hardware error) 2. Boot from my SD image and repeat the whole NAND install procedure. You will not need to apply any extra commands. You hit the worst install case scenario
  18. 1. You found a bug . If NAND was not used before the script got stuck ... here is a workaround which will create two partitions on your NAND: (echo y;) | nand-part -f a20 /dev/nand 32768 'bootloader 32768' 'rootfs 0' Run the install script again and it should work fine. It will ask to reboot once, than you need to start the script again ... it will take several minutes for copying. 2. This is normal. If you don't have your system on NAND you can't boot without SD card. Do you want to boot from NAND and have system on DD? Than you need to boot from NAND and run this install script again to transfer it to DD. I know it's a bit stupid way but it works. SD -> NAND -> DD
  19. I had many troubles on the way to keep it clutter free & close to default Debian / Ubuntu way & knowing with their bugs too I am also looking forward to develop further and glue things together so that upgrade process could run fully automatic - if wanted.
  20. You are probably referring to this: http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2014-September/190239.html This is done in uboot so you need to experiment with this parameter: CONFIG_GMAC_TX_DELAY= (try with numbers from 1-10) File is here: u-boot-sources/configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig I don't know for any better way than this: 1. compile - DD to SD card - reboot 2. test 3. change parameter and try again
  21. It looks like you are not using proper script.bin file? Where is your /boot/script.bin pointing to? It must be to the bananapro.bin script.bin -> /boot/bin/bananapipro.bin Just get the latest 3.4.107 and you will be fine. Get Wheezy if you don't want to find new problems.
  22. No scripts, only download, unpack and dpkg -i at this point. The deb files has some post-install logic but nothing major. I only distinguish new / old kernel which is somehow important because of different loading process. The rest is more or less not done yet. The idea is to push to repository and that new versions are updated the standard way like on any other distribution via apt-get update It would be nice to retest updating on some real demo repository. To find and fix possible bugs. ... then added a switch UPDATE_REPOSITORY="YES" + sub script to do all this I was talking with a friend about this but we haven't made any progress yet so my Github lib section is script wise more or less up to date. Appreciate your help and open for ideas.
  23. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/documentation/general-faq.md#how-to-install-to-nand-sata--usb If the install was successful you remove the card and it should boot from NAND. In minor cases you might need to fix boot record on NAND. Follow instructions under FAQ. You need to de-compile with: bin2fex script.bin script.fex You can edit the .fex file. Check this guide: http://linux-sunxi.org/Fex_Guide When you done. fex2bin script.fex script.bin Reboot.
  24. Yes, building is failing within kernel 4.x ... If you need this, stay on older version and wait for fix / update ... or help us fixing , ping USB redirector support,... I'll do that eventually but currently it's not under my urgent nor important tasks.
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