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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. There are two DTB files on the site, try the second file (not a plus). Now I checked this file on a Renegade Elite with NVMe connected and my image Buster-legacy , all the basic elements work (NVMe LAN HDMI sound). I can't test P1 + NVMe yet, I don't have a hat for P1, and moving the hat from Elite to P1 takes a lot of time (having time is critical for me).
  2. Have you checked the DTB from the image composition ?
  3. Write in detail what and how you set up with the sound. I regularly check the published images and do not have the problems that you write about.
  4. I don't have this hardware, so I won't claim that it's the same thing, but from the descriptions and source code for them, I can see that these models are very close.
  5. The Rock64 uses DDR3, the roc-rk3328-cc uses DDR4 memory. Your model is closer to Renegade. https://www.armbian.com/renegade/ https://libre.computer/products/boards/roc-rk3328-cc/
  6. Select the correct audio output, either via HDMI or analog output. By default, output via DP\MPI is enabled. I can disable this channel in DTB, so that it does not interfere, but maybe someone will use it.
  7. I expected this, the reason is not correct (not correct) data for DTB. To solve the problem, I need to have the test equipment. I sent a request to Fyrefly, but for now it's the New Year in China and the response will be after it.
  8. Try using other dtbs (roc-pc-plus, roc-mezzanine, rock-pi-4b etc)
  9. Checked with this patch on M1. Now everything is installed and working.
  10. What dtbs are included in the image ? Add a line to armbianEnv specifying how DTB should be enforced.
  11. Maybe it is possible to perform a simple recording of what is happening on the monitor on a regular video camera or take photos of your favorite moments ?
  12. I'm not asking you about eMMC, but about launching from external media.
  13. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/2614/files#diff-9e41d6a1c3492cc36ff9549a83bd8a2f3018245dad170cc709a2d70b5aba42dbR6
  14. Show the UART log of the attempt to launch the last Armbian image (which is not working for you). Important. You should not change anything on the SD card after recording. You should not stop the u-boot startup process, I need a "clean" u-boot log when trying to start. And show the content armbianEnv.txt a system that does not start.
  15. Which branch of MASTER or DESKTOP did you create the image from ? I use creating an image from the DESKTOP branch with all package options enabled. Can you check the installation of the media script on M1 on the image from this directory ? https://users.armbian.com/balbes150/firefly_station_m1/Armbian/
  16. Show the UART log when starting the system with eMMC (when no external SD\USB media is connected) What system is installed in eMMC ? You can completely erase all eMMC if you run any version of Armbian that sees eMMC when running from an external media.
  17. Additional information. Images P1 (rk3399) and M1 (rk3328) use a shared ROOTFS (shared archive) when building. On P1, everything works without errors.
  18. @JMCCI am currently trying to install a media script on M1 (rk3328) and I get an error from the armbian-buster-desktop package. Is this my local problem or do you also observe such a problem ?
  19. Updated the Armbian\ArmbianTV images (20210211). I checked both variants of Buster-legacy + media script on P1 (rk3399). I froze the kernel update, installed the script, checked the HW acceleration, everything works. Including remote control in KODI and on the desktop, analog sound works (by default, the sound level is set low, you need to go to settings and increase the volume), 4k works.
  20. Without exact data (UART log, settings of the DTB used , exact image name) no one will help you.
  21. I'm going to ask a stupid question. Have you tried using the terminal and dd?
  22. You are trying to put a kernel from network repositories that is not suitable for P1 (it does not have any support for P1). Disable the kernel update.
  23. balbes150

    Mainline VPU

    These changes are long ago in the ArmbianTV images for Station P1\M1
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