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Everything posted by SteeMan

  1. @ReneHegewald I'll add a couple of points to what @Werner has already mentioned. The board you are using RockPi 5B is not supported by Armbian. It is Community supported. That means Armbian doesn't have any resources that work on this board. All support for the board is done by community members like you. There generally is little that happens to community supported boards. Usually someone will submit some work to get the board initially setup and then shortly after disappear and nothing happens to the board again until it stops building at all and then it gets dropped. Unfortunately this is the reality of support for these boards. You are using software for free and it takes significant resources (both money and time) to make a board work well. There are very few people that are willing to donate a hundred hours of time to work on getting a board fully supported and maintain it over time with no compensation. Unfortunately the manufactures of these boards take advantage of the open source community. They in house initially do some minimum work to get something running, then once released move on to their next board and don't support the software and hope the open source community does it for free. The best thing you can do, is build up your skills and contribute back to the community in exchange for the free software you are using.
  2. What link on github? There are alot of non-armbian builds out there that are named armbian.
  3. @PmProd379Armbian_24.5.0_amlogic_s905x3_bullseye_5.15.152_server_2024.03.16.img.gz That is not an Armbian build. No Armbian builds have that name. Where did you download that from?
  4. If you want to dig deeper into this, you will need to find the uart pins on the board, hookup USB uart connector and capture the boot messages to see what is actually happening when booting. Since I don't have this board nor know of anyone that has tried running Armbian on that board.
  5. I haven't seen any reports of users having success with that particular cpu, so I have no idea if it will work. What build are you using?
  6. Moved to correct forum and added rock64 tag.
  7. Actually the forums are what you want to follow. The forums are the board issue logging system. Github issues are only for build system issues. If the r2s and r2s plus are boards you can help with (they are community maintained and don't have any Armbian staff support). You can fix issues on them and submit PRs to improve them.
  8. @Thom Debian Buster (aka Debian 10) was EOL 2022-09-10 (and it ends its extended support life 2024-06-30). Armbian hasn't supported Buster with updates for a long time and recently set its status to EOL. You can ignore the error message, as there would be no updates to get from Armbian anyway. You need to move to a more current supported distribution.
  9. @Caio Lima Viana If you post pictures of the front and back of your board, someone on here may be able to identify the uart connection points
  10. @tj13You get details by hooking up a USB uart adapter and reading the serial console output of the boot process.
  11. My suggestion since I assume you don't have an armbianmonitor output from before your upgrade, would be to use armbian-config and go back to a 6.1 kernel and see if it is the kernel that is causing the difference. If so then provide an armbianmonitor output with the old kernel and look at the memory info in the output to see where the difference is.
  12. @lululombard I think this whole discussion needs to be moved to a new thread as this thread is about the Banana PI. Can you state what you are trying to accomplish? I can then move these posts to a new thread named according to what you are trying to do. It seems as if you are just trying to use 3d accelleration (which should be present for rk3399 out of the box on recent kernels). I think you may be following very old instructions that are no longer relevant. So again state what you are trying to accomplish with your RockPro64.
  13. @lululombard So the historic images for the RockPro64 still exist in the archives. So I was going to suggest that you could extract the kernel from the images and manually apply the kernel. But in looking at the images, and your request above, it looks like the images contain the rockchip64 kernel and you are wanting to use the media kernel. I'm not sure why that is, as I'm not aware of the media kernel every being supported for this board. But you could take that strategy of finding an historic image for a board that supported the media kernel, and copy over the relevant files (/boot/dtb, /boot/Image, /boot/uinitrd and /lib/modules/<kernel>)
  14. @lululombard There haven't been any updates coming from Armbian on buster for a while now. So just remove the repository or ignore the messages.
  15. The Armbian repository has moved focal to EOL. That only means you will no longer receive any updates for the Armbian specific packages (like kernel, uboot, etc). Ubuntu still supports Focal for a couple more months so you will still receive any package updates that Ubuntu releases for userspace packages. But in a couple of months that will end as well. So you should be planning an upgrade to something more current as focal is now 4 years old.
  16. @Juliano Schmitt https://forum.armbian.com/topic/16976-status-of-armbian-on-tv-boxes-please-read-first
  17. @KanexMarcus I only have two suggestions: Try different SD cards (especially a lower capacity card if you are using a high capacity sd card. Try other dtb files. I don't have that box so can't help beyond generic suggestions.
  18. How many times do I have to say, it isn't possible to do with Armbian builds. Armbian does not have a uboot for your TV Box. So there is no way for you to boot from something other than your emmc unless you have a uboot built for your box. And since Armbian doesn't produce such code, we can't help you here.
  19. There is no current TV Box work being done to support s805 nor has there been for years.
  20. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Welcome https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute
  21. There are no plans for Armbian to officially support this board. If community members step up to the task, there may a a community maintained version specific to that board. But currently people report success with the zero3 community maintained build working on the zero2w.
  22. What build are/were you running? As I said multiple times now, what you want isn't possible with Armbian aml-s9xx-box builds. Those builds do not contain a u-boot that works to boot your TV Box. To accomplish what you want, you would need to port a u-boot to your specific TV Box hardware. Each TV box is different and needs a different u-boot. That is the reason the Armbian aml-s9xx-box build uses the TV Boxes native u-boot on emmc to start the boot process, so that one image can be used for multiple TV Boxes that use the s905x CPU.
  23. What do you want to know about the s805?
  24. Not possible. As I said the TV box builds use the EMMC uboot to start the boot process.
  25. I'm guessing since you reposted in the TV box forum, that you have a TV box not an SBC. If thos is a TV box running an Armbian build then the answer is no. The Armbian TV box builds use the uboot from EMMC to start the boot process, no EMMC no boot. For other amlogic SBCs they use the uboot from the SD card, but not so with TV boxes.
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