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Everything posted by TonyMac32

  1. 1) You will need some type of epic cooling setup, or you will need to set the system to only go to 1.4 or 1.6 GHz to avoid wildly fluctuating behavior upon thermal throttling. 2) no idea honestly, however it is Pi-compatible in terms of footprint and GPIO. Try to stick with abstract libraries and you should be able to simply swap another board 3) also unknown. I am adding a 4: Power. MicroUSB is not an industrial powering solution. Power over GPIO would be the only rational solution for this. Something like https://github.com/Tonymac32/Pi-Power A modification to that, assuming the SBC is not the center of the design, would be to make it with a giant hole for a large fan in the middle, I have an ADC board that moves all the power bits to the left edge, leaving the middle free for other uses.
  2. I would specify "HDMI" or "DSI" for the HAL topics, a quick browse of LinuxCNC showed a BeagleBone port, it should work as a template/example
  3. Via hackaday Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  4. To be clear I've gone through the heat rates and power losses through the electric vehicle power chain, and in a mountainous region using coal generation a Tesla gets 25 MPG. Never forget that electrical generation is external combustion turbine, 40% efficiency. Then go through the grid, then the massive losses during charging, and the losses by simply sitting in the driveway in the cold. A new Toyota 4 cylinder gas engine can do that. There is potential in electric vehicles, and I like the technology, but as an engineer with experience in energy storage and power distribution, it isn't mature enough to push yet, it very clearly causes as many problems as it solves, even in the most optimistic vision. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  5. http://brusselstimes.com/business/technology/15050/electric-vehicles-emit-more-co2-than-diesel-ones,-german-study-shows Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  6. Looks messy. I had seen some data suggesting east Asian candidates for education and career positions in the US were being discriminated against due to their 'over representation'. It's the standard-issue over-reaction of institutions to external stressors, in this case a logical fallacy that dictates a need for everyone to cross the finish line at the same time, instead of just giving everyone the same track to run on. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  7. I use gedit over an SSH session with Xming on Windows 10. [emoji38] that keeps me from from having to have multiple mouse/keyboard setups with my gaming PC. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  8. For the Tinker, the 4.4 kernel is the only one to have VPU support. Because of that, the kernel will remain 4.4 on "default" images until such a time as this stabilizes in the mainline (work is happening).
  9. Nope. That's how I handle adding parts typically. You need to keep the thing from floating around on you after all.
  10. ...yes? Well worth it. Export the step file and give it to the designer to design it into either an end product, case, etc. No guesswork. Hmm, I'm not usually opposed to M$ tools, but I'm not sure I understand the need to add it to my life. Might check it out anyway.
  11. @ftp-bin2fex this is interesting, but had nothing to do with 3d Armbian wallpapers, so I split it.
  12. That has fooled me a few times with RK3288.
  13. Yes, discussed at length on these forums, ignored by all... There is the tiny barrel jacks like that seen on the Rock64.
  14. For ESP32 I had to make a choice here as well, I opted to add an I2C expander to cover what the MCU could not. I took the obvious approach, following the Arduino Core created by espressif I assigned the pins and busses accordingly, so both high-speed SPI's are available, both I2C's, the UART. I cover the rest with remaining ESP32 pins, and any remaining holes with the I2C GPIO expander. Always the hard part. I hear they're at least rattling their sabres a bit concerning all the TV boxes being imported, I haven't had to fool with them any, my dayjob entails building sensors that can be blasted with a radar at 1 meter, but isn't allowed to make any noise of its own. Haha yes, I sometimes have to let my 12-year-old self out for a breath of fresh air. Interesting. Can I assume it actually works (cough H6)?
  15. I rather enjoy a Dunkel myself, I've limited my exposure to Starkbier out of self-preservation, we over-industrialized beer in this country, thankfully we're coming back from it. How many of them were even allowed to drink in their home country? I had an ugly beer that @martinayotte may be able to be blamed for, they named it perfectly : Now, for the AO issue, @Neil Armstrong, I did a quick scan of the mailing list but didn't come across anything, is there something kernel-wise that has been fixed?
  16. TonyMac32


    Interesting, I'll have to give it a try later. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  17. TonyMac32


    Still open source I trust?
  18. The question becomes, can you put 3 ethernet on the USB end and, since there,s no GPU, just stuff a single USB out the typical HDMI location? I think yes.
  19. wikipedia may have multiple definitions, but my folks and village friends only used #3... Stop putting ideas that are almost within my capabilities but outside my budget in front of me.
  20. Hmm, if it's unstable, perhaps Odroid has again gotten a "real" dvfs blob. Search "Amlogic clock cheating" in the forum. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  21. Remember the Amlogic blobtastrophy. Your board may never have hit 1.9 GHz. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  22. @hipboi thanks for the note. Obviously this effects about half of the RK3399 boards out there.
  23. TonyMac32


    This could be old news, but my plex update today threw a message out on the console (apt upgrade) that official armv7 and armv8 packages are available. This should be a pretty solid performance boost for most of us I would imagine, the old packages were fro armel NAS boxes. Testing it out on my XU4.
  24. Some regulators can be/are used differently for different boards. For instance, the RK808 is also used on the MiQi and Tinker board RK3288 boards. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
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