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    Myron reacted to SteeMan in Build Armbian in Distro box?   
    Ubuntu only started supporting jammy to noble upgrades with the .1 release that come out not that long ago.  So the upgrade to noble has only been available for a short time.
    But in general, Armbian doesn't test distribution upgrades.  So Armbian will never recommend you do such an upgrade as it isn't supported.
    However, if you know what you are doing you should be able to upgrade from jammy to noble.  I've done a couple of my own boxes and they have generally gone smoothly.
  2. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Fabitanker in Frequent `rcu: INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks` events logged.   
    So...  Taken the latest Armbian system update and on kernel version  6.6.31 no more CPU stalls.  🙂
    Whoever fixed this, thank-you.
  3. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Igor in Frequent `rcu: INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks` events logged.   
    So...  Taken the latest Armbian system update and on kernel version  6.6.31 no more CPU stalls.  🙂
    Whoever fixed this, thank-you.
  4. Like
    Myron got a reaction from maekk in A normal update has resulted in "No end-user support: untested automated build"   
    Maybe there has been a glitch in the update release process?  I performed a sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and this has pulled down an automated build.  Should it had pulled down a supported build instead?
  5. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Armate in Auto mount USB   
    Try this: https://linuxconfig.org/automatically-mount-usb-external-drive-with-autofs
    Found it using a search on Google using: linux automount usb drive
  6. Like
    Myron reacted to Igor in download stats?   
  7. Like
    Myron reacted to Werner in Slow speed withe external SSD   
    We could delete but it would be worth more if you would share your solution.
  8. Like
    Myron got a reaction from atone in Auto mount USB   
    Try this: https://linuxconfig.org/automatically-mount-usb-external-drive-with-autofs
    Found it using a search on Google using: linux automount usb drive
  9. Like
    Myron reacted to atone in cant rotate display -- too easy to do inraspbian   
  10. Like
    Myron reacted to Igor in Unable to complete bootloader bypass method   
    Thank you! 
    Impossible without help of:

  11. Like
    Myron reacted to berobispo in Unable to complete bootloader bypass method   
    I received my new Odroid HC4 today and ran into the same problem. I used the recent armbian, but I booted into petitboot (with an attached display and keyboard), and erased the flash storage from there. This worked just fine! As far as I can tell, this has no downside when compared disabling petitboot via ssh, other than having to have a display and a keyboard.
    @Igor: Thank you for providing armbian!!!
  12. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Werner in Can't update the armbian on banana pi m5   
    @cryk_ Provide diagnostic logs with ...
    armbianmonitor -u ... and post the link here.  It'll may help others determine what the issue is.
    The diagnostic logs might reveal why your file system is read-only and not read-write.
  13. Like
    Myron reacted to guidol in Which windows utility will reliably take an SD card image and restore it back exactly as is?   
    I can recommend the USB Image Tool:
    Info-Page: https://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/
    Download at: https://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/download/

  14. Like
    Myron reacted to NicoD in Which windows utility will reliably take an SD card image and restore it back exactly as is?   
    It can create .img files from sd-cards and save where ever you want. It can write them to sd-cards.
    It is simple, lightweight and does what it needs to do. Just be careful with other USB devices connected. Always make sure you've got the correct drive names. Or else...
    I once formatted my USB hard drive from 1.5TB with all movies and music. Wasn't my happiest day. Tought me to use a NAS for it instead.
  15. Like
    Myron reacted to Werner in Which windows utility will reliably take an SD card image and restore it back exactly as is?   
  16. Like
    Myron reacted to Guy in Ping command local lookup does not work   
    It looks like even though avahi daemon was running I was missing
    so just installing it using
    sudo apt install libnss-mdns  
    solved it.
    In my case /etc/nsswitch.conf already had similar content, maybe from my previous attempts to solve this
    hosts: files mymachines mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname  
    Thanks for all the help
  17. Like
    Myron reacted to thesillywhat in We want YOU for armbian   
    I would like to help out. I have never been involved in open source community and this has been a dream of mine to collaborate.
    Little bit about me.
    1. I have 3 years of working in Yocto projects. During this time I have supported and developed on NXP chips and Raspberry pi.
    2. I have written device side divers for them.
    3. I have a masters in Electrical engineering and have been working in embedded Industry for 6 years.
    4. I have a very good understanding of the Linux system been working and supporting one for more than 4 years.
    5. And I am not afraid of VIM (I have a list of cheat sheets in front of my desk )
    I am more comfortable in supporting and collaborating for Linux but open to learn and help in whatever way I can
  18. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Igor in Boot fails into initramfs (Rock 3A)   
    Have a read of https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Basic-Troubleshooting/
    Basic issues why a board will not start is a PSU that does not supply enough voltage and current to the board and also a SD card that's not suitable for use with such a SOC board.

    What's the maximum rated current and voltage that the PSU can supply to the Rock 3A?
    What make/manufacturer and speed class is the SD card?  Is it a standard SD card or an A1 rated card?
  19. Like
    Myron reacted to Robert Hartles in Armbian not booting   
    @Myron Honestly it probably is the sd card, which is kind of annoying since I've only had it for about a month. It did crash once or twice before this happened. I'll pick up a new one at some point
    Thanks for the help
  20. Like
  21. Like
    Myron got a reaction from Disctanger in USB 2.0 OTG port slow performance on PineCube (Allwinner - Sochip S3)   
    Providing logs with 
    armbianmonitor -u  helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  22. Like
    Myron reacted to Werner in Forum adjustments   
    To prevent abusive behavior by editing older postings this is no longer possible after a certain period of time.
    Exception is granted for contributors, maintainers and frequently active members of the community.
  23. Like
    Myron got a reaction from TheLinuxBug in Working issues with Apache and Bind   
    Please provide the diagnostic logs using:
    armbianmonitor -u You'll have a better chance someone helping you if you provide this information.
  24. Like
    Myron reacted to Igor in What's the difference between the current ./compile.sh built kernel and the current built kernel on https://imola.armbian.com/beta/pool/main/l/ ?   
    If CI does the job, none. We update kernels in beta pool when sources are changed.
  25. Like
    Myron reacted to Werner in OPZ - unable to install exfat-utils   
    OP is using Jammy.
    I don't know why this package is no longer part of Ubuntu or has been deprecated with Jammy.
    Also keep in mind that Jammy is not stable yet. It probably will in a few days though.
    It all depends on how much you really need this package and what is more important to you: having this package or having the most recent available OS.
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