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Everything posted by Werner

  1. the bootloader needs to be installed on emmc separately. armbian-install usually takes care of that. How to debug boot issues: https://debug.armbian.de
  2. https://debug.armbian.de
  3. Github build repository is only for framework bugs, building Armbian to say. Firefox is userspace and issues when running Armbian are to be reported here in forums.
  4. We can discuss including this into CLI/desktop images. Not for minimal.
  5. split into new topic due to off-topic
  6. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/boards/bigtreetech-cb2.conf Config is there. If there is no pre-made build available use the framework to create your own. This is what it's made for.
  7. The driver seems to be already included. If I check my kernel (vendor rk35xx) config I see CONFIG_VIDEO_OV13855=y.
  8. Alright, didn't know they are still there. Well as mentioned media won't receive any further updates since all functionally is merged into standard branches. Anyway, Rock64 is rk3399 I think and you should be good to go with mainline kernel, either current which is 6.12.y or edge which is 6.14-rc7 atm. The branches at https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip are made from Rockchip BSP code and mostly for rk35xx socs. I don't think there is much work there for rk3399.
  9. moved Where did you get those? media branch has been abandoned for over a year now.
  10. Hi this warning tells you that it is up to you to do a risk assessment if you are fine with the fact, that the device's status is unknown to the Armbian team, that it may break with an upcoming update or never receive an update at all.
  11. Alright. Yes, there seems to be some issue with the naming of the overlays which required editing armbianEnv by hand. It is hard to keep up with the continously changing world of SoCs and kernels where latter, especially on mainline, often even lacking basic overlays since close to nobody deals with this.
  12. As guessed you did not switch to vendor kernel and tried using a vendor kernel overlay with mainline kernel. But glad you figured it out what changes are necessary in order to make it work. Feel free to send the working overlay the build framework so it is included by default. mainline still lacks lots of overlays.
  13. Hi Providing logs with PASTE_SERVER_HOST=paste.armbian.de armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  14. These overlays are most likely not made to be used with mainline kernel. I suggest to retry with vendor kernel. Standard overlays for it have been pushed yesterday:https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/345/files
  15. excerpts are useless. Provide full logs with the curl command suggested.
  16. Try oldarchive https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/oldarchive/helios4/archive/
  17. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7902 Support is there AS IS. May work, may not. If latter, feel free to fix it and send PRs.
  18. Try it calling by its correct name: armbian-config
  19. Check archive.armbian.com
  20. AFAIK armbianinstall expects an empty eMMC without partitions. This should be easily achievable by overwriting the first few sectors of it. Like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=512 count=1 A reboot might be required to make the OS aware of the altered partition table. Then retry installing.
  21. You already did by opening this topic.
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