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Hello, guys.

I need help, don`t know what is going on.

Yesterday two of my device`s (orange pi PC2) was rebooted by themselves.  At different times, in separate areas. In log files I see fact of reboot but don`t see the reason.

Temperature was in OK.

Power adapter and micro SD card, which I use, in attachment.

What should I pay attention? Can it be the reason is unattended upgrades or some armbian cron process?




BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi PC2"


there is log from one of them: 

armbianmonitor = http://ix.io/1Gz8

go to reboot at Apr 18 22:52:13


I'm stumped






34 minutes ago, Evgeny Dmitrichenko said:

Can it be the reason is unattended upgrades or some armbian cron process?

No, it's probably kernel related. You are using some old one which we don't deal with. Upgrade / use latest image and try if the problem still exists.


Thank you.

Could you answer for one more question, please

BRANCH (stretch|jessie|bionic|xenial) and RELEASE (default|next|dev) params is not clear for me...

Could you please tell what is difference - what is stretch, jessie, bionic ...


Now I use this code to build my custom image:

./compile.sh KERNEL_CONFIGURE="no" KERNEL_ONLY="no" BOARD="orangepipc2" BRANCH="next" RELEASE="xenial" BUILD_DESKTOP="yes"


If I understand write - for production I must use stable version, which can be build with this params:

BRANCH="default" and RELEASE="stratch"

Is it write?




On 4/19/2019 at 2:59 PM, Evgeny Dmitrichenko said:

Thank you.

Could you answer for one more question, please

BRANCH (stretch|jessie|bionic|xenial) and RELEASE (default|next|dev) params is not clear for me...

Could you please tell what is difference - what is stretch, jessie, bionic ...


If I understand write - for production I must use stable version, which can be build with this params:

BRANCH="default" and RELEASE="stretch"

jessie (v8) and stretch (v9) are debian versions

==> see https://www.electrictoolbox.com/debian-release-names/


and then there are versions of ubuntu xenial (v16) and bionic (v18) 

==> see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases


for debian stretch is the actual stable realease, because jessie is old/unsupported and buster (v10) isnt ready by now.

ubuntu is a "fork" or based on debian and has often newer drivers but some software like OpenMediaVault (NAS) wouldnt work.
debian is more stable because the drivers are a little bit older and better tested (as I know).


You should use default branch which should be stretch or bionic(?)


Maybe you should first try to NOT use the parameters and use the menu-driven way?


If you enter

./compile.sh EXPERT="yes"


then you will be asked

- only u-boot/kernel or full linux image

- Do not change kernel configuration / Show kernel configuration menue before compilation
- for which SBC (orange pi PC2)

- kernel ((legacy), next=mainline, dev=Development version)

- linux flavour (jessie, stretch, buster, xenial, bionic)

- Server-headless or Desktop 


then the compile will start....


At the end of the compile you will get the parameters displayed if you want in future to repeat such compile.

Here are the parameters shown from my last compile:

[ o.k. ] Repeat Build Options [ BOARD=nanopineocore2 BRANCH=dev RELEASE=buster BUILD_DESKTOP=no KERNEL_ONLY=no KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no ]


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