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IDE like VSCode or Atom for Pine64 on Armbian Debian Buster

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I'm searching for an IDE like VSCode or Atom for my Pine64 with 2GB.

I've found a way to install VSCode named Code OSS headmelted, but after 15 minutes the memory gone to be overflow, with the risk to collapse the os.

Excluding Geany, is there some IDE that works and can be used for NodeJS/ES6 ?




Thanks @lanefu but as I wrote in my topic, this software get a lot of RAM memory. I'm searching for something useful like VSCode, but more usable on small devices.

Thanks [mention=1231]lanefu[/mention] but as I wrote in my topic, this software get a lot of RAM memory. I'm searching for something useful like VSCode, but more usable on small devices.
On 12/18/2019 at 10:29 PM, klode82 said:

searching for an IDE like VSCode or Atom for my Pine64

can you elaborate a bit more what you are doing and would like to solve (apart from RAM usage)?



Really, @Tido I cannot understand your question.

I want an IDE to manage projects for many languages, like Python, NodeJS, PHP, and other languages; it must to manage SVN like git; it must to help on indentation; it must help to complete commands and methods during writing...

Like Atom or VSCode.



Yesterday I tried to get VSC running on my OPi1+ but failed to compile it. Kind a trivial issue: it always runs sooner or later out of memory...

Maybe you have luck with the  Pine as it has double the amount of memory.


vsc and atom are written by using electron, a sort of browser application. The only way to develop is by using simple text editors. 2GB of ram are not enought for a real IDE, better if you change machine...

6 hours ago, klode82 said:

Really, @Tido I cannot understand your question.

I want an IDE to manage projects for many languages, like Python, NodeJS, PHP, and other languages; it must to manage SVN like git; it must to help on indentation; it must help to complete commands and methods during writing...

Like Atom or VSCode.



There's a wealth of text editors that support syntax highlighting, but seriously you're probably in vim and emacs territory.


In these days I've spend time in order to searching for something useful.

I've found cudatext CudaText 

For me is a good chance to have a good IDE, expect for git integration, but as we says in Italy... "you cannot have a drunk wife and a full barrel"... 


Only to complete the information, on my Pine64 (with the script suggested by @lanefu:

 - Before Start : 580MB RAM

 - After Start : 1.22GB RAM

 - After 10 minutes with an opened project : 1.74GB RAM


With CudaText:

 - Before Start : 615MB

 - After Start : 643MB

 - After 10 minutes with an opened project : 648MB



35 minutes ago, klode82 said:

In these days I've spend time in order to searching for something useful.

I've found cudatext CudaText 

For me is a good chance to have a good IDE, expect for git integration, but as we says in Italy... "you cannot have a drunk wife and a full barrel"... 


Nice find!

9 hours ago, klode82 said:

Really, @Tido I cannot understand your question.

I guess you have Xfce (GTK) Desktop environment, so I would look first for Gedit and its addons or GEANY like I do, also offers many Plugins. So before I would leave my standard install (Cuda).

If you are on KDE, I would checkout KATE first.


Help with Git within .gitconfig for example:

    st = status
    lo = log --oneline
    ci = commit
    br = branch
    co = checkout
    df = diff
    he = help
    cl = clone


10 hours ago, klode82 said:

complete commands and methods during writing

does it really do more than the ones above or is it just different and not part of the standard sw available?


On 4/10/2020 at 2:18 AM, abreyu said:

vsc and atom are written by using electron, a sort of browser application. The only way to develop is by using simple text editors. 2GB of ram are not enought for a real IDE, better if you change machine...


I agree - as nice as VS Code is, with a 2GB machine, even on a supported arch, it's a tight squeeze.

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