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Armbian for Amlogic S912


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I've tried with 3 different USB sticks, 4, 8 and 64GB in sizes with the same issue: failing to find and mount the rootfs. Kernel 3.14 images don't boot at all, while 4.13 rc drops into Busybox emergency shell and keyboard doesn't react (tried with 3 different keyboards too).

I plan on sourcing an SD card reader to test booting from SD card.


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thanks a lot. Bought a cheap SD card reader and was able to put 4.13 server image inside an SD card and finally:

[root@thinkpadx230 susinths]# ssh

root@'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
 ____  ___                   
/ ___|/ _ \__  ____  ____  __
\___ \ (_) \ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /
 ___) \__, |>  <  >  <  >  <
|____/  /_//_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.32 user-built Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.13.0-rc7-next-20170901-amlogics905x   
System load:   1.01 0.41 0.15      Up time:       2 min        
Memory usage:  3 % of 2860MB     IP:  
Usage of /:    3% of 58G        

Last login: Fri Sep  1 17:29:29 2017 from
Changing password for root.
(current) UNIX password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:

Thank you for choosing Armbian! Support: www.armbian.com


@balbes150, thanks a lot! Will be have USB support when 4.13 is stable? I'd like to use an old SSD drive with this device.

Also, it seems H96 Pro+ has 4 USB 2.0 ports, 2 hidden inside.


EDIT: have to admit i feel like a kid now after getting this to work!:beer: Love the 3G RAM on this box+ 1GbE.

It's using 6-7W when i run stress-ng --cpu 8 --io 2 --vm 1 --vm-bytes 1G --timeout 300s. Really nice!






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13 hours ago, fossxplorer said:

i have 2 of these boxes and my ultimate goal is to use one as a thin client to connect to a Spice server and another as a headless server. but i've read there is no Mali driver avail.

i could NOT boot with








I downloaded my image, I extracted it with Xarchiver, copied to sdcard with: sudo cp Debian_testing_4.13.0_xfce.img /dev/sdb. and copied plus renamed the dtb file.My image works fine with Sunvell T95Z Plus and LG 26LG3000.

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9 hours ago, debianxfce said:

copied to sdcard with: sudo cp Debian_testing_4.13.0_xfce.img /dev/sdb. and copied plus renamed the dtb file.

Copy to SD card? You mean extracting the image onto an SD card i.e using e.g dd?

Here is what i did:

1. I downloaded your image from that YT video link

2. xz -d <imagename>.img.xz

3. dd if=<imagename>.img of=/dev/sdc bs=16M oflag=direct

5. Copied the correct dtb.img to the root of /BOOT

4. Took the SD card out of my USB adapter and inserted into H96 Pro+

5. Booted up to see the H96 initial image, then to loose the output on HDMI/TV.



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37 minutes ago, fossxplorer said:

Copy to SD card? You mean extracting the image onto an SD card i.e using e.g dd?

Here is what i did:

1. I downloaded your image from that YT video link

2. xz -d <imagename>.img.xz

3. dd if=<imagename>.img of=/dev/sdc bs=16M oflag=direct

5. Copied the correct dtb.img to the root of /BOOT

4. Took the SD card out of my USB adapter and inserted into H96 Pro+

5. Booted up to see the H96 initial image, then to loose the output on HDMI/TV.



I mean what I wrote, use: sudo cp Debian_testing_4.13.0_xfce.img /dev/sdX. Reference:




# cp debian.iso /dev/sdX
# sync


If you still have problems, test if you can login via ssh and ethernet LAN. Maybe your hardware differs too much from gxm-q200. You did wrote that you bought a cheap sdcard, I hope it is class 10. A slow sdcard can time out things.

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On 9/3/2017 at 10:41 PM, fossxplorer said:

Do you have 32G version of H96 Pro+? Mine is16G version and looks just a bit different. Did you boot from SDcard or USB to get it working?

Start with a 3.14 image and the dtb file that I'd linked to earlier in the thread.

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2 hours ago, debianxfce said:

I mean what I wrote, use: sudo cp Debian_testing_4.13.0_xfce.img /dev/sdX. Reference:


Nah, why waste so much space? The most efficient way to do it looks like that:


$ zcat Whatever_image_img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync


For xz compressed images use xzcat obviously.


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17 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

Update TEST images  kernel 4.13.0-next_20170905. In these images there is USB support for S912.

Awesome! Will try this tonight already!


Another question: every time i upgrade, i loose the full setup i have on my SD card? Now that i've installed Docker, LXC etc i'd like to avoid it.



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1 hour ago, Shimon said:

Nah, why waste so much space? The most efficient way to do it looks like that:


$ zcat Whatever_image_img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync


For xz compressed images use xzcat obviously.


What space, cp is simpler command than dd. This is more more efficient than yours:

xzcat Debian_testing_4.13.0_xfce.img.xz > /dev/sdX

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Thank you for your attention. Yes, I mean 4.13.0.

In images enabled sound via HDMI to s912 (and s905x). Work sound tested on a Tronsmart Vega S96 (s912). Sound works through HDMI on test files from the image. Once again - you need to have 1920x1080 resolution (you can go into desktop settings in the tools menu and select directly in the working system needs a permit).

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10 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

Need a new kernel + dtb. You installed a new kernel and dtb ? After installation you need to copy the new version to "dtb.img".

I added patches to 4.13-rc1 kernel where was usb and spdif patches already. Added missing clocks and hdmi audio patches. Copied new a dtb.img file of course.  0005-clk-meson-gxbb-aoclk-Add-CEC-32k-clock.patch was missing, implementing now...

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For proper operation of the patches, they should be used (in exact order as listed in source directory) and apply the kernel sources. See all options in my last git Armbian Assembly. By the way, You can get your own version of Armbian images (to edit the list of packages, change settings, etc.).

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I tested yours Debian Xfce image, aplay -l list only spdif device and pulseaudio control shows only analog output.  Install wicd and xfce4-terminal instead networkmanager and xterminal. Use the xfce whisker menu. Your distro image is about 1.5 GB bigger than mine, so strip some packages. Your 86 patches are confusing, it is easier to copy whole source files from authors.  Using 200q dtb. 

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11 hours ago, debianxfce said:

Install wicd and xfce4-terminal instead networkmanager and xterminal. Use the xfce whisker menu.

Why ?


11 hours ago, debianxfce said:

Your distro image is about 1.5 GB bigger than mine, so strip some packages.

If You are not satisfied with something in my images, gather your option. All source code freely available.


11 hours ago, debianxfce said:

Your 86 patches are confusing, it is easier to copy whole source files from authors.

I do not give You to use other patches ?

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