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My new Orange Pi Lite can't connect to WiFi networks through internal WiFi adapter (RTL8189FTV)

It tries to connect (putting interface...) then very long validating authentification and "Bad password"!

But password is right!

I tried two WiFi networks with different passwords, but Pi always showed "bad password"

Both networks have WPA2-PSK security

I set up WPA1/2 hex the WPA2 passphrase but it gave nothing!

Please, help me!

(Running latest Armbian (3.4 kernel)


I was having the same problem. I was using wpa_supplicant with wext driver, and this seems to be the problem. As soon as I changed the driver to nl80211 it started woking.

How can I do it?


Having the same problem with OPI PC Plus. I think it was more stable before a Jesse Desktop update yesterday (installed a few days ago).


I don't have access to my OPi lite right now, but I think there are the commands you should execute:

  1. Create a conf file with encrypted credentials. You should execute the following: wpa_passphrase "ssid" "wirelesskey" > wpa_supplicant.conf
  2. Start wpa_supplicant supplying the previously created conf file: sudo wpa_supplicant -D nl80211 -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf

I think this should be it.


I don't have access to my OPi lite right now, but I think there are the commands you should execute:

  1. Create a conf file with encrypted credentials. You should execute the following: wpa_passphrase "ssid" "wirelesskey" > wpa_supplicant.conf
  2. Start wpa_supplicant supplying the previously created conf file: sudo wpa_supplicant -D nl80211 -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf

I think this should be it.


Terminal shows me "Connection to <mac address> completed", but I don't have an Internet connection


I just wanted to say thanks Helder Pereira. I was also finally able to get my headless Orange Pi Lite working thanks to this thread.


A couple things to add:


- I started with a bad memory card. The Orange Pi Lite has no LED indicators, until the OS starts booting properly. Ouch.

- I spent waaay too long getting bad password, bad connection errors from wpa_supplicant. Turns out I was accidentially running another copy in the background, thanks to some other instructions (i.e. -B backgrounds it). I had to killall -q wpa_supplicant

- I hide my SSID, which means HEADACHE when it comes to Linux networking. The trick to get that working is to add a single line "scan_ssid=1" inside the network block of wpa_supplicant.conf

- "-D nl80211" seems to be optional on the latest version of Armbian.

- I found this a good reference for making it auto-start with networking: http://askubuntu.com/a/406167


My new Orange Pi Lite can't connect to WiFi networks through internal WiFi adapter (RTL8189FTV)

It tries to connect (putting interface...) then very long validating authentification and "Bad password"!

But password is right!

I tried two WiFi networks with different passwords, but Pi always showed "bad password"

Both networks have WPA2-PSK security

I set up WPA1/2 hex the WPA2 passphrase but it gave nothing!

Please, help me!

(Running latest Armbian (3.4 kernel)

For me works this solution (that I've read on this forum): On wicd -> preferences->advanced settings->driver->none (the second one, the last in the list). Reboot.


My experience with this is that trying all these various things about fixing the WiFi, work... but only randomly.   I reboot or reconnect with the same settings, and 1 out of 10 (aprox) times the connection succeeds.  The other times it gives "Bad Password".  When it does connect, it is rock solid, until you disconnect.   I'm curious to all those who had success with the Orange Pi Lite, actually had continued success on multiple shutdowns/disconnects/powerdowns.   Does it actually reliably connect?




See this post for probable problem:



Since the problem seems to be a wicd to wpa_supplicant timeout problem, any change in information (password, driver, SSID,etc.) can change the amount of time it takes wpa_supplicant to reply.

So lots of these differing solutions work some of the time.


When I run wpa_supplicant from the command line directly, the connection takes between 1 and 2 seconds.  So their first fix for wicd probably won't work for me.   It appears the goal will be to replace wicd with network manager, (with some success by some to accomplish that in that thread).


For now I'm abandoning wicd... my solution will be documented next.


It appears the goal will be to replace wicd with network manager, (with some success by some to accomplish that in that thread).

WICD is / will be replaced with NetworkManager in new builds which is near to bug fixing stage.


This is my final solution to this issue.   I hope it works consistently for everyone.


This applies to Armbian Jessie 5.15 Desktop.  No idea at this point about other versions.


After many trials, I find that wicd is broken.  Some confirmation can be found here: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1775-wicd-gets-erroneous-bad-password/?p=14708


So abandoning wicd, I uncheck all "Automatcially connect to this network".


I turned to this post as a guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/406166/how-can-i-configure-my-headless-server-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-automati/406167#406167to use /etc/network/interfaces to do my connecting instead of wicd doing the connecting.




added to /etc/network/interfaces

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
pre-up sudo wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dnl80211
post-down sudo killall -q wpa_supplicant

[The following may not apply to everyone.  It might have been needed in my case because I began experimenting by plugging in a wifi dongle when I was having trouble with the built in wifi.  But if you have issues described below, it may help]


I was able to connect to my wifi ONCE, after rebooting it would not connect.  I couldn't see why, until I did an ifconfig -a, and I saw that instead of wlan0, it was wlan1...  I then just changed things to wlan1, and it worked ONCE.   So why is it changing?


It came down to the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, which records the mac address of the wlan interface and assigns device ids accordingly.


According to this post: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1738-opi-lite-mac-address/the realtek driver generates a random mac address under certain conditions. 

The contents of /etc/modeprobe.d/8189fs.conf in my setup had a mac address in it that would indeed cause a new random mac to be generated.


So I changed it to one of the random macs that it generated.   I'd suggest that you use 00:e0:4c:xx:yy:zz where you randomly make up 3 hex bytes for xx:yy:zz  However if you don't come to my house, nor have multiple orange pi's on your network, you can just copy the line.



options 8189fs rtw_initmac=00:e0:4c:88:b2:2c

I then removed all the wlan* entries from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules


That last step may not be needed if you've never plugged in any wifi dongles to the usb port.



I'm just happy it works now, and is consistent.


I'm convinced that my previous attempts at various command line and network script fixes found here and elsewhere where hindered by wicd running and trying to connect (since I had "Automatically Connect" set).  Once I determined that wicd was in the way, I was able to get things working.




above fix doesn't work with me either. says wrong mac address. In some rapsberry pi forum. it said about Voltage problems from usb hub

. Even my armbian updated doesn't recognize my wifi device mt 7601 without connecting usb hub.after connecting usb, I can also connect to board directly too


wifi bad password error orange pi pc. do we need wpa supplicant? i don't have wpa_supplicant.conf vy default.

Yes you need to create /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf if you follow my example exactly.


above fix doesn't work with me either. says wrong mac address. In some rapsberry pi forum. it said about Voltage problems from usb hub

. Even my armbian updated doesn't recognize my wifi device mt 7601 without connecting usb hub.after connecting usb, I can also connect to board directly too

My fix was not about usb wifi dongles, but about the built in wifi on an orange pi lite.


I was having the same problem but with orange pi pc plus-  would not connect  via encrypted or even an open wifi. would fail with bad password  or could not find ip under unencrypted..  i previously install webmin  so i checked the setting there was no setting for in network devices  wlan0 at boot so i set it up with a static address applied setting .   tried the wicd again and it connected to the internet  right away -- rebooted computer  rebooted  right into wifi no problem


I was having the same problem but with orange pi pc plus-  would not connect  via encrypted or even an open wifi. would fail with bad password  or could not find ip under unencrypted..  i previously install webmin  so i checked the setting there was no setting for in network devices  wlan0 at boot so i set it up with a static address applied setting .   tried the wicd again and it connected to the internet  right away -- rebooted computer  rebooted  right into wifi no problem


Please try with latest version (v5.20) - we changed to Network Manager which gives better results.


Please try with latest version (v5.20) - we changed to Network Manager which gives better results.


Orange Pi Lite -- 5.20 -- Wifi -- PERFECT!   Great work.


Do you guys have a donation page?


Hi there,

I've got OrangePi Lite with RetrOrangePi (from there: http://orange314.com/RetrOrangePi ).

The device boots up succesfully, but when I get to the desktop, I don't have any access to the net. The ifconfig shows no wlan0 interface, only loopback is present. Do you have any ideas what can I do with that? The RetrOrangePi image is based on the armbian 5.17, so I presume, the correct drivers are present.

Maybe it's hardware damage?


Allright, got it.

I just had to upload proper driver into kernel through init.d.


There is another problem with the internal wifi on Orange Pi Lite.

I installed tshark (and tcpdump) and try to capture wifi packets in monitor mode.

Without success. What's better. Aircrack-ng works flawlessly.

I think, pcap library has a problem with switching the device to monitor mode.


"dumpcap: The capture session could not be initiated on interface 'wlan0' (wlan0: SIOCGIWPRIV: Argument list too long)."


'iwpriv' command runs without error, but the private command list is really long. Buffer too small??


Is not an Orange Pi Lite, but with nmtui in armbian 5.20 I can configure successfully the internal Wi-Fi in on my Beelink X2

sudo nmtui


Hi i connect but not auto start is Wifi connection i start it manuel with this co How i solve this problem? Please help me?


D6603 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi





51 minutes ago, pelitt said:

i connect but not auto start is Wifi connection i start it manuel with this co How i solve this problem? Please help me?


Hmm... the image you're using is rather old. Best attempt would be to save the contents of your homedir and to start over with most recent 5.25 image. There it's just a simple call of 'TERM=linux sudo nmtui' and then everything works as expected (I don't know if everything works as expected if you do all upgrades up to latest version since we made a few rather huge package re-adjustments in between)

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