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1 hour ago, purplepumkin said:

How would one go about install the latest 5.67 image on the internal memory? There's no more install.sh script. The NEXT build sees my internal partitions (Android style). Can I manually dd the installers boot and data partitions to the internal ones or is there a better way? Thanks!


Manually using dd leaves with a bootlooping box. I will try and modify the install.sh form the older version. Would like to run the NEXT build from internal memory.

With the installation process on S805 with the new images a lot is unclear, so I disabled the script. You can (at your own risk) do the installation yourself, but there is no guarantee that it will work.

10 hours ago, purplepumkin said:

I've tried different things like changing the

The new versions have changed the algorithm of using dtb and the system startup script itself.

Posted (edited)



Thanks @balbes150 for nice build. I was able to run armbian on my S805 box

root@aml:~# uname -a
Linux aml 4.20.0-rc3-next-20181123-aml-s805 #9 SMP Sat Nov 24 16:50:20 MSK 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

However I wasn't able to enable wifi card.

root@aml:~# modprobe wifi_dummy
modprobe: FATAL: Module wifi_dummy not found in directory /lib/modules/4.20.0-rc3-next-20181123-aml-s805
root@aml:~# modprobe dhd
modprobe: FATAL: Module dhd not found in directory /lib/modules/4.20.0-rc3-next-20181123-aml-s805



Is there way to load the module?


One more thing. The MAC address of the LAN interface is changed randomly every time I reboot. Is there way to fix it?


Thank you.


Edited by Diamond
MAC address question

hello balbes150!


(there was some issues here)


i solved my issues by reading the boot log carefully, so just a thank you for creating this armbian version!


do you think it would be possible to change the internal partitions to 1 big one on which i can install armbian? and can it be put on internal storage or doesn't 5.x kernel support it, the internal storage is not showing up. there are no /dev/data /dev/logo etc entries also can u-boot be updated or doesn't it matter?


here is the full boot log takes from uart/serial:  https://pastebin.com/raw/iQWBm5YY


thanks again for maintaining this armbian version :thumbup:


The sections can be changed (to unite), but it will require manual intervention and create a new DTB with the new description sections.

On 7/16/2019 at 8:28 AM, balbes150 said:

The sections can be changed (to unite), but it will require manual intervention and create a new DTB with the new description sections.


thx. that might not be worth the trouble if it can break or make internal storage not working. 


i been trying to get cpu freq scaling, internal storage and thermals to work on 5.2.c but i can't get it to work

the 4.20 image doesn't boot at all, it unpacks initrd and then say it can't read the dtb even though the path is set correctly and then boots from internal where 3.1 is running


maybe its time this 805 box retires?




Hello All !


I have TV stick: Transpeed S805 with various aliexpress names (like this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32476254383.html)

I successfully booted with Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Debian_stretch_default_3.10.108_desktop_20181207.img with meson201_1gb.dtb

I tried editnig dtb without success :=(


My device have 2GB RAM and 8GB NAND flash,

I get WiFi working after this command:


modprobe 8723bs


I can see android partitions because I boot from SD card ( i hink there is 4 partitions: data,cache,logo etc.)


My question is:

-How can I make Armbian reconize all RAM ( how to edit dtb file to support 2GB RAM???)

-How to install Armbian to NAND flash on this device?


I know there is no new post for months, but this is only rellevant place to ask


Thank you




Hello guys,

I have read the complete thread trying to figure out if someone else have faced same problem than me. It seems not.

I have a Geniatech S805 OTT TV Box with 1G RAM/8G eMMC (https://www.geniatech.com/product/atv485/)

I am trying to follow balbes150 method for running Armbian on it but:

    - This box has no AV button
    - This box has not Update&Backup app installed

I have googled for this Update&Backup app but I can not find for my android version 4.4.2. Can someone provide it?

I can access to the recovery menu, Can I do something from there?

Many thanks in advance specially to balbes150




Is there way to use bluetooth USB dongle?


root@aml:~# uname -a
Linux aml 3.10.108 #15 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 7 15:32:49 MSK 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

root@aml:~# lsusb -t
/:  Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=dwc_otg/1p, 480M
    |__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=cp210x, 12M
/:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=dwc_otg/1p, 480M
    |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
        |__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
        |__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 1, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
root@aml:~# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP2102/CP2109 UART Bridge Controller [CP210x family]
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

root@aml:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
bcm203x                 3156  0
bfusb                   6867  0
hci_uart               46337  0
cp210x                  8722  1
usbserial              24657  3 cp210x
8723bs               1330093  0
bnep                   10839  2
btusb                  15459  0
bluetooth             207536  12 bnep,bfusb,btusb,hci_uart,bcm203x
aml_nftl_dev           66019  0
wifi_dummy              1065  0
8189es                828683  0
cfg80211              231065  2 8189es,8723bs


root@aml:~# systemctl status bluetooth.service
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-01-18 17:56:34 +07; 2 weeks 0 days ago
     Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
 Main PID: 3486 (bluetoothd)
   Status: "Running"
   CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
           └─3486 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

root@aml:~# hcitool lescan
Could not open device: No such device


root@aml:~# hcitool dev



On 1/27/2020 at 11:08 PM, Danilo Doppiu said:

if you still need it I can send it to you the OTAUpgrade.apk, but as it's not the same exct model, it's at you own risk 

Hi Danilo,


I have OTA upgrade app but the needed one is Upgrade&Backup. Unfortunately I bricked this device trying differents things and bought an S805 including Upgrade&Backup app making following balbes105 method straight forward.


Thanks anyway


@balbes150 : May I ask about the sources for 3.10.108 kernel for S805 SoC? Maybe I missed something but there is only 3.10.33 in your Amlogic_s8xx-kernel repository, with last commit corresponding likely to your 20181124 release of Armbian image. However, for the better 20181207 build, I was unable to locate any sources or repository.
I have found out that this build (20181207) is almost perfect and it works flawlessly on the MXQ device (S805-V1.2 20150520). It is perfectly possible to move it into the internal flash and start it from there. But I was unable to install the slightly older one with 3.10.33 kernel; it does not work with the meson8b_mxq.dtb (hangs on boot) but starts with meson8b_m201_1G.dtb. I am asking because I am interested in doing some tuning on the kernel, more specifically on the video modes available.



Is it possible to build a 3.x image with the current build-armbian repo? I picked legacy kernel but ended up with 4.x which won't boot, 5.x also won't boot. I tried soldering on a serial connector but it didn't work so I have no idea why 4/5 fail to boot. Any help would be appreciated. I read somewhere you can access the serial interface via the sd card slot? Would love to get 4/5 kernels to work but since I can't get that to work compiling a full 3.x image would suffice. 

15 hours ago, stut said:

Is it possible to build a 3.x image with the current build-armbian repo?

This is not possible because the build system no longer supports this option.


15 hours ago, stut said:

I tried soldering on a serial connector but it didn't work

Describe in more detail what you are doing and what the result is. Without the UART console output, there is no point in trying, you will not know where the error is.



22 hours ago, balbes150 said:

This is not possible because the build system no longer supports this option.


Describe in more detail what you are doing and what the result is. Without the UART console output, there is no point in trying, you will not know where the error is.



Yeah that’s why I asked if it’s possible to build the old kernel. The board just has holes but no traces running to them so no serial. I’ll throw it away. Not much else use for it without being able to recompile things and build fresh images. Thanks for the answer though. Guess the 805 platform is pretty much at the end of life anyways. 

1 hour ago, martinayotte said:

As you can see, I was part of this thread ... And this doesn't provide access to existing Serial Debug port, but give an additional UART that requires new kernel config and devicetree node.


Yeah I saw, so its not impossible just hard to setup. Either way I was exploring all the options to get a working serial interface on this little board. It has a bunch of holes for serial and a row with 4 or 5 for something else. But nothing soldered there works. There's not even current flowing there. I measured it. I wonder how much money they saved by producing a batch without this. Most boards lack the pin headers but have actual traces to the holes. The break out is still an interesting option though. Sometimes I don't wanna go trough the hassle of opening them up and soldering in some pin headers. Would be great to just plug in a break out and boot some kind of 'debug' image that has the correct kernel modules and device tree.

On 11/8/2018 at 3:11 AM, Titot said:

Someone have found how use Mali and UMP drivers for accelerate something in Armbian Linux? Its a possibility? Odroid C1 use same processor and have acceleration! I dont find any 2d or 3d acceleration information for this s805 tv boxes. Even the Video play acceleration not have development.


Hi Titot,

Just to let you know, I have do some reading, and as balbes said, recompiling the kernel with the Mali 400/450 gpu driver will be the solution (well, i am not digging deeper :P , too much of engineering for me.)



I have only the m201 board,  mxq black box. I don’t own a Odroid.







This one saids an open source driver  for 400/450 ones, I have not tried yet.



Let me know if this enables smoother 720p video playback.


(youtube plays a bit better at 360p with hw acceleration off in Chrome settings menu. )



edit :



if you found the documentations above works for you, please  show me your procedures in an easy to understand way. 




I checked the launch of the latest version 20.05 (20200228) for the s812 on the TV box model s805 (inphic), the system normally starts with the DTB from m8b_mxq. There is no HDMI yet, but the USB and wired network works, you can control the device via UART or over the network via SSH. Please note that the configuration scripts for S812 and S805 are the same and images with kernel 5 from s812 can be run on S805.



Please note that the S805 can only be started from an SD card, u-boot does not support starting from USB.




Log start to S805


System Started

U-boot(m8b_m201_v1@20f4f42d) (Jan 05 2016 - 17:42:04)

clr h-ram
DRAM:  1 GiB
relocation Offset is: 2fec8000
show partition table:
part: 0, name :       logo, size : 2000000




20075 bytes read
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 14000000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux kernel
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    11289088 Bytes = 10.8 MiB
   Load Address: 00208000
   Entry Point:  00208000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 15000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    7234523 Bytes = 6.9 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 11800000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x11800000
board_usb_stop cfg: 0
   Loading Kernel Image ... OK
uboot time: 7648331 us.
EFUSE machid is not set.
Using machid 0xf81 from environment
faild to get aml_reserved_end address
the default relocate ramdisk and fdt address-relocate_addr: 0x20000000
   Loading Ramdisk to 1f919000, end 1ffff3db ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 1f911000, end 1f918e6a ... OK

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x200
[    0.000000] Linux version 5.6.0-rc2-aml-s812 (root@vbox) (gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36))) #trunk SMP Fri Feb 28 12:52:21 MSK 2020
[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc051] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: TRONFY MXQ S805
[    0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
[    0.000000] efi: Getting EFI parameters from FDT:
[    0.000000] efi: UEFI not found.




Armbian 20.05.0-trunk Bionic ttyAML0

aml-s812 login: root
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
Changing password for root.
(current) UNIX password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
 ____   ___  _ ____  
/ ___| ( _ )/ |___ \
\___ \ / _ \| | __) |
 ___) | (_) | |/ __/
|____/ \___/|_|_____|
Welcome to Armbian Bionic with Linux 5.6.0-rc2-aml-s812

No end-user support: built from trunk

System load:   2.48 1.19 0.47   Up time:       2 min
Memory usage:  6 % of 987MB     IP:  
Usage of /:    11% of 7.0G   

New to Armbian? Check the documentation first: https://docs.armbian.com


Hello There,

I have an s805 MXQ with this board: AM_MXQ_A_20150825

I've extract the DTB from the original android image if can be usefull i have attached to this post, this dtb seems to be different (md5) with all others in the iso i'm using (Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Ubuntu_bionic_default_3.10.108_desktop_20181207.img).

BTW internal wifi does not work, there's some work around?

Also i would like to install in NAND but i'm not finding any clear info to do this,

About video/opengl accelaration it's possibile and/or will be avaible in kernel 5?

Thanks kind regards





Hi There,

Some minor update i've got wifi running by adding to "hdmi.sh" these lines:


modprobe 8189es


sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
sudo dhclient wlan0


The content of wpa supplicant si:


In fact for some reason the UI network manager does not connect?! I've installed also "Wicd network manager" but also this works only on the first connection then nothing. But with the "manual" wpa_supplicant on the script wifi it's ok!


So now the only thing i'm missing is installing on NAND.


I've checked the forums someone says about a "installtonand" script but i can't find it.


Can someone help me out? Thanks a lot




On 3/2/2020 at 10:00 PM, oudoken said:

Hello There,

I have an s805 MXQ with this board: AM_MXQ_A_20150825

I've extract the DTB from the original android image if can be usefull i have attached to this post, this dtb seems to be different (md5) with all others in the iso i'm using (Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Ubuntu_bionic_default_3.10.108_desktop_20181207.img).

BTW internal wifi does not work, there's some work around?

Also i would like to install in NAND but i'm not finding any clear info to do this,

About video/opengl accelaration it's possibile and/or will be avaible in kernel 5?

Thanks kind regards



AM_MXQ_A_20150825.dtb 22.06 kB · 2 downloads


On 2/29/2020 at 10:55 AM, balbes150 said:

Log start to S805


System Started

U-boot(m8b_m201_v1@20f4f42d) (Jan 05 2016 - 17:42:04)

clr h-ram
DRAM:  1 GiB
relocation Offset is: 2fec8000
show partition table:
part: 0, name :       logo, size : 2000000




20075 bytes read
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 14000000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux kernel
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    11289088 Bytes = 10.8 MiB
   Load Address: 00208000
   Entry Point:  00208000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 15000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    7234523 Bytes = 6.9 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 11800000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x11800000
board_usb_stop cfg: 0
   Loading Kernel Image ... OK
uboot time: 7648331 us.
EFUSE machid is not set.
Using machid 0xf81 from environment
faild to get aml_reserved_end address
the default relocate ramdisk and fdt address-relocate_addr: 0x20000000
   Loading Ramdisk to 1f919000, end 1ffff3db ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 1f911000, end 1f918e6a ... OK

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x200
[    0.000000] Linux version 5.6.0-rc2-aml-s812 (root@vbox) (gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36))) #trunk SMP Fri Feb 28 12:52:21 MSK 2020
[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc051] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: TRONFY MXQ S805
[    0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
[    0.000000] efi: Getting EFI parameters from FDT:
[    0.000000] efi: UEFI not found.




Armbian 20.05.0-trunk Bionic ttyAML0

aml-s812 login: root
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
Changing password for root.
(current) UNIX password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
 ____   ___  _ ____  
/ ___| ( _ )/ |___ \
\___ \ / _ \| | __) |
 ___) | (_) | |/ __/
|____/ \___/|_|_____|
Welcome to Armbian Bionic with Linux 5.6.0-rc2-aml-s812

No end-user support: built from trunk

System load:   2.48 1.19 0.47   Up time:       2 min
Memory usage:  6 % of 987MB     IP:  
Usage of /:    11% of 7.0G   

New to Armbian? Check the documentation first: https://docs.armbian.com


Hi, where I can get latest *.img for S805 ? I got Minix X6, currently running "Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Debian_stretch_default_3.10.108_20181207.img"

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