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ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)


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Two test image (20170203) with different DE - XFCE and MATE.

I am downloading now, what will be the password to use with putty???




Edit: Sorry, thought it was a new firmware, but I had already installed this one.  Unfortunately, I could not get any password to work from putty on this version.


Edit 2:  Sorry, did not look into the "test" folder, downloading it now........


thanks again

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Test new image 20170202 CPU_OVERCKLOCK scaling work good out of box, but i don't see any performance(and temperature, of course we know it few months from  odroid forum) difference between cpufreq_max = 2GHz, 1.75 and 1.53.


OK then, no surprises here - thanks for trying :)

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The difference in temperature decrease is noticeable only with a good cooling system. The problem with all TV boxes - very bad cooling system when shipped from the factory. Closed plastic case, very small heatsink, bad thermal pad / tape. All of this gives a very large thermal inertia (heat dissipation processor has long since reduced, but the overall temperature is reduced very slowly, the heat no where to go). I ran some tests.

1. Staffing the state TV of the box (no changes in the hull and the cooling system).

2. Without housing, but the cooling system is normal (did not change the heatsink and thermal pads).

3. Without housing, replace the thermal pads on kachestvenno thermal grease.

4. Without housing, high-quality thermal grease, replacement of standard radiator is increased.

5. Without housing, thermal grease, increased radiator + fan.

And now can definitely say the potential of all platforms (S905 S905X S912), is severely limited by the poor heat dissipation system. 5 are very well visible link to reduce the frequency and temperature decrease from maximum load to minimum. The difference is 10-20 Degrees for a long period of time. The worse the heat dissipation , the less noticeable the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature.



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The difference in temperature decrease is noticeable only with a good cooling system. The problem with all TV boxes - very bad cooling system when shipped from the factory. Closed plastic case, very small heatsink, bad thermal pad / tape. All of this gives a very large thermal inertia (heat dissipation processor has long since reduced, but the overall temperature is reduced very slowly, the heat no where to go). I ran some tests.

1. Staffing the state TV of the box (no changes in the hull and the cooling system).

2. Without housing, but the cooling system is normal (did not change the heatsink and thermal pads).

3. Without housing, replace the thermal pads on kachestvenno thermal grease.

4. Without housing, high-quality thermal grease, replacement of standard radiator is increased.

5. Without housing, thermal grease, increased radiator + fan.

And now can definitely say the potential of all platforms (S905 S905X S912), is severely limited by the poor heat dissipation system. 5 are very well visible link to reduce the frequency and temperature decrease from maximum load to minimum. The difference is 10-20 Degrees for a long period of time. The worse the heat dissipation , the less noticeable the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature.




I don't have as many Amlogic boards as shown on your picture to test. A good test would be to run cpuburn on the 5 cooling cases you mentioned. I think it is very important to all of us know the average temperature on any scenario.




Here, on my side, by running GT1 with original enclosure and cpuburn running for 5 days I'm stuck at 70~74ºC with environment temperature between 20 and 28ºC.

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Just an hour ago, I got Khadas VIM. A photo of the size comparison circuit boards and the cooling system, I replaced a new one. Now not large explanations to the photo. Top row, left to right.

1. Spot i7 (s905 1\8) radiator replaced (taken from the Vega models S95 Telos)

2. Spot Pro i7 (s905x 2\16) is the standard radiator (I replaced only the thermal paste thermostats)

3. Vega S96 (s912 2\16) cooling system default, but I'll have to redo it (after testing the native system).

4. Vega S95 (s905 2\16) the radiator was replaced by the model from the graphics card (not visible in the photo, but it is above the regular radiator).


Second row (left to right).


5. Spot i5 (s805 1\8) in the delivery state there is no radiator (to be installed in the future).

6. Transpeed (s805 2\8 stated in the sale 2 GB of RAM, but in fact I haven't been able to verify this and there are big doubts about this) the cooling system will be reworked in the future.

7. Tronsmart MIII Plus (s812 2\16) radiator staff (I will probably add a fan, while this is not necessary).


Right edge from top to bottom (starting from the second from the top)


8. RPi3 (next two radiator from the kit), the model has not yet been tested, but the cooling system is clearly not sufficient.

9. Odroid C2 (s905 2\SD 8-64) standard radiator, I plan to add a fan.

10. Orange Pi PC2 (H5 1\8mb) standard cooling system, there will be definitely added on a heatsink and fan.

11 Khadas VIM (s905x 2\16) the cooling system I'd have to add a radiator with fan.


In addition to the boards in the photo set of various fan and radiator to be used for tests.


By the way, there is a proposal to make a topic discussion of cooling systems in a separate topic (if the moderators don't mind).

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Thanks Balbes150 for the valuable information on the cooling.  I will be watching closely to see how you modify the cooling, and more importantly, the performance increase.


The only tangible effects that I am looking for, is how my servers perform.  In other words, I am using my boxes (Amlogic S905X and Pine64) as Plex and Emby servers.  Right now, they cannot transcode subtitles on the fly, it the cooling enhancements and therefore performance can cause my devices to transcode on the fly, it will be a real game changer.


Just my 2 cents.

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Update images. (20170205) TEST




1. Added a lot of kernel modules for peripheral devices (DVB DTV Net Touchscreen etc)

2. Added script dd_backup_x to create a compressed copy of the internal memory (by xXx details about the script on the forum armbian in the subject s905\s905x)

3. Added a script to evaluate the performance of the CPU aml_cpu.sh in the /root directory

4. In the image MATE added a number of packages (screensaver, screenshot, multimedia, utility etc)

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Update images. (20170205) TEST




1. Added a lot of kernel modules for peripheral devices (DVB DTV Net Touchscreen etc)

2. Added script dd_backup_x to create a compressed copy of the internal memory (by xXx details about the script on the forum armbian in the subject s905\s905x)

3. Added a script to evaluate the performance of the CPU aml_cpu.sh in the /root directory

4. In the image MATE added a number of packages (screensaver, screenshot, multimedia, utility etc)


Thanks for new .config !


- DVB-T stick recognized

- webcam recognized (psychedelic colors though :-))


minimx-g ~ # lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
bluetooth             243731  0
6lowpan_iphc            5767  1 bluetooth
nbd                     9769  1
snd_usb_audio         118514  0
snd_hwdep               6845  1 snd_usb_audio
snd_usbmidi_lib        20367  1 snd_usb_audio
snd_rawmidi            18862  1 snd_usbmidi_lib
uvcvideo               70360  0
videobuf2_vmalloc       3059  1 uvcvideo
dvb_usb_dtt200u        24406  1
dvb_usb                17207  1 dvb_usb_dtt200u
mali                  195629  0
hid_apple               5538  0
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just tested latest armbian image Armbian_5.24_Amlogic-s905x_Debian_jessie_3.14.29_20161223.img.xz on my x96 tv box (s905x)

1) first boot, loging under root and creatig new user account is ok 

2) After reboot the screen resolution is strange, i can see two columns of text next to each other.


Any idea on how to fix screen resolution change after second boot?  Can i change it to mode which is being used in first boot?

SSH works well so i can change some configs remotely if that would solve the problem....

@jan.pal ,hello I'm a newbie and probably asking silly questions. I have the same x96 tv box as You and I can not boot ubuntu image.Can You please explain what do I need to do to boot linux on this board?

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Hi to you all!


I want to backup all of the apps i have installed, so i can restore it if i use another distribution, without going one by one and searching through synaptic or software center.


I have found Aptik, but it gives me errors, saying i have unmet dependencies, i can't install it.


Maybe even some automated script that would mark all of the software i want with its dependencies in synaptic would help, but all with software of my selection, without DE specific apps.


Is there any arm working software that can backup installed apps on a flash drive, external hdd, or maybe even cloud backup?

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A little test of the effectiveness of active cooling and the potential use as a media center with KODI. Install network of rap KODI (15.2). Prescribed in the file .xinitrc to run KODI (straight run only KODI, without DM). Started the system from USB stick on i7Pro (PCB without housing, standard radiator + USB fan with separate power supply). Mode 720. Playback test clips (from the image Armbian) occurs in fullscreen mode. The smoothness of the video is not the best, but I was interested in temperature. Connection via UART console , run "armbian -m". Monitoring shows the average temperature when playing video 49-55 Degrees, a frequency of about 2000. The temperature in the idle drops to 35-38 degrees (at a frequency of 250). Thus it is possible to consider this option - a very early alpha for Libreelec on the basis of the usual  Ubuntu, with advantages in a standard package management system and the ability to run as required graphical desktop (XFCE MATE DM etc) with all the advantages of standard office systems. I think if we solve the problem of not properly start the graphical environment for the authorization of entrance and selection of used DM (xdm lightdm lxdm etc), then you can create an easy to use universal system. If you need media center - chose KODI (or other similar systems), you need the desktop version - chose a convenient DM (XFCE MATE KDE, LXQT LXDM etc).  :rolleyes:

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I have connected Amd cpu fan with usb cable, it's 12V fan that now runs at 5V, it stands above cpu, i have made a hole on the upper side of Khadas Vim case.


Although the fan doesn't ran at full speed, it makes a big difference when running Linux, i can finally have more apps or tabs opened in it.


For now, only thing i have noticed that it's hard to play yt videos, temperatures do rise up and Vim is struggling to play videos, but this is hw acceleration problem.


They didn't rise as quickly as before, but eventually the cpu will get much hot when using yt, i have exited when it reached 60°C.


Most of the time the cpu was between 35-50°C, and that's ok, i'll live with it before official fan becomes available.


And Balbes, you don't know about any backup app, i know i am boring, but i want to be sure! :)

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1. In case you need to add space for air flow. For this, you can cut the middle strap, stacked housing, leaving only the corners for fixing the height. The flow direction of the fan should be pulling air out of the case. Soon I hope to post a photo of how I altered the case and installed a fan.

2. I don't know the programs for this selective backup and restore system. The only option is to selectively replace existing system files that have changed in the new version.

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Forgot to mention, iotop stopped working (IIRC):

Could not run iotop as some of the requirements are not met:
 - Linux >= 2.6.20 with
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Start LE, connect to the TV box via SSH, run the command "fw_printenv", copy the result here.

LibreELEC:~ # fw_printenv




bootcmd=run start_autoscript;run storeboot;




cmdline_keys=if keyman init 0x1234; then if keyman read usid ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=${usid};fi;if keyman read mac ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mac=${mac} androidboot.mac=${mac};fi;if keyman read deviceid ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.deviceid=${deviceid};fi;fi;












factory_reset_poweroff_protect=echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; echo wipe_cache=${wipe_cache};if test ${wipe_data} = failed; then run init_display; run storeargs;if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;fi; if test ${wipe_cache} = failed; then run init_display; run storeargs;if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;fi; 









init_display=osd open;osd clear;imgread pic logo bootup $loadaddr;bmp display $bootup_offset;bmp scale

initargs=rootfstype=ramfs init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlyprintk=aml-uart,0xc81004c0 ramoops.pstore_en=1 ramoops.record_size=0x8000 ramoops.console_size=0x4000 






preboot=run factory_reset_poweroff_protect;run upgrade_check;run init_display;run storeargs;run upgrade_key;run switch_bootmode;

recovery_from_flash=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if imgread kernel ${recovery_part} ${loadaddr} ${recovery_offset}; then wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr}; fi

recovery_from_sdcard=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then if fatload mmc 0 ${dtb_mem_addr} dtb.img; then echo sd dtb.img loaded; fi;wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr};fi;

recovery_from_udisk=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then if fatload usb 0 ${dtb_mem_addr} dtb.img; then echo udisk dtb.img loaded; fi;wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr};fi;



sdc_burning=sdc_burn ${sdcburncfg}



start_autoscript=if usb start ; then run start_usb_autoscript;fi;if mmcinfo; then run start_mmc_autoscript;fi;

start_mmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi

start_usb_autoscript=if fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi

storeargs=setenv bootargs ${initargs} androidboot.selinux=${EnableSelinux} logo=${display_layer},loaded,${fb_addr},${outputmode} maxcpus=${maxcpus} vout=${outputmode},enable hdmimode=${hdmimode} cvbsmode=${cvbsmode} hdmitx=${cecconfig} cvbsdrv=${cvbs_drv} androidboot.firstboot=${firstboot} jtag=${jtag}; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.hardware=amlogic;run cmdline_keys;

storeboot=if imgread kernel boot ${loadaddr}; then bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;run update;

switch_bootmode=get_rebootmode;if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then run recovery_from_flash;else if test ${reboot_mode} = update; then run update;else if test ${reboot_mode} = cold_boot; then run try_auto_burn; fi;fi;fi;

try_auto_burn=update 700 750;

update=run usb_burning; run sdc_burning; if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;

upgrade_check=echo upgrade_step=${upgrade_step}; if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then run init_display; run storeargs; run update;else fi;

upgrade_key=if gpio input GPIOAO_2; then echo detect upgrade key; sleep 3;if gpio input GPIOAO_2; then run update; fi;fi;


usb_burning=update 1000






just noticed that the remote is not working with libreelec, only usb mouse/keyb..

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Kernel 3.14.29 - only supports screen resolution  720 and 1080.

Kernel - 3.14.79 - supports many different screen resolutions (list of resolutions can be viewed in the file /boot/vegas95_init.sh). To enable other screen resolutions need to regenerate the startup script s905_autoscript. The details are in this thread , post #461.

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Kernel 3.14.29 - only supports screen resolution  720 and 1080.

Kernel - 3.14.79 - supports many different screen resolutions (list of resolutions can be viewed in the file /boot/vegas95_init.sh). To enable other screen resolutions need to regenerate the startup script s905_autoscript. The details are in this thread , post #461.


Are you sure it's supposed to work? I was using the Armbian_5.24_Vegas95_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.79_20160125 image for this test and it ends up with no console, as described. Moreover, you didn't include the dtb file for Mini MX III which was present in the github repo last year. I had to use a local copy.

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Are you sure it's supposed to work? I was using the Armbian_5.24_Vegas95_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.79_20160125 image for this test and it ends up with no console, as described. Moreover, you didn't include the dtb file for Mini MX III which was present in the github repo last year. I had to use a local copy.


I remember adding following to  /boot/vegas95_init.sh before  common_display_setup for 3.14.79

# 1920 1080 32 60 shows green
echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb

note that this was specific to my 1920 1080 32 60 setup

The screen would now turn from green to black. And, in my case, I also eventually reach console.

Today I mostly run 3.14.29 again.


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