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ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)


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57 minutes ago, hojnikb said:

Any reason why my box is freezing ? I have T95X 1GB and i'm using the latest version (4.11.2017) armbian mate image. I tried compiling retroarch-setup script overnight but the thing froze like two times after an hour or so.

I'm using "gxl_p212_1g.dtb" as my dtb image.

It's a typo that you are using "Armbian Mate 20171104" ? What media is running the system ? With the temperature and free space on the media all right ? A link to a description of what you are trying to compile, I'll try to run VIM (S905X) for verification.

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

8 hours ago, balbes150 said:

It's a typo that you are using "Armbian Mate 20171104" ? What media is running the system ? With the temperature and free space on the media all right ? A link to a description of what you are trying to compile, I'll try to run VIM (S905X) for verification.

Yes, i'm using this image. I'm using Samsung 32GB EVO+ card as a boot drive and has 27GB left on it. Temps are around 50-60C when compiling according to armbianmonitor.


I've tried 3rd time now and looking at the armbianmonitor logs, it seem to be freezing at a 30 minute mark but shows values after that with few minutes of delay. So i'm guessing system is not totally frozen, just very very busy doing something.


This is what i'm trying to compile https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup

I'm using odroid-c2 as a target platform, as it's the closest to S905X. If anyone knows for a ready made retro distro, i'd like to know about it :)

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I'm using the ubuntu mate image in this thread but I can't get past the login screen since I don't have a USB keyboard to be attached to my tv box. How do I auto login to the main screen ? I've tried adding this option to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf but still doesn't work:

# Uncomment the following, if running Unity

tanix is the username I created during the first boot

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8 hours ago, hillz said:

I'm using the ubuntu mate image in this thread but I can't get past the login screen since I don't have a USB keyboard to be attached to my tv box.

Add line






to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/11-armbian.conf


I do not understand why you desktop, if you're not using the keyboard ? As you want to use it without a keyboard ?


By the way, passing information to all. If you add the correct file "remote.conf" in /boot and make a password with numbers, you can enter a password and log in to the system using the remote control (if it has a numeric keypad). You can enable a mouse mode and move the cursor and control the system buttons on the remote control.

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15 hours ago, hojnikb said:

This is what i'm trying to compile

You have read this warning in the WiKi ? What key -jN are you compiling ?


Note if you have issues while compiling modules and it freezes up on you, then you need to tell it to only compile with one core by running the setup script with this:

sudo MAKEFLAGS="-j1" ./retropie_setup.sh

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Hi Balbes150,
I will write further of your experiences :)
problem with RCA (AV) I have remained unresolved :(
on LibreELEC - works great RCA(AV) even in the installation process. But I need more opportunities.
now you have downloaded the latest image (Armbian_5.34_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20171104.img.xz) I tried to run it.... (HDMI is not possible to connect, but where is the HDMI I have no server and network) the box rebooted and after a while the led on the USB-Flash stopped blinking. I was connected via ssh access is there, but offers to change the password, after entering new password and confirm the session is closed and a new session let again with the password 1234 and ie start STB, and did not get to know what happens in it :( apparently not finished a script, and the system is waiting for input from me on why there is no HDMI output to RCA(AV) I just don't understand, because LibreELEC everything works fine without the adapter HDMI->AV
I beg you to at least suggest where to look for the inclusion of AV output.

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3 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Add line






to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/11-armbian.conf


I do not understand why you desktop, if you're not using the keyboard ? As you want to use it without a keyboard ?


By the way, passing information to all. If you add the correct file "remote.conf" in /boot and make a password with numbers, you can enter a password and log in to the system using the remote control (if it has a numeric keypad). You can enable a mouse mode and move the cursor and control the system buttons on the remote control.

Thanks it works, I still want to test the desktop first before whether I should decide to buy a keyboard or not, my TV is only HD but ubuntu mate is in Full HD so it looks zoomed in too much, how do I set the resolution to HD 1366x768 so that it fits my tv perfectly ?

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22 minutes ago, hillz said:

how do I set the resolution to HD so that it fits my tv perfectly ?

View the first post of this thread. I corrected the info on how to change the screen resolution.



1 hour ago, Baloven said:

I was connected via ssh access is there, but offers to change the password, after entering new password and confirm the session is closed and a new session let again with the password 1234 and ie start STB, and did not get to know what happens in it :( apparently not finished a script,


1. При подключении по ssh для первичной настройки, самостоятельно закрывать сессию нельзя, после ввода пароля root 1234 , подтверждение, смена пароля root,  дальше скрипт запрашивает ввод нового пользователя, ввод его пароля и общие настройки. И только после этого система с ТВ бокса сама закроет сессию и выполнит перезагрузку. Если этого не сделать, система будет в неопределённом состоянии, со всеми вытекающими.

2. У меня нет ТВ боксов с RCA, мне не известно, почему он не работает.

3. Могу посоветовать два варианта - либо собрать своё ядро с добавлением\правкой\сравнением конфигов и исходников из LE и Armbian, либо вытащить из образа LE ядро и его модули, и подменить ими имеющиеся в образах Armbian.


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52 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

View the first post of this thread. I corrected the info on how to change the screen resolution.



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1. При подключении по ssh для первичной настройки, самостоятельно закрывать сессию нельзя, после ввода пароля root 1234 , подтверждение, смена пароля root,  дальше скрипт запрашивает ввод нового пользователя, ввод его пароля и общие настройки. И только после этого система с ТВ бокса сама закроет сессию и выполнит перезагрузку. Если этого не сделать, система будет в неопределённом состоянии, со всеми вытекающими.

2. У меня нет ТВ боксов с RCA, мне не известно, почему он не работает.

3. Могу посоветовать два варианта - либо собрать своё ядро с добавлением\правкой\сравнением конфигов и исходников из LE и Armbian, либо вытащить из образа LE ядро и его модули, и подменить ими имеющиеся в образах Armbian.


Thanks it works, but on your first post you wrote 720h60hz instead of 720p60hz. I suppose that's a typo ? Anyway is it possible to dual boot the internal storage? I mean I wanna install LibreELEC to the first partition of the internal storage and Armbian to the second partition of the internal storage and then I can just choose which one I wanna use on boot, just like PC. Is it possible to do that ? Armbian running on my SD card is really slow and I don't wanna get rid of LibreELEC installed in the internal storage.

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33 minutes ago, hillz said:

Anyway is it possible to dual boot the internal storage?

What's the chip in the TV box ? If s905 or s905x you can use KODI (full screen video) built-in XFCE and Mate images. The installation of two or more systems in eMMC is only possible with the new version of u-boot. For example, this option is for Khadas VIM and VIM2. For them, there are versions of firmware with two OS (Android + Ubuntu) and with three OS (Android + LibreELEC + Linux).

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1 hour ago, Nofan Tasi said:

Where can the 'new version of u-boot' for Khadas VIM and VIM2 be downloaded?

Is it backward compatible with 'old version' or does one also need to change some of the /boot scripts?

It is compatible with previous versions of the scripts and has additional functionality (additional scripts can be placed in a special section of "multiboot" in eMMC). New u-boot can be build from latest GIT for Armbian. It can collect yourself from the GIT sources from here.



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4 hours ago, balbes150 said:

What's the chip in the TV box ? If s905 or s905x you can use KODI (full screen video) built-in XFCE and Mate images. The installation of two or more systems in eMMC is only possible with the new version of u-boot. For example, this option is for Khadas VIM and VIM2. For them, there are versions of firmware with two OS (Android + Ubuntu) and with three OS (Android + LibreELEC + Linux).

Mine is S905W, I have installed the kodi.deb that you provided in the first post, but the performance isn't good, probably because it's installed on my SD card instead of the internal storage. Do you plan on compiling kodi 17.5 ? yours is still 17.3 right now.

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X96 S905X

A95X S905X


Balbes150 - Your fine (& probably very time consuming) work to productise these boxes to mainline standard is much appreciated!


Some humble comments/questions from someone not from a deep coding background:


- I used your 20170908 image together with a re-compiled kernel successfully to support a custom HDMI output for a non-standard monitor. I did this by editing GPU/Meson HDMI enc driver and EDID definition in the kernel source to define the custom mode. I tweaked the monitor modeline parameters slightly in order to use an existing defined clock rate (148.5).


- Xrandr commands (new mode, add mode, output) all OK to bring the display into operation. Rotate function works as well (however the video player shows tearing/frame buffering in rotated mode). This is a huge improvement on the legacy kernel where >  10 files need to be changed for a custom HDMI setting, so full credit to Baylibre.


- To enable Wifi and BT...if the appropriate kernel config parameters are enabled for the hardware, I assume these functions will work? Will they show up in Armbian mate menu, or do they need to be enabled with console?


- You mention that the latest image supports Kodi. However when I installed it using basic instructions for Kodi Linux, I ended up with a v15 version which consumed all the CPU and operated in slow motion. When I tried to apply the upgrade instructions, an error relating to kodi.bin results. Am I missing something?

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On 07.11.2017 at 1:37 AM, balbes150 said:


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1. При подключении по ssh для первичной настройки, самостоятельно закрывать сессию нельзя, после ввода пароля root 1234 , подтверждение, смена пароля root,  дальше скрипт запрашивает ввод нового пользователя, ввод его пароля и общие настройки. И только после этого система с ТВ бокса сама закроет сессию и выполнит перезагрузку. Если этого не сделать, система будет в неопределённом состоянии, со всеми вытекающими.

2. У меня нет ТВ боксов с RCA, мне не известно, почему он не работает.

3. Могу посоветовать два варианта - либо собрать своё ядро с добавлением\правкой\сравнением конфигов и исходников из LE и Armbian, либо вытащить из образа LE ядро и его модули, и подменить ими имеющиеся в образах Armbian.



... прошу прощения. здесь наверно только на английском :( не знаю как поставить скрытый коммент :( извиняюсь если нарушаю правила.


... прошу прощения. здесь наверно только на английском :( не знаю как поставить скрытый коммент :( извиняюсь если нарушаю правила.

я вчера отнес t95x домой, (флешку до этого на работе включал)....

1. экран как бы разделился на 2 столбца и вывод лога загрузки в них, но ничего не понятно потому как такое ощущение, что вывод черезстрочный или даже 1 через 2 строки, так как понять что написано в принципе не реально.... после того как перестали бежать строчки.

...2. загрузился в андроид, из меню Update запустил с USB Zip скрипт

3. после ребута - отображение загрузки начало показывать нормально, но загрузка останавливается с ошибкой на монтировании раздела System (это на экране, но самого поля ввода невидно!!!!) такое ощущение что вывод делается в экран с вертикальным расположением а не горизонтальным и для того чтобы увидеть результат например како-то команды - нужно примерно 10-15 энторов ввести.

4. итого - система не грузится - сегодня попробую поновой на флешку записать образ и дома запустить на чистую систему.

насчет ковыряния конфигов - собственно ничего другого и не остается :( только подскажите направление с чего начать? Я так понимаю раз в LE вывод RCA есть изначально и в том числе вовремя установки системы и ее загрузки (в остальных которые я ставил и они ставились  - тот же AE), то инициализация происходит где-то в самом начале - а я просто не имею даже представления где и в каких файлах прописан порядок загрузки




... I'm sorry. here probably only in English :( I don't know how to put a hidden comment :( sorry if you break the rules.

yesterday I took t95x home (stick to this at work included)....

1. the screen would split into 2 columns and output the log to be loaded into them, but nothing is clear because I have the feeling that the output is interlaced or even 1 in 2 rows so as to understand what is written in principle, not possible.... after stopped running stitch.

...2. booted in Android, from menu Update started USB Zip script

3. after the restart - display download started to display normally, but the download stops with an error on mounting a partition System (this is on the screen, but the input fields are not visible!!!!) I have the feeling that the conclusion made in the screen with a vertical arrangement instead of horizontal in order to see the result for example of a team - should be about 10-15 times to press enter.non-working flash card and resolution settings :(

4. total - the system does not load - will try again today to flash to capture the image and a home run on a clean system.

as for editing configs - actually have nothing else to do :( just tell me the direction where to start? I understand once in the output LE is initially RCA and including the time of installation of the system and its load (the rest that I set and they were set the same AE), the initialization takes place somewhere in the beginning - and I just have no idea even where and in what file registered order download :(


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16 hours ago, hillz said:

Mine is S905W, I have installed the kodi.deb that you provided in the first post, but the performance isn't good, probably because it's installed on my SD card instead of the internal storage. Do you plan on compiling kodi 17.5 ? yours is still 17.3 right now.

In Desktop images KODI is already built and done necessary settings for the HW. When you manually install KODI in other versions of the images, additional configuration is required system for HW. I see no difference in speed between the LE and KODI+Armbian, when using the same media (SD\USB\eMMC). For the upgrade version of KODI have the free time I have now it is not. Anyone can build a new version KODI and share with all.


10 hours ago, intelmarico said:

I used your 20170908

What kind of image it is, with the kernel 3.14.29 or 4.x ?


7 hours ago, Baloven said:

error on mounting a partition System (

Judging by the described steps and symptoms, you have violated the procedure. You should start with activation universal multi-boot (this is not the same that is used by many collectors in the LE).


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2 hours ago, balbes150 said:

In Desktop images KODI is already built and done necessary settings for the HW. When you manually install KODI in other versions of the images, additional configuration is required system for HW. I see no difference in speed between the LE and KODI+Armbian, when using the same media (SD\USB\eMMC). For the upgrade version of KODI have the free time I have now it is not. Anyone can build a new version KODI and share with all.


What kind of image it is, with the kernel 3.14.29 or 4.x ?


Judging by the described steps and symptoms, you have violated the procedure. You should start with activation universal multi-boot (this is not the same that is used by many collectors in the LE).


Thank you for the info, I'm still suspecting that my SD card slows down the ubuntu distro. It happened when I had LibreELEC installed on the SD card as well, now that LibreELEC is installed in the internal memory the lag is gone. Anyway I'd like to copy the remote.conf from LibreELEC to Ubuntu so that I can use my remote on kodi running on ubuntu, do you know where I can find that file in LibreELEC ? I searched in /storage/ and it's not there. One more thing I'd like to ask (sorry for asking a lot) how do I auto start kodi on boot ?so that when I turn on my tv box it shows kodi automatically 

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On 07.11.2017 at 11:58 PM, balbes150 said:

Judging by the described steps and symptoms, you have violated the procedure. You should start with activation universal multi-boot (this is not the same that is used by many collectors in the LE).





мульти-boot активирована (armbian же стартует и с другими образами нет проблем).

Я уже писал, что проблема c монтированием появляется если загрузиться и он ожидает ввода пользователя, но в этот момент подключиться по ssh и ввести логин root и пароль 1234 - в этом случае, после ввода нового пароля и его подтверждения сессия ssh уходит в бесконечный цикл: ввод пароля.1234 -> ввод  нового -> подтверждения нового и так по кругу, если принудительно перегрузиться тогда и получаю ошибку монтирования system.

Последовательность следующая: на работе (где только CVBS) новую систему вставил и загрузился (на CVBS нет вывода) по ssh получил указанное выше; выключил, пришел домой и подключил по HDMI - на экране увидел ошибку монтирования system как писал ранее.

Что именно выводится в этот момент на экран (при подключении на работе по CVBS) - я не знаю, так как у меня нет возможности вывода на HDMI.

Дома вчера я попробовал на этом же образе (снова записанном) загрузиться с контролем HDMI - и вот результат: система загрузилась попросила много всего указать (пароль, имя, телефон, помещение), после перезагрузки я более ничего не смог сделать, так как на экране буквы прочитать невозможно что пишет система, а подключиться по ssh к устройству дома я не не имею возможности :( (вот фото экрана)



multi-boot is activated (armbian begins with other images no problem).

I already wrote that the problem with mounting appears if you boot and it waits for user input, but in this moment to connect via ssh and enter the username root and the password 1234 - in this case, after entering the new password and confirm, the ssh session goes into an infinite loop: - enter the password.1234 -> new enter -> confirm the new and so on, if you force to reboot then get error in mount .

What appears at this moment on the screen - I don't know, because I have no output on HDMI. House yesterday I had a go on the same way (again recorded) to be loaded with control HDMI and here is the result: the system booted, asked a lot of things to specify (password, name, phone, room), after a reboot I no longer could do, as the letters cannot be read that he wrote the system, and to connect via ssh to the device at home I don't have the opportunity to :( (here is a photo of the screen)the reason for this behavior is in the incorrect operation of the flash drive (A-DATA 2Gb)


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6 hours ago, balbes150 said:

In Desktop images KODI is already built and done necessary settings for the HW. When you manually install KODI in other versions of the images, additional configuration is required system for HW. I see no difference in speed between the LE and KODI+Armbian, when using the same media (SD\USB\eMMC). For the upgrade version of KODI have the free time I have now it is not. Anyone can build a new version KODI and share with all.


What kind of image it is, with the kernel 3.14.29 or 4.x ?

I used Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_4.13.0-next-20170908_mate.img.xz

I've now progressed to



but per your comment above, cannot find any KODI included ie. type kodi in the command line, it is not recognised. When you say that KODI is already built in desktop images, are you only referring to 3.14.29 based?

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kszaq на форуме LE по поводу включения CVBS сказал что в включается командой echo 576cvbs > /sys/class/display/mode а как включить в armbian? я сейчас на работе попробовал подключить к stb по ssh пароли которые я вводил дома и логин - не подходят, root 1234 не подходит :( другие варианты логина и пароля которые я вводил, тоже не работают :(


kszaq on the LE forum about the inclusion of the CVBS said that included with the

echo command 576cvbs > /sys/class/display/mode

and how to enable in armbian? I'm at work now tried to connect to stb via ssh password which I typed at home and login are not suitable, root 1234 does not fit :( other options are username and password I've entered is also not working :(

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7 hours ago, Baloven said:

multi-boot is activated (armbian begins with other images no problem).

As activated universal multiboot ?


7 hours ago, Baloven said:

I already wrote that the problem with mounting appears if you boot and it waits for user input, but in this moment to connect via ssh and enter the username root and the password 1234 - in this case, after entering the new password and confirm, the ssh session goes into an infinite loop: - enter the password.1234 -> new enter -> confirm the new and so on, if you force to reboot then get error in mount .

1. Read carefully, that says system. It's not looping, and the requirement to use the correct password for user "root" (which does not pass the security requirements). Until then, until you enter the correct password, the system will not continue the setup.

2. Any partitions "system" is not used in Armbian.


7 hours ago, Baloven said:

after a reboot I no longer could do, as the letters cannot be read that he wrote the system, and to connect via ssh to the device at home I don't have the opportunity to :( (here is a photo of the screen)

If everything was done correctly in the initial settings, subsequent runs of the system twice to activate the monitor and the image itself is normalized for correct start.


6 hours ago, Baloven said:

and how to enable in armbian? I'm at work now tried to connect to stb via ssh password which I typed at home and login are not suitable, root 1234 does not fit :( other options are username and password I've entered is also not working

This means that the system is not configured and not configured properly passwords and logins. Council. If you want to achieve something, learn to study the documentation. For Armbian there are detailed instructions on how and what to perform.




6 hours ago, intelmarico said:

but per your comment above, cannot find any KODI included ie. type kodi in the command line, it is not recognised. When you say that KODI is already built in desktop images, are you only referring to 3.14.29 based?

KODI will only work in images with kernel 3.14.29.

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5 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

1. Read carefully, that says system. It's not looping, and the requirement to use the correct password for user "root" (which does not pass the security requirements). Until then, until you enter the correct password, the system will not continue the setup.

2. Any partitions "system" is not used in Armbian.

???? a password of 12 characters including numbers, letters, @ and # is considered invalid????

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as I understand it, it is possible to use the cvbs output of the aml_autoscript but nowhere could not find the description of commands. Attempts to enable it in the file hdmi.sh so far no to no avail :( - I actually blindly do everything. I have no way to control something.

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On 2/11/2017 at 12:44 PM, fatugazuhati said:

I have tried to connect several smartphones android and a bluetooth headset.

I'm not able to see the Telos from any smartphone and vice-versa. Same thing with the bt headset, the Telos isn't able to see it.

Can i report some log to receive some help in making work the bluetooth? pls

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5 hours ago, Baloven said:

as I understand it, it is possible to use the cvbs output of the aml_autoscript but nowhere could not find the description of commands. Attempts to enable it in the file hdmi.sh so far no to no avail :( - I actually blindly do everything. I have no way to control something.

Scripts s905_autoscript only work with u-boot. To ensure that work team hdmi.sh - the system must be properly configured and running, it is a system service. Without a full system startup it doesn't work.


58 minutes ago, fatugazuhati said:

Can i report some log to receive some help in making work the bluetooth? pls

Next week I'll try to check the work of BT on Telos.

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18 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Scripts s905_autoscript only work with u-boot. To ensure that work team hdmi.sh - the system must be properly configured and running, it is a system service. Without a full system startup it doesn't work.

I already understood this, but it's unclear how to enable CVBS before the start, as far as I understand it's done just in the file aml_autoscript or somewhere else.
After all, before the start of downloading anything, it works with HDMI and CVBS !!! A further start disables CVBS. Where and what it turns off me is not yet clear. Also, no one explains how to turn it on during the installation, before initializing the installed OS.
I yesterday successfully launched your image and on the installed system switched to CVBS before rebooting (it is clear that having the installed system it is not difficult to include CVBS after the OS start), but how to make the installation process itself visible ??
By the way, I did not start at all according to your advice. Absolutely nothing was multi-boot. Absolutely nothing was the password. Simply, the system generates some error in the process of creating the user and after reboot (after its creation) it does not load. I can not figure out the reason for that at work, where I can connect only CVBS - I can not see anything on the screen, and ssh disappears after restart !!! at home - I have HDMI and I got almost an operating system did not try to repeat the error with the creation of the user, and I can not connect to ssh because I have not figured out how to start WiFi RTL8189 on the box.
As a result, in the instruction It is necessary to write, that after the first loading It is necessary to press CTRL + C.

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editing the file hdmi.sh gives the output of the image after the start:
it is necessary to add a variable "mode" equal to "576cvbs"
and in the section "case" add lines with the settings for cvbs
for example:

fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 720 576 720 576 $bpp
fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
echo 0 0 719 575 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
echo 0 0 719 575 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale

714/570 is the size of the visible area of the console - for LCD screens, you can put 1 less than the resolution (ie 719,575), but for older kinescope TVs (my case) - you may need to reduce these values so that all information is is visible.
so the file hdmi.sh should look like:




case $mode in
	fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1920 1080 1920 2160 $bpp
	fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
	echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
	echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
	echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
	echo 0 0 1919 1079 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
	fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 720 576 720 576 $bpp
	fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
	echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
	echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
	echo 0 0 719 575 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
	echo 0 0 719 575 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale
	fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1280 720 1280 1440 $bpp
	fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
	echo $mode > /sys/class/display/mode
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale
	echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/freescale_mode
	echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
	echo 0 0 1279 719 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
	echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/free_scale

# Enable framebuffer device
echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

# Blank fb1 to prevent static noise
echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank

echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink

#/etc/webmin/start &

#su -c 'hciattach /dev/ttyS1 any'

Balbes150, I understand your desire to make users at least a little read the documentation, but this is not in the documentation! And users far from all can understand the scripts and all the more very few of them in general are faced with Linux.
I suggest this option hdmi.sh include in your images, a little later I'll post the same file with comments so that it can be clearly seen in it for what each line answers - it is for users who first encounter OS Linux and in the future and do not plan these files to edit. Of course, these comments are needed for the images of the server version - only for images with X, if you so insist on the need for users of the server part of the ability to find solutions independently. But also to you the request - for that matter, do not say that the user did something wrong and give false directions without even understanding the reason. I understand that you have so many worries. But nevertheless sincere thank you for this work :)
Your tests and research done with your image of the system - I'll post here later. as the questions arise. I hope they will help you in some way.
Especially since there is an open question about the inclusion of CVBS initially for the output of console information !!! - for me it is now a bit not relevant, but the extent of the availability of time, I'll try to find the answer.

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I found the cause of the error the first time I ran.
filling and adding a new user - results in an error on my t95x 1/8 Gb (I do not know why - it can only be me). For this reason, after changing the root password, press CTRL + C. If this is done from the box and the keyboard connected to it, then everything is fine, after pressing CTRL + C it is necessary to restart the box (enter "reboot"). And if, after the first start, connect via ssh and repeat all of the above, then pressing CTRL + C (at least in Windows PuTTY) causes the console window to close. Previously, I assumed that the session itself was closed and therefore not knowing what to do, turned off the power of the box and tried to start it again, which led to a system mount error. Now, I still could not find an alternative way to send to the PuTTY window CTRL + C, so it did not lead to the closing of the ssh session. only the first method of direct connection remains. I also managed to do it "blindly"
1. At the end of the download (the indicator on the USB flash drive stops flashing), enter "root"
2. Enter the password 1234
3. Enter the current password again 1234
4. Enter a new password so that he passed the password complexity rule
5. re-enter the password from clause 4
6. Press CTRL + C
... the system will wait for the login and password
... here you can already connect using ssh
7. enter root
8. Enter the password
9. Be sure to reboot to save the settings.
Ur can do what needs to be done next.

PS above I misled the line "echo 0 0 719 575 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis" - it turned out that it is not responsible for the coordinates of the output to the console, the displacement issue relative to the initial coordinates remains open :(

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