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ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)


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4 hours ago, Baloven said:

after changing the root password, press CTRL + C.




Потратил время. Я взял со своего сайта последний образ сервера Ubuntu. Записал на носитель и запустил на VIM (s905x). Посмотрел на сервере DHCP, какой адрес назначен ТВ боксу. С ПК запустил сессию SSH с подключением к ТВ боксу. При подключении система запросила первичный пароль и сразу после открытия сессии потребовала ввести текущий пароль. Нужно ввести новый (специально напишу, вариант пароля, который обычно ввожу для тестов, если Вы сами не можете придумать рабочий вариант пароля для root). Вот вариант пароля  "1q2w3e4r" , на запрос системы ввожу его повторно. получаю запрос на ввод имени нового пользователя (ввожу просто "user") , через пару секунд, получаю запрос на ввод пароля для создаваемого пользователя, ввожу "1" и повторяют этот пароль. На остальные запросы, по параметрам нового пользователя, просто прохожу Enter (5 раз) и последний - подтверждение уйти на перезагрузку. Так что, если делать всё правильно, ни каких Ctll+C не требуется.  Я не верю, что у Вас настолько хитрое оборудование, что оно не позволяет правильно выполнить такую банальную последовательность действий. До тех пор, пока Вы не выполните элементарную инструкцию по первичной настройке Armbian, я не вижу смысла продолжать что-либо обсуждать.



Spent the time. I took from website the latest image of Ubuntu server. Recorded on the medium and started on VIM (s905x). I looked on the DHCP server which address is assigned to the TV box. With the PC running the SSH session connecting to the TV box. When connecting the system asked for the initial password immediately after the opening session was required to enter the current password. We need to introduce new (especially write the password option, which usually enter tests, if You yourself can not come up with a working version password for root). Here is a variant of password "1q2w3e4r" , to the system request enter it again. be prompted to enter a name for the new user (enter the "user") , after a couple of seconds, receive a request for a password for the created user, enter "1" and repeat the password. For other requests, the parameters are a new user, just pass Enter (5 times) and final confirmation to go on the restart. So, if you do it right, no Ctll+C is not required. I don't believe You are so cunning equipment that it does not allow to correctly perform such a trivial sequence of actions. As long as You follow the basic instructions for initial configuration of Armbian, I see no reason to respond to Your questions.

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Dear Balbes150 - I bring you my apologies, but you are not entirely right :(
I found the cause of the errors.
doing experiments and reading the documentation, I met messages that not all flash drives work.
I have 4 flash drives (2 of them with indicators), I wrote down your image for all 4 and experimented.
the first one on Transcent 32 Gb USB 3.0 - did not immediately work, at first I thought that I did not see what was happening on the screen, but yesterday it did not work at home, I thought that it's USB 3.0 and for this reason it can it's wrong to somehow perceive the box, I just postponed it.
the second (or rather, I started experiments with it, since it has an indicator on it and it was free) - that's it and the reason for my troubles is A-DATA my flash 8 Gb.
3-4 with them everything is fine
so I experimented on the second flash drive came to the conclusion that if at the end I did not perform the actions that I described, then after rebooting it was on it, it showed the mount error of the system - I do not understand why, but as root it works. further continuing experiments, I did all the same.
After reading your message, I decided to check your words, but I got a third (working flash drive) and it turned out. I decided to check again, but filling out all the data (i.e., not just pressing enter, but entering my data and my passwords) and again I got it - because it was 4 flash drive.
I did not believe the result, and since I already had some data saved on the second flash drive - I made a copy from it, recorded a clean image on it and repeated the installation - with the creation of the user - and here again there was an error. installing one more time the system - this flash drive and the other - the results are unambiguous - a flash drive for completely incomprehensible to me reasons does not work correctly: (

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5 hours ago, balbes150 said:



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Потратил время. Я взял со своего сайта последний образ сервера Ubuntu. Записал на носитель и запустил на VIM (s905x). Посмотрел на сервере DHCP, какой адрес назначен ТВ боксу. С ПК запустил сессию SSH с подключением к ТВ боксу. При подключении система запросила первичный пароль и сразу после открытия сессии потребовала ввести текущий пароль. Нужно ввести новый (специально напишу, вариант пароля, который обычно ввожу для тестов, если Вы сами не можете придумать рабочий вариант пароля для root). Вот вариант пароля  "1q2w3e4r" , на запрос системы ввожу его повторно. получаю запрос на ввод имени нового пользователя (ввожу просто "user") , через пару секунд, получаю запрос на ввод пароля для создаваемого пользователя, ввожу "1" и повторяют этот пароль. На остальные запросы, по параметрам нового пользователя, просто прохожу Enter (5 раз) и последний - подтверждение уйти на перезагрузку. Так что, если делать всё правильно, ни каких Ctll+C не требуется.  Я не верю, что у Вас настолько хитрое оборудование, что оно не позволяет правильно выполнить такую банальную последовательность действий. До тех пор, пока Вы не выполните элементарную инструкцию по первичной настройке Armbian, я не вижу смысла продолжать что-либо обсуждать.



Spent the time. I took from website the latest image of Ubuntu server. Recorded on the medium and started on VIM (s905x). I looked on the DHCP server which address is assigned to the TV box. With the PC running the SSH session connecting to the TV box. When connecting the system asked for the initial password immediately after the opening session was required to enter the current password. We need to introduce new (especially write the password option, which usually enter tests, if You yourself can not come up with a working version password for root). Here is a variant of password "1q2w3e4r" , to the system request enter it again. be prompted to enter a name for the new user (enter the "user") , after a couple of seconds, receive a request for a password for the created user, enter "1" and repeat the password. For other requests, the parameters are a new user, just pass Enter (5 times) and final confirmation to go on the restart. So, if you do it right, no Ctll+C is not required. I don't believe You are so cunning equipment that it does not allow to correctly perform such a trivial sequence of actions. As long as You follow the basic instructions for initial configuration of Armbian, I see no reason to respond to Your questions.

Unlike other images, the ethernet on S9xxx_ArchLinux_20170914_3_14_29_KODI.img.xz is disabled, I can't ssh into it when I plug in my ethernet cable from my router to my tv box. Which file do I have to edit to enable it ?

Anyway can someone recommend me a good tv box to use armbian on ? I want a box that is at least good for browsing the internet with chromium and watching movies at 720p. The one I have right now (tanix tx3 mini) is slow doing both of those tasks.

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Balbes150 once again apologizing - the image works and thank you so much for the work done. The remaining 2 flash drives are excellent.
And maybe that ill-fated flash drive was on 2Gb and just did not have enough space to save the changes?
The question is almost not interesting to me, but still we will ask it. I have WiFi RTL8189 on my board (I do not know the letters) Ubuntu does not see it in any way, I assume that it's all about dtb.img - in what file can it be defined? the only one with which I have so far launched the system is gxl_p212_1g.dtb. tried so far only gxl_p212_2g.dtb - with it the system does not load :(


8 hours ago, hillz said:

Unlike other images, the ethernet on S9xxx_ArchLinux_20170914_3_14_29_KODI.img.xz is disabled, I can't ssh into it when I plug in my ethernet cable from my router to my tv box. Which file do I have to edit to enable it ?

You may have used a dtb.img file for your hardware, try changing

8 hours ago, hillz said:

Anyway can someone recommend me a good tv box to use armbian on ? I want a box that is at least good for browsing the internet with chromium and watching movies at 720p. The one I have right now (tanix tx3 mini) is slow doing both of those tasks.

on the main page there is a description for what boxes the images work.
For your (in my opinion) should approach the images that makes Balbes150


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как писал выше - мне WiFi совершенно не нужен, но уже дело принципа :)
После установки (кстати на LE, AE, OE то же самое) не видит мой WiFi (на плате написано RTL8189 но накой из них нет данных) я перепробовал абсолютно все ваши файлы dtb - моя коробка (T95X 1/8 Gb) запустилась только на трех из них для 1g (p212, p231 и q201) так же копировал эти файлы из прошивок для с Android  - с ними тоже запускается, но ни при одном из этих файлов я обнаружить wifi не могу :( или может неправильно ищу или что-то нужно сделать дополнительно?
в ядре есть файлы для 8189, но как их запустить?

я меня есть usb-wifi он определяется как Bus 001 Device 003: ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter и нормально работает, но лишь из принципа хочется разобраться со встроенным RTL8189 Wifi



as I wrote above - I do not really need WiFi, but it's the principle :)
After installation (by the way on LE, AE, OE is the same) does not see my WiFi (RTL8189 is written on the board but none of them is data) I tried absolutely all your dtb files - my box (T95X 1/8 Gb) was launched only on three of them for 1g (p212, p231 and q201) also copied these files from the firmware for with Android - they also start up, but for neither of these files I can not detect wifi :( or maybe I'm looking wrong or something need to do an extra?
in the kernel there are files for 8189, but how to run them?

I have usb-wifi it is defined as Bus 001 Device 003: ID 148f: 5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter and works fine, but only from the principle you want to understand the built-in RTL8189 Wifi

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15 hours ago, hillz said:

Unlike other images, the ethernet on S9xxx_ArchLinux_20170914_3_14_29_KODI.img.xz is disabled, I can't ssh into it when I plug in my ethernet cable from my router to my tv box. Which file do I have to edit to enable it ?

In my models of TV boxes wired network works on DHCP. Perhaps you are not correct dtb file (there are options for the network card 100Mb, or 1Gb).


13 minutes ago, Baloven said:

in the kernel there are files for 8189, but how to run them?

The module loaded for the Wifi ?

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если подключить usb-донгл, то он появляется в lsusb, iwconfig, и можно настроить его в nmtui. Но RTL8189 - я нигде не вижу :(



If you connect usb-dongle, it appears in lsusb, iwconfig, and you can configure it in nmtui. But RTL8189 - I do not see anywhere :(

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its a usb-dongle

Module                  Size  Used by
zram                    8689  4
rt2800usb              20752  0
rt2800lib              71326  1 rt2800usb
rt2x00usb               9045  1 rt2800usb
rt2x00lib              37351  3 rt2x00usb,rt2800lib,rt2800usb
mac80211              459606  3 rt2x00lib,rt2x00usb,rt2800lib
cfg80211              402688  2 mac80211,rt2x00lib
mali                  195053  0
aml_nftl_dev           82724  0


this is without dongle (only system + USB-flash)

root@amlogic:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
zram                    8689  4
mali                  195053  0
aml_nftl_dev           82724  0

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7 hours ago, Baloven said:

Balbes150 once again apologizing - the image works and thank you so much for the work done. The remaining 2 flash drives are excellent.
And maybe that ill-fated flash drive was on 2Gb and just did not have enough space to save the changes?
The question is almost not interesting to me, but still we will ask it. I have WiFi RTL8189 on my board (I do not know the letters) Ubuntu does not see it in any way, I assume that it's all about dtb.img - in what file can it be defined? the only one with which I have so far launched the system is gxl_p212_1g.dtb. tried so far only gxl_p212_2g.dtb - with it the system does not load :(


You may have used a dtb.img file for your hardware, try changing

on the main page there is a description for what boxes the images work.
For your (in my opinion) should approach the images that makes Balbes150



25 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

In my models of TV boxes wired network works on DHCP. Perhaps you are not correct dtb file (there are options for the network card 100Mb, or 1Gb).


The module loaded for the Wifi ?

Okay I'll try using the dtb.img from the armbian ubuntu mate image on archlinux and see how it'll go, I'll give you a report later. Is there a noticeable performance increase when upgrading from S905W to S912 when using the armbian desktop ? There's 11.11 discount promo on aliexpress and I'm interested in X92 tv box

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S905W is a stripped-down version of the S905X processor - do you know this? Maybe you should buy S905X?


processor fresh (in August only came out) I do not think that the price difference will be significant with the S905X
This is my personal opinion - I do not insist on it. Only I warn you!

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1 minute ago, Baloven said:

S905W is a stripped-down version of the S905X processor - do you know this? Maybe you should buy S905X?

I don't think there will be a noticeable performance increase when upgrading to S905X

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9 minutes ago, Baloven said:

... I'm confused - do you have a processor right now? S905W?


In general, we seem to off topic: (
probably in another topic you need to ask a question!

Right now I have Tanix TX3 mini (S905W) I'm thinking of upgrading to X92 if there's a noticeable performance increase on that SoC

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it all depends on your tasks and the use of boxing. if as a player - I'm sure that your current one, if configured properly - can even cope even on the S905W processor once you've already bought it (I would not buy it :)), judging by the reviews even about the 912 series - I so understand without a special you do not need to buy it - I doubt that you'll use its 8 cores completely. Ask those who actually used them and S905W (or at least X) and at the same time worked with the 912 series.
In any case, it seems to me that this issue does not belong to the current topic of discussion.

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58 minutes ago, Baloven said:

how to set the tag "hiden content"?


При написании сообщения в верхней части окна есть кнопки, третья от правого края , в виде "глаза" - это создание спойлера.


When writing a message at the top of the window there are buttons, third from the right in the "eye" is the creation of a spoiler.


55 minutes ago, Baloven said:

this is without dongle (only system + USB-flash)

modprobe dhd


modprobe wifi_dummy


This information was discussed many times in this thread and added to the first page of the topic.


43 minutes ago, hillz said:

Is there a noticeable performance increase when upgrading from S905W to S912 when using the armbian desktop ?

I have not tested X92, don't know how it will behave. I can write about those models that were compared. Khadas VIM2 (S912) and Khadas VIM (S905X). The system starts with the same USB stick, the only difference in the different dtb files. The difference in the desktop is quite noticeable (for me). Test video 720p (in the box using mpd without changing the size of the video) on S905X has a noticeable micro-frize. At S912, the video goes smoothly. The overall performance of same better. A prerequisite. The presence of a good cooling system (radiator + fan + proper case). All TV boxes, regardless of processor type, suffer from one problem - poor cooling. For Linux this is a very important point, because it uses all CPU power. I think that even on the TV box, which you have now, not much to improve Linux, if you make the right cooling.

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1 hour ago, balbes150 said:

modprobe dhd


modprobe wifi_dummy


This information was discussed many times in this thread and added to the first page of the topic.



наверно я совсем тупой. :(
попробовал sudo modprobe dhd в ответ получил:
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'dhd': Operation not permitted
и после его запуска в lsmod "cfg80211              402688  0"
так как не знаю как его выгрузить - перезагрузился.
sudo modprobe wifi_dummy в консоль ничего не выдает, но в lsmod "wifi_dummy               814  0" появляется..... и что дальше?
нигде wlan0 не появляется :( или я что-то не так делаю или недоделал?

I'm probably just stupid. :(
tried sudo modprobe dhd in response received:
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'dhd': Operation not permitted
and after its launch in lsmod "cfg80211 402688 0"
since I do not know how to unload it - it rebooted.
sudo modprobe wifi_dummy does not give anything to the console, but lsmod "wifi_dummy 814 0" appears ..... and what's next?
nowhere wlan0 does not appear: (or am I doing something wrong or unfinished?

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... insmod 8189es.ko (и 8189fs.ko) в соответсвующих папках дает "ERROR: could not insert module (имя_файла_модуля): Unknow symbol in module"
результат тот же - по всем вышеперечисленным коммандам wlan0 не появляется.... больше нет желания разбираться - мне это не особо нужно - есть usb-донгл

... insmod 8189es.ko (and 8189fs.ko) in the corresponding folders gives "ERROR: could not insert module: Unknow symbol in module"
the result is the same - for all the above commands wlan0 does not appear .... there is no longer a desire to understand - I do not really need it - there is a usb-dongle

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Interesting.  To your point, their build scripts look exactly as you describe, they multistrap the debian rootfs, then modify what they need.  Sounds familiar somehow... :P  I can't possibly see how these projects can't benefit each other, although I do wonder why they care to support such expensive SBC's... (NanoPi Air + DAC is still 1/3 the cost of the Tinker, for example)

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24 minutes ago, TonyMac32 said:

Interesting.  To your point, their build scripts look exactly as you describe, they multistrap the debian rootfs, then modify what they need.  Sounds familiar somehow... :P  I can't possibly see how these projects can't benefit each other, although I do wonder why they care to support such expensive SBC's... (NanoPi Air + DAC is still 1/3 the cost of the Tinker, for example)

I took this direction at the request of one user from the forum Khadas (the audio). It seemed to me that you can try to combine the positive of both projects and benefit for both directions. I know of many users who are "obsessed" with high-quality sound and TV boxes can be quite simple and not expensive "means to play". :)

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31 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

I know of many users who are "obsessed" with high-quality sound


:) I have a RP1 2 with HifiBerry Dac+ Pro  Running Volumio, so yes, I understand.  I also put together an MPD player on a NanoPi AIR with the FriendlyARM DAC, I believe that blog entry is linked on the FriendlyARM site.  (Very simple, and used Armbian before I started contributing)  My only thought was, looking at the pile of SBC's I have, the RPi is the most expensive one I would ever use that way.  Now, others may wholly disagree, which I can completely understand.  Also, having better multimedia support on Armbian?  A definite win.


I picked up a Khadas VIM, by far the best vendor Android distro I've used so far.  No heat sink though out of the box is a concern, no matter how cool the S905X seems to run. (I'm too cheap to buy a Pro)

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1 hour ago, hillz said:

Just wondering, Is anyone interested in building OpenWrt for S905 ?

Probably possible to port OpenWRT. But who will do this ? I know that the user Tasinofan is working to create a option system that can turn TV box into the router.

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1 hour ago, balbes150 said:

Probably possible to port OpenWRT. But who will do this ? I know that the user Tasinofan is working to create a option system that can turn TV box into the router.

I try to make a DIY lightweight gentoo based system which can act as mainly router, switch or hotspot.

Default configurations need to be adjusted manually. Certainly not as user friendly as OpenWRT.

Not for general usage. And, for now, it is 'WISP' (work in slow progress :-)).


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29 minutes ago, Davide De Carlo said:

I've got a problem, I've installed Ubuntu Mate on my s905, but after the login, it brings me to Kodi, how can I use Ubuntu Desktop?

I added the info in the first post, look at it, there is an answer to your question.

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