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Improve 'Support over Forum' situation

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11 hours ago, Igor said:

Merging "Common issues" with "Peer to peer" and place under "Community forums" section

This is irreversible. Any objections?


@Igor, any news on that front:


On 2/12/2019 at 9:43 PM, guidol said:

since weeks I have to "mouseover" or click on User-Icons and "Like"-Numbers to see whats behind.
As I did remember right it was shown without that every time (like who did like or the User-Statistics).

There was more information that was visible on the left hand below the users avatar, can make that come back ?
how many posts and I can't remember others... tried archive.org to look at it but there is no chat of the forum available


19 minutes ago, Tido said:

There was more information that was visible on the left hand below the users avatar, can make that come back ?
how many posts and I can't remember others... tried archive.org to look at it but there is no chat of the forum available

This was removed by purpose - topic post count should not relate on anything. Forum reputation is shown on default theme, while its not on "armbian" theme. This should be aligned. 

Content counts, especially in technical forums as ours.


I'm happy with the removing of the post-/like-count. Seriously, it doesn't matter. Often newbies get a like if they do their best to provide as much information as possible to see what's wrong on their SBC. It' not that I only like stuff written by 'PROs'..


I still fail to quote stuff from the last page..  but well..


Renaming section "Technical support" to "Bug tracker" (leave restrictions as is)

It's not only a bug tracker... But a proper naming for it won't be as easy..



Merging "Common issues" with "Peer to peer" and place under "Community forums" section

and where do we collect stuff which happens due to armbian-tweaks.. E.g. log2ram did some trouble in the past (still does?).. It was a armbian related issue but neither SoC specific nor is community forums the right place for it. Maybe in development but not sure about it.



or move "SD card and power supply" one level up and rename to "Board doesn't boot"    

not really.. they boot sometimes but aren't stable.. The SD card and power supply is somehow a wall of shame collection of all those issues which turned out to be powersupply related.. So that people in the future have some evidence  if we claim that it's likely a issue related to one of those... Maybe place it under the subforum 'can't access my SBC'.. Sometimes they boot but SSH, HDMI whatever is broken and only USB-UART would work (something people coming from the RPi world likely never used)..


Move NXP and Armada A388/A3700 under "Other supported boards"

not the most active sub-forum but I think overall those boards are often for 'more skilled' people.. I don't see a need to mix them with the 'left-over'...

5 hours ago, chwe said:

It's not only a bug tracker... But a proper naming for it won't be as easy..

Yes, I am aware. Let's try to find a better description: "Board troubles" "Board hardware issues" "Hardware issues" "Low level" ... ?


5 hours ago, chwe said:

and where do we collect stuff which happens due to armbian-tweaks.

In common stuff? Difference between armbian-ramlog and systemd trouble is that in 1st case we try to fix it and in second: do nothing or remind people to better ask around, at Ubuntu / Debian bug list.


5 hours ago, chwe said:

Maybe in development but not sure about it.

That's another thing to discuss. How to clearly distinguish "Board troubles" and development. When trouble is treated as development? Do we need "development" and "Armbian build framework".

5 hours ago, chwe said:

Maybe place it under the subforum 'can't access my SBC'.. Sometimes they boot but SSH, HDMI whatever is broken and only USB-UART would work (something people coming from the RPi world likely never used)..


Renaming "First aid" to "Can't access my board"? And renaming "Board doesn't start" back to "SD card and power supply"?


5 hours ago, chwe said:

I don't see a need to mix them with the 'left-over'...



What about an sub-forum called 'from users for users' inside it would have 'reviews' 'tutorials' 'hardware hacks' 'linux/debian/ubuntu related questions' placed in community.


armbian build framework is a question.. do we want to deal with them on the bug-tracker from github or here, I'm open for both ideas but it should have a 'default' maybe bugtracker for bugs and forum for enhancements or keep the forum as archive/annotation place (where someone shows links to related discussions happening on github) and discuss enhancements also on the bugtracker (with tags).


development forum is misused anyway (rk3399 looks more like H3 forum from one year ago) maybe just move them to the uper part but label H6 and rk3399 as wip (WIP RK3399) with a pinned thread in the beginnings that we don't feel those SoCs are ready yet (people won't read it anyway but there's not much a difference to the current situation). For the 'board bring up' we still need dev. forum. and at least for every new SoC a board bring up thread is IMO mandatory (actually for every board - but I don't think this will ever work).


1 hour ago, Igor said:
6 hours ago, chwe said:

Maybe place it under the subforum 'can't access my SBC'.. Sometimes they boot but SSH, HDMI whatever is broken and only USB-UART would work (something people coming from the RPi world likely never used)..


Renaming "First aid" to "Can't access my board"? And renaming "Board doesn't start" back to "SD card and power supply"?

IMO the current naming isn't good, but I don't have that many good ideas at the moment..

21 hours ago, Igor said:

topic post count should not relate on anything

it depends on the angle you look at it, it shows whether this is the first time or a regular writer in the forum. How the individual takes its measure from this information is up to the individual and shouldn't be censored ((I have to smile while writing that) I know I can look it up in his profile, but I am lazy). Other forums have that too, so we shouldn't hide it, I think.




It's not about censorship.. as you said you can look it up.. Normally you remember girls & guys being 'more often' here.. For me, text matters more than 'post count' or 'like count'.. (in fact the other two don't matter at all).  Remember this post here?


It was his first one cause I remember that I unlocked it... :lol: You can have a lot of experience (even on armbian) without posting here.. just by reading.. *random number of likes* just shows that someone is maybe longer here or longer recognized doesn't mean s/he's more experienced.. Just spends more time here.. :D:ph34r:


1 hour ago, chwe said:

*random number of likes* just shows that someone is maybe longer here or longer recognized doesn't mean s/he's more experienced.. Just spends more time here.

I know and I understand your point, but you and Igor lack of understanding my point ;-)

On 2/14/2019 at 9:08 PM, chwe said:

What about an sub-forum called 'from users for users' inside it would have 'reviews' 'tutorials' 'hardware hacks' 'linux/debian/ubuntu related questions' placed in community.

You mean inside "Community forums" section? I don't quite get this. 

Let's "visualize". Mark inside how do you mean:


First aid

    Board doesn't start             When your board doesn't start at all, behave very strange or dies without apparent reason

Bug tracker

Allwinner A20                    Olimex Lime 2, Cubieboard 3, Bananapi M1
Allwinner H2 & H3                Orangepi One, Lite, PC, PC+, Zero, Zero+ 2 H3; Banana Pi M2+; NanoPi Air, Neo, Duo
Allwinner H5 & A64                Pinebook, Olimex Teres, Olinuxino A64, Orange Pi PC2, Zero+ 2 H5, Prime, Win; NanoPi Neo 2, Neo+ 2, M1 Plus 2, FriendlyElec K1+
Armada A388, A3700                Clearfog base & pro, Helios4, Espressobin
Amlogic S905(x)                    Odroid C2, Le Potato, FriendlyElec K2
NXP (Freescale)                    Cubox-i; Hummingboard / Gate & Edge
Rockchip 3288 & 3328                Tinkerboard / S, Rock64
Other supported boards                Odroid XU3/XU4/HC1, Nanopi Fire3, Nanopc T3/T3'+

Community forums

Common issues                    Hardware independent troubleshooting
Peer to peer technical support            Armbian support ended or never existed - 3rd party boards and external hardware
    Research guides & tutorials   
    Hardware hacks

TV boxes                    All kind of ARM based TV boxes
General chit chat                Mingle and discuss whatever you want!


    Allwinner H6                Pine H64; Orange Pi One+, Lite2, 3
    Rockchip 3399                Nanopi Neo4, M4, NanoPC T4, Rock64PRO, Firefly RK3399, Rock Pi4
    Development                Kernel, patches, hints, image building
        Board Bring Up
        Armbian build framework


On 2/14/2019 at 9:08 PM, chwe said:

armbian build framework is a question

For RK3399 I add this to the forum rules:

RK3399 board support is WIP, "for testing only" and problems are expected! If you want to use those boards for some real cases, don't.


well Let's try it in a 'markdown' way, where #category ## forum ###subforum.


#Announcements & first aid

   ## Annoucements (e.g. someone steps back, someone gets maintainership, new major release - only certain people can post here)

   ## Board doesn't boot

      ### Hall of Shame :ph34r: aka SD-Card and PSU related issues

#Bugtracker/ Armbian related issues

   ## Allwinner A20

   ## Allwinner H2 & H3

   ## Allwinner H5 & A64

   ## [WIP] Allwinner H6

   ## Armada A388, A3700

   ## Amlogic S905(x)

   ## NXP (Freescale)

   ## Rockchip 3288 & 3328

   ## [WIP] Rockchip 3399

   ## Other supported boards


#Community forums

   ## P2P tech support

      ### Debian/Ubuntu or general Linux related issues

      ### Hardware Hacks

      ### Unsupported boards

   ## From users for users

      ### Reviews

      ### Research guides and tutorials

   ## TV boxes

   ## Chitchat

   ## trash

# Development

   ## Board bring up

   ## Armbian build framework

   ## Features development (here should stuff be discussed which we want to fix/rewrite e.g. when nand-sata-install gets reworked etc.)



development is then only a small part (but probably not in subforum after subfroum).. for development of armbian or it's buildscript.. the SoC related development threads will move into a bug-tracker since it doesn't matter if it's a bug for a supported platform or not.. we want it fixed in the end.. the wip marked forums will just have a polite remember what wip means.. Maybe we could kill all subforums to have it more clear..



9 hours ago, chwe said:

Announcements & first aid

OK, That sounds reasonable. Write = developers, moderators, ...


9 hours ago, chwe said:

Hall of Shame

Let's revert back to "SD card and PSU issues" to also emphasise their importance.


9 hours ago, chwe said:

Bugtracker/ Armbian related issues

Putting together? Let's wait for objections. I am fine.


9 hours ago, chwe said:

Community forums

Another, a bit more radical, change proposition:


#Announcements & first aid

    ## Announcements (e.g. someone steps back, someone gets maintainership, new major release - only certain people can post here)

    ## Board doesn't boot

      ### SD-Card and PSU related issues


   ## Allwinner A20

   ## Allwinner H2 & H3

   ## Allwinner H5 & A64

   ## [WIP] Allwinner H6 Forum name is in the URL. This has to be solved differently. In a description or by using some large font for this sub-forum rules.

   ## Armada A388, A3700

   ## Amlogic S905(x)

   ## NXP (Freescale)

   ## Rockchip 3288 & 3328

   ## [WIP] Rockchip 3399

   ## Other supported boards

   ## Unsupported boards
   ## TV boxes

   ## Hacks
   ## Board bring up


   ## Debian/Ubuntu issues

   ## Research guides and tutorials

#Member's Area
  ## Reviews

  ## Off topic chit chat


10 hours ago, chwe said:

development is then only a small part (but probably not in subforum after subfroum).. for development of armbian or it's buildscript.


Feature development can be simply placed into general development area?

# Development

   ## Armbian build framework

7 minutes ago, Igor said:
10 hours ago, chwe said:

Hall of Shame

Let's revert back to "SD card and PSU issues" to also emphasise their importance.

hall of shame wasn't 100% serious.. :P


8 minutes ago, Igor said:
10 hours ago, chwe said:

Announcements & first aid

OK, That sounds reasonable. Write = developers, moderators, ...

make sure that this is only for the announcements part not first aid..



Hopefully others share their opinions as well..


11 minutes ago, Igor said:

   ## Board bring up

board/soc bring up is for me clearly part of the development forum.


and reviews are missing.. I'm aware that @tkaiser doesn't write many reviews anymore.. but we should have such a subforum.

26 minutes ago, chwe said:

make sure that this is only for the announcements part not first aid..


Will wait until we agree on proposed changes. I don't want to adjust this every week.


27 minutes ago, chwe said:

board/soc bring up is for me clearly part of the development forum

It depends. If we have WIP hw there, then perhaps "board bring up" also suits there? If forum is divided into hardware/software it makes some sense. I am not satisfied with any of ideas yet.


30 minutes ago, chwe said:

and reviews are missing.

Under Member's area / Peer to peer

31 minutes ago, chwe said:

doesn't write many reviews anymore

Forum is allegedly censored and that is apparently the reason he don't want to participate. Or something else? IDK and can't do much about except keeping forum censor free.


I'm definitely digging the new forum section layout.


I just had a thought after seeing this post in the bug tracker section.    It's obviously not a bug.  We should make a simple "Feature Request" forum section.  That would be an obvious read to many, as an appropriate place to post, and easy for moderators to move topics to it. 


As a bonus no-one is obligated to respond, accommodate the request, or tell them to search the forum harder.  It would also be less clutter in the more technical development forums.


Any thoughts in favor or against creating a Feature Request forum section?

1 hour ago, lanefu said:

Any thoughts in favor or against creating a Feature Request forum section?

At work they have an "Ideas box" for what our facilities group could do better (like fix the toilets in a timely manner maybe...  <_<)


I think it's an ok idea, and def. have it stated it's just a "throw noodles at a wall" section so people know to expect disappointment of silence...

At work they have an "Ideas box" for what our facilities group could do better (like fix the toilets in a timely manner maybe...  <_>  
I think it's an ok idea, and def. have it stated it's just a "throw noodles at a wall" section so people know to expect disappointment of silence...

Yep that’s exactly what I’m thinking.

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